why does casey think anyone woud have wanted to take caylee?

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:mad: Sadly that is true & it is horrific. The huge difference is most people would call the police right away. I imagine KC's logic ( if the above were her story) is that she was waiting for the kidnapper to get tired of Caylee & decide " never mind, kids are a lot of work. "

And that's the whole problem with KC's lies.

Yes, people do steal children- for definite reasons. Rape and/or murder, black market babies, or to provide a child for themselves to raise.

Rape and/or murder= get LE involved immediately because to wait means someone is going to hurt or kill your child. But KC goes about her life for an entire month "searching on her own" without a care in the world. So obviously she wasn't worried about Zanny the Nanny and sister Sam hurting Caylee, even if they did force KC to give her up and threaten her not to tell LE.

Black market baby or to raise the child themselves= you're still dealing with some wacko person who has no problem committing a crime and are therefore not fit to be a parent. And if your daughter disappears into the black market, not only do you have little chance of getting her back, you also have no idea what kind of horrors she's going through. Again, KC was not concerned and acted like she had all the time in the world partying at Fusion before finding Caylee.

KC was so used to dealing with the stupidity of her parents and friends who seemed to believe every word she spoke that she had no idea what the real world was about. Make up a story about how she left Caylee, lost Caylee, had Caylee stolen from her, and her dumb mom believed it. LE is the big leagues- they don't just roll over, wet all over themselves and say, "Okay, sounds about right" and let her go her own way.

For the first time probably in her life KC was called on the carpet for her mistruths. LE went out and discovered the truth about this child's disappearance themselves. And the truth is that Caylee's hair and body fluids are in the back of her car. Caylee is dead and KC did it.
Really?? I hadn't heard that at all. I thought the pizza bag was thrown in the dumpster days before LE got involved. Figured it would have been in the landfill before LE got a chance to search it.

It was thrown in the dumpster.LE retrieved it, immediatley that same day. In fact, the impound lot manager worried so much about that bag of stuff that he got up in the middle of the same night, and searched the dumpster, in his jammies. However, LE had beat him to it.:)

BTW-- Looks like it was Papa John's NOT Domino's.

There are pings to Papa John's on KC's phone the 19th. The pizza was in a box in a bag with a receipt from the 19th. LE thinks is was purchased and tossed into the trunk with the deceased baby, to mask the smell.

There are decomp body fluids on the outside of the bag. They have been tested.

So, whomever had the car on the 19th, bought a pizza and tossed it into the trunk with the baby's body.

That's COLD.

BTW-- Haven't heard whether LE has vids from Papa John's cameras.
KC said both phones had the same phone number because she would switch the SIM cards back and forth between the two. That means both phones had one account and one phone bill.

For sake of argument, even if she had two seperate accounts, all KC has to do is tell LE the ph# and provider of the Blackberry and they can get the records, see calls to and from the nanny, arrest the nanny and KC will get out on bond and only be charged with lying to police, neglect, and all the check charges.

The fact that she has NOT done that means either there was no Blackberry *another famous KC lie?* or the Blackberry was the same account as the other phone and therefore there are NO other records in exsistance.

Voila! :crazy:

Yep, I see what you're saying here, and thanks as well for posting the transcript of that call between Lee and Casey where they discuss this :)

But I think I remember from somewhere -- maybe it was in another call between Lee and Casey -- that Casey said the phone number of the babysitter was IN that *lost* Blackjack phone, not on the SIM card. Also, given that she could switch the SIM card from one phone to another, that wouldn't mean that the other phone did not have its own SIM card, right? Maybe she switched SIM cards on occasion but otherwise used the Blackjack's own SIM card in that phone mostly.

Now, IF that Blackjack phone exists and was actually lost as she claims, I wonder if she gave the number to Baez and he has the phone records for it but LE doesn't. If it is part of her defense, Baez would not have had to turn it over to LE yet.
It was thrown in the dumpster.LE retrieved it, immediatley that same day. In fact, the impound lot manager worried so much about that bag of stuff that he got up in the middle of the same night, and searched the dumpster, in his jammies. However, LE had beat him to it.:)

BTW-- Looks like it was Papa John's NOT Domino's.

