Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #39

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Bringing over this post/reply by bellyup from the last thread:

She/he wrote: "I know that it can be hard to do but my point is that it can be done. The sentiment that "there's nothing families can do" isn't true and unfortunately leads to many people believing that there is nothing they can do so they do nothing.

The reality is that there are resources and state resources aren't the only ones available. There are many privately funded organizations that also provide assistance. They can be difficult to find, difficult to maneuver and difficult to obtain. BUT IT CAN BE DONE. As someone who also works in the field, bringing those resources and encouraging people to seek them out is far more productive than the defeatist "it's hard". The only good thing about easy is that it's easy.

As a side note; I will again reiterate that 211 (phone call from any phone) will connect you with United Ways First Call for Help. Or you can google your city / states number for a website that lists both public and private places you can turn to."

I again, unfortunately have to respond with the reality I see day and and day out in Wisconsin dealing with clients having mental health crises.

I am listed as a resource in the 211 system in Wisconsin for several counties. I cannot tell you how many times I have had people call me that all of the leads that 211 has given them have been dead ends. Even if a psychiatric social worker is dispatched to assess the situation there can be lack of services. Thankfully, sometimes services can be accessed. I could not continue to do the work I do if there was not a way to get help in many cases. HOWEVER, getting appropriate help for someone with anti-social tendencies before they commit a violent act is very difficult. And in my experience, they could be some of the hardest cases to agree to voluntarily accept help because they do not see anything wrong with them. If you are lucky enough to get them into services you have to PRAY that they clinician(s) are on top of their game because when you are dealing with a narcissist, budding sociopath or psychopath they are master manipulators and will run roughshod over any inexperienced clinician. In my opinion all personality disordered clients are extremely difficult to treat. We are failing as a society to work with this population.

What you've posted about the frustration of trying to get help for someone in Wisconsin is also true for Texas.

I hope JTP didn't try to get help through 211 and run into the roadblocks those of us with time and professional knowledge to help others get.
Mary McGuire on Twitter
I’ve gotten a lot of questions about the $50,000 #JaymeCloss reward and what will become of it since Jayme saved herself. I’m told it’s being discussed with the FBI and the determination will be done at a later date. @WCCO #wcco


I hope they give it to her or put it in an education fund for her.
Barron community reacts to Jayme Closs case after more details are released
Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald says he expects the community to rebuild after this tragedy. “There's always a will and the courage this 13 year-old has shown us will only build this community and make it stronger," said Fitzgerald.

He says the safe return of Jayme is the best possible outcome in this tragedy. "We've seen bad things happen in the Barron community and we've been a part of tragedies before but we've never seen a child get kidnapped and I think that’s a struggle and has been a struggle for three months for this community and for law enforcement and for families all over," said Fitzgerald.

Despite the fear and discomfort the situation has brought to the community, Fitzgerald says he believes the tragedy will bring the community closer, encouraging residents to look out for one another.

"This community has done everything they can for Jayme, for law enforcement, for me as the Sheriff and we'll get through this wholeheartedly.” He says the community will rebuild and come out stronger. “If a 13- year-old girl can do it...we can do it," said Fitzgerald.
It's all about assessing risk, which LE and/or James couldn't do in that moment. A few minutes of time, then maybe. As humans, we don't do a good job of assessing immediate risk to ourselves, and taking appropriate response. We just aren't good that way. No blame from me, I just think that no one is prepared for such an extreme situation.

I don't know why people are harping on why the car wasn't stopped or whatever. That is very far from the point. They had a pretty detailed description of ONE car that was seen directly leaving the area. One. That description was never released. And I understand that because it was dark and they were going so fast they may not have felt the description was reliable enough to release.

But then they inexplicably gave out somewhat vague descriptions of OTHER cars. Yet not the only one seen leaving the area. I wonder why?
You know something....... At this point, it probably wouldn't surprise us to learn that Patterson was involved in the big search for Jayme.
Woah....never thought about that. They did get each searchers information so I'd love to know that. Oh if he did, that's just too crazy, but not uncommon for these types.
No new info, but Jayme's on the cover of PEOPLE.

Amazing Escape: Inside Jayme Closs’ Harrowing Run to Freedom After 88 Days in Captivity

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For 88 days Jayme’s fate and whereabouts remained a mystery. The small community responded with prayers, social media campaigns and thousands of fliers ensuring that Jayme’s face was everywhere.

Says Barron Mayor Ron Fladten: “Out of the evil of this horrific crime, still we can have a miracle.”

This is amazing! I imagine it’s very overwhelming for Jayme. She went from just another teenager to hostage to notoriety in 3 months. Being as she’s shy, all this attention all over the world has to be a lot to process. jmo
Seems even back in school he displayed symptoms of something! He was a loner, he had an abrasive/abrupt temper.... I don’t know if we’ll ever know why he was let out of the military but I suspect it included a diagnosis.
That night after leaving the Closs house — I do think he would want to get off the roads. Otherwiae he runs the risk of being stopped. He had no idea for sure if his car was seen on the way home. If his house was an hour away, but Jayme says she thinks she was in the trunk for 2 hours — I think she was simply terrified and mistaken. Is it possible he drove around a little longer debating whether to pull off somewhere and rape/murder her? Maybe but I doubt it. It would be interesting know how much he had ready ahead of time, back at his houae, for a Jayme arrival. And what’s up with all the cars at hia house? The res Taurus was registered to his sister I believe.
I think it’s highly likely that he took a meandering path home. He passed three police cars within a minute or less of leaving the home. He was the only car on the road, the only car that they saw before they got to the house. He had to wonder if one of them was going to turn around and come after him just to check.

It’s a real tragedy that they did Not. You know that they thought about it. They observed that vehicle with such attention that they nailed the color and the make and model in the report.
First: do we all realize it's the 15th the official three month marker to the day of her abduction - and if not for Jayme being the heroine of her own story: we'd all be here asking: 'where is Jayme?' & rehashing all the theories....Thank God we know: she is safe, she's alive, back with her family, back with Molly!! :)

Want to say: the shock & the sheer terror freezes the brain: for all you with families (or on your own): what you need to do is a have a plan: have a 'drill': when, the unspeakable is happening: your brain won't freeze: your mind will say: 'I know what to do'....
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