Who was George Brody?

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This was posted by someone before, but upon further thought, I believe that this is also our Brody listed in the 1920 Cencus:

Name:George W Brody
Home in 1920:Cartago, Inyo, California
Age:26 years
Estimated Birth Year:abt 1894
Relation to Head of House:Lodger
Father's Birth Place:Ireland
Mother's Birth Place:England
Marital Status:Single
Able to read:Yes
Able to Write:Yes

If this is him, we have a birthyear around 1894 and a birthplace of Missouri. 1894 would have made him 72 when Annasmom first saw him and 85 at his death which seems to fit.
There is also George W Brody who shows up as being married several times in the Los Angeles area, but none of the birthdates are close.
This was posted by someone before, but upon further thought, I believe that this is also our Brody listed in the 1920 Cencus:

Name:George W Brody
Home in 1920:Cartago, Inyo, California
Age:26 years
Estimated Birth Year:abt 1894
Relation to Head of House:Lodger
Father's Birth Place:Ireland
Mother's Birth Place:England
Marital Status:Single
Able to read:Yes
Able to Write:Yes

If this is him, we have a birthyear around 1894 and a birthplace of Missouri. 1894 would have made him 72 when Annasmom first saw him and 85 at his death which seems to fit.

FYI - Census records say this Brody was a clerk in a soda factory...
It appears that most of the tenants that lived at the same address also worked at the factory.
A little info on the soda factory. Could be where the "Oakland Brody" picked up his "Jr. Research Assistant" title from the Voter registrations.

Also interesting to note to any treasure hunters, the famous, "Bessie Brady" steamship was located in this area on Owens lake.

Early in 1917 the California Alkali Co., an affiliate of the Great Western
Electro-Chemical Co., erected a plant at Cartago on the southwest shore of
the lake. This plant operated for 2 years and then closed until 1923, the
company meanwhile acquiring the Inyo Development Co. In 1924 the two corporations
were merged under the name of the Inyo Chemical Co., and the Keeler plant
was leased to the Natural Soda Products Co., which subsequently has operated
almost steadily at Keeler. The Cartago operations were discontinued in 1932,
and the California Alkali Co. and the Great Western Electro-Chemical Co.,
which controls it, while retaining ownership, have not operated their properties
on their own account since that year.
Dr. Doogie, keep in mind when you are trying to match these folks, that the unclaimed property is still there, all over California. There are 4 George Brody's, and a couple of G.B. Brodys, and three of the four George Brodys, are listed in southern California, and they list addresses that might help verify your research.

I suddenly have been thrown very deep into Pennsylvania history, as I am dealing in a strange number of antiquities research projects, that have connected me with some wonderful historians all over the country, and much in Penn. If you need anything along those lines, I may have access, as these folks are amazing, just let me know...
Someday I will finish my book, and tell this (my) amazing story!
Dr. Doogie, keep in mind when you are trying to match these folks, that the unclaimed property is still there, all over California. There are 4 George Brody's, and a couple of G.B. Brodys, and three of the four George Brodys, are listed in southern California, and they list addresses that might help verify your research.

I suddenly have been thrown very deep into Pennsylvania history, as I am dealing in a strange number of antiquities research projects, that have connected me with some wonderful historians all over the country, and much in Penn. If you need anything along those lines, I may have access, as these folks are amazing, just let me know...
Someday I will finish my book, and tell this (my) amazing story!

Robin may be able to verify this. There was a judge in Michigan by the name of George Brody who moved to southern California years ago.
Just wanted to update everyone with what we've been looking at in the past few days. I have spoken with the crematory in CA who performed the cremation of Margaret K. to get a name of "anyone" who would have signed her papers. I was told the signature belonged to "Con S. Shea". Further research shows the San Francisco Public Administrator was Con T. Shea. I forwarded the handwriting of GB to the crematory to see if they could determine if the same handwriting as GB. They replied back saying they did not look the same. If there is anyone in the local San Francisco area not far from the courthouse who can look up the filing of MK's estate, we may actually find who George Brody really was.

iNTERESTEDWOMAN has found census for Con Shea in 1930, he was an insurance broker.

