GUILTY WI - Brittany Zimmermann, 21, Madison, 2 April 2008 *arrest in 2020*

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Thanks mssheila for keeping us up on this case. I haven't heard anything about it until yesterday & it was mentioned on the News channel. Not her name the fact that the 911 call went unanswered in Madison & I knew it was her case.
I'm glad someone is still paying attention Cheko. I'm so sad about this young lady being murdered- and about all the others that have gone unsolved. It's terribly sad.
Greta Van Susteren is in Madison. I'm praying that she will dig up some info for Brittany and Joel's families. :clap:
Here is my letter that I hope will get Greta's attention. What do you all think? I'm going to also post it on Joel Marino's thread:
Greta, As a citizen of the city of Madison, WI, and a former Dane County 911 operator at the same center in question- I want to thank you. I am so appreciative that you are talking about this and shedding all the light that you can regarding the many unsolved murders happening here. Greta- please look into this- there are many more unsolved homicides than the three that are being reported on.
Just your visit alone is causing the authorities to take some action that they would not normally take. I do believe that if not for your visit, the police would never have requested a meeting with the Marino family. In fact, the purpose of the meeting they wish to have with the Marino family is to discuss the fact that the family has gone to the media for help. Cheif Wray wants that to stop, PRONTO! I have been so disheartened to see the police treating these murders with little more urgency than a fender bender in a parking lot. Of course, this is all my opinion- but I do have professional knowledge and experience with the police department, and certainly the dispatch center in question.
There are more than three unsolved murders in Madison, too Greta. The list that I’m about to give you are just the ones I’ve heard about through the not-heavily-reported on news reports. It’s very strange that people here seem so “okay” with the news media keeping very quiet about all these other murders too.
I’m personally outraged that these people have died and up until this botched 911 situation with Joel Marino- it would seem that no one in the media is holding the police’s feet to the fire!
Here is the list of the unsolved cases that I know of for certain:

Reverend Alfred Kunz=1998 unsolved murder
Omar Haban-Megahed-1998 COD undetermined- family strongly disagrees with the “undetermined”….
Kelly Nolan-2007 unsolved murder
George L. Thomas-2007 unsolved murder
Larry Gardner-2007 unsolved murder
Kevin Cobbins-2007 unsolved murder
Joel Marino-2008 unsolved murder
Brittany Zimmermann-2008 unsolved murder
All recent unsolved homicides in Madison. Police seem to have no leads or suspects in any of these investigations. I want to know… HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?
Again…. Thank you Greta. I hope we can see some progress now that you’re here, and people are FINALLY paying attention!
Everyone, there is a ton of stuff going on with these Madison murders, but it seems like hardly anyone is paying attention! Hopefully it's just me.... being overly sensitive. After all, this is my city, and I love it. I'm scared for those kids down on campus. I'm worried about my perception of utter incompetence inside our police department. But mostly, I'm so very sorry for the families of Alfred, Omar, Kelly, George, Larry, Kevin, Joel and Brittany. I'm sorry that our seemingly callous and inept police department won't ask for assistance, or maybe even TRY to do the job themselves. They just keep pushing everything under the rug. Well, the pile under the rug has gotten too big, and now- I HOPE- people will no longer accept this from the MPD.

Here's an article I found today. This is from the newspaper "The Isthmus". This is dripping in sarcasm, but the overall message is pretty indicative of how angry people are getting. Here you go..........

Blaska's Blog: Dial 911, ask for The Kathleen
David Blaska on Saturday 05/17/2008 9:23 am

A small amount of human error and a larger dose of over-work and under-staffing is, I am convinced, responsible for the non-callback to Brittany Zimmermann’s cell phone call the day of her death on April 2.
Let’s get off the dispatcher’s case. Her job is stressful and she did it well for 20 years.
Because the issue is larger than the 9-1-1 center. The issue is our commitment level to law enforcement itself. If we don’t build up our policing agencies, if we don’t build the infrastructure to keep the bad guys off the streets, we can all be tapping 9-1-1 madly on every cell phone and landline in creation.
That is why you should show your concern for public safety by attending the listening session called by County Supervisors Jack Martz, Eileen Bruskewitz, and Ronn Ferrell. WHEN? Monday, May 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. WHERE: the Fitchburg Community Center, adjacent to the city hall on Lacy Road (east off Fish Hatchery).
Kathleen Falk has already signaled she has other plans or, I’m sure, she would be there in a New York minute. County Board Chairman Scott McDonell, refusing to hold his own listening session, is trying to short-circuit this one. But, if nothing else, every law enforcement professional, every union member, every family, ought to turn out to show that public safety is, and must be, Job One.

