Who was George Brody?

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He always wore suits which were rather baggy, so though his face was thin because of his age, he could well have been heavy-set. I think one of the shopping lists in the Squibb notebooks (things GW was supposed to buy for GB such as hair dye) included a belt in rather a largish size.

We have several names of others who were patients at the same hospital ward at the time Margaret was there, but my impression is that they had no connection with the couple (GB and MK) other than being treated at the same place at the same time.

Yes, Annasmom, I understand, but if one was to leave no stone unturned? GB was seen talking with a JE which could have been a prospective worshipper. How far fetched could it be since the intern became one?!?
On a side note, which I'm sure means nothing but since I'm on the concept of no stone left unturned. There is this;

There is a Thomas Pitcher, 1873-1963 and an Elizabeth Young, 1920-2001.

Those are the two most recent burials at that particular cemetery.
snipped from an earlier post.
The name Elizabeth Young, was seen in an article
where her male relative and her nephews were visited the day before Nikki went missing by Nikki. Who is the nephews' father? and has he been looked at? Again, I'm sure it means nothing, but... Someone said Timothy Binder was to young to have taken Anna, but was the male relative, if this is the same EY who is buried in the cemetary near the farm? Are there any other relatives buried there if this is the same EY? This could put EY and the male relative visiting that cemetary.
I'm sorry this is waaay out there, but I thought I'd toss it out here and see if any sleuthers want to check it out.
What more can I say? No resemblance at all.

Definately not.... Though, we still have the question of the 36 yr old George Brody from the 1941 article. Is it possible GB could have already been lying about his age in 1941?

Also, raf mentioned the voter registration info... I thought Doogie had found that info and for the life of me, I can't find it again! If someone finds it can they copy or bump it please? Thanks!
Definately not.... Though, we still have the question of the 36 yr old George Brody from the 1941 article. Is it possible GB could have already been lying about his age in 1941?

Also, raf mentioned the voter registration info... I thought Doogie had found that info and for the life of me, I can't find it again! If someone finds it can they copy or bump it please? Thanks!

The age of 36 in 1941 fits precisely with what I have always thought Brody's birth year was: 1905.
Is this it?

#157 in this thread:
I have uncovered additional information about George Brody. I can now place him living in Oakland as early as 1936 from the Voter Register records, near where the safe deposit box was uncovered. And to be a registered voter in 1936, he would have needed to be at least 21 years old, which makes his birth year - at the latest - 1915 (not 1923 as claimed).

Definately not.... Though, we still have the question of the 36 yr old George Brody from the 1941 article. Is it possible GB could have already been lying about his age in 1941?

Also, raf mentioned the voter registration info... I thought Doogie had found that info and for the life of me, I can't find it again! If someone finds it can they copy or bump it please? Thanks!
Continuing the search, abt connections of Brody in Berkeley, Alameda, CA, I found this 3 people....:
(from 1920 and later, in Berkeley abt the probable GB in the 1941) :

-Josephine Brody ( unknown birthsurname) widow of age 35; born in Iowa; I no found more data abt this woman

- Samuel Brody, lodger, single, born in Minsk-Russia in the 1895; arrival 1905, naturalized in 1912; jew origin; profession: teacher research chemistry ; no other data abt this Samuel Brody

-Emma Brody, birth surname: Waiss, born in Hungary the 17 March 1870; daughter of Adolph and Regina Waiss; siblings: Sophia ( b. Hungary-1864), Theodore ( Hungary- 1868) and Alex (b. Hungary-1867) Waiss; Emma immigrated with family in 1880, living in Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa from 1880; married in New Orleans, LA in the 15 june 1898 at Jean (John) Brody born in New York in jan 1864, father Allen Brody born in Scotland; Emma and Jean Brody had no children; in 1920 Emma was widow and living in San Jose, Santa Clara, California; in 1930 living in Vallejo, Solano, California; after moved in Berkeley, Alameda, CA; died in 5 Feb 1941 Alameda, CA; last address: 1909 Berryman st, Berkeley, Alameda, Ca; no far from 1724 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, Alameda, CA (address of the GB in article of 1941)

so, seeming that in Berkeley the Brodys coming from Iowa, Usa; Hungary; Minsk-Russia..