Another search we found Con T. Shea was also a notary. He responded to TIME magazine about an article. This really sounds like something GB would say:

That smart crack you made in your issue of Jan. 31 about nosy notaries being unable to see figures on the 1937 income tax blanks because of one of Magill's reforms in putting the affidavit on the back instead of the front ! . . . I am most surprised that it did not dawn upon TIME . . . that before a notary can certify to any instrument, it must be looked over carefully to see that it is properly filled out.
While I have a long nose, it is not nosy enough to give a damn what figures appear on anyone's income tax statement, and I guess I certify as many as any notary. . . .
Notary Public
San Francisco, Calif.
Hi all, sorry for my english... from some months I following this search... I find it by web... maybe I can give a little help from my far country.... I thinked so much abt this story....
well I wish to ask annasmom:
please to see this

what you think? this descriptions, of same man in different ages, it could be adaptable to George Brody?
and this picture of same man, when young, give to you some idea ??
I read all I found on internet abt this case and frankly my heart is with your heart dear annasmom...
Please to see very well the images ... just a bit of help...
best regards, raf
Hi all, sorry for my english... from some months I following this search... I find it by web... maybe I can give a little help from my far country.... I thinked so much abt this story....
well I wish to ask annasmom:
please to see this

what you think? this descriptions, of same man in different ages, it could be adaptable to George Brody?
and this picture of same man, when young, give to you some idea ??
I read all I found on internet abt this case and frankly my heart is with your heart dear annasmom...
Please to see very well the images ... just a bit of help...
best regards, raf

Welcome to Anna's forum, Raf. Annasmom will be returning either today or tomorrow from a much needed and deserving vacation. I'm sure she will respond as soon as she can.
Thank you for the reply... SherlockJr! nice nickname!
Best regards,
Thank you for the reply... SherlockJr! nice nickname!
Best regards,
Raf, what a wonderful surprise to get your kind message from the Mediterranean! I have looked at the picture, and I do see a resemblance to George Brody. The description could also match, with the height and physical characteristics. Are you able to tell us where this material came from? It would help to pin down the possibility that this gentleman is the one we are looking for. Thank you so much for your good wishes and for helping us look for Anna. We have been hoping to make connections with someone in Europe, since we cannot really rule out Anna's being taken out of this country in 1973.
Hi Annasmom, yes me too see a remarkable likeness: the form eyes, the ears form, the chin, the part under the nose, the mouth, the oval, the hairs junction, the forehead, and more: the build... frankly, dear Annasmom, I see a remarkable likeness, and saying this as artist( I'm painter) and I know as to make a face and what to see... the name of this person is very similar to our bad guy... the age don't match, but it matching many other things second the opinion that I have of this guy...

As I already saying, I'm artist and I'm a genealogist,( a good genealogist), but for hobby; and precisely I'm a researcher of italian origins of emigrants, and what my experience saying, it is: to start from sure data. Also I love the dream's interpretation.

In your search the sure data is the pictures of George Brody, especially the picture with the phrase... because in this picture he is more young...

In this months I read many times the postings, and the notebook, and the pictures... with the hope of "to enter" in George Brody; when I say "to enter" I mean to enter in the him psyche...

What I can say abt our bad guy is ( just a my personal opinion):

-he had persuasion power, and this depend from language ability, from to know the persons, what they wish from life, and the persuasion ability consist in making to see a mirage like truth; so the interlocutor become a victim;

-he had a large knowdlege, and this knowdlege it could not have it if it had spold its life working, because from what he wrote, well it is a knowdlege that need of much free time... he never worked in pure sense, and he never loved the work;

-he sure had high school, and in all writing I see a initial deep knowdlege of spiritual matter; after this spiritual knowdlege had a bad deviation, becoming a mixture of esoterism, psychoanalysis, and personal thesis;

-he sure travelled in Europe, I was sure abt this...

-maybe what he made with GW, he could be made also with some other; it is a my personal opinion, but I believe that was not this the first experience for GB;

-when I say "esoterism", I mean not a banal esoterism; because he was another in the night, with energy etc... he became a different person... so in the night he was in own comfort, ease.... he loved not the light...
he was a person that had never the idea in him mind of death; he always lived as he could die never.. this is strange for a old man, but this could be not strange for a esoterist man that think of to have the eternity's secret...

