Why were the boys tied in the manner they were?

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"I thought you was cops," he said. "I didn't want to die in that electric chair."

I think that sums up nicely why Jessie "confessed" JMO.
I thought he was crying because of girlfriend trouble?
Here's a source and it's from the non supporter website.
He had not been question by the police at this time. According to witnesses, his crying episodes started before he was brought in for questioning by the police.

Try reading Jessie's confession to his attorney. You can read it easier here or find the link to read it on the callahan site which is also posted on here: Jessie's confession to his attorney:


This confession is very scary, absolutely disgusting, and not coerced. Jessie could have denied his involvement at any time, but he did not.
How did an innocent teen know and remember all so many details of these gruesome murders if he wasn’t there? Realize that his confessions were before MC gave his testimony and as the Memphis Three fan club likes to emphasize, JM was borderline MR.

-JM described the injuries to each children in great detail, but if he wasn’t there, he would not have known these details.
-JM knew that there were two bikes and he described them in great detail, but there were three little boys.
-JM knew that one child’s jeans were removed without unbuttoning them. How did he know this? Is he a really good guesser?
-In addition, when Jessie’s attorney was present, his attorney kept telling him to essentially shut up, but Jessie continued to confess.

STIDHAM (repeatedly): And you want to make this statement regardless of my advise against doing so?


The records state that Jessie Misskelley cried intensely in the month after the murders and acquaintances also saw and heard him cry frequently during this time. He also told the police that he went to the crime scene alone and cried. I think Jessie was disturbed at what had happened and he confessed because he has a conscience. Also, in many religious faiths, confession and repentance are required for healing and Jessie was ill (emotionally) about what had happened. I think it is significant that he did not attend the celebratory parties upon his release.

If you're talking about the post conviction statements (the quote above is definitely from the 2/17/94 statement), he had just heard these details gone over ad nauseum at his trial. The bikes were in the courtroom. The pants were discussed, and the prosecutors had been prepping him.

When you look at the 6/3/1993 statements, you won't see anything correct except the things that were public knowledge. The bikes had been shown on the TV news, and the case was constantly being discussed.

As to the crying, he thought that his girlfriend was moving and he was upset. As to the parties, he went to his father's block party. It's not that he didn't celebrate, he just celebrated with family instead of at the big party which is simply not his style, IMO.
If you're talking about the post conviction statements (the quote above is definitely from the 2/17/94 statement), he had just heard these details gone over ad nauseum at his trial. The bikes were in the courtroom. The pants were discussed, and the prosecutors had been prepping him.

When you look at the 6/3/1993 statements, you won't see anything correct except the things that were public knowledge. The bikes had been shown on the TV news, and the case was constantly being discussed.

As to the crying, he thought that his girlfriend was moving and he was upset. As to the parties, he went to his father's block party. It's not that he didn't celebrate, he just celebrated with family instead of at the big party which is simply not his style, IMO.
He made this confession to his attorney on 2/8/94. His attorney did not coerce him to confess all of these horrific things.

He made this confession to his attorney on 2/8/94. His attorney did not coerce him to confess all of these horrific things.


You're right. Your quote was from the 2/8 statement. His trial ended on 2/4, so this statement was still a post conviction statement, and the prosecutors (and possibly prison officials) had been talking to him and trying to get him to testify against Damien and Jason. Initially, a deal (50 years) was offered, but Burnett nixed it. A lot was going on behind-the-scenes that the truth site doesn't tell you. He had been in prison at this point just a few days, and IMO he would have said anything that would have gotten him out. Truth wasn't a factor.
You're right. Your quote was from the 2/8 statement. His trial ended on 2/4, so this statement was still a post conviction statement, and the prosecutors (and possibly prison officials) had been talking to him and trying to get him to testify against Damien and Jason. Initially, a deal (50 years) was offered, but Burnett nixed it. A lot was going on behind-the-scenes that the truth site doesn't tell you. He had been in prison at this point just a few days, and IMO he would have said anything that would have gotten him out. Truth wasn't a factor.
These transcripts do not reveal evidence that Jessie Misskelley is intellectually disabled. He understood the non-leading questions and he answered them. He knew he was convicted and he was not coerced into confessing his guilt to his attorney. He did not proclaim his innocence like innocent people do; he confessed again.

These transcripts do not reveal evidence that Jessie Misskelley is intellectually disabled. He understood the non-leading questions and he answered them. He knew he was convicted and he was not coerced into confessing his guilt to his attorney. He did not proclaim his innocence like innocent people do; he confessed again.


He just proclaimed his innocence in the hearing last Friday. And that wasn't the first time he had done so. I don't care how many times a person tells a lie, it doesn't make it the truth. Every statement Jessie made to LE, until last Friday, was a lie. Jessie wasn't there. He doesn't know who killed those little boys. That's the truth.
He just proclaimed his innocence in the hearing last Friday. And that wasn't the first time he had done so. I don't care how many times a person tells a lie, it doesn't make it the truth. Every statement Jessie made to LE, until last Friday, was a lie. Jessie wasn't there. He doesn't know who killed those little boys. That's the truth.

