Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #39

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Good question.. at very least I’d think you’d want to know guns/dogs ... then any and all large males...

He could have been bat crazy and said oh well ... let’s go..

After he taped up denise I bet he didn’t say where’s your brother or anyone else here... cause he knew...

If you look at his indeed listing... his whole life is likely the same thing... sociopath with delusions of grandeur..

It’s like he watched Rambo and dexter for 3 yrs and decided his trainings finished... full of rage and complete con artist...
I don't believe JP wrote his Indeed resume. I think one of his parents or siblings put it there because he was too unmotivated to do so. He was going to jobs and then leaving after only one or two days. Getting booted from the USMC may have been the trigger for all of his rage. This guy seems to have an incredible amount of pent up rage at those in positions of authority.

Hard to keep up, so sorry if this has been posted but this is the first time I have seen this. The days he worked at the Saputo factory were October 3rd and 4th. The 5th is the day he failed to show up for work.

Prosecutors have declined to say exactly when Patterson first spotted Jayme, but Vassiadis said he worked at the factory Oct. 3 and 4 and then didn’t show up Oct. 5 and beyond.

“He was a no-show,” the rep said.
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I agree, but it would have to fit somehow. They didn't hear 2 random shots. They had to have just gotten the time wrong. IMO
Yes, I think they did. I've always thought that the neighbors misread the clock thinking it said 12:38, when it actually said 12:58. I think it was about 7 minutes fast, so that would have been around 12:51 when they heard the two gunshots. Those would have been the first two shots, and the third one was within the house so they didn't hear it.
That would fit with the time of the 911 call and the amount of time the killer spent in the house, although I think it would have been more like 7-8 minutes. I can't remember the exact time they arrived.
It was never a popular theory but now they we have heard both Jayme's and Patterson's versions I am even more convinced. I don't think he could have spent up to 20 minutes in that house, and LE has always said he was in and out quick. Imo
Good heavens. Do not ask Siri on iphone “Jayme Closs 911 call”. I thought I’d listen to it on the drive home. Didn’t want to type and search sites while driving. Said those words to Siri, and a box came up saying the phone would call emergency services within a few seconds. I was horrified! There was a cancel button, but before even thinking of hitting that, I just said, “No, No, No, No, No!” It then said “cancelling call”. Which was great—whew. But if I was in trouble and said No! to someone, would it still cancel? Eek.
I have to ask folks here- what are your thoughts on him keeping her under a bed? This is such a strange location to me. My first thought was it’s an incredibly uncomfortable location, his intention was to be extra cruel.

I can only think anything else (closet, closed off room, shed, customer built room) his dad could easily have access to, unknowingly walk into.
Good question.. at very least I’d think you’d want to know guns/dogs ... then any and all large males...

He could have been bat crazy and said oh well ... let’s go..

After he taped up denise I bet he didn’t say where’s your brother or anyone else here... cause he knew...

If you look at his indeed listing... his whole life is likely the same thing... sociopath with delusions of grandeur..

It’s like he watched Rambo and dexter for 3 yrs and decided his trainings finished... full of rage and complete con artist...
I don't believe JP wrote his Indeed resume. I think one of his parents or siblings put it there because he was too unmotivated to do so. He was going to jobs and then leaving after only one or two days. Getting booted from the USMC may have been the trigger for all of his rage. This guy seems to have an incredible amount of pent up rage at those in positions of authority.

I also think at some point Stockholm Syndrome would have set in with her and he knew that. At that point he would have been able to work and given her more freedom.

He did nothing that would lead to Stockholm Syndrome. Instead, he continued to shove her under the bed and threaten her which is why she fled.

Sealed juvenile records are sealed even to LE in Ohio. Makes me wonder if Wisconsin is similar.

Juvenile records are no longer sealed in Ohio by default. There are a few cases (such a completion of a diversion program or charges are dismissed) that do offer automatic sealing but those are exceptions.

Otherwise, you have to petition the courts to seal a juvenile record (and then at age 23 it will be expunged) and murder / rape aren’t eligible to be expunged.