-he saying many lies; this is typical of who wish not being recognized...; so in all that he said are many lies and some thing no perfectly true... one of this is the him name; in notebook, abt GW new passport, eluding the details in this moment, well what I thinked is that he was able in the "games" with own name, this is typical of cheaters; so changing a little particular in own name he becoming another people, completely different; but the particular must be very little, because he can go back, and always to explain it on document as a officer error.. it is a my opinion...

-so starting from all this points, he searched a man with similar name and similar face and build...

-I found 2 passports of a person (the man in pictures) and I followed him traces until 1929; I cannot find it in 1930 census; I believe that I find it also as a young reverend in 1903 and 1904; sure the man in picture until 1929 never worked in correct sense: never; never married; in the passports it is wrote "partner" as profession... but in the censuses until 1920 he never worked, only in 1900 he was student in young age; he was a strange people, because he declared many times different ages (always more young and of so much! and always with intention, so seeming to me, because he studied so no ignorant, and this error was a intentional error), and I'm sure that is he because the address is the same; sometime I found the correction of him birthyear by officers on the ship's manifest; he sometime declared born in September, sometime in October; the day is always equal... he made many trips in Europe (France, Belgium, Italy and more) and Canada, I cannot find it on the military enlistment, and I searched so much...
I cannot say if this could be our guy, but sure is a person very similar in face and body... the birthyear don't matching, but if this person in the picture was old of 42 and seems of 25/30 old on the passports, it is possible that he when appeared 70 old or so he was more old? a man that never worked and with excellent DNA could appear more young... I knew men of 90 old and seemed of 70 ... but in any case the birthyear don't matching....

Dear Annasmom what you think? I know that the birthyear of GB could be between 1895/1915/1920... but he could be born before of 1895?
This man in picture was born in Manhattan, NY from a Irish father and american mother.. he was student in 1900 census, but not scholar... in 1910 census he no working and ditto in 1920... in this census he use for the first time the name Geo and not the complete first name.... I cannot find it in 1930 census but I'm sure that he back in the USA in june 1929 and for the first time the address changed, but always in NYC... in 1930 NY census, I found it not, and I found it not in all states, so my opinion was that this man changed the identity, making the joke of ages also for the name....

but it is possible that is only a banal resemblance...
Let me know your suggestions, sorry for my english,
best regards,

ps: I narrated the Anna story to two my little friends, 2 little girls that are the daughters of a my female friend, both we travel in order to go in City, in the morning; I have told the story, but only for to make understand that the mother love never surrender
Hi Raf
:Welcome-12-june: to WS! I think I recall reading your reply to a question about Anna being in Italy posted elsewhere, is that you?

For the man you posted as a possible match for George Brody, I noticed the information indicates he had a noticable scar on his nose. Annasmom, do you remember a scar on GB's nose?
Hi Cubby, no I was not ... abt the scar on the nose in the second passport it is not wrote... only in the first.. strange, true? Best regards, Raf
Hi Raf,


In December 2007 I posted on the Italian Genealogy forum. http://italiangenealogy.tardio.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=8209/highlight=anna+christian+waters.html

A woman by the name of Suanj responded to my queries about Anna possibly taken to Italy. She also wrote about "esoteric method". I'll copy and paste her thoughts, very similar to what you wrote. Thank you for your thoughts on Anna.

Hi ... I read abt Anna by your links.... It is no possible, second my opinion that the child was or is here in Italy.... all story have a bad point: the father and George Brody ( sure false name).... well abt the other first name that George Brody and Ann'a father wanted giving to Anna, "EIFEE" I found that this word was a word of Paralingua(- a secret language- Voynich's manuscript.... ) and in this webpage mv.lycaeum.org/anagram...ticle=Onit
the phrase with eifee word:

"Oete eifee elusewe seac wope " means:
"Piece wee-wee foul see to ease."or "Use wee-wee ace see elite poof."
maybe eifee could be wee-wee....

...just a suggestion, because I don't think that eifee was the first name of a George Brody's woman... this was the version for to brail up the Anna's mother abt the first name....
but really it was only a cryptic word for to make the 27 number but also because eifee it had to become also another first name of Anna, it had to be a word/ first name, that it had to serve to identify the child for and in a esoteric method ..... all story and the mystery of this abduction is in the esoterism..
just my opinion, regards, suanj


Nancy, my english is no good enough for to explain as I wish, however, I understood what you mean abt Italian Cons. papers...
abt "eifee" word, I found this same word in a Paralingua txt( URL in my previous reply).... and making the translation of the phrase with "eifee" word in the webpage (URL in my previous reply), if the translation by webpage is right( URL in my previous reply) , MAY it can be eifee=wee-wee....

