Whoa! Meter Reader gave tip on August 13th!#2

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The same bag. I thought so. He saw a bag and thought it could be Caylee's remains and called 3 times. An officer got scared by a snake and cleared the scene. They had so many tips coming in. He found the bag again and thank God he was persistent.

He is a hero.

A Hero? I wouldn't call him that, I would call him suspecious.
One question that came to my mind is that this area was not fenced in so when the workers were there putting the fence up wouldn't you think someone would have seen something. I would think it took them awhile to put this fence up and you would think that the workers would have also went into the woods to relieve themselves. Also it was reported that the garbage bag that was discovered was black but now their saying it's gray. I think the media in their quest to be first in line for the breaking news often gets the facts wrong and it even seems at times they make this stuff up. I just hate the fact that for all the hard work LE has done on this case it seems so easy to throw them under the bus without even getting the facts.
And he left it there?Nah.

Some people are reading way too much into it and are reaching to find conspiracy in everything involved in this case.

This guy is a hero because he had that hunch the bag was something, but an officer dismissed him. He got reassigned back to the area and was astute enough to find the bag and pull up on it.

Entomologists and Botanists will determine how long the bag was out there. Science won't lie.

This helps the prosecution that he called three times in August to no avail. It tightens the timeline up quite a bit. The officer responding that got scared by a snake is in a bit of trouble, but they were deluged with calls.

I am grateful this guy was persistent and followed up with it, otherwise Caylee might never have been found. Tim Miller said she was unfindable and looking at the pictures, I believe him. We got lucky.
I am not sure what to make of this so I look forward to finding out the details
but it bothers me that the defense will use this to help KC in any way

remember folks, LE has probably received thousands of tips, just something to keep in mind

Yeah I am not as concerned that LE Missed this although it looks bad, I am more concerned on why this meter man called 3 times in a row, then after the area was "cleared" decided to go take a piss in the woods.
So you see a bag.It smells like hell.You call LE.LE isn't checking because of some snake.You leave(????Would YOU???).Then you go back after a few months.The bag is still there despite of floods and so on.You check the bag.A skull falls out.


My thoughts exactly.:waitasec:
some people are reading way too much into it and are reaching to find conspiracy in everything involved in this case.

This guy is a hero because he had that hunch the bag was something, but an officer dismissed him. He got reassigned back to the area and was astute enough to find the bag and pull up on it.

Entomologists and botanists will determine how long the bag was out there. Science won't lie.

This helps the prosecution that he called three times in august to no avail. It tightens the timeline up quite a bit. The officer responding that got scared by a snake is in a bit of trouble, but they were deluged with calls.

I am grateful this guy was persistent and followed up with it, otherwise caylee might never have been found. Tim miller said she was unfindable and looking at the pictures, i believe him. We got lucky.

You know I don't know if that report was true, it's on this thread and there was not a link to it. so I hate to comment on something without a source, but now we all see we can't always count on news reports either. There are a million ways the defense team could establish reasonable doubt. Casey's car was left unattended prior to being towed, with her purse left in the front seat. Were the keys with the purse? When was this body dumped? If they could place doubt in a jurors mind that it was placed after Casey was in jail, well then she walks free.

Hi Ned, Here''s another IF they find Casey's prints inside or outside either plastic bag, or on the sticky side of the duct tape, I think she'll be eating bologna sandwiches for lunch and dinner for the rest of her life. Oh, and her pork rinds that Cindy will be paying for!
Okay I just read on the Gretta thread that this area is reported to have a lot of trash in it and a lot of trash bags. BUT ONE trash bag tipped this guy off that it might be Caylee's remains?

Another connection to another case, Danielle was found in a trash dump area right off the road. Is this guy obsessed with crimes? What made him pin point ONE trash bag to lead him to believe Caylee might be there?
Hi Ned, Here''s another IF they find Casey's prints inside or outside either plastic bag, or on the sticky side of the duct tape, I think she'll be eating bologna sandwiches for lunch and dinner for the rest of her life. Oh, and her pork rinds that Cindy will be paying for!