Also. Juvenile records are available in Ohio to more than just LE and the courts up to age 23. You can find more information below.

Most states are going toward similar models if they haven’t adopted them already. Sheet (ML) Updated.pdf
That night after leaving the Closs house — I do think he would want to get off the roads. Otherwiae he runs the risk of being stopped. He had no idea for sure if his car was seen on the way home. If his house was an hour away, but Jayme says she thinks she was in the trunk for 2 hours — I think she was simply terrified and mistaken. Is it possible he drove around a little longer debating whether to pull off somewhere and rape/murder her? Maybe but I doubt it. It would be interesting know how much he had ready ahead of time, back at his houae, for a Jayme arrival. And what’s up with all the cars at hia house? The res Taurus was registered to his sister I believe.
I agree she probably was off on the time but it could have taken longer than normal. He may have taken more back roads to stay off the main highways.
The point was, they weren’t looking for a Taurus in the first place.

Had they identified it as the vehicle involved here, they absolutely would have ran down every Taurus owner in the area.

They never got to that point.
Actually they did identify the vehicle they passed as a maroon Ford Taurus. See the info about Deputy Fink in the charging documents.

So I would have expected them to look for Tauruses. But would they look 70 miles away is the question.
‘Small, Close-Knit Town’ Of Haugen, Wis., Also Reeling From Closs Family Tragedy
On the day Jayme Closs escaped last week, court documents say Jake Patterson drove from Gordon to the town of Haugen, Wisconsin. It’s where his mom lives and where WCCO found more people are wondering what they might have missed.

Haugen is a town of just 300. The news of Jake Patterson’s connections here has rattled the people who call this place home.

JH has been a part of this tight community for 40 years. His grocery store is a staple for anyone looking for basic supplies, but, it’s an infrequent customer that people are focused on now.

“When I had seen him in the store like last summer — June or July — he didn’t look that way,” Hill recalled about Jake Patterson.

Patterson’s mom has lived in Haugen for the last few years. She didn’t answer the door when WCCO stopped by. In a strange twist, WCCO has learned she drives a school bus for the Rice Lake School District. Patterson told investigators he knew he wanted to take Jayme Closs after seeing her get on her bus in nearby Barron.

Online records show Jake’s parents divorced in 2007. He went on to graduate in 2015 in Minong where his yearbook lists him as “quietist” in his senior class. On another page, Patterson said, “I’m finally done with school,” and that he planned to join the Marines. The Armed Forces confirm Patterson served for one month that following fall. That’s about the time his mom would have moved to Haugen.

Hill said Patterson didn’t come in often, but that he noticed a change the last time he stopped by. “I seen him once when he was shaven clean. I don’t remember what date it was or nothing,” Hill said.

Neighbors told me they haven’t seen the school bus Jake’s mom drives by her driveway since Thursday. They believe they are staying away as they try to cope with all that’s happened.
Either she lucked out and ran into exactly the right people or everybody else in WI except Jake Patterson is really really nice.

It does give some faith there is goodness inherent in most people. I know we are all so thankful she stumbled across this amazing woman and her dog, simply taking a walk, and Jeanne thought to go to the home away from hers, to provide some distance from JP’s house. I believe another dog was there, too.

The rest of understanding why Jayme was taken and why Jake Patterson was was emboldened to kill her parents will be a much darker undertaking and understanding. On the surface, after reading the complaint posted at the start of the thread, he was going to get her, hell or high water.

BTW, his attorneys, are they working pro bono? Just trying to understand whether they are public appointed defenders, or private. I think the former, but not sure.
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Hard to keep up, so sorry if this has been posted but this is the first time I have seen this, but the days he worked at the Saputo factory were October 3rd and 4th. The 5th is the day he failed to show up for work.

Prosecutors have declined to say exactly when Patterson first spotted Jayme, but Vassiadis said he worked at the factory Oct. 3 and 4 and then didn’t show up Oct. 5 and beyond.