Drain the swamp
It starts, folks, by draining the swamp. It’s the broken window theory proven by Rudy Giuliani and Police Chief William Bratton in New York City: Today a broken window, tomorrow a crack house. It is all about stopping the slippery slide into chaos and anarchy.
Perhaps it is mere happenstance that, first, Joel Marino and then Brittany Zimmerman were slaughtered in their own homes in downtown neighborhoods. Perhaps. But I don’t think so. That is where Madison Police Lt. Joe Balles has identified the creeping charlie takeover of a “predator” class of what he calls transients, what I call vagrants.
Or we can lock and load. Is that what The Kathleen wants?

I haven't read anything by this blogger until today, and I'm not sure I specifically like HIS style.. but I love this newspaper now- their reporters have taken this particular bull by the horns. THey are calling it like it is, and I appreciate it. FINALLY!
I'm putting this in Brittany and Joel's threads because of the Home Invasion aspects. Side note- I live so close to the place where this happened that I heard the sirens.....

Armed Intruder Injures 2 In Cottage Grove Home

Residents Treated For Significant Head Injuries At Hospital

UPDATED: 4:45 pm CDT May 17, 2008

COTTAGE GROVE, Wis. -- The Dane County Sheriff's Department is investigating an early-morning home invasion in which an intruder pistol-whipped two residents.
Around 1:39 a.m. Saturday, Dane County sheriff's deputies and Cottage Grove police arrived at a residence on County Highway AB in the Town of Cottage Grove on a report of a home invasion.
Officers said that a lone gunman entered the apartment and assaulted two residents.
Responding officers said they found a 63-year-old man and a 55-year-old woman who had been pistol-whipped by the assailant. Both were taken to a local hospital with head injuries that were called serious but not thought to be life-threatening.
Authorities said the assailant was described as a white male, 5 feet 6 inches to 6 feet tall, clean shaven with a stocky build. The man was dressed all in black clothing and might have had on a hooded sweatshirt.
Posting this article both here and in Joel Marino's thread, although I almost didn't post it because Chief Wray (and the article) could not be any more vague!!
No suspect has been identified in Zimmermann 's killing. Police have not established motives in either homicide, nor ruled out the possibility that both were random attacks.
While current investigative information indicates the two homicides are not connected, Wray said, several similarities exist in the two cases: both victims were killed inside their homes during daylight hours, both homicides took place within a reasonably close geographic area, and there is nothing to suggest that either victim had enemies or was at risk due to lifestyle.
They don't say why they think the two crimes are unrelated, just that they probably aren't. Thanks for the info, Chief!!! Also, is it really that police haven't established motives or that they aren't releasing that information? You really can't trust anything the MPD says at this point.
This is another article I found after going to the link nowheregirl provided.... Apparently the 911 center has released the 911 calls relating to Joel Marino's homicide. There is information in the article that pertains to Brittany Zimmermann too.... here it is....

FRI., MAY 16, 2008 - 10:04 PM
911 Center releases tapes related to Marino homicide

The Dane County 911 center Friday released two recordings related to the Jan. 28 murder of Joel Marino at his home near Monona Bay, including the first dramatic call asking dispatchers for help for a bloodied and unconscious victim.
On the second recording on March 21, a witness calls the non-emergency police number to report he has spotted a suspect in a murder investigation walking on Park Street with another man. The caller never identifies which murder investigation or the name of the victim.
The witness later told Isthmus, a weekly paper, that he saw the suspect on Jan. 28, minutes after Marino was stabbed in his home.

The article goes on to say this:

On the call released Friday, the witness never mentioned Marino's name to the Madison police non-emergency dispatcher, who told officers the "caller thinks they are possibly part of a murder investigation. We're not quite sure what he's talking about."

I am so struck by the dispatcher's statement. He/She had that 'witness' on the phone and the witness is talking about seeing a suspect in the homicide walking down the street for the second time... and the dispatcher doesn't take the time to ask WHICH HOMICIDE he was referring to??????? Instead, the dispatcher sends an officer with notes on his mobile terminal that says "We're not quite sure what he's talking about". :banghead::banghead::banghead:

To me, this is almost as outrageous as the dispatcher not calling back Brittany's cell phone number after they get a suspicious call and hang up from her at the time of her murder. I'm really beginning to wonder why things are so 'lax' there that dispatchers are getting by with this stuff.

Everone knows that I'll defend the dispatchers to the end.... but this one really, really caused me great concern. :confused:
Quick question for the participants in the Zimmermann and Marino threads...

Is it just me, or would it be easier to merge the two? I know the police say they aren't linked, but they sure have a lot of similar problems with their investigations, and to find news on one- is to find it on both.

What do you guys think?
Greta is doing a special..... one local paper talks about her being in town last week.
Greta Van Susteren plans special show on Madison murders
Fox News star returns to alma mater to research program
Jason Shepard on Monday 05/19/2008 11:47 am

I don’t think I’m blowing a scoop by confirming that Greta Van Susteren, host of Fox News’ “On the Record,” was in town last week investigating the murders of Kelly Nolan, Joel Marino and Brittany Zimmermann.

