Who was George Brody?

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Just to add to the above post by Annasmom, we also have the paperwork for the above mentioned insurance policy.

Since the note about the census occurs in 1970, it may be that they were researching the ramifications of falsing answering the questions about Brody to continue his invisibility to the government (no SSN, etc.). The census occurs every decade in the years ending with zero (i.e. 1970).
Thank you everyone, for being so candid with this information, I appreciate it. In my opinion, the notebook is a roadmap to two things.

1. I believe that Brody had convinced Waters to kill himself, so that they could be together forever. The insurance policies of that time, (I believe), did not have exclusions for suicide, thus they still paid out. I think they had been planning Waters death for some time. So very sad.

2. I truly believe by placing and replacing the different notes in the notebook, regarding different ink at different times, if you put it side by side, they ended it with two things, that add up to finality regarding Anna.
They decided, PIX of NO ONE, after August, and the insurance changes with ACE, and how they set that up. ALso, Birth CERT in Red again, is going forward and back in the book...it is all regarding whatever happened to Anna, again, in my opinion. This was a money scheme, not a murder scheme, and I am going to try to prove that, as best I can, in hopes that it will lead to Anna.

I know some of this is hard to follow, but I can see in the notebook, a very difinitive plan, regarding money, suicide, and also Anna's disappearance. If this notebook, and the Plan, were disregarded by the police, it is a darn shame that a detective cannot look at it now, this is a roadmap of clever demise.
So the coroner ruled it a suicide, could it be that it was not? No police? That seems odd for the setting and circumstances, people usually called the police first, not the coroner...I think it probably was suicide, but could it be that someone was afraid he might talk, and had a friendly 'drink' with him? Now that they knew Brody was gone?

I know they are weird questions, but I want a direction that Anna might have taken in all of this...the bottom line, find Anna :)

Actually, I don't know if the police were called, but there is little doubt that it was a suicide, since he researched poisons well before this happened. The hotel clerk, who saw the scene, said there were writings about which expressed guilt (we don't know what these were, never saw them,and have only the clerk's words to go on.) The scene as it was described to me could not have involved anything like a "friendly drink".

That said, I really appreciate your sharp eyes and your questions. No, I am not tired of answering questions, though I still dread getting into that BFH, for whatever reason! I think Doogie felt the same way.
Isn't there away to find out what is under the black lines? I would think that there would be ways to do that in todays day and age.

Page 12 (page numbers are actually the dates on a June, 1969 Squibb handout calendar which he used for notes to himself) is blank. Pages 13, 14 and 25 are the draft of a letter from BW to GB.

Here is the text:

I am sending you this to indicate to you what I think ab. you & how I feel about you. However, I also wish to emphasize that your birth day is about due. Thus, I'm considering it as a B-D present, and one, who knows, maybe you will & maybe you will not, receive ("it") in the manner that a bd present is normally received by the recipient (*see over) Seriously, I can't thank God enough for you to have been born, and for me to have met you, bec. it was you--and not anybody else in this world, and that includes both universities I attended--who gave the real meaning of Life to me. To me you're tops, and if I were to live my life all over again I would want to be at least 1/100th, or just one bit, like you. Affectionately and endearingly, George (GHW,MD).

The next page is a Squibb advertisement. On "Friday 15" is the sentence GW refers to as *see over:

This "it" in parentheses means simply this: I have made you the sole beneficiary to a death by accident policy. (by L/L is crossed out here.) Said policy, you will note, is with L/L I am also enclosing a photostatic copy of said policy to you.

The only hospital information among the papers is an admission for "George Bee, P. O Box 5889, SF, to Children's Hospital of San Francisco on April 28, 1981. He was discharged May 5, 1981. GW paid the bill by check on June 5, 1981, according to Joe Ford's note.

