Whoa! Meter Reader gave tip on August 13th!

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What's your gut reaction?

  • Meter Reader called in tips, then went searching on his own.

    Votes: 441 89.8%
  • Meter Reader is the one who killed Caylee.

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • Meter Reader is related to an accomplice.

    Votes: 37 7.5%
  • Meter Reader is Casey's accomplice.

    Votes: 10 2.0%

  • Total voters
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That kind of statement from any journalist is just reprehensible!! All it takes is for some potential juror somewhere to hear something like that and take it to fact or atleast it might stay in their head.

I think today might be a great day for LE to make the official ID announcement - they need to sway the headlines in this case "away" from the meter reader, if at all possible.

Great Idea - If they don't make an ID today then they should at least have another "Leak" that points towards KC's guilt.

Hopefully todays press conference will answer a lot of our questions

The 911 call said he was driving a county truck ???

Yikes !!....what next ??

But most of those guys drive the trucks and then just take them home. He probably would not get in trouble for stopping in the woods while driving the truck. If he were drinking and driving or something, that would be grounds for termination. But not just for making a personal stop.
I think I'm going to reserve my opinion as to what happened back in August after I hear the Meter Reader's side of the story. I heard on the NG show last night about a gray bag, then a black bag, but I haven't seen anything concrete that says a bag was actually spotted back in August.

I'm also trying too look at this news in the context of what that area is like. Here we are, 8 days after the remains were found, and the investigators are still in there searching for evidence. Heck, as late as yesterday afternoon, they found ADDITIONAL Skeletal Remains. That's 7+ days after they first went in there. That area was / is so thick with brush, vines, low setting saw palmettos, that even if they had 10 officers in there back in August who all smelled something, they may not have found anything, especially if it had been buried in a shallow grave.

Imagine a 10 x 10 square foot area. It took my search team a good hour to cut through, search, and clear a 10 x 10 square foot area. The grid they are looking through right now is about 10 times that size. Imagine back in August when a couple of cops walk up on a report of a smell, they were looking at an area 1000 times that big, all covered in vines, brush, saw palmettos, and perhaps water.

I'm taking the side of Law Enforcement on this one.

Great post!
When I say I feel bad for LE, it is not because I have concluded they made any huge mistakes.

It is because they are getting criticized all over the place and there is no balancing positive recognition of their hard work and meticulous dedication in this case.
The area very well could have been flooded from June 2008 on. Certainly it was flooded after Tropical Storm Fay--most everything was flooded.

The area was not flooded according to Fox News.

They have video footage of that exact area from Aug 5th & it's bone dry
I am absolutely SICK to hear that yet again some policeman dropped the ball and scr@wed up an investigation. 15 houses away from the Anthonys, smell of decomp reported and this guy cleared the scene? I can understand being scared away by a snake, but all he had to do is be honest and say he couldn't throughly look, call in the cavader dogs and/or other investigators. Think about all the evidence that was there before the hurricane came in! They could have had that body less than a month after the 911 call. This kind of thing happens WAY too often with sloppy police work and I am so beyond frustrated that this person couldn't 2 and 2 together.
The area was not flooded according to Fox News.

They have video footage of that exact area from Aug 5th & it's bone dry

But what about August 11? I recall it raining plenty before TS Fay. I recall the cam at the Anthony's being covered and even shut down due to the rain. Can't say for sure the exact dates though. I don't imagine it would take much if that area retains water.
The area was not flooded according to Fox News.

They have video footage of that exact area from Aug 5th & it's bone dry

I thought so. But with the average rain in June and July, it could have been wet.

I live here and there was hardly any rain until May 19th--I know because I posted on another board a "woo-woo, it's raining!". In June, tho we had about 7 inches of rain, we got it in spurts (normal daily t-storms) and it could have dried right away, even the same day. July was the same.
It wasn't until TS Fay that dropped about 12" that everyone had flooding because the rain was constant and unrelenting for days. Even areas that don't normally flood were flooded. So certainly the area was flooded after the three 911 calls, but before?
OCSO must have evidence of flooding or a dry area. They must! (MOO)
What if......?

