Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #44

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Me either. Never have seen a lifetime movie.

But how can the story be told without him? Not possible

What I meant was that JP could be kept to a bare minimum and the focus be on Jayme and any other survivors included in the film. No interviews or comments by JP should be included, nor even his photo. Just the facts of what he has been charged with. Too many times we have seen these freaks and monsters idolized and emulated.

If JP is truly remorseful and wants to do something positive with his miserable life, I think he should give totally candid interviews to any psychiatrists and researchers who are interested in interviewing him, and not give any more self-serving interviews to the media. He should also donate his brain (upon death) to any brain researchers who want to study it. In other words, everything from him once the courts are finished with him should be kept out of the public and used only by professionals for trying to learn how to prevent this type of monster from forming and acting out in the future. All JMO.
1000% agree with you!

JP killed JC's parents. He kidnapped JC, took her to his 'pad', and they played house. Okay.

Why does this feel like prison pen pals to the n'th degree?

Why is this murderer/kidnapper being given any type of forum?

Sure wish JP would shut the heck up! This is ridiculous!
I wonder if he's going to go for insanity plea.
I think JP is trying to reach out to Jayme through the media in a twisted 'love' game. It's sad that he's taking these actions, but not surprising when you remember the magnitude of the crimes he committed in order to kidnap her to begin with.

He's a disturbed and evil little man boy but I don't think he's insane at all.
I wonder if he's going to go for insanity plea.
Although I think JP is insane, I don't believe he is criminally insane. Similarly, 20 doctors agreed that Aurora shooter James Holmes has schizophrenia, and he did not meet the standard.

Allegedly, JP is going to plead guilty, and I wish reporters would stop writing to him and trying to contact him until after he's sentenced. Justice for the Closs' victims and family should have priority. I'm sure his attorneys are not happy either. Maybe a gag order is necessary. MOO
Although I think JP is insane, I don't believe he is criminally insane. Similarly, 20 doctors agreed that Aurora shooter James Holmes has schizophrenia, and he did not meet the standard.

Allegedly, JP is going to plead guilty, and I wish reporters would stop writing to him and trying to contact him until after he's sentenced. Justice for the Closs' victims and family should have priority. I'm sure his attorneys are not happy either. Maybe a gag order is necessary. MOO
A gag order would be a great idea. We've seen it happen in many other cases, especially those involving minor aged child victims.
I so want Jayme to be able to have her privacy and anonymity back someday. I know it’s impossible right now. I think she’s going to benefit greatly by how much that community has really worked/works to protect her. IF Jayme ever even wants to share more of her experience, that should be 100% up to her.

As for JP, he’s not insane. He’s a narcissistic probable sociopath or psychopath. Someone above said they think he keeps reaching out to journalists in an effort to get a message of “love”, or whatever his evil twisted brain calls it, to Jayme. I agree. It’s bs and he needs to be ignored. I think people have this innate need to understand this person, in an attempt to figure out how society can recognize their psychopathy and prevent future atrocities from likeminded individuals. We on WS are much the same way, which is part of why we delve deeply into any of the cases here. After CW & JP, I’m finally to a point where I don’t think it’s possible to identify types like these individuals. It’s very frustrating.

All JMO.
A gag order would be a great idea. We've seen it happen in many other cases, especially those involving minor aged child victims.

What would it take for the Judge to place a gag order on this? The Prosecution needing to request one, perhaps? And who would need to push the prosecuting team? The family? Or maybe just one of that team realizing this is not good for the victims?

ETA: Not good being JP continuing to expel his thoughts on the world. Forgot to clarify my caffeine needful brain :)
What would it take for the Judge to place a gag order on this? The Prosecution needing to request one, perhaps? And who would need to push the prosecuting team? The family? Or maybe just one of that team realizing this is not good for the victims?

ETA: Not good being JP continuing to expel his thoughts on the world. Forgot to clarify my caffeine needful brain :)
Basic info on gag orders from and it's purpose from legal aspect:
"The term “gag order” can mean different things in different situations. Usually, it refers to a judge’s order that prohibits participants in a criminal or civil case from making public statements about the case until the trial is over. The order (sometimes called a “suppression order” or simply an injunction) is meant to ensure a fair trial with an impartial jury. But when judges are making these orders, they must balance that goal with the First Amendment free speech rights of the people being silenced, as well as the media’s right to report on cases and the public’s right to information."
"When Judges Issue Gag Orders
Usually, a gag order is requested by one or both parties in a case, but judges may decide on their own to issue these orders. Either way, the judge must find that the order is needed to protect the fairness of the proceedings and prevent the jury from being prejudiced by inflammatory or extensive publicity about the case."