and because I no found more abt a George Brody b. 1905 ( only 1 child in St Louis Missouri, born the 16 august 1905; first name unknown son of John and Clara Brody both from Missouri; no more data) and living in Berkeley in 1940, I think that the residence of this GB was no from long time, but very recent.... after 1941 article finding, I no found more..
Best regards,
Here is all the info in chronological order from the voter registrations for the 2(?)George Brodys. Margaret is only listed where noted

1923 SF George Brody, 1060 Page – Plummer, Dec.
1928 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave – Hdw. Dealer, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1930 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave – none listed, Rep. (Margaret Rep)
1932 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave. – Merchant, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1933 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave. – Merchant, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1936 Oakland George Brody, 483 9th - Salesman, Dem
1938 SF George Brody, 458 Divisadero – Merchant, Dem.
1938 Oakland George Brody, 534 12th - Jr. research assit. Dem
1940 SF George Brody, 831 Fulton – Merchant, Dem.
1940 Oakland George Brody, 534 12th – Jr. research assit. Dem.
1942 (Aug.) Oakland George Brody, 1724 San Pablo – Jr. research assit. Dem.
1942 (Nov) Oakland George Brody, 2329 San Pablo – Jr. research assit. – Dem.
1944 Oakland George Brody, 2329 San Pablo – Jr. research assit, - Dem.

Here again split into the 2 Georges

1923 SF George Brody, 1060 Page – Plummer, Dec.
1928 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave – Hdw. Dealer, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1930 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave – none listed, Rep. (Margaret Rep)
1932 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave. – Merchant, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1933 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave. – Merchant, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1938 SF George Brody, 458 Divisadero – Merchant, Dem.
1940 SF George Brody, 831 Fulton – Merchant, Dem.

1936 Oakland George Brody, 483 9th - Salesman, Dem
1938 Oakland George Brody, 534 12th - Jr. research assit. Dem
1940 Oakland George Brody, 534 12th – Jr. research assit. Dem.
1942 (Aug.) Oakland George Brody, 1724 San Pablo – Jr. research assit. Dem.
1942 (Nov) Oakland George Brody, 2329 San Pablo – Jr. research assit. – Dem.
1944 Oakland George Brody, 2329 San Pablo – Jr. research assit, - Dem.

Here's the most complete post with the voter info.
Originally Posted by iNTERESTEDWOMAN
Here is all the info in chronological order from the voter registrations for the 2(?)George Brodys. Margaret is only listed where noted

1923 SF George Brody, 1060 Page – Plummer, Dec.
1928 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave – Hdw. Dealer, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1930 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave – none listed, Rep. (Margaret Rep)
1932 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave. – Merchant, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1933 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave. – Merchant, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1936 Oakland George Brody, 483 9th - Salesman, Dem
1938 SF George Brody, 458 Divisadero – Merchant, Dem.
1938 Oakland George Brody, 534 12th - Jr. research assit. Dem
1940 SF George Brody, 831 Fulton – Merchant, Dem.
1940 Oakland George Brody, 534 12th – Jr. research assit. Dem.
1942 (Aug.) Oakland George Brody, 1724 San Pablo – Jr. research assit. Dem.
1942 (Nov) Oakland George Brody, 2329 San Pablo – Jr. research assit. – Dem.
1944 Oakland George Brody, 2329 San Pablo – Jr. research assit, - Dem.

Here again split into the 2 Georges

1923 SF George Brody, 1060 Page – Plummer, Dec.
1928 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave – Hdw. Dealer, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1930 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave – none listed, Rep. (Margaret Rep)
1932 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave. – Merchant, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1933 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave. – Merchant, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1938 SF George Brody, 458 Divisadero – Merchant, Dem.
1940 SF George Brody, 831 Fulton – Merchant, Dem.