He didn't proclaim his innocence in his first statement yesterday either. Is he still worried about the police and the DA's coercion?

Hello friends!
Let me start off by saying that I am forever grateful and appreciative of every single one of you who has supported us now and in the past. I call each and everyone of you my friend. I am beginning a new life for myself and enjoying spending time with friends and loved ones. Meeting new family has brought so much joy to my heart as seeing those I haven't seen in 18 years. I am taking time to relax and learning about things that have changed. Thanks again to everyone who has welcomed us back into society where we belong and have belonged for 18 years. This feeling is like no other I never imagined... walking out a free man and it's because of all y'all that I kept the faith that one day I would get to start and continue my life again. Thanks you all I love each and every one of you! Have a good life, I know I sure will!
He didn't proclaim his innocence in his first statement yesterday either. Is he still worried about the police and the DA's coercion?

Hello friends!
Let me start off by saying that I am forever grateful and appreciative of every single one of you who has supported us now and in the past. I call each and everyone of you my friend. I am beginning a new life for myself and enjoying spending time with friends and loved ones. Meeting new family has brought so much joy to my heart as seeing those I haven't seen in 18 years. I am taking time to relax and learning about things that have changed. Thanks again to everyone who has welcomed us back into society where we belong and have belonged for 18 years. This feeling is like no other I never imagined... walking out a free man and it's because of all y'all that I kept the faith that one day I would get to start and continue my life again. Thanks you all I love each and every one of you! Have a good life, I know I sure will!

The men entered the pleas under a legal provision that allowed them to maintain their innocence while acknowledging that prosecutors had enough evidence to convict them.

"Although I am innocent, this plea is in my best interest," Jessie Misskelley said.

Hogtied..Makes me think that the perp knew how to hogtie..Either the perp worked in a butchery, slaughterhouse or he had knowledge of how to hogtie.

Respectfully snipped and BBM

I would add experienced hunter to the list.
I was trying to find another case were the victims were "hogtied" in a similar manner but I can't find one.It definitely has very sadistic,somehow sexual overtones.I think Sharrib made some excellent points.Trying to research "hogtying" I came across a blog about a video game called "red dead".Some of the comments there made me literally sick.It really does not have anything to do with the case and while the people there are "playing" it does show a certain mindset in how demeaning and controlling the act of "hogtying" is.
Sadly IMO I suspect the boys were still alive when tied.
" So, I want to hogtie a victim and drag them through shallow water and watch them drown!"
As I've just said in another thread, the forensic pathology evidence shows that the boys were either dead or unconscious by the time they were tied. I would also add that the amount of slack in the shoelaces, and the particular way that they were tied would be useless for restraint. If they'd been awake, the boys could very easily have untied themselves.

The most likely reason for them to be tied in such an unusual manner is that they were tied for ease of carrying. Its the way animal carcasses are tied in a slaughterhouse to be carried from one place to the next, not the way victims are tied for sadistic, sexual purposes, nor even pragmatic, restraint purposes.
As I've just said in another thread, the forensic pathology evidence shows that the boys were either dead or unconscious by the time they were tied. I would also add that the amount of slack in the shoelaces, and the particular way that they were tied would be useless for restraint. If they'd been awake, the boys could very easily have untied themselves.

The most likely reason for them to be tied in such an unusual manner is that they were tied for ease of carrying. Its the way animal carcasses are tied in a slaughterhouse to be carried from one place to the next, not the way victims are tied for sadistic, sexual purposes, nor even pragmatic, restraint purposes.

I agree, that is why I thought of a hunter, something larger than you can pick up, you have to tie up to transport.
He didn't proclaim his innocence in his first statement yesterday either. Is he still worried about the police and the DA's coercion?

Hello friends!
Let me start off by saying that I am forever grateful and appreciative of every single one of you who has supported us now and in the past. I call each and everyone of you my friend. I am beginning a new life for myself and enjoying spending time with friends and loved ones. Meeting new family has brought so much joy to my heart as seeing those I haven't seen in 18 years. I am taking time to relax and learning about things that have changed. Thanks again to everyone who has welcomed us back into society where we belong and have belonged for 18 years. This feeling is like no other I never imagined... walking out a free man and it's because of all y'all that I kept the faith that one day I would get to start and continue my life again. Thanks you all I love each and every one of you! Have a good life, I know I sure will!

I was talking about at the hearing. He proclaimed his innocence there.
As I've just said in another thread, the forensic pathology evidence shows that the boys were either dead or unconscious by the time they were tied. I would also add that the amount of slack in the shoelaces, and the particular way that they were tied would be useless for restraint. If they'd been awake, the boys could very easily have untied themselves.

