WI - Audrey Seiler for faking abduction, Madison, 2004

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Jovin, doesn't that description of the suspect sound really vague? No mention of any facial characteristics or hair color or anything memorable. I'm probably just a cynic.
Jovin we cross-posted. NO FOx and CNN did not carry it!!!! The Madison station is still going wall to wall coverage .
:eek: I think there is something else going on here.. :eek:

Her story doesn't add up..!! :waitasec: She was waiting Saturday night to be picked up.. My guess she was either buying drugs, or drinking or something along those lines..!! :eek: Just a guess..!! Got in over her head...!!

I have felt there is something wrong with these events from day one..!! :eek:
The Madison station just reported Audrey has been released from the hospital and is going to a hotel with her parents, so she is obviously in pretty good shape.
CARLA said:
I have felt there is something wrong with these events from day one..!! :eek:

I thought it was very odd that she did not have her purse with her when she left - just prior to her disappearance.
Casshew said:
I thought it was very odd that she did not have her purse with her when she left - just prior to her disappearance.

Kinda getting into this late....just saw the parents this morning on GMA and didn't hear all the details. It is very odd that she left without a purse......hmmmmmmm Someone mentioned that maybe she was letting someone into the apt building......

Happy she's safe though!
Hi KimmyQ, I was but my husband thinks he needs food so I have turned it off. Please update us with anything new! thanks
They took the live feed down!!! Unless you can get it to work now.....I can't!! That was interesting to watch.....too bad.
kimmy_q_sky said:
Kinda getting into this late....just saw the parents this morning on GMA and didn't hear all the details. It is very odd that she left without a purse......hmmmmmmm Someone mentioned that maybe she was letting someone into the apt building......

Happy she's safe though!

This sounds like reasonable scenario. Often times, my friends will come over late and I'll just go down in my pj's and sweats (leave the door unlocked, leave my keys/purse behind, of course with my roommate there) and run down and let them in. This makes me think twice about that now...but, I don't think it necessarily means something shady is going on. But it does seem to me that she knew this person or this person tricked her into coming down, because it seems kind of convenient/lucky for the abductor that Audrey decided to run out at 2:30 a.m. While I can sometimes do this, it's hardly a predictable event and someone might be waiting a lot of nights to catch me this way. I definitely think that weird assault the month before makes me feel like she was targetted by this person. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.
CARLA said:
:eek: I think there is something else going on here.. :eek:

Her story doesn't add up..!! :waitasec: She was waiting Saturday night to be picked up.. My guess she was either buying drugs, or drinking or something along those lines..!! :eek: Just a guess..!! Got in over her head...!!

I have felt there is something wrong with these events from day one..!! :eek:

hi Carla, i've been following the story today and tend to agree that something isn't right here. she is a straight A-student, non-drinker, does not use drugs, but her boyfriend had spoken with her earlier in the evening before she disappeared at 2:30 A.M. maybe she had met someone else and was seeing him late at night. the video footage showed her pacing back and forth until she left :waitasec: on Fox News there was a reporter who they said was looking at this case with a perspective of a detective and he seemed suspicious. it was wierd hearing him report with skepticism when everyone else was overjoyed she was found alive. how bizarre she was hit on the head a month ago and now this! thanks for the updates on the case everyone and please keep us updated!

ETA: on Bill O'Reilly, the reporter speaking to Bill just said Audrey said she didn't know what all the fuss was about that she was missing for 5 days :confused: on LKL someone said Audrey did not know her abductor.
I also wonder about the 'attack' in Feburary where she was hit over the head and awoke or was moved a block away. The bizarre thing here is if you are hit and uncounscious I though you lost the time before, as in how would she know she had been moved? Not saying her version isn't possible just questioning.

Also thinking maybe there are details we have no concept of like a ransom which would pull it together more.
It is very strange. I read that she's a 4.0 student, so doubt she does much heavy drinking. The earlier assault in February, though, has seemed extremely odd. Apparently she was near her apartment when she was attacked, and someone found her in the other location, I presume, still unconscious. But why move her if not to complete a further aim? Nothing stolen, so sexual assault. It will be interesting to see this develops.
Isn't there a disorder/mental condition where people actually make this stuff up? Does anyone know what I am talking about?
turbosleuthing said:
Isn't there a disorder/mental condition where people actually make this stuff up? Does anyone know what I am talking about?

kind of like Munchhausen's syndrome by proxy where the mother makes the child ill to get attention from doctors? i don't know...maybe bi-polar disorder. i don't know what's going on in this case although news coverage said she had no reported mental disorders. Greta is covering it right now. they are interviewing a friend named Taylor Brown right now.
Hi all- was just checking in - I think it looks suspicious - and hoping in some ways that she is doing it to herself- maybe that leaves one less abductor out there- the other possibities are that its the same person- and that she knows him-and/or she is reenacting the trauma of 2 months ago - formerly called post traumatic stress disorder.
Now if she does have a drinking problem then that changes everything in my mind-chances are she is a tragic drunk then- and this is what happens in blackouts-then she has to find a reason to explain it- still would mean she needs help but it is bad for those who are really in trouble-
Newswolf said:
Jovin, doesn't that description of the suspect sound really vague? No mention of any facial characteristics or hair color or anything memorable. I'm probably just a cynic.

Now that you mention it....... I guess you're right.

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