Why did Jose Baez leave early from court?*MERGED*POLL ADDED*

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Why did Jose Baez need to leave court early 18.05.11

  • True personal emergency?

    Votes: 75 13.9%
  • Casey fired him?

    Votes: 41 7.6%
  • Stall tactic?

    Votes: 249 46.2%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 174 32.3%

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Jun 4, 2006
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Court is in recess till tomorrow. Judge asked Cheney if he discussed with his client and he said yes and KC was crying.
Court is in recess till tomorrow. Judge asked Cheney if he discussed with his client and he said yes and KC was crying.

I do not feel it is a Plea. Jose was MIA so I am thinking it has to do with him. Maybe Jose had some sort of emergency, he did seem to have something he needed to do and wanted a longer lunch today.

If it was dealing with a Plea ICA would of spoke to mason IMO not Mason to ICA. BTW I didn't see ICA crying.
Or ploy? Wish I didn't think it might be but if the past is any indication.....
Ploy could be, this was their move to delay....The judge seemed highly pissed off didn't he?
I do not think this would be a plea. I think it would be a motion to a higher court for a decision on jury selection.

IMO, ICA was not crying at all. She was using the backs of her fingers to 'push' up her eyelashes.

I agree. That's all I saw too. How do people know if she was crying before she came into the court?!
Glad to see the title of this thread was changed because otherwise, it IS how rumors start.

Latest report from: http://www.cfnews13.com/

"After lunch, however, Judge Perry asked Casey if she had discussed "the issue" with her attorneys. She said yes, and the judge declared court in recess until 8:30 a.m. Thursday."
Maybe JB was arrested for something or CA and GA in their lawsuit has named JB now JB cannot be her attorney? I keep coming back to before the first recess when JB sated

"Ive done everything I could to give Miss Anthony a fair trial" The judge responded "I know you have".

Did CM file a motion to have JB off the case? In fighting?

It was noted that ICA was seen to have been crying before she was brought back in court room then crying when leaving again.

I have been wondering since last week if she was contemplating firing the whole team...Can you do that in the middle of a trial? tia
No, she was was crying, and I'll go as far as saying that it looked like she had been sobbing ~

So, I hadn't noticed that Baez was gone ~

Was Jeff Ashton there this AM?? Because it appeared that Mason was MIA for awhile this AM also.

In light of the "low-down" that Judge Perry gave them right before lunch, and of course we all think "plea deal"!!??

I'm not so sure - With the motion presented this morning, and it being denied, then, the Judge giving them the option of going someplace else if they have to, I'd bet that Casey wants out of there.

If this is her only way of getting a delay, she'll take it, IMO.
Another day, another dollar, she doesn't care. It's not her money and she has nothing but "days" anyway.

She just wants a "do-over". And, why wouldn't she?? She has been given do-over's all her life, why should this situation be any differant to her?

Well, it looks like we may have our summer free afterall.
Cause either way, plea deal, or new location, it will take awhile to arrange that, and then the media!

You know if this jury is dismissed tomorrow, there will be more reporters out front waiting to pounce on them than you can imagine.
We'll have new stories, "My Week in Limbo with Casey", etc.
The "entertainment shows" will all be on their tracks and up their whazoo.

Man, what a mess.....

edit: regarding her crying - we have to remember, that ANYTIME there is something that has to do with her, she cries, real tears - this certainly has something to do with her this time around.
The TruTV / In Session analysts are going crazy over this. Analyzing everyone's facial expressions, etc.

They seem to feel the judge's demeanor changed quite a bit and are wondering if the defense team has gone above the judge's head (however that works) to complain about the jury selection procedures and Judge Perry's haste. Others are wildly speculating about the logistics of a plea.

One reporter is saying definitively that Jose Baez left the courthouse completely at lunchtime. And that after lunch a matter was discussed in chambers, with the court reporter summoned, with all attorneys present.

Very interesting. I wasn't watching closely but did record the session so far today, thank goodness.
After JB gave his passionate speech today to BP about the commitment he made to defend his client, fall on a sword for her and share licorice and hugs, I'm wondering if he wasn't fired in hopes his departure would cause more delay, delay, delay.
If that was the case, speaking to your client could have meant did MC explain what the ramifications of firing ones pro-bono or 3$ an hour non DP qualified lead counsel while she has 2 other DP qualified and countless other attorneys swimming at her feet.
If JB was off filing some motion to a higher court, armed with no case law or copy of the court transcripts and BP's questionable ruling(s), then wouldn't that appeal be heard quickly the way the media motion was? So maybe it will even be denied by start of court tomorrow.
Its a plea. Judge would not close down court and waste a day. She is going to plea tomorrow.
My guess is Mr. Baez is filing an appeal to a higher court. Was the young attorney that made the motion this morning in court this afternoon after lunch? Or missing.
Well at least you will all get to hear what happened rather than a long drawn out trial which I know you all don' want. So it is a good thing. Saves the tax payers money, etc. Only thing is Cindy will always be able to say she never did it, she had to to save her own life.
All I know is that you guys crashed the server for a sec there. All those thuds at one time? :thud:
I think the DT is appealing the process. I also think HHJP will not move down to Miami or South Florida to pick a new jury.

My guess is they are all heading to the panhandle. Long trip, lots of land, the DT will object because they will say it is too rural and not close enough to the demographics of Orlando.

Of course all of this would have been avoided if JB was not such a publicity hound and the SA had gotten the gag order they requested. Thanks Judge Strickland.
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