Why did Madeleine 'go missing'?

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Why did Madeleine 'go missing'?

  • She was abducted

    Votes: 187 36.7%
  • She wandered off and disappeared

    Votes: 14 2.8%
  • She was overdosed on sedatives; parents covered it up

    Votes: 168 33.0%
  • She met with an accident; parents covered it up

    Votes: 65 12.8%
  • One of her parents was violent to her and killed her

    Votes: 63 12.4%
  • Any other reason Madeleine went missing

    Votes: 12 2.4%

  • Total voters
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Martin Smith statement from 30th jan 2008

"I would be 60-80% sure that it was Gerard McCann that I met that night carrying a child. I am basing that on his mannerism in the way he carried the child off the plane. After seeing the BBC news at 10 PM, footage on the 9th September 2007 I contacted Leicestershire police with this information. During that time I spoke to all my family members who were with me on the night of 3rd May 2007 about this and the only one who felt the same way as me was my wife"

3/4 of the way down

which goes against your previous post that his wife didnt agree with him? There IS something in the files whichstates his wife did NOT want to give another statement

Lets not forget shall we thatmr amiths family was harrassed as was jez wilkins by the mccannsteam!!!!!
Many people have given up on the possibility of Madeleine being alive. You can see that all over the internet.

and? So? If people are looking out for her and ringing police with sightings what does it matter? You cant dictate to anyone that they should believe she is alive
After all most chances are that she IS NOT ergo any belief is just that, a distant hope and not probable reality, to tell people who are realists that they are wrong immoral or haters as some bizarre elements call some people is just bonkers at best

as if ANYONE who evenreads the interent or anywhere else would NOT report a sighting of her if they thought it was,<modsnip>
which goes against your previous post that his wife didnt agree with him? There IS something in the files whichstates his wife did NOT want to give another statement

I don't understand what your saying.

You said....
"wrong, his wife agreed with him but didnt want to make another statement, obviously leaned on hello?"

to me that says you are implying that people were applying pressure/ threatening her not to make a statement!?

Anyway, Martin Smith says his wife thought the same. She has not said herself that she thinks it was Gerry McCann. It's hearsay. I see in the files that she did not want to give another statement. Why would she not want to give another statement? If she really thought it was Gerry then surely she'd want to give the police her thoughts. I mean this is a missing girl we're talking about. To me this concludes that she wasn't sure enough about her sighting to make a statement.
and? So? If people are looking out for her and ringing police with sightings what does it matter? You cant dictate to anyone that they should believe she is alive
After all most chances are that she IS NOT ergo any belief is just that, a distant hope and not probable reality, to tell people who are realists that they are wrong immoral or haters as some bizarre elements call some people is just bonkers at best

as if ANYONE who evenreads the interent or anywhere else would NOT report a sighting of her if they thought it was, the argument is plainly verybarmy

I'm not 'dictating' to anyone it's my personal opinion of which i'm allowed

BBM I haven't done that once on this thread! I believe that Madeleine is most probably dead.

I'm sure people would report a sighting if they thought it was her, again I didn't say they wouldn't.

IMO because people think she is dead they would not be on the lookout so much.
what in the hello is going on in here????? :tos: Please state your opinion and move on. Attacking one another because you cannot agree is not how we roll here. If you have a problem with a post hit the alert button and DO NOT RESPOND. If you have a concern with someone linking, etc etc etc... hit the alert button. Please post responsibly.
I'm not 'dictating' to anyone it's my personal opinion of which i'm allowed

BBM I haven't done that once on this thread! I believe that Madeleine is most probably dead.

I'm sure people would report a sighting if they thought it was her, again I didn't say they wouldn't.

IMO because people think she is dead they would not be on the lookout so much.

but you dont know how many people think she is dead or alive and whether they would report a sighting <modsnip>

the fact remains if anyone thinks they have seen her they report it
Whether they have read she is .ikely alice or dead
but after five years i doubt anyone at all is LOOKING OUT for her
but you dont know how many people think she is dead or alive and whether they would report a sighting <modsnip>

the fact remains if anyone thinks they have seen her they report it
Whether they have read she is .ikely alice or dead
but after five years i doubt anyone at all is LOOKING OUT for her

bbm: her case is highly publicized and is a high profile case. I would certainly hope that anyone who sees a child that resembles her calls in a tip and I am certain that the age progressed picture has reached many.

