WI - Audrey Seiler for faking abduction, Madison, 2004

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The person who made the 911 call "may have" seen Audrey in the marsh on Monday & Tuesday and possibly talked to her yesterday before calling 911?? This is getting weirder and weirder. Me thinks we will find out that this was all for attention.
the former FBI profiler was on one of the cable shows last night, i think it was John Douglas (?)...he is the one who comments on all these high profile cases and he was skeptical of the facts revealed so far. i guess people are skeptical after the Susan Smith case and Kobe's accuser.
On MSNBC...been out...haven't been home long or had the tv on.
I sure hope this conference clears up some questions we have.
MSNBC is going to cover it. I wonder what that link is that you posted, NewsWolf...maybe I'll check it out too.
i'm watching Fox News now and it says "Fox News Alert: Police Answer Questions on Girl's "reported" Abduction at 5:30 P.M." the word reported was in quotes. they also commented on why a sketch isn't being circulated on this abductor. i hope they have something to tell us during the press conf.
Fox is covering also and I was wrong it is 5:30pm E

The link is for the Madison station live coverage on the net
shadow said:
i'm watching Fox News now and it says "Fox News Alert: Police Answer Questions on Girl's "reported" Abduction at 5:30 P.M." the word reported was in quotes. they also commented on why a sketch isn't being circulated on this abductor. i hope they have something to tell us during the press conf.

after I heard about the news conference, then a few minutes later..same station (MSNBC) said that they were going to be releasing a statement soon. ??????
they keep playing the tape from the hall way.... it looks to me that she was looking for someone. She goes to the door and looks out and goes back in the building, twice. Or am I looking at it wrong, which could be :angel:

I'm so happy that she's ok
she provided description.... went to hospital....searched area..no suspect located....they're investigating sequence of events..may be inconsistencies...we are continuing forward with this investigation..not our role to speculate ....will continue to investigate all tips....encouraging everyone to take safety precautions....that's it...

sharing a composite....it's over.....
The composite sketch looks like Elvis!!!

I'm sad to say I don't believe her story at all at this point.

Edited: Looking again, I'd say more like "Rocky".
Jovin said:
Eyespy, I pm'd you last night...did you get it?

hi jovin... i haven't checked my pm's in a few days... I will do that! Thanks!!!
I have been wondering why they haven't discussed where she was going at 2:30 in the morning or if she was meeting someone. Seems to me that is the biggest clue as to what happened. She seems so apprehensive on the camera, like maybe she isn't sure she should be doing what she is about to do......
Babcat said:
Maybe she is developing schizophrenia.

If she is, I am sad for her. :( But she fits the profile like a predictable Law and Order show. Schizophrenia runs in the gene line of many families. It is an inherited illness. The gene for schizophrenia, in the vast majority of cases, remains dormant until early adulthood. Something has to then "trigger" it for the illness to develop. Often that "something" is college.

College is a whole different world from the 13+ years the person has spent in schooling up to that point. Even high school, that encourages greater personal responsibility, is still very structured by nature. High schools would be held accountable for students who came and went as they pleased. But college is a "pay-to-play" experience. The teachers and professors cannot be bothered with hunting down wayward students who simply don't go to class or do not prepare adequately for tests etc. Sometimes the vast amount of personal choice and freedom alloted to still-very-young, and not entirely mature, students, becomes a inner battle of decision making they never had to face. And many make the wrong decisions. That's why promising, intelligent, students shock everyone by flunking out their freshman year.

But some students are so driven (and you can usually identify them easily by 7th grade) that they robotically assimilate to college life, and strive to make no bad decisions! This is nearly an impossible task and one that higher education works to actually discourage. One can't leave college believing that he/she will never make the wrong choice, or that only one choice could be the right one. These students do very well, grade wise, their first couple of years. But the stress level they experience is over the top. They are nearly guaranteed of being profound perfectionists... and the life style of a perfectionist is incredibly, dangerously stressful. Add to the mix a dormant gene for schizophrenia and you get the launch of a lifelong mental illness that only gets progressively worse, and is not always easily detected and identified at first.

Schizophrenia would explain the loss of time with no coherent memory. It explains the paranoia of becoming a victim often to the point where victimization is acted out intentionally to aleviate the intense fear. The logic is that "getting it over with" would relieve the constant distraction and obsessiveness in the person's mind. And yet it is subconscious to the point that the person may believe it really happened without his role in engineering it.

There is a staggering statistical difference in the percentage of geniuses inflicted with paranoid schizophrenia compared to the percentage of geniuses in the population as a whole. It isn't known if the dormant gene simply isn't triggered in many average to below average intelligence individuals, or if schizophrenia is a mental disease that runs in high intelligence bloodlines more readily.
i thought this whole story sounded odd from the beginning. my feeling was that she had some sort of mental breakdown.

i think le is trying to be very careful about how they word things. on good morning america, charlie made some mention that this sounded "fishy" to some people (or something like that). of course, the le guy had to be purposefully vague.

regardless, i feel badly for her because it seems clearer all the time that something weird has happened here and it didn't happen privately - it happened very publicly, breaking news on cnn and every news show there is.

"Seiler was involved in another mysterious incident Feb. 1, when she told police that someone struck her from behind and knocked her unconscious. She told police that she was then moved about a block from where she was attacked but was not sexually assaulted or robbed, authorities said.

Police refused a request by The Associated Press to release the police report from that incident. Capt. Richard Bach said officers believe the information might be connected to the latest investigation.

I have no clue if that means Yes, there is a perp, or NO she made up both incidents. I have swung back and forth but lean more towards the she-made-it-up-side pending further info.
thanks News. Mark Furman says the police are investigating her claims. Dan Abrams, Bill O'Reilly, Judge Napolitano, a couple of former prosecutors, former FBI profilers, a former NYC detective and i'm sure i left a few out, but over the past 24 hrs. they are questioning whether these events took place...oh no...now Keith Oberman...doesn't look good for Audrey. now a reporter says Audrey's friends are upset her credibility is being questioned. the police say there are inconsistencies so we will find out in time what really happened. i feel really sorry for her if it turns out there is no perpetrator!!!
As to why she went downstairs at 2:30 am. Here's a thought, based on my own experience.
Someone steals a book(or something), calls and says they are so and so from her such and such class, and he has her book. He says he can drop it off after work at 2:30 or he won't be able to drop it off until the following week. She needs that book, and is going to be up anyway, so she says, sure, come by, down she goes to just retrieve a book, but no one is there (hence the pacing) then she sees someone in a car motioning to her with a book out the window, she goes out, it's to far away for the camera to get. (real happening to a friend, although no kidnapping. Really was a lost book)

Other thought: If there was a 7-11 nearby, and she was pulling a late night study sessions, she might have wanted to go grab a coke/coffee/whatever. She started to go, felt nervous about it (that infamous "weird feeling"), then decided to go anyway, got kidnapped. Please don't sneer. Many similar kidnappings have occurred, some in broad daylight.

For a college student, roaming around at all hours isn't that odd. I also wonder if the door was actually open, or just unlocked and referred to as open.

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