1936 Oakland George Brody, 483 9th - Salesman, Dem
1938 Oakland George Brody, 534 12th - Jr. research assit. Dem
1940 Oakland George Brody, 534 12th – Jr. research assit. Dem.
1942 (Aug.) Oakland George Brody, 1724 San Pablo – Jr. research assit. Dem.
1942 (Nov) Oakland George Brody, 2329 San Pablo – Jr. research assit. – Dem.
1944 Oakland George Brody, 2329 San Pablo – Jr. research assit, - Dem.

Here's the most complete post with the voter info.

Thanks Birdie! My bold in red, same address as the 1941 article.
anyone near a library in the Oakland area? I wonder if they have a genealogy area. I imagine much more info might be found at the library. Question is, where was he prior to 1936. He might appear on a voter registration elsewhere? thinking out loud again. (and my brain is starting to hurt from thinking about GB... lol)

ETA: Anyone else think it's funny he got beyotch slapped and moved pretty darn quick? LOL
I will be more than happy to go the NC State Library and begin going thru their shelved books and microfilm. I just pulled out some of my files I did on my family research years ago. I found the books here in NC had info I needed dated all the way back to the early 1800's for RI. So I can certainly find info beginning at GB birth. I was able to pull the Providence Journal marriages, deaths, birth notices, etc, as well as a book of vital listings of RI. I can see what we have here at our state library for CA, MA or any other state worth researching.

What I will need to do is get the different variations of spelling (Brody, Brodie, Brady), possible locations, possible family names such as siblings or parents, etc. I believe the state library here will furnish much of the needed information as anywere. I believe I was told anything over 50 years I am entitled to see and send off for? I don't remember what I was exactly told and why...but I am sure I will find out once I go.

Kiva...you mentioned you are in Raleigh. Feel free to join me to see if we can get some answers to help Anna's family.
Thanks Birdie! My bold in red, same address as the 1941 article.
anyone near a library in the Oakland area? I wonder if they have a genealogy area. I imagine much more info might be found at the library. Question is, where was he prior to 1936. He might appear on a voter registration elsewhere? thinking out loud again. (and my brain is starting to hurt from thinking about GB... lol)

ETA: Anyone else think it's funny he got beyotch slapped and moved pretty darn quick? LOL
thanks Cubby, so by 1941 article:

Berkeley, 1941 Oct 2-Suspect freed of picket’s charge

It required a jury but 15 minutes to find Joseoh G Sgroe, 29, innocent of battery charges in connection with alleged assault on a ticket patroling in front on a barber shop at 1906 University Avenue last august 5.
The case was heard in the court of Police judge Oliver Young jr.
According in prosecution witness testimony, as Sgroe who lives at 1912 Sacramento st, was entering the barber shop he saw Picket George Brody, 36, the plaintiff, jot down his license number.
Sgroe retraced his steps, the testimony said, and demanded the memo from Brody. When Brody turned his back. Sgroe slapped him in the face with such force that he spun him around, the testimony related.
At this juncture, Brody, who lives at 1724 San Pablo Avenue, called for help. Patrolman B.W. Gocke responded.

the address of this GB could be of Oakland and not of Berkeley; it could be the same person.... born in 1905, and this matching enough....
I wish to continue in this direction, thanks, raf
You're welcome raf.:blowkiss: Yes, I believe it is Oakland and not Berkely. I looked up both addresses on San Pablo, and they are 'hotels' in what currently looks like a very shady neighborhood. Can't say the area was bad back in the 30's and 40's..... but this sounds like our GB living in a 'hotel'.
very true Cubby! It could be our bad guy! I wish search again... he appear from 1936 in Oakland... where he was before of 1936? ... and maybe Brody is the him birth surname? seeming that he already was no honest man in 1941... the picketing... !
bye, raf
Cubby: you know if the 1724 San Pablo ave address was abt St Mark Hotel of Oakland? let me know, thanks, raf
raf, I just looked at the address on google maps and then the street view. They are hotels now, but I am unsure if they were in the 30's or 40's. I can only guess they may have been. I wish we had access to the polk- city directories from those years. I found a link for them online yesterday, will see if I can find it again. These directories should also be available at a library local to Oakland. I know I have used them locally for my family ancestry.

