Why would casey have told anyone where to find the body?

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When you really think about this case and all the FBI info that describes mothers who kill and where they deposit the bodies ... I wonder why all the mystery about this case. If the FBI profile had been followed, wouldn't we have been at the find point a lot sooner? I just do not understand all of the "stuff" about this case getting so bamfoozled, corrupt and media-worthy. It is strange. This appears to be a fairly straight forward murder case to have gotten so jumbled up. Who does all this benefit?

I think we didn't reach this point sooner because the body was covered in water when they searched.
I think it became so media worthy because what mother goes 30 days without reporting their child missing? Because of that, everyone knew from the word GO that she was involved. And because of florida's laws allowing the press to get access to everything, we get to watch the case unfold as it happens practically.
I think KC told JB early on, because that was what she had to do to help her case (and besides he was so nice and gave her sooo much attention.) She would also have given him her version and excuses and justifications.

I can think of two situations in which she might have told her family. While out on bond she may have gotten tired of hearing all about "when Caylee comes home", so if she was ever at a point when she felt confident that she really had the A's sympathy and support, she most probably gave them a highly edited version in which a.) she was at her wits end. b) they had some guilt (putting pressure on her, things they said etc) c) she was somehow ill. Saying she didn't remember a lot or something.


She got mad. If while she was out on bail if she got into it with the one of the A's, she might have thrown it in their faces. And of course guilt would have been assigned to the ones who "didn't love her". They didn't love her and they drove her to it. This is the one I suspect.

There is a faint possibility that she might have told LA- simply because he was the big brother and I think she trusted him more than anyone, she might have trusted him not to tell or to turn on her.

Does anyone remember when they picked Casey up to return her to jail after revoking her bond, where was it that she got picked up? CA picked her up at JB's, they drove somewhere and she went to transfer to another vehicle.... but LE showed up and handcuffed her. Does anyone remember what road that was on?
The Anthony's hired the P.I.'s to do their dirty work. KC told Lee Caylee was dead and where she put her remains. In one jailhouse converation Lee asked if Caylee was close to home and KC said yes I fell she is still close to home. They then talked about Caylee being north of somewhere, and KC said yes you are right on the money. Suburban Drive is north of Hopespring Drive. As Lee stated in his testimony he and KC had a very close relationship unlike any normal brother and sister. If she were to to tell anyone it would be Lee.
Maybe Lee flat out asked Casey whether or not Caylee was deceased. Being close, he could have promised her he wouldn't tell a soul and didn't need or want to know the details. She admits that Caylee's deceased and it's left at that. Then, somewhere along the way, maybe when she's back in jail, (like in that video where he is asking her if Caylee might be where a mutual friend is suggesting) she gives the affirmative and he sends the PI to the location. Her motivation, I think, is as simple as trying to keep that connection with Lee. Telling each other things they could never tell anyone else, like he said. It's their little secret.
I think we didn't reach this point sooner because the body was covered in water when they searched.
I think it became so media worthy because what mother goes 30 days without reporting their child missing? Because of that, everyone knew from the word GO that she was involved. And because of florida's laws allowing the press to get access to everything, we get to watch the case unfold as it happens practically.

Could be. Could very well be. Thanks for the opinion. It is quite a case for sure.

I have never bought the 'flooded' part of this story really. Cadaver dogs normally do much better when water is around as water enhances the odor - doesn't cover it up at all. So, I draw a blank on that.
When you really think about this case and all the FBI info that describes mothers who kill and where they deposit the bodies ... I wonder why all the mystery about this case. If the FBI profile had been followed, wouldn't we have been at the find point a lot sooner? I just do not understand all of the "stuff" about this case getting so bamfoozled, corrupt and media-worthy. It is strange. This appears to be a fairly straight forward murder case to have gotten so jumbled up. Who does all this benefit?

Any time you have a missing child in a middle class neighborhood it is media worthy for at least a little bit. When you have a missing child, no report for thirty one days and a POI mother, you just racheted up the media interest. The outrageous story also attracted attention right from the first.

Then when you add the family (victims family and POI family being the same) being available to the media, you just racheted it up some more. Then when the family starts adding their own theories, and calling their own press conferences, and then starting to outright contradict known evidence then you have a case that will get major interest. And when the press turned against them, their attitudes toward the press didn't help.

