AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #11

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Okay I know some of you may not care for Mark Furhman at times including myself but the thread was closed at the time he was being interviewed on Fox.

Since he spoke I can't get out of my mind what he said because it ALL made so much common sense and none of it I had ever even considered.

Anyway for those who may be interested I will try to post it in my own words for you.

He said he believes the evidence shows that Denise was the intended target. Here is the clear reason he gave. If James had been the intended target the mission would have been over right at the front door with no need to enter the home. They would have shot James and quickly left probably before Denise could have even seen who it was.

But he said they purposefully went inside to murder Denise. He also said the crime scene can reveal who may be the intended target. Such as if one victim suffered more gunshot wounds than another victim. Or if one victim had other type of injuries done by the killer beyond the gunshots themselves.

He said he does believe that Jayme has been killed and thinks the police know that too and know they are in recovery mode now.

He also said this which makes sense to me. He said the experts on the ground have the ability in less than a day's time to know if there are any vehicles in this county of 45000 that matches the 2 vehicles in question.

So he thinks the police already know the vehicles aren't from the county this happened in. He said they will go county by county searching the DMV data base looking for possible matches and interviewing anyone who may own the same type of vehicles crossing them off one by one.

So what do all of you think about this? I found all of it so fascinating. Jmo though

I thought Mark Fuhrman did some excellent work on the JonBenet Ramsey case. It's not very well known, but it's sound.

A few thoughts about Denise being the targeted victim:
- Why would a perp. wait so late at night to attack if James was working an evening shift? Could the perp. have been in the house as soon as it was nightfall and we haven't considered this seriously? Could perp. have been drinking or using drugs and had no schedule for anything?
-The timeline we think may be in place for the commission of the crimes of home invasion and two assaults may be earlier. James's coming home might have been when the coup de grace' of death was delivered tragically, to Denise, and also James.
- What the above suggests to me is that if there was one lone perp., Jayme may have had time to run out of the house, get out through a window, almost anything if she wasn't restrained.

- The main thing that concerns me is how Jayme is a mini Denise. They have the closest mother- daughter likeness I've seen in a long time even with the age and weight difference.
IMO, based on principles of psychology, this resemblance would probably make Jayme more of a target for sexual assault, torture, and abduction than a daughter with dark short hair or other features that didn't look so much like her mom's.

Mark's theory is sound. We've said all along it made no sense to kill two adults to abduct a child who was in so many activities. I never could get it to fit well. But if Denise was the targeted victim in the household, it absolutely does fit and once again, the case in CT of the Dr. William Petit daughters and mother, who were carbon copies of each other, comes back to light very strongly. I posted about the way that case keeps coming to mind in part #6 of this discussion.. I'm sure most people know or can find out that it was a targeted home invasion for sexual assault of the female family members. A secondary motive was the possibility that there was a great deal of money in the bank. There wasn't.

I tend to believe Jayme is deceased, but so many people are doing their best to find her, it's amazing. I want to thank everyone who participated in the search today, and also thanks to those who live far away like I do, but who have prayed and thought of her and the searchers' welfare all day.
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The whole four minute thing is something to think about. When the 911 call came through it probably took a minute to realize what was going on and dispatch officers. Meanwhile there seems to be an argument in progress so the killer hadn’t left yet. And the mother is possibly still alive. And the call may have the final shots recorded. Police obviously didn’t see a car pull out so it was already out of sight. There was very little spare time to grab Jayme, get her to the car, somehow make her stay in and get away.

If she was resisting at all, how do you get her in the car? I doubt you shove her in through the driver’s door and across the console. If you put her in the passenger side then you’ve got to circle the car without her running. Perhaps it is a sign of two abductors. If so, that seems to lower the odds it was a sexual predator crime. It seems more of a “oh heck she was on the phone! Grab the kid and let’s go. We’ll figure it out later.”

i don't think she would resist. She has just watched her parents murdered in cold blood. she is in complete shock. they could, however, have put her in the trunk - or just held a gun to her head and told her she was next if she tried to get away.