There are pings to Papa John's on KC's phone the 19th. The pizza was in a box in a bag with a receipt from the 19th. LE thinks is was purchased and tossed into the trunk with the deceased baby, to mask the smell.

There are decomp body fluids on the outside of the bag. They have been tested.

So, whomever had the car on the 19th, bought a pizza and tossed it into the trunk with the baby's body.

That's COLD.

BTW-- Haven't heard whether LE has vids from Papa John's cameras.

OMG. I already knew KC was cold but she is breaking records with how frozen her heart is. I can't imagine anyone having any appetite after killing a defenseless child and smelling the odor of decomp. She acts like she was raised by alligators...cold, heartless, and will kill their young in order to survive. At least the gators kill their children for self preservation if there is nothing else to eat....KC did it just so she could go swing around a stripper pole. :furious:
Yep, I see what you're saying here, and thanks as well for posting the transcript of that call between Lee and Casey where they discuss this :)

But I think I remember from somewhere -- maybe it was in another call between Lee and Casey -- that Casey said the phone number of the babysitter was IN that *lost* Blackjack phone, not on the SIM card. Also, given that she could switch the SIM card from one phone to another, that wouldn't mean that the other phone did not have its own SIM card, right? Maybe she switched SIM cards on occasion but otherwise used the Blackjack's own SIM card in that phone mostly.

Now, IF that Blackjack phone exists and was actually lost as she claims, I wonder if she gave the number to Baez and he has the phone records for it but LE doesn't. If it is part of her defense, Baez would not have had to turn it over to LE yet.

Yw! :) That makes sense about JB having phone records that LE doesn't have. I remember CA telling NG that she has phone records that show calls to and from the nanny but she refused to make them public when NG asked her to prove it to everyone.

From the "missing child" stand point though, I would think KC would want LE to get those records, make contact with the real nanny, locate Caylee and then drop the murder 1 charges on KC since her story "checked out" afterall. The fact that KC and her lawyer are deciding to hold that hand close to their chest until trial is very risky. Especially if the state decides to go for the death penalty.

Having LE locate and apprehend the nanny BEFORE trial would be more beneficial to KC I would think.

This is yet another reason I'm having some trouble believing this Kidnap story.
Yw! :) That makes sense about JB having phone records that LE doesn't have. I remember CA telling NG that she has phone records that show calls to and from the nanny but she refused to make them public when NG asked her to prove it to everyone.

From the "missing child" stand point though, I would think KC would want LE to get those records, make contact with the real nanny, locate Caylee and then drop the murder 1 charges on KC since her story "checked out" afterall. The fact that KC and her lawyer are deciding to hold that hand close to their chest until trial is very risky. Especially if the state decides to go for the death penalty.

Having LE locate and apprehend the nanny BEFORE trial would be more beneficial to KC I would think.

This is yet another reason I'm having some trouble believing this Kidnap story.

She can't give JB a contact that doesn't exist.

She woulda been better off had she pled bushy haired stranger.
Speaking for myself, I think it would be incredibly reckless, maybe malpractice, to IN FACT have a telephone record that PROVED the existence of the kidnapper nanny, and a significant point of Casey's incredible story, and to withhold it from LE as my client moved a step closer to the possibility of a lethal injection. Such a piece of evidence could have prevented an indictment for a capitol crime. We've already heard her specific claim about who did it, when they last had phone contact, etc. It wouldn't be giving away some big defense secret. It makes you think what they have is a claim of such a non-existent phone and its records, just hanging out there in the wind, and that they'd rather not get to the point of putting up or shutting up about it.
Nobody took the baby. KC killed her and dumped the body after riding around for days with her in the trunk.

I too think she had planned this but went into a jealous rage and did it before she got it all worked out. LE saw that it was not a kidnap right off the bat and I cannot beleive KC will stick to this story.

I am like so many others. I just can't make any sense of some of this. I can believe that Casey loved to party and that she did some really strange things.
She had several groups of friends and started a stealing "spree" it seems after May. The pictures of she and Caylee from birth until around May seemed to be that of a loving mother. Friends testified that is what she seemed to them and there was no evidence of abuse. So why such a different Casey after that. It is anybody's guess and many have put forth their own senarios but none of that is fact.