Prompted by Isthmus’ coverage of the cases, Van Susteren returned to her college stomping ground to prepare a special report (scheduled to air on the Fox News channel on Friday, May 23, 9 p.m. CDT) on the recent apparent stranger-murders. The unsolved murders have been masked in secrecy and marked with missteps, including a botched 911 call and allegations of not taking key tips seriously.

Van Susteren spent much of Thursday interviewing Joel Marino’s parents. Lou and Debbie Marino took Van Susteren and me on a tour of Joel Marino’s house and walked us through what they know about their son’s final moments. They showed us where Joel collapsed outside, yards from St. Mary’s Hospital, with gravel clutched in his fists.
Lou Marino broke down crying as he told us about hearing the 911 call placed by a person who found Joel collapsed in the alleyway; Debbie broke down as she talked about she felt Joel’s presence in the house.

It was emotionally draining for us all.


The same article relating to Brittany.......

After the Marino family interview, Van Susteren and I walked the short distance from Joel Marino’s beautiful house on West Shore Drive, with a gorgeous view of Monona Bay and the Madison skyline, to the Doty Street apartment of Brittany Zimmermann.
Zimmermann was murdered, in a strikingly similar manner, about two months after Marino. Kelly Nolan, who was killed last summer after a night of drinking near State Street, lived just three blocks north, on West Mifflin Street.
Van Susteren asked if the same person or persons could be responsible for all killings. At the time, police were refusing to comment on rumors, running rampant among reporters, that DNA had linked the Marino and Zimmermann murders. (The following day, last Friday, Madison Police Chief Noble Wray said police did not believe the Marino and Zimmermann killings were connected, but could not rule it out.)
I'm going to the "town hall meeting" tonight in Fitchburg regarding the problems with the 911 center. I have personal information regarding my own experiences with the training process, and I have seen how flawed some of the policies are within the center, etc... This meeting is supposed to be on the subject of the public's problems with how 911 calls are handled.

I know that if I can get someone to listen to me, I will feel a lot better. This will be my first time at such a 'town hall meeting' and I'm really proud of myself for going. I have been just sitting back and hoping that other people will speak for me, and voice concerns that may be close to what my concerns are...... but these cases are beginning to mean too much to me. I feel like the impact this has had on these victims' families, and the dire situation that MY city is in with the police department not paying them any attention, is all just too much for me to sit back and see any longer. I think I should be heard! But most of all, I want to see ALL eight (that I know of) murders solved!

It's time to take action and make people HEAR me- not just sit here and be angry about it going on all around me.
ms- I'd like to hear your thoughts on how the town meeting goes, as am sure you know Chief Fray will be addressing/defending his/and detectives actions in regards to the Marino case on 5/20.

Thanks in advance.
:clap::clap::clap::clap: I am very proud of you! Let us know how it went!!! :clap::clap::clap:
I just recapped this to someone in a PM..... so in order to avoid typing it all out twice, here's what I told her...........

I did it! I feel so good, I was heard! It was nothing more than a meeting for the county board of supervisors to collect questions to take to the Dane County Executive, Kathleen Falk. There were no answers. The crowd was downright hostile at times, and I found a new HERO! Her name is Vicki McKenna. She's a local radio talk show host on 1310 WIBA.... She's trying to light a fire under their asses! :woohoo:

Anyway, there were a couple of board supervisors there, and they collected a ton of qauestions from the public. I knew a lot of the answers, so I stood up and told them all what I knew to be true. The whole purpose of the meeting was to get feedback from the public on how they think our 911 system is doing. I told them- from an insiders point of view- where all their problems stem from. It's the way they train their employees, and the lack of consistency for all employees. It is absolutely no surprise to me that any of these things happened with the 911 center. The training program they employ is abysmal, and the protocols they are required to follow change from department to department.... this center dispatches for a total of 85 different agencies, all who have different requests on how dispatch handles THEIR calls. There is also a problem internally with not having enough dispatchers to go around. They often (almost always) work 20 hours of overtime- or much, much more- in a 14 day stretch. They work 4 on, 2 off. That's a lot of overtime in 8 shifts. One dispatcher there said that the most O/T she's ever worked was 80 hours in one month. HOLY COW! That's twice what she would normally work!

O/T is often not even volunteered for. If someone calls in sick, and that person was supposed to relieve you- you MUST stay 4 hours over, and then the person who was supposed to relieve the sick person MUST come in 4 hours early and then work their regular 8 hours after that. Mandatory O/T is ridiculous there. No wonder there are mistakes like this being made!
ms- I'd like to hear your thoughts on how the town meeting goes, as am sure you know Chief Fray will be addressing/defending his/and detectives actions in regards to the Marino case on 5/20.

Thanks in advance.

Cheif Wray is only holding that meeting because Greta VanSusteren came to town. The Cheif wants to make sure that when she shows her "special" on Friday, he has already made himself look like he's doing everything he can.... Ugh. :rolleyes:

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