Also, one thing to remember about the youth today - they are far more savvy about gun violence at a young age then we ever were. . they are taught in school active shooter drills...and learn to be VERY afraid of guess would be that Jayme would go along with ANYTHING because of her absolutely heinous experience of watching her parents killed...and her knowledge of the danger of firearms through school drills and education. such is the world in which we live....sigh
Thank you for that. We have thread here for that case (back in a minute with the link)

They probably got their article from reading your posts. I'm serious. Journalists and gossip columnists and even bloggers covering true crime read here and will steal our ideas. There was a "Heavy" article I read about all the theories floating around about this case and it sounded as if the author has been reading here. Heavy usually has decent articles with factual info but that one is not worth my even looking for to link again. ;)

Yes! It kept kicking me off so I took a break for a couple hours and now I'm so behind. I'm multi quoting in hopes it lets me post.
During the Zhara Baker case, Nancy Grace quoted one of my posts verbatim. And it was not a short post. LOL !
Consider the source here, but whoah!

Jayme Closs Case Break: Police Receive Chilling Tip Conversation With Strange Man

“You know I hate this area. [There are] just plant jobs. That’s all there is. What do you think about the Jacob Wetterling case? I think I know who did it,” the man continued. “Kids go missing and women go missing all the time. They get taken from their homes or vehicles and are never found. You never know how many bodies a person has. There could be 18 bodies buried across the country and no one would ever know.”
He is most likely a web sleuths member. I think he is just being morbid.
Consider the source here, but whoah!

Jayme Closs Case Break: Police Receive Chilling Tip Conversation With Strange Man

“You know I hate this area. [There are] just plant jobs. That’s all there is. What do you think about the Jacob Wetterling case? I think I know who did it,” the man continued. “Kids go missing and women go missing all the time. They get taken from their homes or vehicles and are never found. You never know how many bodies a person has. There could be 18 bodies buried across the country and no one would ever know.”
That is creeeeeeeeeepy.
I still think Jayme knew her abductor and would be able to identity the perp. After witnessing her parents being killed or just hearing the gunshots and knew what was happening, she either hid or tried to run away. Now, perhaps the perp saw her have a phone and panicked figuring she called 911 and didn’t want to shoot her because of time, so instead abducted her.
I hate to say this and I really, really hope I’m wrong, but I think she is deceased. :(
Hi everyone! I’ve been a member here since following the Mickey Shunick case. I’ve followed a few cases since then but I’m usually too busy catching up on threads to contribute much. I’m always so impressed with what everyone here brings to the table.

My brain keeps coming back to WHY they went to the “trouble” of taking JC from the house (other than reasons I refuse to type) I know police have said there were multiple shots fired and casings found. Was the perp not expecting her to be at the house and out of ammo by the time they spotted her? I know they were at a family gathering earlier in the day, was she maybe supposed to to go home with a family member for the night but changed her mind? It was a school night though, right? Maybe it WAS random and they just weren’t “prepared” for a 3rd person to be there and panicked?

Ugh sorry for my rambling I just can’t wrap my head around this one. If JC is alive, the things she has witnessed and been through are so overwhelmingly terrifying. Praying so hard that the tips and searches today lead LE to answers.
The police asked for any sightings of the vehicles in the two weeks preceding the murder. Wonder if this is why.

it could be one of the reasons. other reason is likely to see if anyone saw these vehicles driving past areas that the victims would have been. maybe matching up the victims known whereabouts/timeline for the past two weeks with sightings of the vehicles?
NG show has also used a floor plan that a WSer created on a case (Missy Beaver).

I wouldn't be surprised at all if reporters are here. And if they are: cite your sources!

It used to make me mad, but then I just took stock of why I do what I do here.
I mean I don't really expect better from Nancy Grace or Radar but did she at least credit you?
Heavens no. She repeated it like they were her own thoughts. Made me mad initially, but then, it also forced me to take a long hard look at why I do what I do here. If I'm here to gain any kind of personal credit or pats on the back, then I'm here for the wrong reasons. It should ALWAYS be about the victims.
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