Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #42

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I agree. I’m sure Dr. Oz and Nancy Grace mean well but we have to remember they are in it for different reasons. Selfish reasons. Whether it’s ratings or whatever.

I will always remember the time Nancy Grace went to town on the Duke lacrosse alleged rapists at the time and when it was found the accuser was a complete fraud she not once apologized.
Have considered that. I have trouble thinking this whole abduction started when he saw Jayme. Abduction thought probably simmering in his mind for awhile. Really don't know and at this point with what we know anything is possible.

We all have our own opinions but I tend to agree. I think he stalked her/them to some degree, whether before or after seeing her get on the bus or somewhere else I do not know. And online or in person or both I do not know. And/or he has watched other children get on buses, stalked schools, etc. or something. Looking for "THE" one.
Possibly because it is what is reported in MSM. How are we picking and choosing which MSM stories are true and which are not?

His father, Patrick Patterson, spoke to CNN's Jean Casarez at the Barron County Justice Center on Tuesday. He said he was there to pass along a note to the Closs family.

"All I care about right now is Jayme's family. I want to get them a note," he said, declining to provide more details on the letter and apologizing for not being able to say more.
"I'm sorry, I can't talk," he said several times, shaking with emotion before a deputy escorted him from the public area.

Patrick Patterson was in the courtroom for his son's arraignment Monday. He was initially seated on the prosecution side, but a deputy asked him to leave and sit on the defense side.

When a judge read the charges and Jake Patterson appeared via video conference, his father sobbed and buried his head into the shoulder of a relative seated next to him. On the prosecution's side, Jayme's family remained calm with arms around each other.

Father of kidnap suspect has a letter for Jayme Closs' family - CNN

Not picking and choosing. Some of us watched it unfold in real time. This account is simply wrong. CNN is no stranger to that, either. JMO
When his family thinks back on the Christmas gathering, I wonder if they noticed a difference in his demeanor. Maybe not at the time but in retrospect. More jovial or more into celebrating, more nervous, not listening or distracted. Poor Jayme. I have wondered if he drugged her to ensure compliance such as forcing her to take Benadryl, smoke weed, etc. Such a soulless human being dishing out cruelty to a precious child. Heartbreaking. Stay strong sweet Jayme. We are all praying for your healing.
Could be. But after hearing the shot that killed her father, hearing the shot that gained entry, witnessing the shot that killed her mother, being bound & dragged through her father’s pooling blood to a getaway car, dropped on the ground while he opened a trunk, and then being picked up again & thrown in that trunk, I don’t think any mind-altering substances would be needed to keep her compliant. I know I’d obey! The fact that she was coherant enough to listen to her gut instincts for the perfect minute to escape, then communicate clearly her name, her predicament, her perp’s name & car color shows incredible focus & bravery in the face of what must have been near paralyzing fear. I don’t think she was drugged. I think her cousin was right when she said shy, quiet, sweet, considerate Jayme is a “b@d@ss”. My prayer is that one day she realizes what a wonderful b@d@ss she really is and that it brings a small sweet smile of justice to her beautiful face and provides the courage to continue to recover & prosper in every way.
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Yes... this perp’s family seems blatantly split down gender lines. F silent & absent in aftermath, M present & supportive. Could mean nothing- maybe still just divorce animosity. Maybe F feel pressured by MSM or threats. Could mean everything- and much more relevant to perp’s unravelling into serious criminal. We may or may not ever know.

We don’t know what happen with mom
Oct 3rd / 4th.

If Mom tells jake I’m getting remarried oct. 4th. And jake is unhinged from that date on, regardless of what happened in divorce I’d feel horrible for mother.... and wouldn’t blame mom for not leaving house...

Jake could be using her house for just recon and that’s beyond not fair to mom...

I still think we’ll find out more on oct 3rd/4th.... if he’s truly just leaving work humming along... look there’s a girl to kidnap.. that’s scary...
I have wondered about that too quite honestly. Did he ever ride along on mom's even? Just conjecture. Was there something to a bus thing with him?

I have wondered if he has followed buses before, why would he offer that up if not asked? I don't think he would. If he is telling the truth, on this day he was on his way to work but he could have followed the bus before or a bus before, hard to say.