My concern about the last name Brody is if it was changed making it harder to trace him unless we can do so through addresses somehow.

ETA: I called and the online Polk-City directories are current only. any historical would need to be checked into via a library.
very true Cubby! It could be our bad guy! I wish search again... he appear from 1936 in Oakland... where he was before of 1936? ... and maybe Brody is the him birth surname? seeming that he already was no honest man in 1941... the picketing... !
bye, raf

See Birdie's post #453 on this thread: It looks as if the strike was legitimate, and of course the Bay Area has always been famous for strikes and demonstrations. The newspaper clipping also seems to indicate that the address might have been a hotel even in those days.
I will be more than happy to go the NC State Library and begin going thru their shelved books and microfilm. I just pulled out some of my files I did on my family research years ago.

What I will need to do is get the different variations of spelling (Brody, Brodie, Brady), possible locations, possible family names such as siblings or parents, etc. I believe the state library here will furnish much of the needed information as anywere. I believe I was told anything over 50 years I am entitled to see and send off for? I don't remember what I was exactly told and why...but I am sure I will find out once I go.

Kiva...you mentioned you are in Raleigh. Feel free to join me to see if we can get some answers to help Anna's family.

I would certainly start with the name George Brody, since we haven't really been able to connect the other names with the individual we're looking for. It's very good of you to offer to do this research.
A brief history of culinary workers in San Francisco including various strikes here http://www.unitehere2.org/history.html

1941 - During the summer, the newly-formed San Francisco Employers Council provoked a widespread restaurant strike by imposing 30% wage cuts. Soon thereafter, the Hotel Employers Association took the opportunity to provoke a series of hotel strikes in which it, too, sought concessions. The Hotel Employers were dealt a blow during October, when the Sir Francis Drake Hotel peeled off of the group under new management -- having recently been acquired by Conrad Hilton. The remaining strikes ended in December, when the War Labor Board arbitrated a settlement to all strikes after Pearl Harbor.
I would certainly start with the name George Brody, since we haven't really been able to connect the other names with the individual we're looking for. It's very good of you to offer to do this research.

I will be more than happy to do this.

A few questions I have....
1-Is GB date of birth between 1905 -1923, or is there an earlier date to consider?
2-Also, where might GB have been born? I keep seeing MA and CA spoken about, but is this where it is assumed he was born or another state I might need to research?
3-Any idea of parents or siblings at all mentioned? Possible names.
4-Possible place he might have lived other than MA & CA.
5-I will begin with Brody, then do you think to then move to Brodie as well?
6-I have read he was called Bobby...do you think this was because of Brody or maybe his real 1st name or middle name being used?

I feel ~Bobby~ has some significance if is was not used as a last name slang. He could've been George Robert Brody or Robert George Brody. He could've been Bobby to many and changed to George so later in life he couldn't be identified. This has happened so many times I have found.
I will be more than happy to do this.

A few questions I have....
1-Is GB date of birth between 1905 -1923, or is there an earlier date to consider?
2-Also, where might GB have been born? I keep seeing MA and CA spoken about, but is this where it is assumed he was born or another state I might need to research?
3-Any idea of parents or siblings at all mentioned? Possible names.
4-Possible place he might have lived other than MA & CA.
5-I will begin with Brody, then do you think to then move to Brodie as well?
6-I have read he was called Bobby...do you think this was because of Brody or maybe his real 1st name or middle name being used?

I feel ~Bobby~ has some significance if is was not used as a last name slang. He could've been George Robert Brody or Robert George Brody. He could've been Bobby to many and changed to George so later in life he couldn't be identified. This has happened so many times I have found.

I wish we had the answers to some of your questions, but the great mystery is that we cannot answer a single one, despite hundreds of attempts. Our best guess is that he was named George Brody, that he was sometimes called Bobby, that he was born around 1905 somewhere "back east" in the United States, and that he probably lived in the San Francisco Bay Area from at least the 1940s. It's really a needle in a haystack, and it might not even be worth your time to look at the library records, considering how little we have been able to find from newspapers, census reports, genealogy sites, birth records, passports, etc. It is very good of you to offer to do this, however.
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