Gag Orders: Balancing Free Speech and Fair Trials -
Basic info on gag orders from and it's purpose from legal aspect:
"The term “gag order” can mean different things in different situations. Usually, it refers to a judge’s order that prohibits participants in a criminal or civil case from making public statements about the case until the trial is over. The order (sometimes called a “suppression order” or simply an injunction) is meant to ensure a fair trial with an impartial jury. But when judges are making these orders, they must balance that goal with the First Amendment free speech rights of the people being silenced, as well as the media’s right to report on cases and the public’s right to information."
"When Judges Issue Gag Orders
Usually, a gag order is requested by one or both parties in a case, but judges may decide on their own to issue these orders. Either way, the judge must find that the order is needed to protect the fairness of the proceedings and prevent the jury from being prejudiced by inflammatory or extensive publicity about the case."

Gag Orders: Balancing Free Speech and Fair Trials -

Thank you so much for that information.

And I do understand there is a need to balance rights, and needs, to information. And, as long as JP is not discussing the murders, that he admitted to of his own free will, he can go on talking about playing 'house' with his kidnapping victim. Who he kept hidden away for 88 days.

And we all know that.

And most of the potential jurors will be exposed to this continued flow of information. Unless, of course, they can find people that aren't following any type of media. There must be some, right?
Adding to the insanity defense discussion:
From what I read this is the test Wisconsin uses to decide insanity (unless recently changed) should JP's defense try that defense. There are 4 different tests used and each state adopts one or a combination of.
"Model Penal Code Test for Legal Insanity: Basics

Under the MPC test a criminal defendant is not guilty by reason of insanity if he is diagnosed with a relevant mental defect (for example, severe mental retardation or schizophrenia disorder) and at the time of the incident was unable to either:

  1. Appreciate the criminality of his conduct; or
  2. Conform his conduct to the requirements of the law
Therefore, using the MPC test, a legally insane individual must have been diagnosed with a mental defect (typically by a court-appointed mental health professional) and either did not know right from wrong or lacked the ability to control an impulse that led to the incident."
*Burden of proof is on defendant
Interesting note: This was the test used for John Hinckley (Pres. Reagan/ Jody Foster) but the outrage "The jury found Hinckley had a mental defect that made him not guilty by reason of insanity, but the nation exploded with outrage over the verdict. Within a month after the verdict, Congress held hearings about the insanity defense. Congress followed up with legislation to shift the burden from the prosecution to the defense as to proof of insanity and to narrow the definition of insane. The States followed suit and changed state law to conform with the Congressional findings. Today, most states place the burden on the defense to prove insanity, some states have a finding of guilty but insane, and Utah abolished the defense altogether."
The "Model Penal Code" Test for Legal Insanity - FindLaw
Thank you so much for that information.

And I do understand there is a need to balance rights, and needs, to information. And, as long as JP is not discussing the murders, that he admitted to of his own free will, he can go on talking about playing 'house' with his kidnapping victim. Who he kept hidden away for 88 days.

And we all know that.

And most of the potential jurors will be exposed to this continued flow of information. Unless, of course, they can find people that aren't following any type of media. There must be some, right?
I think it is hard for us who closely follow these cases to imagine there are people who don't. But I am amazed how many have only a basic knowledge of many high profile cases for one reason or the other. Aside from a gag order which doesn't seem to fit if JP got "write ups" in the jail he could lose privileges such as mail & phone. He is probably towing the line from fear though.
Kati Anderson on Twitter
Benefit for @JaymeCloss going on right now at Salute in Manitowoc. Goes until at least 5pm maybe longer! #JaymeCloss @WBAY
I am so thankful Elizabeth Smart made her appearance in Barron. That was so necessary for the local residents healing and for Jayme’s healing. And what an impressive turnout, the gymnasium was crammed full! It reminded me of how many volunteers turned out that day to help search for Jayme. I still get tears in my eyes when I recall all those cars waiting in line to go help find her!

I am so impressed with the woman Elizabeth has become. I remember one of the first pictures of her after her rescue from those two wackos....she was holding her mother’s hand in an absolute death grip, totally white knuckles. She was all the sudden surrounded by media and certainly overwhelmed with being in the public eye and suddenly being free to go home finally.

Today she has come so far....she’s a beautiful wife and mother. She helps victims overcome horrific events as only a fellow victim can. I’m always amazed at how well spoken, self-assured and confident she is during media appearances. What a superb example of resilience!

Can u tell I’m an Elizabeth Smart fan? Lol

ETA rescue, not release

I do not believe a word he said and I believe everything he said was contrived in an attempt to mitigate other's opinions (especially his family's) of why he committed the crimes he did. IMO he wants people to think that he is somewhat delusional or confused or feel sorry for him because of his professed love for Jayme. Utter BS and he knows it. He doesn't want to be seen as the truly brutal and violent person that he knows himself to be, I believe mainly for his family's sake.

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