“He was a no-show,” the rep said.
Just to put some days of the week on this (which I find helpful):
Wed, Oct 3 cheese factory job (through temp agency)
Thu, Oct 4 cheese factory job (through temp agency)
Fri, Oct 5 no show at cheese factory. Never showed up again.

Mon Oct 15, approx 1:00am. Kills Mr. and Mrs. Closs, kidnaps JC.

What did he do with himself between Thur, Oct 4 and Sun, Oct 14 (the 911 call was after midnight so technically Oct 15).

Not true. Always got them.
I wonder if it differs court to court. I’m unable to forward sealed records when requested. We actually don’t keep them onsite. I’m convinced jp has some juvenile involvement, even if just diversion. But that’s just a hunch...I don’t have anything to back that up.
I don't know why people are harping on why the car wasn't stopped or whatever. That is very far from the point. They had a pretty detailed description of ONE car that was seen directly leaving the area. One. That description was never released. And I understand that because it was dark and they were going so fast they may not have felt the description was reliable enough to release.

But then they inexplicably gave out somewhat vague descriptions of OTHER cars. Yet not the only one seen leaving the area. I wonder why?
Absolutely correct. The thing about their statement is that they seem to be able to remember it quite well in the criminal complaint
I don't know why people are harping on why the car wasn't stopped or whatever. That is very far from the point. They had a pretty detailed description of ONE car that was seen directly leaving the area. One. That description was never released. And I understand that because it was dark and they were going so fast they may not have felt the description was reliable enough to release.

But then they inexplicably gave out somewhat vague descriptions of OTHER cars. Yet not the only one seen leaving the area. I wonder why?
That wasn't where I was going with my post. I was speaking directly to how the risk assessment process works. LE has to take a calculated risk about the information it receives. That is all.
I don't know why people are harping on why the car wasn't stopped or whatever. That is very far from the point. They had a pretty detailed description of ONE car that was seen directly leaving the area. One. That description was never released. And I understand that because it was dark and they were going so fast they may not have felt the description was reliable enough to release.

But then they inexplicably gave out somewhat vague descriptions of OTHER cars. Yet not the only one seen leaving the area. I wonder why?

I told you, we think alike. Thank you for saying what I've been thinking.... over and over.
I agree that they had reason not to release the description of a Ford Taurus obeying all traffic rules, apparently.

The thing about this car is that they have been EVERYWHERE. Probably every one of us who lives in the US knows someone, probably a family member, who has owned or may still own a Ford Taurus. Now, they might be OK for an old fishing car, or towing small recreational equipment in WI ( not sure what the weekend sports are there) or as just a " The 15 year old wants me to help her with her driving so we're taking the old Taurus".

IF an alarm had been put out for a red Taurus, they likely would have had 1000's of responses, and some people might have taken it too far, like searching their ex's garage, or staking out a WalMart parking lot for days on end.. It would be so counterproductive.
Unless they set up check points, they wouldn't have found him via his car due to the switched license plates, IMO.

I agree that it seems very strange about the red Challenger and the black mini van or people mover ( I don't know what it's called as I've never seen one).
Just to put some days of the week on this (which I find helpful):
Wed, Oct 3 cheese factory job (through temp agency)
Thu, Oct 4 cheese factory job (through temp agency)
Fri, Oct 5 no show at cheese factory. Never showed up again.

Mon Oct 15, approx 1:00am. Kills Mr. and Mrs. Closs, kidnaps JC.

What did he do with himself between Thur, Oct 4 and Sun, Oct 14 (the 911 call was after midnight so technically Oct 15).

I love your details....we know he said in the Complaint that he made 2 previous attempts at the Closs home. It's here:

The defendant stated he drove to the Closs home twice with the intent to kidnap J.L.C. prior to October 15, 2018. The defendant stated that, several days after quitting Saputo Cheese, and about one week to one and one-half weeks before he went through with his plan to kidnap J.L.C., he drove to the Closs home, but there were all kinds of cars in the driveway and it scared him off. The defendant stated on another night, maybe a day or two later, he again drove to the Closs home and noticed the lights were on in the house and people were walking around in the house so he decided not to do it then.
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