One more note, about how we knew papers had been destroyed. Many parts of the existing papers have been cut out, torn out, or marked through with black pen. What seems to have been left is either papers GW wanted found, or a few which he simply overlooked, like the Squibb notebook.
Isn't there away to find out what is under the black lines? I would think that there would be ways to do that in todays day and age.
We have figured out the ones which had any significance, such as the one on "The Plan". Mostly they are just addresses, since the Georges didn't want anyone to know where they lived. On GW's passport application, Brody's name (as the only person to be notified if GW died) was blacked out. That sort of thing.
Page 12 (page numbers are actually the dates on a June, 1969 Squibb handout calendar which he used for notes to himself) is blank. Pages 13, 14 and 25 are the draft of a letter from BW to GB.

Here is the text:

I am sending you this to indicate to you what I think ab. you & how I feel about you. However, I also wish to emphasize that your birth day is about due. Thus, I'm considering it as a B-D present, and one, who knows, maybe you will & maybe you will not, receive ("it") in the manner that a bd present is normally received by the recipient (*see over) Seriously, I can't thank God enough for you to have been born, and for me to have met you, bec. it was you--and not anybody else in this world, and that includes both universities I attended--who gave the real meaning of Life to me. To me you're tops, and if I were to live my life all over again I would want to be at least 1/100th, or just one bit, like you. Affectionately and endearingly, George (GHW,MD).

The next page is a Squibb advertisement. On "Friday 15" is the sentence GW refers to as *see over:

This "it" in parentheses means simply this: I have made you the sole beneficiary to a death by accident policy. (by L/L is crossed out here.) Said policy, you will note, is with L/L I am also enclosing a photostatic copy of said policy to you.

The only hospital information among the papers is an admission for "George Bee, P. O Box 5889, SF, to Children's Hospital of San Francisco on April 28, 1981. He was discharged May 5, 1981. GW paid the bill by check on June 5, 1981, according to Joe Ford's note.

One more note, about how we knew papers had been destroyed. Many parts of the existing papers have been cut out, torn out, or marked through with black pen. What seems to have been left is either papers GW wanted found, or a few which he simply overlooked, like the Squibb notebook.

i saw this thing on tv on discover channel it was about this sperm doctor and his work and teachings of some sorts he ended up passing away.they were showing family's who went to his sperm bank to get sperm from super smart men. well this one women sent away for info on the fathers (sperm that was used for her children some of them wanted to connect with there sperm doner for her children and she got papers with black marker through them she sent them off to a lab who sent her back papers with what the stuff said under the black. i wonder how much it would cost to get that done with what papers we have in the bfh that have black through them.

also the mention of the childrens hospital sounds strange, you would send a child to a childrens hospital not an adult who is the george bee? a child brody? did they beg the hospital to look at him even though he was an adult?
i wonder how much it would cost to get that done with what papers we have in the bfh that have black through them.

also the mention of the childrens hospital sounds strange, you would send a child to a childrens hospital not an adult who is the george bee? a child brody? did they beg the hospital to look at him even though he was an adult?
Smile, we were able to figure out everything that was blacked out. I can't answer the question about why an adult was treated at Children's Hospital, but it is obvious (from other records) that Brody was George Bee, that he had surgery there, and that GW paid the bill.
Annasmon, is the Children's hospital still there? Does anyone know how long a hospital keep old records? It
Sorry, I hit the post button before I was finished typing....I am wondering could LE get a subpoena to access the records when George Bee (G Brody) was a patient there if they thought he might have had some involvement in Anna's disappearance
Sorry, I hit the post button before I was finished typing....I am wondering could LE get a subpoena to access the records when George Bee (G Brody) was a patient there if they thought he might have had some involvement in Anna's disappearance

