AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #13

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Though the angle is bad, it seems like she's parked in front of the left garage bay. Why? Unless she would typically leave the right side open for another vehicle.

In one moment I believe they were all home and in bed when this event occurred. In the next moment I think he pulled up and someone was in his spot or he had reason to park for easy front entry. Even if I park in my driveway or in my street, I'm likely to hit the garage door button and enter through the garage on any normal day instead of my front door.

Edited: poor grammar
I know, it's so hard to determine what happened without much information. But LE seem to think the suspect was there by 12:30 or later. They are asking for information from anyone driving on that highway from 12:30 to 1:30. Do they think he arrived at the house after 12:30, maybe closer to one? Why wouldn't they say 12:00- 1:30 since someone may have seen something while he was on the way to the home? Jmo
IMO the strangest thing about the neighbour's is why didn't they call the police when they heard the gunshots? If i lived in a remote property in the middle of the woods and i heard two loud gunshots near my property in the middle of the night i would be on the phone to the cops straightaway! Not to mention barricading myself in my bedroom to boot!
I actually do live in a remote property in the middle of the woods (far more remote than the Closs house, which is located on a state highway), and it would never occur to me to call the police for a gunshot, especially in the fall. People in rural areas are pretty used to hearing gunshots, as a general rule, not only because of hunting but also because of varmints. If I had been those neighbors, I would have probably just assumed someone was shooting a varmint and ignored it.
Not wanting to create suspicion on the neighnours unfairly or where it is not warranted: Unfortunately they have gone out of their way to comment to media. Another interview here where they seem very comfortable using the name Jayme even though they have said they barely know her and rarely saw her. Hubby can be heard mumbling in the background. The Jayme Closs story: What neighbors heard
Did the neighbour join the search?
My thought had been: maybe the chair was used by DC or JC for barricading a door. Though the chair isn't damaged or broken - that is making less sense now.
Maybe somebody tried to climb out of a window using a chair? Or possibly climb into a window using a chair? This opens the door for many other scenarios I wont get into here.
I have to agree though someone mentioned wrapping or bagging the chair if it's evidence. If its shoe prints? They dusted it already imo. Idk if they would cover it then?
Can you give me a link? I’ve only read that (as per the police call log) JC was down inside the front door, not how his body was positioned. TIA[/QUOTE]

Reported that feet were visible. Might deduce he was on his back, where feet would be more visible. