Why did Jose Baez leave early from court?*MERGED*POLL ADDED*

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Why did Jose Baez need to leave court early 18.05.11

  • True personal emergency?

    Votes: 75 13.9%
  • Casey fired him?

    Votes: 41 7.6%
  • Stall tactic?

    Votes: 249 46.2%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 174 32.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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AHHHHH! And I have to work! Good thing I can have the news on! It's going to kill me if I don't get to find out what happened til I get home!

I am soooooo bummed by this-have to work in the AM,and may not be able to get on-after three years this really sucks.
JB wants to be in control of the proceedings and is playing a game, I suspect. I saw Attorney Bill Scheaffer this evening and was dying to talk to him about it, but kept my composure. Attorney Jeffrey was interviewed by the Orlando Sentinel this afternoon and he feels there is something significant going on either between the lawyers or between Casey and her lawyer and that we will hear about it tomorrow morning.
JB cannot quit. New law in Fla prevents him from doing so.

Thank you...I don't read the posts much lately so didn't know that.

So then, she must have fired him. I think she got the idea from the potential juror who mentioned seeing coverage that JB's abilities were being questioned. It gave her a possible reason to get rid of him since he made her so mad by that comment that he made after which she has refused to sit next to him.

Would CM be able to just step in as lead council (which I really don't think he wants to do because he seemed so flustered after lunch). Or would they get to go back to square one while she gets assigned another lead attorney? Or, perhaps another attorney has stepped forward to offer pro bono services? (The lady sitting at the separate table. Was that a death penalty qualified attorney?)
I am soooooo bummed by this-have to work in the AM,and may not be able to get on-after three years this really sucks.

Me too, I want this brought to trial and NO more delays.


<clearing throat>

At some point this evening, Websleuths will be turned off for about 5 minutes or so. This is so can do his magic and allow us to have less bumps in the road tomorrow.

This has been an announcement from your local alien. :kimsterwink:

:panic: :coffeews: :waiting:

:seeya: Thanks !!! :rocker:

Will try to use my time wisely . . . :martini:
Tomorrow is my one day a week off and after getting the kids off to school I hope to go back to sleep so I expect the good people here to have this all figured out by the time I hit the board!

My hope is that ICA takes a plea. My belief is that JB got emotional at the sidebar and need a break. I don't like him but I can't imagine how overwhelming this is.
Maybe he was able to get JP off the trial. Which is why JP was pizzed and he went back to Orange County. Perhaps jury selection will continue but now without JP?


Perhaps the DT went ahead and called JP's bluff about taking them back to Orange County for a jury. Maybe they felt like they did not like the current pool of jurors and want to try their luck. Perhaps court will continue tomorrow but at a new location and it is off record because they don't want the media to know about it?
Tomorrow is my one day a week off and after getting the kids off to school I hope to go back to sleep so I expect the good people here to have this all figured out by the time I hit the board!

My hope is that ICA takes a plea. My belief is that JB got emotional at the sidebar and need a break. I don't like him but I can't imagine how overwhelming this is.

I hope she doesn't. I want her to have to sit there and listen to everything, and then I want to hear HHJP read the jury's verdict after the penalty phase: "death by lethal injection."
If JB is sick, I am not suprised he halted everything-Remember how Mason was so blunt about his intenetion to go home in the evening, regardless of whether HHJP wanted to hold court late or not? JB watches these seasoned lawyers and mimics their attitudes, so maybe he was as assertive as Mason, I am sick and I am going home and fuhget you if you don't like it.
And I for one hate it when people come to work sick knowing they will get others sick-It's rude and gross. I would be mad at AF if I were him cause she should have stayed away until she felt better.
KC doesn't look any different than she usually does-She looks like the chick that killed beautiful Caylee.
CA & GA will never get sick, like cucarachas, they could survive a nuclear war.
IIRC, the defense cannot have HHJP removed unless he consents. I think they could only play that card one time, and they did it with HHJS. The lawyers can expand on that.

Plea?? :floorlaugh: That would mean MOTY had to admit to wrong doing-This court ain't her Universal hallway...nope that will be the hall she has to walk down on the way to the death chamber.

Comparing GA & CA to las cucarachas surviving nuclear war. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: I know exactly what you mean. :floorlaugh:
Maybe he was able to get JP off the trial. Which is why JP was pizzed and he went back to Orange County. Perhaps jury selection will continue but now without JP?


Perhaps the DT went ahead and called JP's bluff about taking them back to Orange County for a jury. Maybe they felt like they did not like the current pool of jurors and want to try their luck. Perhaps court will continue tomorrow but at a new location and it is off record because they don't want the media to know about it?