When you start adding accusations toward the LE and periphials in the case, as well as accusations toward strangers with a name attached, then you have a mystery and a case the media won't leave alone.

Who benefits? Well I hear the licensing rights are going pretty high.
I thought LE ruled out any connection between the MR and the A Family?

When we first heard about MR supervisor, it was that he lives in the A's neighborhood, not that he was a direct neighbor, has this information changed or is it rumor?

TIA! What a day! step away for the first time in a month, look what happens!?!
Casey may have wanted the body found after decomposition so that she can change her story over to accidental death if she feels the need or she may have given clues to Lee thinking that someone in her family would go hide the body better so that it would never be found. I don't believe that she confessed the killing to anyone though, but the childhood location as part of a big kidnapping fear for her life conspiracy.
Back in Nov, Nov 5th KC had a visitor for an interview with Mathew Troccoli for about an hr....do we know who this person is?
We have to remember KC's thought process is not that of a "normal" person. She is chatty Cathy and likes attention from her male helpers. I am sure she said,"in my gut, I feel Caylee is in the woods by my house." Not expecting to be held accountable for that statement since she was with JB. If you remember the talking heads all agreed after Caylee was found they felt it would benefit the defense. Because that area was supposedly cleared with cadaver dogs.

I agree. It's as simple as that.
I think if she did set it up to look like a kidnapping, and it was looking so bad to the defense, she thought finding it with the duct tape would make the kidnapping look better.

I'm not convinced she did want the body found, but if she did, I think it's for the same reason...that is, she thought it would help make her kidnapping story more believable.
Why would KC tell someone where she plopped the body? I can think of no reason whatsoever, except to have it moved.
Sometimes people confess to their lawyers. They know the lawyers can't tell. She may have done so because she felt internal pressure or because JB was pressuring her. Something along the lines of: "Listen, casey. This nanny story is not gonna' fly. It does not look good for you right now with what we have. I need something else." After she comes up with other options that are similarly stupid and he keeps saying they won't fly, she outs with it. "Ok, listen. Caylee is dead." "Do you know where she is. I need to know where the body is so I can monitor our chances of her being found. If her body is found, it will be much worse for you!" "She's around Suburban Drive by the school."
Now, the fictional questioning by JB I just proposed is a techinque I know that some defense attorneys use, not necessarily to get their clients to fully confess, but to either suggest to them to come up with a more plausible theory or to suggest to them, subtly, to admit to a lesser evil, like an accident, etc. It is very important for many defense attorneys to keep up with the fiction that the client is innocent of the charge, even between the attorney and client, because that allows them to sleep at night as well as not fall into the ethics trap of having to propose a scenario they know is 100% false. It is also important for clients to keep up the fiction, even when they know their attorney will not tell on them. It's just a dance some defendants and their attorneys do.
Also, the attorney does not want to create a new scenario for the client. They want the client to come up with it on their own. But, they need to subtly encourage the client to keep trying. Sometimes, this effort is misinterpreted by the client and/or the client becomes frustrated and simply confesses, perhaps partially. In the fictional conversation I proposed above, notice that casey does not need to say, "I killed her." But simply, "She's dead." This allows the fiction to be somewhat maintained, even if only by a thread.
Anyhow, after such a possible conversation, JB might tell his PI's, "Look, you need to go to this certain area and tell me what you find. Caylee's body might be there. This is all covered under attorney-client privilege, okay?" Notice, he's not saying his client is guilty, or that she confessed, or where he got the info. And, he does not want the cops called if a body is found, nor would he likely disturb anything or tell anyone else what was found, except his associates.
In any case, that causes the PI's to search. The problem is I cannot get the two PI's straight. Which one originally worked for JB? Did either of these cats work for JB at anytime? If so, that could support this proposed theory of why they were there, looking.
Bottom line is casey would tell if she felt pressured somehow to do so, possibly, in the above-proposed scenario, because she can no longer think up another lie that would seem plausible, wants JB to know that and why, and wants him to thus figure out a new and improved lie, with his legal expertise, that will explain why Caylee is missing and why casey is not to blame.
Sometimes people confess to their lawyers. They know the lawyers can't tell. She may have done so because she felt internal pressure or because JB was pressuring her. Something along the lines of: "Listen, casey. This nanny story is not gonna' fly. It does not look good for you right now with what we have. I need something else." After she comes up with other options that are similarly stupid and he keeps saying they won't fly, she outs with it. "Ok, listen. Caylee is dead." "Do you know where she is. I need to know where the body is so I can monitor our chances of her being found. If her body is found, it will be much worse for you!" "She's around Suburban Drive by the school."
Now, the fictional questioning by JB I just proposed is a techinque I know that some defense attorneys use, not necessarily to get their clients to fully confess, but to either suggest to them to come up with a more plausible theory or to suggest to them, subtly, to admit to a lesser evil, like an accident, etc. It is very important for many defense attorneys to keep up with the fiction that the client is innocent of the charge, even between the attorney and client, because that allows them to sleep at night as well as not fall into the ethics trap of having to propose a scenario they know is 100% false. It is also important for clients to keep up the fiction, even when they know their attorney will not tell on them. It's just a dance some defendants and their attorneys do.
Also, the attorney does not want to create a new scenario for the client. They want the client to come up with it on their own. But, they need to subtly encourage the client to keep trying. Sometimes, this effort is misinterpreted by the client and/or the client becomes frustrated and simply confesses, perhaps partially. In the fictional conversation I proposed above, notice that casey does not need to say, "I killed her." But simply, "She's dead." This allows the fiction to be somewhat maintained, even if only by a thread.
Anyhow, after such a possible conversation, JB might tell his PI's, "Look, you need to go to this certain area and tell me what you find. Caylee's body might be there. This is all covered under attorney-client privilege, okay?" Notice, he's not saying his client is guilty, or that she confessed, or where he got the info. And, he does not want the cops called if a body is found, nor would he likely disturb anything or tell anyone else what was found, except his associates.
In any case, that causes the PI's to search. The problem is I cannot get the two PI's straight. Which one originally worked for JB? Did either of these cats work for JB at anytime? If so, that could support this proposed theory of why they were there, looking.
Bottom line is casey would tell if she felt pressured somehow to do so, possibly, in the above-proposed scenario, because she can no longer think up another lie that would seem plausible, wants JB to know that and why, and wants him to thus figure out a new and improved lie, with his legal expertise, that will explain why Caylee is missing and why casey is not to blame.

