Why has the family not made a public plea?

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I do remember that Desiree had indicated more than once that they had no proof, no evidence whatsoever that TH knew/knows where Kyron is. She stated,several times,that it was her maternal instinct,her gut feeling,telling her that... Perhaps that's why they don't make a plea ? I don't know, just a thought...

It's very interesting,IMO, that both DY and KH have never said that they thought TH killed Kyron. And yet, perfect strangers say just that. In great detail... To me, it's a perfect example of " we don't KNOW any of these people " ... It sounds,though, as per LE, that we are in for some surprises....

I disagree. If they truly believe Terri has orchestrated this disappearance, then why shouldn't they ALSO engage in psychological warfare here. A terrible crime has occurred...their child is missing. This is no time for the niceties of civilized divorce.

There is no reason to "spare" her or show her any relief or respect. This is a public shaming...a branding. These parents are not about to let Terri's silence give her any solace or place to hide.

Terri needs to understand that her silence is NOT a winning strategy. She will PAY for this crime...at the least, she will be forever stained by it. For the rest of her life, this will follow her.

Perhaps LE is trying to make this point with her...Terri will pay a huge price. Haven't they asked her..."how do you want to be remembered." I think there are horrific "sickening " details that have been shared. If she refuses to help them find their child...they will be the partial architects of HOW Terri Horman will be remembered.

WE have NOT seen the emails the parents saw. WE have not read and been exposed to the texts, the phone calls, the details that bring LE to tears.

We are NOT equal in our knowledge with these parents.

If Kyron never returns, if there is no resolution, Terri needs to know that does NOT work to her advantage. She will be whispered about, distrusted and despised in many quarters. She will never be free of this. Her life will be as devastated as Kaine's and Desiree's. If this was done out of anger, revenge, or in lieu of murdering her husband, to murder his child...her loss will also be tremendous.

Who are we to say that publicly shaming a woman who re-invented herself as the self-sacrificing "friend" of the pregnant woman whose husband became HERS...might not just work?

I said nothing about whether their public shaming of Terri will have any affect on her. I know that it will have an effect on the public, especially as long as most all charges they lob at her are unfounded or unsupported by LE.
I'm asking if those that criticize Desiree and Kaine believe that they have NO MORE information than we have.

I'm asking if some believe that LE gives the general public just as much information as the closest family members...as if WE are on equal footing.

Personally, I think THAT is an incredible position, that LE would think WE, the general public, had to have every bit of evidence that they shared with Kyron's parents.

I don't believe WE are that important.

I believe a lot more has been shared with the parents...as the other VICTIMS. Therefore, in humility, I do not criticize anything the parents do or say. I assume they are better informed than the general public..and SHOULD BE. Even if they are told to keep much of it confidential.

I do not presume to be on the same level of access to evidence as the parents of a missing child.

This post made me stop and think and realize something--are we equal, and have the same access to evidence, as does TH's attorney,Houze?

No, we don't. He's been trying cases like this in these same courts for decades--in fact, he began going up against Shrunk.

We don't know what meetings and negotiations go on behind closed doors. We also don't know, for example, if the mention of the alleged MFH in the RO allowed him to claim discovery on those and related emails.

We don't know how many of the emails, etc. he's seen. We can assume that he's spent hours with his client, so therefore he has a lot more information about her than we do.

We don't have equal information to that of TH's attorney. All we know is what we've seen in public that TH has done or said, and what she's alleged to have done, or said. That's it.

If not being on equal footing with LE means that commenting on others isn't fair, or right, then perhaps we need to reconsider if not being on equal footing with attorney Houze means that we shouldn't be commenting on TH either.
Gitina: When you know who the perp is, why use prime time media to ask America for help? Anyone I know would be far more receptive to seeing pictures of Kyron than hearing the trashing of step-mom Terri. It counter productive to keep the trashing up. hoo moo

Desiree and mom Diena are not the same, not by a long shot...mom Diena did not name names, nor did she ever claim to know who murdered her 7yo daughter only to throw her in the trash. ..as a matter of fact, mom Diena was thought by the majority to be the perp. The same accusations, comments about her weight, working, single mom, going to nursing school, tracking her exact steps that fateful day, her social life etc. were all used against her. I followed it for months here on WS. Desiree has been exonerated from that hate and has not been placed in such a demeaning stance. I wouldn't compare the two women at all. moo


I didn't follow that case, of course, but it sounds like she was in a position remarkably similar to th's, yet she still spoke up. What do you see as the differences between her and TH. Sincere question. As I said, I don't know anything about the other case.
Gitina: When you know who the perp is, why use prime time media to ask America for help? Anyone I know would be far more receptive to seeing pictures of Kyron than hearing the trashing of step-mom Terri. It counter productive to keep the trashing up. hoo moo