Back then when they found the remains Beary used at some point the word "exhumed".
Even the reporter was surprised and asked something like "what do you mean,was it burried" (don't recall exactly)
He said NO.

What if this meter reader was searching on his own trying to find the source of that smell and started digging?He found the bag,called LE and LE is not releasing this tiny detail.

Just speculation.
From what was reported last night the Meter reader called in tips on 3 consecutive days - somewhere around August 11th 12th & 13th & the area was flooded a few days after the last Tip.

I think somebody on Nancy Grace or Velez Mitchell reported this last night

The point is, the area would have been flooded from June on, with or without the hurricane. It floods every year during that time.
Great post!
When I say I feel bad for LE, it is not because I have concluded they made any huge mistakes.

It is because they are getting criticized all over the place and there is no balancing positive recognition of their hard work and meticulous dedication in this case.

ITA LE has spent hours wading through all of the A's false leads and KC's lies.
They have done an amazing job over the past few months and shouldn't be criticized. They may have made mistakes, but in an investigation this big it is bound to happen. Hopefully this doesn't change the outcome of this case.
But what about August 11? I recall it raining plenty before TS Fay. I recall the cam at the Anthony's being covered and even shut down due to the rain. Can't say for sure the exact dates though. I don't imagine it would take much if that area retains water.

It probably did rain daily. We have normal daily rain in the summer.
It was the tropical storm that really drenched us for about 5 days or more.
And the TS Fay started around Aug 19th or so. I recall we had rain bands come in before the actual storm--that's sporatic rain from the outer bands of the storm.
The area was not flooded according to Fox News.

They have video footage of that exact area from Aug 5th & it's bone dry

Not saying it isnt true but I dont take anything Fox says to heart :rolleyes: As for the footage do we know that it show the exact place where the body was found? I dont remember LE showing the exact spot. I could be wrong though.
Good morning everyone,

Getting a late start this morning,SNOW day :)in Michigan.I still have to read the daily updates, but I had to jump on this thread. If discussed already please forgive.

I was watching MSNBC and caught a clip with JB saying LE messed up whole investigation... Expected that! anyways to the point.

They are saying the meter reader is a "Amateur Slueth" and he was the one that told LE yesterday that he called in tips the August!!!!!!! LOL...wouldn't that be something. Give him the $$$$, if this is true.

Have a good day, going back to read.
I am still playing catch-up here, Sorry if this has been posted already. I just read that the last name of the meter reader or the fired police officer was the same name as Zanny the nanny. Is this true? I have to say that when the media reported that the meter reader said the bones were of a little girl I couldn't figure out how he would have known that? Does anyone know how he knew it was a little girl? They're still finding bones, its not like the whole body was laying there. Again, still reading, sorry and thanks
Actual rainfall for this area week-by-week:

18-May 0.72
25-May 0.01
1-Jun 0.4
8-Jun 1.71
15-Jun 1.38
22-Jun 1.60
29-Jun 1.06
6-Jul 2.28
13-Jul 2.52
20-Jul 0.40
27-Jul 0.76
3-Aug 0.51
10-Aug 0.30
17-Aug 8.53
24-Aug 3.49
31-Aug 0.00
7-Sep 0.69
14-Sep 0.96
21-Sep 0.98
28-Sep 0.02
5-Oct 4.09
12-Oct 0.00
19-Oct 0.71
26-Oct 0.01
2-Nov 0.03
9-Nov 0.05
16-Nov 0.00
23-Nov 0.02
30-Nov 0.79
7-Dec 0.58
14-Dec 0.02

Don't know how well that particular area drains, but it seems plausible that is could have had standing water when KC dumped the body, then got even more rain. May have been pretty wet when the August tip was called in. I saw crime scene photos and the place looks very overgrown / dense and is still wet, but no standing water.

Will be interesting if the meter reader thinks it was the same bag that he saw in August. Rumors say he saw a gray bag back then, and found a black one this time. It may be possible that in August they were close, but the find was not identical.