I’ve wondered the same thing. Is it merely a coincidence that that the mode of choosing Jayme had to do with his Mother’s occupation? Wondering what route his Mother drove?
I haven't really commented in the past week or so because I simply don't have anything else to add. But I just read that he had his family over on Christmas day while Jayme was under the bed. My blood is boiling right now. I really hope he pleads guilty and goes directly to prison for his life sentence. His mother is a school bus driver.....would be interesting to know if he ever rode with her on her routes. Sweet Jayme, my heart goes out to her. She will never be the same. Period. But she has a strong support system and family members who love her. I wonder if she will go back to school or just be home schooled. Time will tell.
I haven't really commented in the past week or so because I simply don't have anything else to add. But I just read that he had his family over on Christmas day while Jayme was under the bed. My blood is boiling right now. I really hope he pleads guilty and goes directly to prison for his life sentence. His mother is a school bus driver.....would be interesting to know if he ever rode with her on her routes. Sweet Jayme, my heart goes out to her. She will never be the same. Period. But she has a strong support system and family members who love her. I wonder if she will go back to school or just be home schooled. Time will tell.
He did not have his family over for Christmas. He went to a family members home and left Jayme under the bed for 12 hours.
We all have our own opinions but I tend to agree. I think he stalked her/them to some degree, whether before or after seeing her get on the bus or somewhere else I do not know. And online or in person or both I do not know. And/or he has watched other children get on buses, stalked schools, etc. or something. Looking for "THE" one.
Yes, he may have looked for dozens of girls and considered taking them before he finally decided on Jayme. We will probably never know. Imo
The time factor is curious. MS starts at 8a in Barron, cheese shift at 6. The Barron School District bus schedule could be determined by several factors- # schools served, start times of those schools (staggered or not), # busses owned by district, position of Jayme’s stop along the route, etc.

When my daughter was in MS, she was the first kid on & last kid off. During one semester of 7th grade, she rode the bus 3.5 hours each day, 1 hr 45 mins am, ditto pm. It was ridiculous.

As far as the direction goes, it is possible that Jayme would be picked up on a bus travelling west, even though Barron MS is east. Routes are often designed to eliminate the need for a student to have to cross a street to get on the bus- even if that means driving around in repetitive, silly loops on a way-too-long route to go a relatively short distance.

When my daughter rode her marathon route, her bus travelled north to go south. The most northern students should have been picked up first. But nooooooo. Mid-county students first, then north county, then south county near campus.

We are trying to make sense out of times & directions, without having the information needed to make sense out of it. Just say’n.
Absolutely. I feel like a lot of people don’t understand how buses work. You might be two miles from town and still have to endure a 45 minute bus trip.
For JP to let her know he was going to be gone for a certain period of time leads me to believe they must have had a decent amount of social interaction in those 88 days. Either that or hes just one of the dumbest criminals of all time. Not only did he tell her his real name, he told her when he was coming and going. Truly remarkable.
Wow! :mad: From the article:

He held a Christmas Day gathering for family members at "Patterson Retreat," the former family home that Patterson is accused of turning into a prison for 13-year-old Jayme Closs.

While the family marked the holiday, the houseguests had no idea that another person was there — the terrified girl Patterson was holding captive, forced to stay hidden under a twin bed, sources told reporters for the USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin.

Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald wouldn't confirm the Christmas gathering, saying he wouldn't know whether such an event took place.

But two law-enforcement sources separately said the visitors included two members of Patterson's immediate family and the people they were dating.

"The family was there," one source said. Patterson "told (Jayme) that if she made a noise or tried to escape, he would kill her."

One source identified Patterson's father and sister as the family members who made the Christmas visit to the ramshackle house at 14166 S. Eau Claire Acres Circle in Gordon, a town of about 750 located about 70 miles north of Jayme's home town of Barron.

The second source confirmed that the investigation had found that those family members visited Patterson on Christmas.
If true, what a thrill he would get out of getting away with it. But why in the world would the family want to go to that dump of a cabin on Christmas day. It's obvious the junk laying around in the house had been there for some time. Wouldn't they think it's weird that there is a radio on in JPs bedroom and what is all of that junk surrounding the bed... backpacks, weights, etc. I just can't get over the fact that most people would pick up on some hinky stuff going on in that cabin. Let alone his lifestyle for several YEARS. Humanity never ceases to amaze me.......
Yes, he may have looked for dozens of girls and considered taking them before he finally decided on Jayme. We will probably never know. Imo

I hope they give him the condition he can NEVER profit off of this crime from books, interviews, movie, etc. I think maybe laws have even been enacted for that possibly? But maybe someday when he realizes he is never getting out he will tell the rest... And LE may have more than we know from journals, online conversations, other computer records...
I’ve wondered the same thing. Is it merely a coincidence that that the mode of choosing Jayme had to do with his Mother’s occupation? Wondering what route his Mother drove?

I saw allegedly she drives for Rice Lake but she also just moved to Haugen so it does not mean she never drove anywhere else or even I guess that that was her only route.
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