You can pretty well predict there's going to be a life sentence, either a plea and get it over with or have a circus trial and then be convicted and get life." J. Cheney Mason (before he joined Casey Anthony's defense team

Now that is just the attorney I want defending me.
Agreed. I think it is disgusting that they are trying to get that phrase trademarked. The only thing remotely similar they have said is "justice for Casey is justice for Caylee"... which is a load of BS, IMO.

I really think that the website and/or bloggers should come together to fight the A's from trademarking either "J4C" or "Justice for Caylee". I remember the A's saying the phrase "justice for Casey is justice for Caylee" also - THAT is the only phrase that they should be allowed to trademark. If they were able to trademark that phrase, would a website that has had that domain have to give it to the A's?

If they are allowed to trademark the name Caylee Anthony, would that mean that no one with the last name Anthony be allowed to name their child Caylee?
Couldn't he have sent another attorney to handle that, if indeed it's an issue? I would think picking jurors to sit on the trial for his client that's facing the death penalty would be more important than worrying about trademark issues and who's cashing in. But then again...


Yes, he could have sent someone else. But, JB has always acted as though he, KC, and this case were so much more special than other normal attorneys/clients/cases. I could definately see him arguing to HHJP, in chambers of course because everything he does is super secret, that neither he nor his client would be able to concentrate and give their all to this very important jury selection unless and until they were able to thwart the evil parents from continuing to abuse poor little KC as they had always done, ultimately causing her to be in the predicament that she finds herself in now. I mean, how can she be expected to assist in her own defense if she is worried about the parents who had so abused her now trying to make money off of her deceased child? The very child that she now stands accused of murdering? It's just a thought. I think it's either something along these lines or the lines of going above HHJP to stop the jury selection. Whatever it was, hopefully, we will know tomorrow.
Well, good night, I am going to have to set my alarm this time; have caught AF's cold/flu and am about to dose myself with nighttime remedies...

Hoping we learn the whys of today's dramatic ending to the proceedings and that all is back on track tomorrow.
Before I hop into my comfy bed I just have to say that I really think JB had some type of family emergency. And, as much as I dislike him I hope whatever it was has been taken care of and his family is ok.

<Snipped from article:>

Later in the afternoon, Baez told the Orlando Sentinel via a text message: "Today's adjournment was due to a private matter. Please stop the speculation, as jury selection will continue at 8:30 tomorrow morning. No further statements will be made."

After that, Baez was spotted smiling with other defense attorneys in his car outside a hotel near the Pinellas County Courthouse.

So JB is still in Pinellas after all, and smiling? So much for an emergency. I am beginning to think she really has either fired him or he's been disbarred from the prior bar complaint/investigations. JMO.

Would he be happy and smiling if either was the case though? He has put in a lot of his time etc....for this case. I just don't know. I tend to think he wouldn't be too happy if that's what happened. I could be wrong though. It could also be a relief, I suppose.
Just read this on another thread, hope it helps ease everyone's mind......

Here are my thoughts, and I ask that you not debate them as I think they are personal issues that if true have no need to be debated publicly. It is my understanding his wife is pregnant and I think it might have something to do with that.

Otherwise, there is no other reason that would require him to drive back to Kissimmee; not a plea, not a "misdemeanor pretrial conference," not being fired (there would have to be a hearing on that before he left town), not being sick (Ann Finnell powered through her cold), not a trademark dispute with George and Cindy, not anything but a legitimate personal matter.

And as far as I am concerned, if Judge Perry took it serious enough to break for the day, then I accept that and need no further explanation from Mr. Baez as to how legitimate it was or was not.

Good enuff for me!!
Also, if JB was still in Pinellas Co. this afternoon, I would tend to think he's still on the case. If he'd been fired, I wouldn't think he'd hang around. Wouldn't he go home?
Just read this on another thread, hope it helps ease everyone's mind......

Good enuff for me!!

I'd agree BUT he was seen outside a motel in Penellas County in the afternoon ... so that theory is out the door (although I said the same thing earlier in this thread).

Maybe a visit to the chat room would be easier for me rather than trying to keep up with threads lol They are often obsolete an hour later (BUT a ton of fun )
I really can't imagine what the reason could be, especially since it doesn't seem like JB went back to Orlando, but after thinking about it way too much, I think it has to be a good legitimate reason. If HHJP allowed it, it must be serious and I know it's JB, but I don't think he'd lie about something just to stall, he'd be in sooooooooooooooooooooo much trouble with HHJP if he found out. I've decided to trust HHJP on this and think we just don't need to know.

Is JB's wife really pregnant? I thought was another Jose involved with the case or JB's office or something?
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