I agree, but we aren't there yet. What if there are NO prints? That's where I think we may be headed. Duct tape----hmmm does this shout Ramsey? What do you want to bet they don't find the rest of the roll it came from?
he Meter Reader’s Story

Thanks for the link. Okay let's assume this is true, now we have confirmation this is the same guy. Reports seeing a bag, but when he returns with an officer, why wasn't the bag found??? this report also says: The source said the meter reader had just been reassigned to that area again, which is why he went back in the woods to see what was there. Why was he reassigned to that area? Did he find it while on duty or off duty? If he was so concerned about that bag, why wasn't it found when a deputy went there the first time? Former member of the military? So that makes him crediable? Sorry I smell something fishy about this guy

LE had better vet the hell out of this guy if they don't want this case to become completely distracted. He could be anything. He could be one of us, just a fellow sleuth, concerned about justice for Caylee. He could be a solid citizen lookin' around where he saw, or smelled something suspicious earlier on his job. He could have been peein' in the woods close to where he thought something might have been earlier and decided to look around. He could be part of this somehow. LE really, really needs to check-out this guy. And LE really needs to understand what happened with the deputy. If they truly have deputies who are clearing areas close to the homes of missing children where people have smelt something funny just because of big snakes, Orlando needs to come up with some way of handling big snakes, both out of and in jail.
My thoughts exactly.:waitasec:

But what is to say that he didn't look at a bunch of trash bags in the area the day he called it in last? Like, say, he is back in the area and is thinking, "Man, I know there is something to this?" Say, he is reading WS for instance and there have been threads, especially after the last doc dump, (with Kiomarie's interview) that people where trying to put together where and he thinks, "wow, this does fit the area by the school, next time I am by there I will search again" especially after the water was down.

Many questions, I hope for answers.
Who has an "in" with Kathy Belich from the TV station????? Please, please, please email her and ask her to ASK IF THE DEPUTY THAT WENT TO THE SCENE IN AUGUST WAS TONY R.

Sorry to yell - I just want you all to read so someone will email her. Just ask the question........ the deputy saw a rattlesnake and would not let the meter reader go in the woods with him, supposedly the deputy also shooed off the 2nd deputy that responded....

Sorry if this has already been done, I'll go read the thread now.




Third paragraph under subheading "Meter Reader Tells His Story" about snake and shooing other officer away.
I am amazed at the suspicions floating around about this meter reader. Can someone tell me what would be his purpose in being so persistent about calling back in August, and if he really "knew" something, not returning until December to make the "discovery"? I am definitely missing something here.
Not sure about this because if the remains turn out to be Caylee then does it really matter that it took them 4 months to find the body? I suppose defense could argue that if they over looked something like this then its possible they over looked evidence that someone else killed Caylee? Or maybe some physical evidence was lost because of the delay in time which might have freed the defendent?

Who knows. I have to just say I am generally more of a defense attorney than a prosecutor, but this case seems to have me flipped. Even with all my doubts everything still leads back to KC.

But it does really matter, and for many reasons. The most important reason is that little Caylee, if these are her remains, could have been properly laid to rest months ago; or if another child's remains, the same to be said for them. The Anthony's could have had closure months ago and so many months of additional pain could have been avoided, and they could be this much further along in working through their grief. More extensive forensic evidence could have been recovered. And just think of the thousands of dollars in donations, the hundreds of hours of volunteer time and expense in two large TES searches which could have been spent searching elsewhere for other, equally important, missing persons. This delay is so heartbreaking.

It isn't just the meter reader's tips that could or should have led to a more complete search of the area. They were led to this area very early on by Kiomarie; they were led to this area by the group of teens that found something suspicious. It's my understanding that cadaver dogs were brought here and cleared the area. If they didn't hit here then, it does raise the question that the body may have been brought here after Casey's arrest and after the Anthony's as a group were under intense public and media scrutiny. Could there be an accomplice and who could it be? It does raise questions about the meter reader, which will hopefully be laid to rest when we know more details about his previous tips and his eventual find.