No matter what you believe (re: what has happened and who is responsible) we do NOT know what has happened for certain. One year, five years, twenty years, I am sure that Jaycee Duggard was thankful that someone remembered her face after all the time that had passed. The fact is that we do not know what has happened.. but to say that five years has passed and people are not looking out for her... well, I must say I certainly hope not! I saw a woman the other day that had the tear drop eye like Maddie.. and I thought of her immediately and I live in the middle of the United states. I am sure that people are looking out for her. This is my opinion.
but you dont know how many people think she is dead or alive and whether they would report a sighting <modsnip>

the fact remains if anyone thinks they have seen her they report it
Whether they have read she is .ikely alice or dead
but after five years i doubt anyone at all is LOOKING OUT for her

I don't know exact numbers but I don't need to the internet- facebook, yahoo answers the MANY websites that think the McCanns killed her and the very few in comparison that don't think they did says lots.

I've travelled extensively in the past 5 years and have always looked out for her when abroad.
I look for her. I look for all of them...not that they are ever likely to make it to my corner of the world.
I think they should have more age progression photos with different hairstyles because if someone has her they're sure to change her appearance to be as far from the reconstruction as possible.
I hadn't joined Websleuths at the time of Madeleine McCann's disappearance but followed the case on the former Court TV site as well as a British forum website that I stumbled upon while researching the case. The general sentiment on the British site was that Madeleine was given too much "allergy/cold medicine" (like Benedryl) to make her sleep while her parents and friends went to dinner. This was my belief, as well, and that's how I just voted in the poll. :moo:
Wouldn't Benadryl be reasonably easy to explain as "OMG she had a cold and I didn't realize my wife had already given her some" etc etc? In order to justify the extensive cover up I would suspect something like Valium that would send up huge red flags on autopsy.
There was never any evidence that Madeleine had been sedated by her parents. The sites that claimed this also blamed calpol, which is non sedative anyway. There is also no motive for a cover up, as children do sometimes accidentally get hold of family medicines, plus it always come back to the fact there was no opportunity for the parents to hide a body.
I still don't understand why not, they did not have an alibi for the whole evening.
I still don't understand why not, they did not have an alibi for the whole evening.

After eight thirty they were both without witnesses for five minutes each. Before that only an hour together, and it was daylight. So we have a situation where Madeleine had to die in circumstance that would cause her parents to refuse help for her, & want to cover it up rather than explain it away as tragic accident. Then there is the fact there was no history of abuse or violence, no one heard anything, there were no signs of vomiting which is common with overdoses no emptying of bowel or bladder common at point of death, nor blood.

Then we have to accept it was daylight in a busy village at a time when people were coming and going, they did not know the area, had no access to private property, no vehicle, no digging tools and the ground there is hard, the Harrison report rules out beach and see at these times due to tides. How likely is it they decided to dump their first born rather than help her, hide her body in these circumstances with not a trace being found with no witnesses. Then they had to quickly convince friends, friends of friends and mother of friends to assist in cover up. Then once cleared and case shelved they petitioned for Scotland yard to investigate.
How long does it take to walk to the nearest dumpster that wasn't searched?
I don't know what assistance from friends would be required.

I do think that if the parents did it they would be more likely to just let the case fade away but I am not seeing the impossibilities that definitely rule them out as they are the last people who saw Madeleine alive and surely they're intelligent enough to know something of the area after spending their holiday there. And when did having no legal access to private property ever stop anyone who was really desperate to cover a crime.
There was never any evidence that Madeleine had been sedated by her parents. The sites that claimed this also blamed calpol, which is non sedative anyway. There is also no motive for a cover up, as children do sometimes accidentally get hold of family medicines, plus it always come back to the fact there was no opportunity for the parents to hide a body.

There was evidence of a hidden body apart from cadaver dogs hitting on the renault scenic and in the appartment.
How long does it take to walk to the nearest dumpster that wasn't searched?
I don't know what assistance from friends would be required.

I do think that if the parents did it they would be more likely to just let the case fade away but I am not seeing the impossibilities that definitely rule them out as they are the last people who saw Madeleine alive and surely they're intelligent enough to know something of the area after spending their holiday there. And when did having no legal access to private property ever stop anyone who was really desperate to cover a crime.

Firstly there is the fact that are two parents who went through ivf, have no history of abuse or violence really going to decide to cover up their child's death and dump her in a bin.

Then practically, why raise the alarm so early? The bins were emptied every night at midnight, and would normally be one of the first places to be searched, so why not raise alarm after midnight. And even if not in bin why not report her missing til next morning and claim break in, why not give yourself several more hours. And private property would be bloody risky especially in daylight and the ground is hard in that area so would take a while to dig assuming they found a spade.
There was never any evidence that Madeleine had been sedated by her parents. The sites that claimed this also blamed calpol, which is non sedative anyway. There is also no motive for a cover up, as children do sometimes accidentally get hold of family medicines, plus it always come back to the fact there was no opportunity for the parents to hide a body.

Sedated yes....but calpol no. I now believe that it was something administered by them. Also i wonder if there is any evidence of KM being on any sort of depression/sleeping medication around this time. Like someone else on this thread had stated, the children were awake the night before.
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