AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #11

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Exactly. It would have been far easier for the perpetrator to simply kill her, as opposed to taking the immense risk and hassle of kidnapping her.

I'm not an expert on child or teen psychology, but Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped without a struggle. She was led out of the house without waking anyone, but her sister sleeping in the same room.

I think self-preservation would kick in. I'm not sure if someone shot and killed my family, I'd be in any position to resist. I may go with the perp without a fight in hopes to see another day.
Going along with Mark Fuhrman's theory, and the ensuing question "if DC was the target, why take Jayme all?", what if the killer(s) did the deed (killed DC with JC being collateral damage when he opened the door), and Jayme ran? They pursued her and injured or killed her but weren't about to risk taking her back to the house, explaining why her body was not at the crime scene. They could have taken her and disposed of the body somewhere else.

Just a theory, obviously. I hope Jayme is actually alive and will be found soon.
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Consider the source here, but whoah!

Jayme Closs Case Break: Police Receive Chilling Tip Conversation With Strange Man

“You know I hate this area. [There are] just plant jobs. That’s all there is. What do you think about the Jacob Wetterling case? I think I know who did it,” the man continued. “Kids go missing and women go missing all the time. They get taken from their homes or vehicles and are never found. You never know how many bodies a person has. There could be 18 bodies buried across the country and no one would ever know.”
Consider the source here, but whoah!

Holy cow!
I'm not an expert on child or teen psychology, but Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped without a struggle. She was led out of the house without waking anyone, but her sister sleeping in the same room.

I think self-preservation would kick in. I'm not sure if someone shot and killed my family, I'd be in any position to resist. I may go with the perp without a fight in hopes to see another day.
I’m not saying it would have been difficult to do, just incredibly risky.

It would have still been easier to pull the trigger though.
Consider the source here, but whoah!

Jayme Closs Case Break: Police Receive Chilling Tip Conversation With Strange Man

“You know I hate this area. [There are] just plant jobs. That’s all there is. What do you think about the Jacob Wetterling case? I think I know who did it,” the man continued. “Kids go missing and women go missing all the time. They get taken from their homes or vehicles and are never found. You never know how many bodies a person has. There could be 18 bodies buried across the country and no one would ever know.”
Really weird, especially considering the Jacob Wetterling case has (finally) been solved.

I looked at her FB page and all I'm allowed to see is like her photo updates like profile pics etc. Is that what you are seeing or am I doing it wrong? I just typed her name in my FB search

This is true too.. but depending on where someone is shot and at what distance, there may not be much blood. When was the first time it rained after this happened? Do we know?
With LE on the scene within 5 minutes and also there almost daily it seems, also with the use of dogs, drones, infrared to search surroundings, I just don't think they would miss something like blood and/or casings in the first few days even. I hope they wouldn't. This team seems to me to be very thorough and fairly forthcoming. imo
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First time comment
Logically speaking:
The perpetrator most likely knew the family. Basic homicide fact & standalone kidnappers or traffickers normally don't want attention. Trafficking also normally happens to people who are in vulnerable situations where the family doesn't protect them.
Wanted to harm both of the parents: if just the father then why would he proceed after killing him. If just the mother then why would he wait till the father was home after a late shift. In towns of this size, similar to that of my extended family, people know everyone's schedules.
Jayme was probably a target of a sinister motive.
The house being positioned right off the highway makes it very unlikely that anyone would be able to case it without drawing suspicion without knowing them. Especially so if they are reclusive.
The front door being the entrance lends to it being personal. Vs. the glass door in the rear?
I can't recall another case where someone kidnaps without that being one of the main objectives.
The length of time the perp took in the home, without taking anything makes it seem as though it was a place where they felt comfortable.
The perp most likely left in a car, considering the officer's response time. Also weighing the idea of walking in a rural area to murder and kidnap is far fetched. I also think there would be more physical evidence if she was able to run.
If reports that she was on her own phone at the party earlier in the day are true and it isn't in the house, then it seems likely that the perp grabbed it, turned it off and took it with him to conceal fingerprints.
Also seems like this person would be able to get off the road quickly, whether at a home or hotel.

This all being said, one fact comes out and all of this could change.
That is extremely unsettling. Wow.

It is unsettling, but he could just be a harmless weirdo. I've met a few drunk, rambling weirdos who are harmless; they just love drunkenly rambling. I can't shake the feeling this is an acquaintance or someone known to them and they felt they had to kill the parents to get to Jayme. I know if someone wanted to take my child, they'd have to kill me first. I can't think Denise and James are any different by the way people have described the bond between her and her parents.
she might not have been kicking and screaming at all. could have been in a state of shock and just silent and compliant. people react differently sometimes.

Exactly. I and many others here have mentioned how we've told our children to fight fight fight if someone tries to abduct you, because even if you get shot it won't be as bad as what's gonna happen once the perp takes you to a secluded secondary location on his home turf. But I don't think anyone that doesn't follow true crime would ever really think of mentioning that.

Plus, imagine a 13 year old child that just watched her parents get killed. It's so heartbreaking just thinking about it.

And for all we know she did fight her attackers hard and the neighbors just didn't hear her.

Well, on the surface, it looks like there are some good clues coming forward (and probably shouldn’t be shared, but there you have it- speaking specifically on the radaronline interview with Schrunk).

Not sure what to make of that article. It suggests the creepy guy had a friend sitting in the car while he went in to eat by himself. Odd. With that in mind I think about Fuhrman’s opinion (shared by Oceanblueeyes) and wonder if both mom and daughter had been spotted and tracked home that evening. Both were targets.

It’s already been pointed out here this could be similar to the Petit family murders:
When Horror Came to a Connecticut Family

I'm not an expert on child or teen psychology, but Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped without a struggle. She was led out of the house without waking anyone, but her sister sleeping in the same room.

I think self-preservation would kick in. I'm not sure if someone shot and killed my family, I'd be in any position to resist. I may go with the perp without a fight in hopes to see another day.
Sharp post. This child was likely in such shock she was easily subdued.
Or, for all we know, she fought like a hellcat. None of us know how we would react.

Amateur opinion and speculation
If the perp shot thru the window you’d have broken glass. Which as far as I know, we do not. The storm door was taken away intact.

Not the storm door. I was referring to the small window in the wooden door. I forgot to mention that this theory assumes the perp opened the storm door and shot James when he saw him come to the door. If the glass was shot through in the main door it could also be another reason the initial reaction of the arriving LEO was that James "answered the door". It's only speculation though. We don't know many details of the crime scene yet.
Wasn't there a huge case recently where the phone records would have provided (possibly) great information but the cell phone company was being very resistant, perhaps to prove a point of security, and it dragged on for weeks? I think it even may have been Apple resisting? Surely someone here remembers as I only peripherally glanced at headlines then. Given that Jayme is a minor and her life is at stake, I would love to think that the cell phone company has to turn over all texts and such even if her phone is missing. Anyone here who can provide some expert input on this?

ETA: Found the case I was recalling vaguely. Apple putting their foot down when perhaps they should have just - well - no matter now - personal privacy vs fighting crime. Tis an issue I know, but gee whiz. Anyway - here's the case I was recalling earlier - Apple Fights Order to Unlock San Bernardino Gunman’s iPhone

I recall that case... appalling.
Imo ; If you commit a horrendous crime-- your rights to privacy should be negated.
If only to help prevent crimes of the same magnitude being perpetrated by others of like mind ?
Again MOO.

And if you're being held captive and the authorities and others are trying to find you-- then by all means necessary , look at past calls, texts, sm.
By whatever means ... in order to facilitate your rescue.
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