" just a suggestion, because I don't think that eifee was the first name of a George Brody's woman... this was the version for to brail up the Anna's mother abt the first name.... I don't quite understand this, can you explain more? "

I wish to say, that, the "eifee" name added to Anna first name, well the explanation given from George W. and George B. to Anna's mother, abt 27 astrological number version, and abt a reincarnation of a George B. 's woman, this was a false theory ( it is my opinion... obviously) for to tangle Anna's mother, and to convince it for to add this "eifee" to child name....

...when I say "esoteric method", I wish to say that in the esoterism, a person have as 2 identities, one normal and one esoteric..
I know that this search is from so much years, and my opinion is that George B. had contacts in him life with some esoteric sect.... I think
this because all life of George B. is secret and mysterious, typically as in the esoteric sect...
but it is only my opinion....
What it could be helpful, it is to know the life of George W. and George B. after the divorce of George W. with wife.... where they lived( George W. and George B.) and what it was their life and theis contacts, especially in the towns where the 2 George was resident....
I don't know if the abduction was made directly from the 2 George, but is very, very, probable that they are implicated... George W. was totally psychically dependent of George B. and also him disease.. when before of George B. presence, George W. was however a normal person....

...also the half-brother of Anna when the child remembered of another abduction attempt, abt a month before of Anna disappearance, let me think
that it was a plan abt Anna abduction... well and the first time, Anna no gone, because Anna don't knew the kidnappers, but the second time Anna gone, so the child in some way knew almost one of kidnappers.... it is no possible that Anna recognized the father( George W.), so almost one of kidnappers it had to be someone that Anna knew some time before of abduction, in some way...

good luck, suanj
Hi SideKick so you are the topic author, very well, yes was me, but from dec 2007, after my first replies, I don't knew all on Anna's story; the post was abt a word or name: Eifee....
Now I have better knowdlege of Anna story...
abt Eifee yes, it could be a paralingua word, but, after some time I found also this word or name here:
"Ahojky Lorísku, já si teď píšu s jedním klukem přes internet a strašně si rozumíme, pořád máme o čem povídat, to si myslím, že je hodně dobře. A takhle si spolu asi už píšeme něco málo přes 1rok. Ale já si myslím, že on chce být jen kamarád, ale já chci něco víc. Už mě pozval, abychom se setkali, ale já jsem to odmítla, protože se teď strašně trápím a kdybychom se setkávali často, tak nevím, co bych dělala. Ale já nevím, jak mu to mám říct, že ho mám strašně moooc ráda a že mi na něm záleží, ale bojím se, že si se mnou přestane psát atd. A to já nechci. Lori prosím poraď mi, co mám dělat. Děkuji Eifee (13 let)
Milá Eifee,v dnešní době je poměrně časté, že se dva lidé zamilují přes internet. Dlouho si píší a tolik si rozumí.." source: http://www.kidsland.cz/poradna_detail.php?id=3247

and also here:
"Eifee derartige Politik entspricht ja gar nicht der Geigte der Verfassung. Wir werden darin das alte Osterreich nicht nachahmen. .."
source: http://www.senat.cz/zajimavosti/tisky/3vo/stena/026schuz/prilohy/priloh03.htm

but, frankly, the language is hard for me...

on Eifee ( word or name) this is all that I found....

best regards, raf
I thought that was you raf, from the genealogy forum. I was not clear on my question. Is that polish you posted? If so, I can see if I can find someone to translate.

Hi Cubby, maybe I understood well your previous message.... what I posted is in Czechoslovakia language ... so I think, because in the URL is ".cz"

best regards, raf
and also here:
"Eifee derartige Politik entspricht ja gar nicht der Geigte der Verfassung. Wir werden darin das alte Osterreich nicht nachahmen. .."
source: http://www.senat.cz/zajimavosti/tisky/3vo/stena/026schuz/prilohy/priloh03.htm

but, frankly, the language is hard for me...

on Eifee ( word or name) this is all that I found....

best regards, raf[/QUOTE]

My Babelfish translated the second part (German) as: " Eifee such policy does not correspond at all played the violin to the condition. We will therein the old eastreach not to copy. .."
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