Who will make the most money? Includes various book discussion

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I just found this a disturbing article and wanted to share..
I'll be writing to these people.
If this is the wrong place to post, pls just move. TYVM -)

Two Tapped For Upcoming Caylee Anthony Movie

"HOLLYWOOD—Actress Mila Kunis and journalist-actor Tommy Garrett are among the first to review scripts for an upcoming movie surrounding the death of Caylee Anthony, to be executive produced by Belle Avery. The script is based on the soon-to-be released fictional novel surrounding Caylee’s life, written by Kathleen McKenna and Marti Rulli. "


Interesting that they called it a fictional novel ... this has nothing to do with the Anthonys as far as I can see ...
As long as books and movies/shows are NOT done by the Anthonys or the sleeze team, I'm good ...
As a matter of fact, no one needs KC's, Baez's or the Anthonys' permission to do a story about the case or about Caylee ... and I'm hoping while Baez is holding out for the big bucks that more books are written and movies/shows base their stories on this horrible tragedy ... It will certainly diminish KC's and the rest of theirs value to do their own books, etc. KWIM?

I'm kind of looking forward to Diane Fannings follow up to "Mommy's Little Girl" ...
From that article;

...Mason also said that Anthony had to come out of “Casey World” — her lies about Caylee’s death — to assist her attorneys in her defense. “She’s got a tough row ahead of her,” Mason told DeForest. “But she’ll make it.” Anthony was acquitted two weeks ago of first-degree murder in Caylee’s death.

Mason said psychological counseling was “absolutely mandatory” for Anthony and that she had a breakthrough when a grief expert testified at trial.

“It was like Casey being brought out of Casey World into the real world,” Mason said. “She got quite emotional about, I think, having an introspection of her own conduct and behavior. … She’s having to deal with that. Casey World was changed, and we hoping she doesn’t regress into that dark place of denial and not remembering and not knowing and all the things that apparently were there. She’s quite a kid.”...

:puke: That woman actually made her open her eyes to herself. :rolleyes:


Especially the bolded part!

umm ... bbm

Was this when the gum chewing grief expert Sally (aka Whiskey Sally) testified that KC was so moved ? to tears of laughter ? because I know plenty of people were ...

This would be the same "expert" that didn't know the Parent's magazine approval is NOT the same as pier reviewed journals ? ... well I guess writing a few chapters (if that's even true) for the Chicken Soup books is all you need to be a "grief expert" ...

I had a breakthrough too when she testified ... that it's apparently not illegal to drink and testify ...
Perhaps the Anthonys will make the most money ?

Casey Anthony: Heard about Casey World? A new foundation?

WFTV-Channel 9’s Mary Nguyen reported that George and Cindy Anthony, Casey’s parents, are setting up a foundation called Caylee’s Fund to focus on grandparents’ rights. Mark Lippman, the couple’s attorney, told WFTV that the Anthonys plan to be the nonprofit’s officers and draw salaries because they are unable to work. Nguyen said the new nonprofit would be separate from the Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation, which will remain active.

Just disgusting !! :maddening:
Caylee's fund ? More like Cindy and George's fund

How can they be the "officers" and draw a salary if they are unable to work?

I don't begrudge anyone being on disability. I am on disability myself.
But I don't work at something else and still claim to be disabled.
I don't see this work being much different than what CA did at Gentiva.

And grandparents rights? What rights of theirs were violated? I don't really care if they have a foundation if it's for a real cause. I might have believed they were sincere until CA lied under oath.
I see this as blood money.

PS: I'm in a bad mood tonight after reading some of the ridiculous behavior taking place in the last few days. Better not post for a while.


Here is KC's future in a nutshell. She is going to spend the next few weeks getting some sun and recouperating. After that (a month or so, per Baez) she will do an interview - She'll pay off some bills, give the IRS theirs because they will just take it - give Baez some money and have some left over.