My biggest problem in all of this ordeal is to try in my mind to figure out how anybody, unless completely drugged up or drunk could possibly drive around with a body in their car long enough for it to produce a smell and then even get in it for more than 20 seconds after the smell is there. I would throw my guts out and my face would be purple. The longest I can hold my breath to throw a baby's teething diaper would be from the changing room to the bath room and would be gagging by then. This trunk thing. It really has me puzzled.

If she premeditated this murder, she is very very stupid not to have a plan to dispose of the body quickly. Carrying it around until the odor was so bad she had to ditch the car-----well, quite frankly it leaves me wondering.

Oh well, this whole case is a wonder and even with everyones conclusion about how, why, when and where-----it leaves us even more puzzled.

All will shape up in the future. LE will get us more info. Wait everyone. Let's wait and see. We all need answers and Caylee needs to be found--one way or the other.
I also noticed that george said they had been crying all night and hadnt slept in 2 days. Amazingly cindy appears on tv today looking fine Niether of them have puffy eyes from crying thier eyes out. I guess they must cry like casey one tear .

To grieve over a loss is not something anyone wants to wish on another.
The pain in the heart is so great and cannot be shared or felt by someone other than yourself. When I lost my father, it was Christmas and I was 23.
I cried so much the first day, there were no tears left just loneliness and despair. People saw me with no expression on my face. I'd smile and laugh when appropriate and pretty well hid that pain. When asked, I'd say everythings fine. I tried to stay strong for my mother, brothers and little 8 year old sister. I did my crying in my car, in the bathroom, late at night alone in my bed and outside picking 4 leaf clovers. I still do my crying when no one is looking. Why burden them?

I went back almost immediately to the things I did before. I went out dancing with my friends(somehow being with everyone else was a comfort), went to work (again anything better than being alone), went back to life but for years the heartache was so great that I can hardly even express myself her.
I was angry at God, angry at my mother for not seeing he was sick, angry at myself (thinking maybe it was my fault---how ridiculous) and even angry at daddy himself---for dying in the first place. He was 42 and had a massive heart attack.

I can still feel that same deep pain and if someone is watching they may see me stray off to a long stare. Then I get up and go again. There is a husband, children, grandchildren and a community calling me back to action.
Tonight when everyone else sleeps the lonliness and longing for daddy, MiMi, grandma, etc. will creep back in when the tv screen shows someone else with that same pain. Somehow when you are alone it hurts the worst. It never goes away.

Please remember that when you think of not only Cindy, George and Lee but the great grandparents who have to watch this ordeal on tv. Do you not think for a moment that the media and people like ourselves add to that grief, heartache and unbearable pain.

Grief--it is just about the worst thing on this earth. It hurts really bad and NO ONE understands anothers way of handling it. We are all different. Thank God we are otherwise some of us would never recover at all. Those who say not me---well I say good for you. I'd gladly trade places with you so that I wouldn't have to experience grief at all but I know life deals twists and turns so I will pray for you that you never feel the pain I felt when my precious father left us.

We must find Caylee. We must stay focused on that.
Here's what happened. KC dropped Caylee off with ZFG outside the apt. Another attacker, unknown to KC grabbed both Caylee and ZFG after KC was gone. He ductaped their mouths and shoved them in his car as he followed KC to her next location. He made sure he had a good view of her car. After KC parked at wherever it was that she had left, the attacker jimmied open her trunk and shoved Caylee and ZFG into the trunk and slammed it shut. During this ordeal, Caylee dies, and ZFG is unconcious. KC unwittingly drives around with them in her trunk. Finally, ZFG is able to wrangle free and pulls little Caylee out of the trunk with her. In her delusional state she digs a makeshift grave for Caylee and then is attacked by a crocodile and is gobbled up, never to be seen again.

The reason no one has ever met ZFG prior is because KC thinks that she is waaaaay too pretty, and doesn't want the competition.