Desiree and mom Diena are not the same, not by a long shot...mom Diena did not name names, nor did she ever claim to know who murdered her 7yo daughter only to throw her in the trash. ..as a matter of fact, mom Diena was thought by the majority to be the perp. The same accusations, comments about her weight, working, single mom, going to nursing school, tracking her exact steps that fateful day, her social life etc. were all used against her. I followed it for months here on WS. Desiree has been exonerated from that hate and has not been placed in such a demeaning stance. I wouldn't compare the two women at all. moo

Well, I think it's obvious that they are using the media to implore anyone who may have info they haven't divulged, to do so, to spark the memory of people who may have seen or heard something but didn't know it was important at that time and to keep pressure on TH.

Still not sure at all how what DY and Kaine have said constitutes "trashing". They have a belief that LE apparently supports. So the belief is logical, even if not correct. They are reiterating their belief and acting according to it. Seems responsible to me.

Diena and Kyron's parents are different because Diena did not know who took her kid. Kyron's parents think they do. That's the difference. But how DY and Diena have addressed the perp, whether known in Kyron's case or unknown in Somer's, is about the same, IMO.
I said nothing about whether their public shaming of Terri will have any affect on her. I know that it will have an effect on the public, especially as long as most all charges they lob at her are unfounded or unsupported by LE.

Respectfully, nothing has been shown to support the stance that the charges they lob at TH are unfounded or unsupported by LE. In fact, it think it's the opposite. Clearly she is the focus of LE's investigation, the court granted an RO against TH based on those charges and TH failed to fight for her kid by addressing the allegations. That's enough for me.
Desiree's sister was interviewed briefly for the birthday party. If the point is to get Kyron's information out there to people who have never heard about him, then they should have spent their time talking about him, not Terri. I don't know from Oprah's show what his likes and dislikes are, what his hair color is (pictures show dark hair, others describe him as blond), his height, weight, whether those glasses are for reading or all the time, whether he would talk to strangers if he saw them (which if a stranger saw him and said "are you Kyron?" would be helpful to know whether he'd shy away from that or answer), or really I guess anything about Kyron at all.

So you're saying Oprah did a poor interview. Also, at this point knowing his likes and dislikes are hardly going to come in handy unless his captor is taking him to Baskin Robbins and/or he's living an otherwise normal life as Kyron with a different name. I don't know many people who believe that.

I'm glad you pointed out that his hair looks different colors in different pictures. So clearly if Desiree categorized him as blonde or brown it wouldn't make a bit of difference since the pictures show that sometimes he looks one way and sometimes another, making the pictures far easier to use as ID than someone's opinion (dark blonde vs light brown - who'd be able to tell the difference) --- the images are far more powerful and useful. Which is why those pictures have been shown - they've been so generous about allowing scores of them out for his identification - and why the images are so important.
Gitina: When you know who the perp is, why use prime time media to ask America for help? Anyone I know would be far more receptive to seeing pictures of Kyron than hearing the trashing of step-mom Terri. It counter productive to keep the trashing up. hoo moo

Desiree and mom Diena are not the same, not by a long shot...mom Diena did not name names, nor did she ever claim to know who murdered her 7yo daughter only to throw her in the trash. ..as a matter of fact, mom Diena was thought by the majority to be the perp. The same accusations, comments about her weight, working, single mom, going to nursing school, tracking her exact steps that fateful day, her social life etc. were all used against her. I followed it for months here on WS. Desiree has been exonerated from that hate and has not been placed in such a demeaning stance. I wouldn't compare the two women at all. moo

Actually, the public seems to want to hear about the Terri story. If it was as simple as the entire country watching and reading because pictures were shown of a missing child, then all missing children would be getting equal air time. They don't. It's a sad fact that the trashiness of the exploits of some of the major players involved, including Terri, have kept Kyron's story in the national news longer than it might otherwise have.
Respectfully, nothing has been shown to support the stance that the charges they lob at TH are unfounded or unsupported by LE. In fact, it think it's the opposite. Clearly she is the focus of LE's investigation, the court granted an RO against TH based on those charges and TH failed to fight for her kid by addressing the allegations. That's enough for me.

You made the brilliant point in the lawyers thread that the RO didn't have to have any substantiated charges to go through. I'm not saying you suggest that Kaine fabricated them. But you made the point that he got one, like many other people have. It was when Terri did not challenge that RO that the game changed for her.
So you're saying Oprah did a poor interview. Also, at this point knowing his likes and dislikes are hardly going to come in handy unless his captor is taking him to Baskin Robbins and/or he's living an otherwise normal life as Kyron with a different name. I don't know many people who believe that.