HOWEVER, after that, she will be approached by the tabloids, and she will be told not to accept them, but she will accept them and eventually we will hear that Baez and Anthony have had a parting of the ways. Because KC cannot sustain a relationship without $#%ing it up and she is not about to give up her sociopathic ways because she cannot (contrary to what the court appointed psychiatrists said about her not being a sociopath) You know the psychiatrists who were interviewed and look like they have had a round of shock treatments themselves especially the one with the Beard that started and ended somewhere.

I think one of the basic news channels here in the US will get her first interview and they will play it and people will watch, ABC, FOX or one of those.

After that, if The Sun (from the UK) is still around, they will approach her - The Sun is about as sleazy as it gets - makes The Globe appear readible. And then the U.S. TABS will offer her money.

After that, it is over. But KC is going to make as much money as possible and I can even see People offering her money.

But as Jeffrey Feiger said, she is a pariah and the interviews will not last.

How can they be the "officers" and draw a salary if they are unable to work?

I don't begrudge anyone being on disability. I am on disability myself.
But I don't work at something else and still claim to be disabled.
I don't see this work being much different than what CA did at Gentiva.

And grandparents rights? What rights of theirs were violated? I don't really care if they have a foundation if it's for a real cause. I might have believed they were sincere until CA lied under oath.
I see this as blood money.

PS: I'm in a bad mood tonight after reading some of the ridiculous behavior taking place in the last few days. Better not post for a while.



I think you're right about disability ...you're either disabled or you're not ... I'm sure they will call enough attention to themselves for Social Security to keep an eye on her ...

Maybe Cindy's plan is to make boatloads of money so she won't need disability ...
I'm just hoping their new fraudation is as successful as their first one ...

It's hypocritical to fight for grandparent's rights when you not only wouldn't fight for your granddaughter's rights but supported her killer instead !! WTH ?
Wait, wait, wait...this breakthrough happened during the trial? Wasn't this lady one of the last witnesses to testify? How was that assisting the defense? Sorry...refuse to read the article for just that kind of reasoning. Oh, please just put a lid on it, CM.

Yes indeedy ... and KC had a breakthrough ... right
How many shrinks interviewed her anyway ? I lost count ... but no breakthrough ? 3 years in jail, time for reflection and soul searching but nada ...
CM and Baez think their words (spin) have weight and people will buy it ?
They're as delusional as their client and her family, IMO
Interesting that they called it a fictional novel ... this has nothing to do with the Anthonys as far as I can see ...
As long as books and movies/shows are NOT done by the Anthonys or the sleeze team, I'm good ...
As a matter of fact, no one needs KC's, Baez's or the Anthonys' permission to do a story about the case or about Caylee ... and I'm hoping while Baez is holding out for the big bucks that more books are written and movies/shows base their stories on this horrible tragedy ... It will certainly diminish KC's and the rest of theirs value to do their own books, etc. KWIM?

I'm kind of looking forward to Diane Fannings follow up to "Mommy's Little Girl" ...

I was wondering if this IS Diane Fannings follow-up...
Would you hire them? Do you know anyone who would hire them?

This is Florida. Don't they have fruit down there? Why can't they pick fruit or pull bad fruit from the conveyer belt? No one would care. They'd be out in a field or inside, processing fruit.

There are plenty of jobs where no one cares who you are.
I have heard that Cindy has neck and back problems. There was a rumor that the reason Cindy worked for Gentiva was because it mostly an office job and Cindy didn't have the strength to work in clinics or hospitals doing certain duties.

I read on a thread somewhere here that George got some kind of disability settlement back in 2005 or 2006 because of a knee injury. I think both George and Cindy stopped working in August or September 2008. There were rumors that Cindy was given a leave of absence offer from Gentiva.

People have been questioning the Anthony finances for the past few years. There were rumors going around that the Baptist church they attend was paying some of their monthly bills. Stuff like that happens a lot but usually it is only short term help. My cousin is married to a pastor a few years back their church had to implement a limit/policy on how long the church could offer financial support to people. Their church was getting taken advantage off too much by a unemployed woman and her teenage daughter. The pastors and church board members voted and enacted a policy. I think the A's church which is the Eastside Baptist Chruch probably cut off help to them at some point or possibily referred them to seek help elsewhere.. I also heard that the Anthony's did get a few big monetary donations from people.