For several years I was a civilian 911 emergency operator for the Boston Police Dept. I am reminded of how often we operators had to very carefully word our descriptions of some calls to be certain that the proper priority would be assigned by police dispatchers, who were sometimes (and understandably) somewhat cynical. I know firsthand how dedicated, hard-working and determined LE is, and they are my personal heroes, but I also know that they are not infallible. If they have overlooked highly important red flags in the interest of following things that led them elsewhere, it could prove to be a huge error on their part.

ETA: I have a hunch that a positive ID on the remains is going to be announced much sooner than planned to bring public focus back to the importance of the find itself.
I edited my post above to add the link to the media story.

I just went through a bunch (but not all) of the released "leads" in the Official Documents thread. I could not find anything that resembled the meter readers calls on August 11, 12, and 13. Has anyone found them? And if not, why wasn't in the leads released to the defense? It seems that not releasing all leads would be a big no-no.

The released leads are not in any sort of order (namely not chronological) that I can find, so it makes searching difficult.

By the way, EVERY "lead" (except one) that I read was a psychic vision or hunch or whatever. The only exception was someone who called to complain that Nancy Grace was pre-judging Casey.
Infestations, venomous snakes, poisonous spiders, camouflaged scorpions, growth that can rip a person apart? Those teens partying in the zone sure are brave little buggers.


You are joking right? I saw all of those in our November search plus alligators and one rattle snake. I don't know where you are from but Florida is a a tropical climate and all of those, plus some are in those woods.

Orlando is a new area as far as cities go. I can remember flying in there when there was nothing but swamps, cows, and a terrible airport. It is not like a city in most areas. There may be a very nice subdivision with heavy woods which no one will enter right next to it. Those woods will contain all kinds of critters and dangerous things.

Ask any searcher who has searched. The pictures you see with people walking nicely through a field is not typical of most of the searches. If you look at those pictures where she was found, that was machete country. It was not a nice little cleared area for kids to play. A small part of it might have been cleared by the kids when KC was young but it was full of undergrowth. Those sharp looking bushes you see will cut through lightweight clothes. It is not the trees, but the undergrowth which takes a machete to get through.

We saw everything you mentioned and from the looks of those pictures, so did LE. That was a steep slope going where the bag was. Those are not easy to navigate with dogs with underbrush everywhere. Our dogs got cuts and slashes. We got cuts and we had on good heavy clothing. One guy cut his boots and had to go buy new ones. That terrain is rugged if you are in some of those areas.
We still have a murder here of a small innocent toddler. We still have Casey and her computer searches. We have reference of duct tape in Casey's possession according to Amy. Decomposition smell is in CASEY'S trunk plus a hair with the death band. There is enough evidence and circumstantial evidence to point toward Casey having murdered Caylee.

What is in conflict is HOW the body was found. I am thankful the meter reader found Caylee's remains regardless of how it happened. I am thankful to and for Law Enforcement. I can see and understand how this has come about concerning some people saying it now casts reasonable doubt. But it does not to me at all. There may be fingerprints on the duct tape. There is without a doubt evidence we have not seen or heard of yet and may not until trial.

It is so easy to be an armchair quarterback in this. I am looking forward to the press conference this afternoon. I believe in LE and will wait to hear what they say happened. Does anyone honestly think that LE would not have wanted to find this child or her remains? My late husband was retired LE and I served for 10 years myself. I am not going to throw stones at the deputy who cleared the area until I hear what he did or did not do.

Jennyb: I hate to say it but we have doubt now. You have 3 calls into this same spot by one person (either him or another meter reader, what are the odds 2 meter readers called in?) You have investigators who did not search the crime scene throughly and I say reasonable doubt shouts our way.

I do not see this as reasonable doubt. A meter reader called in his concerns several times and all were dismissed by LE for various reasons. Not the guys fault, but at least he had a "nag" that he could not let go of. He is not involved in this case and never was. My goodness, just think about how decomp odor must have been. I would have gone back over and over again as this guy did if it bothered me so much.

He is not nor has ever been part of this story save for where he has ended up now. LE screwed up beginning last August. Not this man.
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