ITA. Or the perp could have even said something along the lines of
"JB, Zani was my friend for 2 years! She knew everything about me. Samantha and Zani both told me while they were holding me down at JBP that if I didnt follow the script then they would kill Caylee and dump her somewhere that would identify me! Like the place i buried my pet hampster! If Caylee is dead then she will be somewhere that Zani knew I would go, so cheak around on Suburban Drive, JBP, blablabla" ... All those 8 hour visits they had, they had PLENTY of time to discuss the places that the perp had mentioned to Zani. *sammie rolls eyes*
I don't think Casey ever wanted the Body found

It kind of ruins the original defense plan of..... "Caylee is still alive".

I really don't think she did either. I think that explained her need for sedation more than anything else once she was given the news.
I don't think Casey ever wanted the Body found

It kind of ruins the original defense plan of..... "Caylee is still alive".

I agree with this also.

But i do think that wayyyy back when, she had everything set up so that Caylee would be found earlier and she would play the part of "poor, grieving mother". She was NOT prepared to be "Mother of Missing Child" but she twisted her story to accomadate that when Caylee was not found after all. (and JB explained that "no body, no case" and she shut her pie-hole quick smart after all the "I feel she's close" hints).

She could have been 'hypothetically" speaking (read LYING) to JB about what Zani MAY have done - so that she had a story line already going in the event that Caylee was discovered. Because after all, she knew she had set it up that way to start with and it was therefore on the cards.

When it actually happened she got overwhelmed as the gravity of the situation and the enormity of the find may have hit her like a ton of bricks. One of her alturnate realities was coming true and maybe she was afraid that she hadnt covered all her bases properly. Hence the need for the sedative.

I dont know. My head is just spinning with all the plots and subplots. It is truely just insane.
I dont think she told anyone. I think it just happened. I dont think the As knew in the literal sense, any of this. they (tried to) believe every lie she told.


I really don't think she did either. I think that explained her need for sedation more than anything else once she was given the news.

Think Baez had told her over and over that with no body they cannot prove a death and she will walk. when she heard they found it, she realised what that meant for her defense, hence "this cannot be happening" and request for sedation

I have believed all along that Casey spoke to Lee in code to find the missing Blackjack (Calee) for it (Her) to be moved.

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