It doesn't sound like she stopped working at Gentiva because she was unable to do the work, but, rather because her daughter is a baby killer and all the cool stuff that came with that. I don't know if or from where she gets disability, but, being unable to work because people don't like her won't get her disability through SSA. :rocker:
"Casey Anthony: Heard about Casey World? A new foundation?
***WFTV-Channel 9&#8217;s Mary Nguyen reported that George and Cindy Anthony, Casey&#8217;s parents, are setting up a foundation called Caylee&#8217;s Fund to focus on grandparents&#8217; rights. Mark Lippman, the couple&#8217;s attorney, told WFTV that the Anthonys plan to be the nonprofit&#8217;s officers and draw salaries because they are unable to work. Nguyen said the new nonprofit would be separate from the Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation, which will remain active."

Read this a couple of hours ago and tried bubble bath, Blue Moon and soft music to calm myself. Didn't work.

Furious, just furious!

Yep, heard about "Casey's World" about three years ago. Didn't everyone?

A new foundation? The first one didn't work out well enough for George and Cindy? So now Cindy, who is disabled and collecting income for such, will be holding down two jobs. And George, who is so fraught with trust issues that no employer can hire him, will be an officer and drawing a salary (answerable, as always, to only Cindy).

They obviously have other sources of income in the works. They were able to checkmate the foreclosure on their home; I imagine by showing evidence of future income. They have an expensive, new vehicle ~ not a Ford Focus. They have taken a sweet cruise. They are far from destitute.

They are the worst people in the world to campaign for grandparents' rights. They never even tried to assert their own ~ never! They never reached out for any legal help at all for those 31 days. None! They didn't call for a welfare check nor report the car as being stolen. They did nothing to draw attention from the law enforcement or legal community at all.

If they feel so sincerely that a new and fresh focus is needed for grandparents' rights ~ then do it. But don't ask to be paid for doing it.

Maybe I need to take another bubble bath. And I'll have a slice of orange with my Blue Moon, too.
This has got to be a joke. Why not just call it George and Cindy's Free Ride Fund? It is what it is. Disgusting!
"Casey Anthony: Heard about Casey World? A new foundation?
***WFTV-Channel 9’s Mary Nguyen reported that George and Cindy Anthony, Casey’s parents, are setting up a foundation called Caylee’s Fund to focus on grandparents’ rights. Mark Lippman, the couple’s attorney, told WFTV that the Anthonys plan to be the nonprofit’s officers and draw salaries because they are unable to work. Nguyen said the new nonprofit would be separate from the Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation, which will remain active."

Read this a couple of hours ago and tried bubble bath, Blue Moon and soft music to calm myself. Didn't work.

Furious, just furious!

Yep, heard about "Casey's World" about three years ago. Didn't everyone?

A new foundation? The first one didn't work out well enough for George and Cindy? So now Cindy, who is disabled and collecting income for such, will be holding down two jobs. And George, who is so fraught with trust issues that no employer can hire him, will be an officer and drawing a salary (answerable, as always, to only Cindy).

They obviously have other sources of income in the works. They were able to checkmate the foreclosure on their home; I imagine by showing evidence of future income. They have an expensive, new vehicle ~ not a Ford Focus. They have taken a sweet cruise. They are far from destitute.

They are the worst people in the world to campaign for grandparents' rights. They never even tried to assert their own ~ never! They never reached out for any legal help at all for those 31 days. None! They didn't call for a well fare check nor report the car as being stolen. They did nothing to draw attention from the law enforcement or legal community at all.

If they feel so sincerely that a new and fresh focus is needed for grandparents' rights ~ then do it. But don't ask to be paid for doing it.

Maybe I need to take another bubble bath. And I'll have a slice of orange with my Blue Moon, too.

They can't work,but they can run a non-profit and pay themselves?