do they have records that far back still in files? could they have paid a bill for anna say she needed sugery and decided to have them use george bees name instead to cover up?
Sorry, I hit the post button before I was finished typing....I am wondering could LE get a subpoena to access the records when George Bee (G Brody) was a patient there if they thought he might have had some involvement in Anna's disappearance
LE will not take any action unless we have some hard proof that a crime was committed. However, I did a little research on the hospital admission (April 28, 1981 to May 10, 1981; GB died Dec. 24, 1981.) Children's Hospital was part of California Pacific Medical Center. Billing may have gone through this branch, and I vaguely remember that one of GW's jobs may have been there. At any rate, the bill of $1525 for a private room for nearly two weeks is unheard-of (even back then), and there is no sign of a bill from a surgeon. The doctor's name on the bill is V. Richards, probably a resident. Surely some clue to Brody's identity must be in these hospital records, but I have no idea how we might find it.
1923 SF George Brody, 1060 Page – Plummer, Dec.
1928 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave – Hdw. Dealer, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1930 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave – none listed, Rep. (Margaret Rep)
1932 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave. – Merchant, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1933 SF George Brody, 2375 20th Ave. – Merchant, Rep. (Margaret Dem)
1938 SF George Brody, 458 Divisadero – Merchant, Dem.
1940 SF George Brody, 831 Fulton – Merchant, Dem.

I finally recalled why this Brody & Margaret could not be the same as our GB and MK:

1) Margaret Kukoda was born in 1917, so the earliest mention of a Margaret in 1928 would have occured when Kukoda was only eleven. There are also references to George Brody and his wife Margaret in other states prior to 1928, so it is clear that they are two different sets of people.

2) We know from our talks with the Kukoda family that Margaret moved to San Francisco during World War II, which would mean probably around 1942, not circa 1928.

Once we hit the 1950's, when both sets of GB's and Margaret's are living in San Francisco, it becomes more difficult to unravel which is which. I suspect that one source of confusion is the list of suspected references to our Brody and Kukoda that Joe Ford prepared decades ago may include references to both sets. Joe, working in the 1980's, was probably unaware of the secord GB and Margaret - the information was not obvious then with the limited resources available.

Since the GB who was involved in the auto accident was listed as living in San Francisco (and at an address very close to a much later address listed for the SF Brody), I now believe that "Accident Brody" and "SF Brody" are the same guy and not our Brody. Even without this info being a match to our Brody, we can still place GB in the Bay Area much earlier than previously thought.

We know now that our initial suspicion of Anna being passed to an unsuspecting member of the Kukoda family is unlikely, so I am much less interested in tracing Margaret's whereabouts. The value of discovering Brody living in Oakland as early as 1936 is that it eliminates all of our speculations and efforts to link Brody to the mysterious "Russell" who was Margaret's boyfriend in Pennsylvania, to various boxers in Philedelphia, etc. His links for the forty years prior to Anna's disappearance are in California, which greatly narrows the focus of our research. It also helps us to know that he has been "Brody" since 1936, so that is most likely his real given name, not an alias. And we also know that his given birth-year of 1923 is obviously false.

What I would like to uncover now is some sort of birth records for Brody and gain some understanding of how he went from being a salesman and junior research assistant (seemingly a normal working guy) to being the spiritual-guru/con-man that we saw by 1967.
I finally recalled why this Brody & Margaret could not be the same as our GB and MK:

1) Margaret Kukoda was born in 1917, so the earliest mention of a Margaret in 1928 would have occured when Kukoda was only eleven. There are also references to George Brody and his wife Margaret in other states prior to 1928, so it is clear that they are two different sets of people.

2) We know from our talks with the Kukoda family that Margaret moved to San Francisco during World War II, which would mean probably around 1942, not circa 1928.....snip

I thoroughly agree that the 2 Margaret's are different. I have traced both of them back to birth, and definitely 2 different gals...though, in my mind, I think there is a remote possibility that George could be the same guy. From what I can tell, George "N" Brody's wife Margaret either left him or died after 1933. She was pretty dedicated to voting for several years, then she just stops. There are no records of her after her last voting registration that I can find...no death records, nothing.

Our GB was known to have more than one hotel room at a time in the later years, so if he was a loon back in the late 30s he could have also done the same back then. Maybe he had 2 residents for voting, if he thought he could vote twice that way.