The attacker, who really has it in for ZFG, not KC, then goes about the arduous task of shutting off all her contact (phones, cells, e-mail address)

THat's as much as I've got, but I'm sticking with it.
Didn't the alligator also eat the cell phone, laptop and pizza?
To grieve over a loss is not something anyone wants to wish on another.
The pain in the heart is so great and cannot be shared or felt by someone other than yourself. When I lost my father, it was Christmas and I was 23.
I cried so much the first day, there were no tears left just loneliness and despair. People saw me with no expression on my face. I'd smile and laugh when appropriate and pretty well hid that pain. When asked, I'd say everythings fine. I tried to stay strong for my mother, brothers and little 8 year old sister. I did my crying in my car, in the bathroom, late at night alone in my bed and outside picking 4 leaf clovers. I still do my crying when no one is looking. Why burden them?

I went back almost immediately to the things I did before. I went out dancing with my friends(somehow being with everyone else was a comfort), went to work (again anything better than being alone), went back to life but for years the heartache was so great that I can hardly even express myself her.
I was angry at God, angry at my mother for not seeing he was sick, angry at myself (thinking maybe it was my fault---how ridiculous) and even angry at daddy himself---for dying in the first place. He was 42 and had a massive heart attack.

I can still feel that same deep pain and if someone is watching they may see me stray off to a long stare. Then I get up and go again. There is a husband, children, grandchildren and a community calling me back to action.
Tonight when everyone else sleeps the lonliness and longing for daddy, MiMi, grandma, etc. will creep back in when the tv screen shows someone else with that same pain. Somehow when you are alone it hurts the worst. It never goes away.

Please remember that when you think of not only Cindy, George and Lee but the great grandparents who have to watch this ordeal on tv. Do you not think for a moment that the media and people like ourselves add to that grief, heartache and unbearable pain.

Grief--it is just about the worst thing on this earth. It hurts really bad and NO ONE understands anothers way of handling it. We are all different. Thank God we are otherwise some of us would never recover at all. Those who say not me---well I say good for you. I'd gladly trade places with you so that I wouldn't have to experience grief at all but I know life deals twists and turns so I will pray for you that you never feel the pain I felt when my precious father left us.

We must find Caylee. We must stay focused on that.

This was so deep. I truly appreciate your thoughts. Everyone deals with grief differently. Just because we do not see the A's crying does not mean they are not in their home away from strangers. My 17 year lost her best friend in a car accident in front of the highschool this past March and she did not cry in front of anyone. Two nights later I walked by her bedroom and heard her bawling. The next morning she came into the kitchen like nothing happened. My husband is the same way. He does not show emotion. I do not judge anyone who is going through something I cannot fathom. To me the A's are trying to keep the hope that Caylee is alive by getting up every morning. Can we honestly say we would be able to handle an 1/8 of what this family is enduring? I know I wouldn't. Seeing day after day in the media my entire life played out. People hating me and my daugher. I would be defending myself and her. I'm not saying KC is right for lying, I'm saying none of us know how they feel nor do we know how we would react to all of this.

Hope that made sense. I don't usually post my opinion but felt the need to here.
Servingothers, I can totally relate to what you have shared. I was much older (40) when I lost my father 14 years ago this past Father's Day. The pain and grief was so deep and unlike any I have ever experienced. Sometimes at night, as my mind wanders to the past, I find myself missing my father so much and the pain once again is as real as it was 14 years ago. Therefore, I can only imagine what this family is going through. Their grief is still so raw and as of yet, has probably not been truly addressed. They are still holding on to every last bit of hope they can muster. I cannot say that I wouldn't be doing the same in this situation. However, the co-dependency and enabling that led them to the events of this past summer make me less sympathetic and more judgemental of them, and I know that is wrong. On Tuesday, my heart broke for George as he spoke before going into the GJ. I thought I was seeing a truly broken man. Then yesterday's interview showed the other side--that of denial with the facade of hope. This tragedy is so sad, yet so bizarre. I have no doubt that GA and CA loved little Caylee---someone sang "You are My Sunshine" to her enough for her to learn it. That a little life has been lost should bring them all to their knees and bring that precious baby home for a proper burial.

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