The most likely reason for them to be tied in such an unusual manner is that they were tied for ease of carrying. Its the way animal carcasses are tied in a slaughterhouse to be carried from one place to the next, not the way victims are tied for sadistic, sexual purposes, nor even pragmatic, restraint purposes.

I actually sort of hope you are right.For some reason that 1AM TOD is disturbing to me.I keep wondering if they were tortured over a period of time before they finally took them to the ditch at around 1AM? where two of them drowned :(......I hope they were unconscious and left for dead after the initial attack as horrible as it sounds.I somehow can imagine an even more sinister scenario.I keep thinking about the "cockroach" punishment Hobbs would give to Stevie and the statements about him being forced to watch *advertiser censored*.It's sadistic.I keep wondering if Amanda has repressed memories.She may have witnessed or knows something from back then.IMO
But more importantly still, Damien Echols walked into court from Death Row, pleaded guilty, and walked out of court with a sentence of time served and a token 10 yr unsupervised probation with no travel restrictions.

It was America's weirdest plea deal, and anyone who isn't curious enough to wonder why, well maybe there's just none so blind as those who don't want to see.
As I've just said in another thread, the forensic pathology evidence shows that the boys were either dead or unconscious by the time they were tied. I would also add that the amount of slack in the shoelaces, and the particular way that they were tied would be useless for restraint. If they'd been awake, the boys could very easily have untied themselves.

The most likely reason for them to be tied in such an unusual manner is that they were tied for ease of carrying. Its the way animal carcasses are tied in a slaughterhouse to be carried from one place to the next, not the way victims are tied for sadistic, sexual purposes, nor even pragmatic, restraint purposes.

If your right hand is tied to the outside of your right foot, and your left hand is tied to the outside of your left foot, how is it possible to work free?

This business about transporting the bodies on the arms is silly and inane, and arises from naivete. It would be easier to carry a boy over the shoulders, placing the weight on the back, gluteus maximus, and leg muscles not the arm muscles. Anyone used to lifting heavy things knows this. Bodies are not grocery bags, ladies.

So do those who think that's the way it happened, also realize that those bodies would be swinging on the person's arms as the person carrying them walked?

Have you ever tried to lift someone who is passed out from drinking? I have, and it's all a college friend and I could do to even get him off the sofa where he'd vomited. Once off, the two of us literally could not even drag him anywhere, and he only weighed about 130lbs. We could not lift him at all. I realize the boys weighed much less, abt. 80 lbs. each, but that is too much weight for the average man to carry any distance in a short amount of time. Besides, there is no reason to think the boys were killed elsewhere. And if killed in a manhole, there's no reason to transport them to an open ditch.

I contend that those boys were tied the way they were for sexual purposes and also for the shock value when discovered. It is not necessary to have penetration for this attack to have the sexual overtones it did. Mutilation of anyone's genitals is always sexual in nature.

Dr. Perretti even raised snapping turtles so he knew the majority of the wounds didn't come from turtle bites. I think Blink on Crime has it right about the hiking pick being used to make gouges though the WMPD and prosecutor didn't connect the dots. It also had a serrated edge on one side which Blink says matches up to the wounds.

She was recently on the Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio to discuss the case. It's still available for listening, and well worth the listen.
But more importantly still, Damien Echols walked into court from Death Row, pleaded guilty, and walked out of court with a sentence of time served and a token 10 yr unsupervised probation with no travel restrictions.

It was America's weirdest plea deal, and anyone who isn't curious enough to wonder why, well maybe there's just none so blind as those who don't want to see.

It was a win-win for the prosecution. They got their convictions and the state was off the hook for any additional expenses.

If any of the Wm3 commit a crime, they will be hauled back to serve 21 years, and there will be no hearing. They will simply be repo'd like a vehicle. Plus, they will face the new charges in any crime they commit.
Respectfully snipped and BBM

I would add experienced hunter to the list.

Hunters do not hogtie their kill. Most deer are too heavy to lift. If killed in remote places, they are quartered and packed out by horse, mule or 4 wheeler or carried out on a make shift travois. Most hunters simply drive their vehicle to where the deer lays, and lift it up on the tailgate. Some deer are small enough to lift, and hunters are continuously warned about carrying them on their shoulders due to the risk of being shot by an inexperienced hunter. It is important to the hunter not to drag the carcass on the ground because rocks can damage the meat.
If your right hand is tied to the outside of your right foot, and your left hand is tied to the outside of your left foot, how is it possible to work free?

If there's 8 inches of slack in the laces, all you do is simply put your legs together, and reach down with your hands and untie your right ankle, and then reach down with your hands and untie your left ankle. At that stage - given that your hands and legs were never tied together - all you have to do is run. You would just have laces hanging off your wrists and other laces hanging off your ankles.

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