You're probably right Doogie, but I'm still looking for a link just incase... :)
I do not have the documentation in front of me, but I believe that we found a paper trail on the SF Brody for years after the death of our GB, which would preclude them being the same person.

As we researched and speculated numerous hypotheses about George Brody, we may have been giving him too much credit for intrigue. He did use multiple addresses, but he seems to have not created the Brody identity out of thin air - he appears to have been born, lived and died as George Brody. He was an odd duck, but not nearly the mystery that we (I especially) assumed he was. He probably fancied himself as some sort of secret agent, but in reality, he was an unemployed single man living in crappy hotels for his entire life. His only true stroke of "genius" was when he discovered that he could prey upon the lonely and weak for his financial benefit.
I do not have the documentation in front of me, but I believe that we found a paper trail on the SF Brody for years after the death of our GB, which would preclude them being the same person...

If you find the records, could you let me know? The SF GNB was born in 1890, so he would have been 91 at the time of Brody's death. He must have been really old when he died.
LE will not take any action unless we have some hard proof that a crime was committed. However, I did a little research on the hospital admission (April 28, 1981 to May 10, 1981; GB died Dec. 24, 1981.) Children's Hospital was part of California Pacific Medical Center. Billing may have gone through this branch, and I vaguely remember that one of GW's jobs may have been there. At any rate, the bill of $1525 for a private room for nearly two weeks is unheard-of (even back then), and there is no sign of a bill from a surgeon. The doctor's name on the bill is V. Richards, probably a resident. Surely some clue to Brody's identity must be in these hospital records, but I have no idea how we might find it.

I did a license lookup for V. Richards I found was a Victor Richards who graduated from Stanford Medical School in 1939. He is deceased. He resided in Sonoma CA
Here it is:

Listings in San Francisco City Directory
(Taken from Joe Ford’s handwritten notes dated March 30, 1982)

A physician at San Francisco General Hospital says that as of Aug. 19, 1966, George Brody was visiting someone in Ward 34 named M. M. Kukoda, as well as a patient named Jessie Evans, 88 Sixth Street, Delta Hotel. Dr. Love was Kukoda’s physician. George Waters was an intern in charge of Kukoda and reported on her case to Brody, who had power of attorney for Kukoda. Physician said Brody was aged 55-60 at that time, was heavy-set, with grey hair.

Annasmom, do you remember Brody being heavy-set when you first met him? I do not think by looking at all the photos of GB that he was a heavy-set man. Is it possible the physician may have been describing a different man, perhaps "Russell"?
Annasmom, do you remember Brody being heavy-set when you first met him? I do not think by looking at all the photos of GB that he was a heavy-set man. Is it possible the physician may have been describing a different man, perhaps "Russell"?
You know, his face looks thin, but he always wore these kind of baggy suits, so he could well have been on the short and heavy side. I am pretty sure the physician was describing Brody, since that is where GW met him (as Margaret's doctor).
Has anyone looked into finding out more about Jessie Evans, the other person Dr. Love said GB visited in the hospital? I wonder why GB would coincidentally know 2 ill people in that hospital or if he befriended Evans during a visit to Kukoda. I wonder if he had power of atty for Jessie, too.
The list below is unclaimed property for the person GB visited at the hospital.There are listings from the BP Oil Company and Sohio Supply. I am having trouble with my pc and can't use the tools (BOLD, etc) and everything is running together. Sorry. ____________________________________________- EVANS JESSIE B 88 SIXTH ST DELTA HOTEL RM 405 SAN FRANCISCO CA 001623854// EVANS JESSIE B RM 405 DELTA HOTEL 88 SIXTH ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 001545566// EVANS JESSIE B DELTA HOTEL RM 405 88 SIXTH ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 001678155// EVANS JESSIE B 88 SIXTH STREET DELTA HOTEL RM SAN FRANCISCO CA 001785245
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