I'm glad you pointed out that his hair looks different colors in different pictures. So clearly if Desiree categorized him as blonde or brown it wouldn't make a bit of difference since the pictures show that sometimes he looks one way and sometimes another, making the pictures far easier to use as ID than someone's opinion (dark blonde vs light brown - who'd be able to tell the difference) --- the images are far more powerful and useful. Which is why those pictures have been shown - they've been so generous about allowing scores of them out for his identification - and why the images are so important.

I am in no way disparaging Oprah's interview techniques (she scares me!!! I'd never say anything bad about her!!! ha!)

I simply looked at the interview and had some questions, which in fact I've brought up rather respectful of both Oprah and Kyron's parents.
I disagree. If they truly believe Terri has orchestrated this disappearance, then why shouldn't they ALSO engage in psychological warfare here. A terrible crime has occurred...their child is missing. This is no time for the niceties of civilized divorce.

There is no reason to "spare" her or show her any relief or respect. This is a public shaming...a branding. These parents are not about to let Terri's silence give her any solace or place to hide.

Terri needs to understand that her silence is NOT a winning strategy. She will PAY for this crime...at the least, she will be forever stained by it. For the rest of her life, this will follow her.

Perhaps LE is trying to make this point with her...Terri will pay a huge price. Haven't they asked her..."how do you want to be remembered." I think there are horrific "sickening " details that have been shared. If she refuses to help them find their child...they will be the partial architects of HOW Terri Horman will be remembered.

WE have NOT seen the emails the parents saw. WE have not read and been exposed to the texts, the phone calls, the details that bring LE to tears.

We are NOT equal in our knowledge with these parents.

If Kyron never returns, if there is no resolution, Terri needs to know that does NOT work to her advantage. She will be whispered about, distrusted and despised in many quarters. She will never be free of this. Her life will be as devastated as Kaine's and Desiree's. If this was done out of anger, revenge, or in lieu of murdering her husband, to murder his child...her loss will also be tremendous.

Who are we to say that publicly shaming a woman who re-invented herself as the self-sacrificing "friend" of the pregnant woman whose husband became HERS...might not just work?


Well, why not just stitch a scarlet "k" on her clothes? Why not just put her in the stocks for a few days and let people throw stuff at her?

Those things have gone out of our lives here in America.

And now I have a very important supposition. Suppose they find Kyron when they catch a sex offender/predator visiting his body (again) and suppose the DNA on Kyron's body matches that predator?

Now look again at the bolded parts. Are we willing to do all that to someone before they're even arrested, let alone convicted?

And if she's not guilty, how do we give back all that we've taken away from her, as noted in the bolded parts?

I think I'd like more facts and evidence before even considering whipping out my sewing kit and then shouting "shame, shame."

Facts and evidence work for me.

Come to think of it, The Scarlet Letter is a good read right about now.
Actually, the public seems to want to hear about the Terri story. If it was as simple as the entire country watching and reading because pictures were shown of a missing child, then all missing children would be getting equal air time. They don't. It's a sad fact that the trashiness of the exploits of some of the major players involved, including Terri, have kept Kyron's story in the national news longer than it might otherwise have.


So, since we all want Kyron's story in the national media, based on the bbm, it might be time to bring out the trash on everyone involved? Hmm.
Get back on topic here. Discussing the rules of moderation is a TOS violation. The rules are in place and that is how we are moving forward until something in MSM changes the focus.

Desiree and Kaine are victims and you all are posters on a victim friendly site, we don't sleuth them. You may question their actions. It stops there.

The subject here is Why Desiree or Kaine are not Pleading........ if the subject has exhausted itself then I'll close the thread.
Well, why not just stitch a scarlet "k" on her clothes? Why not just put her in the stocks for a few days and let people throw stuff at her?

Those things have gone out of our lives here in America.

And now I have a very important supposition. Suppose they find Kyron when they catch a sex offender/predator visiting his body (again) and suppose the DNA on Kyron's body matches that predator?

Now look again at the bolded parts. Are we willing to do all that to someone before they're even arrested, let alone convicted?

And if she's not guilty, how do we give back all that we've taken away from her, as noted in the bolded parts?

I think I'd like more facts and evidence before even considering whipping out my sewing kit and then shouting "shame, shame."

Facts and evidence work for me.

Come to think of it, The Scarlet Letter is a good read right about now.

As I recall, Hester Prynne was married and had an affair with a minister, in the course of which she conceived a child. That's how she earned her **advertiser censored* -- even though the affair wasn't revealed until years and years later. And then, only when someone else (I think it was her long lost husband) learned the truth and they were about to be outed.