How out of touch with reality are they,to believe they have public support?
Like Judge Judy says ... don't tinkle on my leg ... and tell me it's raining ...
not buying what the Anthony's mouth piece is selling....
Caylee's grandparents have done NOTHING to contribute in a positive way to the causes which they are now trying to attach their names to. Disgusting!!!!!


Anthonys to establish non-profit foundation

Updated: Tuesday, 19 Jul 2011, 10:52 PM EDT

The Anthonys stand to make some big money on book deals, interviews and even speaking engagements. The money they make will be given placed in the fund."

"The fund would do three things:
· Help grandparents establish more rights when it comes to their grandchildren
· Help with missing and exploited children
· Help support "Caylee's Law," in whatever form the law eventually takes"

"The Anthony's attorney said George and Cindy will not benefit financially from the fund. "I never want anyone to speculate that they are going to profit off of Caylee's death. They won't be paid from the foundation.""
I can see George and Cindy possibly getting interviews. But I think the chances of book deals and speaking engagements are slim.
Another day and no news of any blood money making deals. It is a fast moving world. And this story is getting almost worthless already! The day Nancy does not have a story on the Casey case, is the day the value has reached ZERO for all the players here.IMO Maybe tonight???
Like Judge Judy says ... don't tinkle on my leg ... and tell me it's raining ...
not buying what the Anthony's mouth piece is selling....
Caylee's grandparents have done NOTHING to contribute in a positive way to the causes which they are now trying to attach their names to. Disgusting!!!!!


Anthonys to establish non-profit foundation

Updated: Tuesday, 19 Jul 2011, 10:52 PM EDT

The Anthonys stand to make some big money on book deals, interviews and even speaking engagements. The money they make will be given placed in the fund."

"The fund would do three things:
· Help grandparents establish more rights when it comes to their grandchildren
· Help with missing and exploited children
· Help support "Caylee's Law," in whatever form the law eventually takes"

"The Anthony's attorney said George and Cindy will not benefit financially from the fund. "I never want anyone to speculate that they are going to profit off of Caylee's death. They won't be paid from the foundation.""

oops - must have had some backlash from yesterday
Mark Lippman, the couple’s attorney, told WFTV that the Anthonys plan to be the nonprofit’s officers and draw salaries because they are unable to work.
Like Judge Judy says ... don't tinkle on my leg ... and tell me it's raining ...
not buying what the Anthony's mouth piece is selling....
Caylee's grandparents have done NOTHING to contribute in a positive way to the causes which they are now trying to attach their names to. Disgusting!!!!!


Anthonys to establish non-profit foundation

Updated: Tuesday, 19 Jul 2011, 10:52 PM EDT

The Anthonys stand to make some big money on book deals, interviews and even speaking engagements. The money they make will be given placed in the fund."

"The fund would do three things:
· Help grandparents establish more rights when it comes to their grandchildren
· Help with missing and exploited children
· Help support "Caylee's Law," in whatever form the law eventually takes"

"The Anthony's attorney said George and Cindy will not benefit financially from the fund. "I never want anyone to speculate that they are going to profit off of Caylee's death. They won't be paid from the foundation.""

Re your bolded in blue and the following sentence. Since Lippman's previous statement said George and and Cindy will be drawing salaries from this fund is it possible that they would give all their earnings from "big money on book deals, interviews and even speaking engagements" to the fund in order to wash that money through a not for profit organization? I am not a tax consultant, an accountant nor a chemist, so I don't know. Can anyone of you WS experts please shine some light on this?

Somehow I just don't make the connection between George and Cindy with altruistic motives. Color me suspicious; I color the Anthonys greedy, malicious and suspicious.
I think CA will def write a book. I'm sure there will be an IV at some point. Speaking engagements? Doubtful.

They don't need money to pass Caylee's Law. That can be done for fee.

They weren't in a custody battle here over Caylee. She was killed by their daughter. Not sure where that ties in to grandparent's rights.

If they are drawing salaries how much would really go to the cause? And truthfully I don't see tons of people rushing out to send them money. There are too many charities right now that deal with children that people could just send their donations there. I would send a check to Make-A-Wish or Tim who does the searches first.
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