Note that some of the crime scene photos show a lot of trash unrelated to the crime, such as discarded tires.

Also note that in August there would not have been any more odor from decomposition of the body. Nine weeks had passed by then. Odor (if any) could have been due to other dead animals.
I don't think what he called in on the 11,12,13 of august was anything. If there was a smell of a decomposing body. I would think the neighbor o the corner would have smelled it. stray dogs would've smelled it.

I think when the meter reader comes out at the presser it will all make more since. i just hope i'm right, and whatever comes out does ot help the defense.
The area was not flooded according to Fox News.

They have video footage of that exact area from Aug 5th & it's bone dry

Another case where the media assists the defense in a huge way. Of course, the defense will not claim LE was incompetent. After all, cadaver dogs found nothing there as well.

Expect to hear that the bag and body was not there at that time, and if it was not there at that time, then it was not later put there by Casey.
The area was not flooded according to Fox News.

They have video footage of that exact area from Aug 5th & it's bone dry

Fox recanted that video as they admitted their footage was shot 35-75 yards away from the location Caylee was found. And their "source" for the dryness that got this story going has been discounted. She's pending a felony trial and has mental health issues. She's also a friend of the A's and claims her husband works for the Anthony's PI, Dominic Casey. So it's not a stretch to realize this lady has issues and an agenda.
First of all:
Don't most meter readers have the same route?maybe year after year? Why is this spinning into a wild conspiracy?
For example, our meter readers are the same ones we have had for many years. The only time I see different meter readers is when the regulars are on vacation.
So let's say this meter reader reported this bag[ gray]
in August. Also let's say he may have gone on vacation after that and just happened to remember his tip to the LE and looked into it again.
Also consider this as far as bones being spread so far and between each other the way it sounds like they are.

Ok,the murderer takes the bag [ or bags] deep into the hillside.The bag lies there for weeks, meanwhile critters are tearing holes in it. Dragging it here and there finally draggin it closer to the building[ i bet some critters live under that building where the meter is?}
So the critters or perhaps sometime in that time span a dog or cat comes upon the decaying remains. Or other creatures of the night that eat flesh,so the animal drags the bag up the hill to keep it for themselves.
So again:
it is my belief that the bag was deposited deep over the ravine,or rolled deeper into the vine covered area. was there for a while till critters began feasting on it and tearing the bag/bags.

The meter reader may have[ innocently] moved the bag from further down the path. I would have too. He called cops so obviously he was not hiding anything. So, it then was subjected to
Fay's wind and rain conditions.
It floated and ended up resting where it was.
Unfortunately they[defense] will spin this into pointing the finger at the helpful meter reader. This is why SO many people do not get involved in things like this. He knew he would take some kinda heat so he still reported it,does this make him the suspect?
I say congratulations to the meter reader and
I hope his discovery clinches the proof needed to get the murderer whomever SHE may be..:praying:

About when Fay hit this area with winds and rain...



As you will see Fay did hit this area only a few days after the meter reader reported this hence the delay due to the storm conditions to investigate due to the urgency of the preperations to get braced for the storm which was coming.
I see no shady stuff going on here. It was weather conditions that kept the find on the back burner not man but an" Act of GOD"..maybe it was better to find it when they did and not during the storm week.LE could not have inspected ,nor collected bones then. Also consider this;
The water and wind dispersed the bones not a person nor animal. Be real ...
the weather did this ,spread the remains.
I blame the weather not the meter reader...
I am still playing catch-up here, Sorry if this has been posted already. I just read that the last name of the meter reader or the fired police officer was the same name as Zanny the nanny. Is this true? I have to say that when the media reported that the meter reader said the bones were of a little girl I couldn't figure out how he would have known that? Does anyone know how he knew it was a little girl? They're still finding bones, its not like the whole body was laying there. Again, still reading, sorry and thanks

Not the fired police officer. His name was AR.


But the meter reader purportedly has the same last name as the nanny. We'll find out for sure if he actually does give a news conference later today.

As for it being a little girl---I heard the skull still had long hair...
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