So I guess the message is sorta apropos, but not in the way you suggest. jmoo
Why is neither Desiree nor Kaine pleading with Kyron's abductor(s) to release him?
IMO If Kaine and Desiree were to be hypnotized, or given truth serum, neither one of them would truly believe Kyron was being held or stashed.
IMO they truly believe Terri is responsible for Kyron being missing, they just can't wrap their heart's around her being able to harm him.
Until LE has evidence that can prove Kyron is no longer alive, they are going to hold on with all their hearts that he is, until then they will never give up hope.
IMO the reason they are only pleading, to Terri for information, on the location of Kyron, is because way down, in their subconscious, that they can't come to grips with, she is solely responsible for Kyron's disappearance.
As I recall, Hester Prynne was married and had an affair with a minister, in the course of which she conceived a child. That's how she earned her **advertiser censored* -- even though the affair wasn't revealed until years and years later. And then, only when someone else (I think it was her long lost husband) learned the truth and they were about to be outed.

So I guess the message is sorta apropos, but not in the way you suggest. jmoo

I don't recall any specific "way" that I suggested. Just looked again. Nope, I didn't. Multi-faceted story, BTW.
I don't recall any specific "way" that I suggested. Just looked again. Nope, I didn't. Multi-faceted story, BTW.

I thought your post was clear. Still do, actually. But, in any case, if it is a good time to re-read it, imo, it would be for the proposition that someone who is publically shamed for alleged misdeeds will live in that shame and silence for years rather than admit what they did until someone with irrefutable proof is about to call them on it. jmoo
I thought your post was clear. Still do, actually. But, in any case, if it is a good time to re-read it, imo, it would be for the proposition that someone who is publically shamed for alleged misdeeds will live in that shame and silence for years rather than admit what they did until someone with irrefutable proof is about to call them on it. jmoo

The law is set up that one must be proven guilty. It is not set up to say you must prove your innocence.

Kaine and Desiree focusing on Terri might be their attempt to prove her guilt, but they themselves state they have nothing to base it on outside of their sense of things as they reflect back on them. I'm not bashing; I'm pointing out they say they have no proof.

That derives sympathy for their plight. Does it bring justice for Kyron? Time will tell, I suppose. But IF Terri is not guilty of these things she's accused of, there will never be a way to undo the 'scarlet' she has been painted with. Yes, she can stand in front of everyone and say "I did not do this thing." But in this day and age, what she says will be used against her. She can't even wear a suit without someone pointing out how fat she looks. There is nothing she can say, though we would believe it is as simple as saying she hasn't done anything.
Respectfully, nothing has been shown to support the stance that the charges they lob at TH are unfounded or unsupported by LE. In fact, it think it's the opposite. Clearly she is the focus of LE's investigation, the court granted an RO against TH based on those charges and TH failed to fight for her kid by addressing the allegations. That's enough for me.

Your whole post should have been bolded! Thank you!
The law is set up that one must be proven guilty. It is not set up to say you must prove your innocence.

Kaine and Desiree focusing on Terri might be their attempt to prove her guilt, but they themselves state they have nothing to base it on outside of their sense of things as they reflect back on them. I'm not bashing; I'm pointing out they say they have no proof.

That derives sympathy for their plight. Does it bring justice for Kyron? Time will tell, I suppose. But IF Terri is not guilty of these things she's accused of, there will never be a way to undo the 'scarlet' she has been painted with. Yes, she can stand in front of everyone and say "I did not do this thing." But in this day and age, what she says will be used against her. She can't even wear a suit without someone pointing out how fat she looks. There is nothing she can say, though we would believe it is as simple as saying she hasn't done anything.

As Terri was Kyron's caretaker with whom he had the most contact prior to disappearing, the public expected to hear from her, and rightfully so. Yet nothing but silence came from her, except for the emails she sent to explain her whereabouts that day, to allay suspicion. And the facebook post telling people not to believe what the media might say, that they have it all wrong. Terri could have done a lot to help herself and to help Kyron by speaking publicly in the first couple of weeks after Kyron disappeared.

What we know now is that LE suspicion about Terri was growing during that first couple of weeks after Kyron disappeared, culminating with the LE questionnaire featuring Terri, asking about Terri.

At the point that the questionnaire was released, I don't blame her for not speaking and for lawyering up. Personally, though, I think that Terri's had it rather easy, seeing as how LE hasn't named her a suspect or even a person of interest. They could have done so...at least called her a person of interest. But they haven't.

She's been treated with kid gloves by LE, compared to how she could have been treated.

The presumption of innocence is only a requirement for jurors who hear the case. John Q. Public isn't held to the same standard. Nor is law enforcement, when they are making a case.

As for the scarlet letter stuff--that's beyond any level of melodrama that is worthy of discussing, in my opinion.
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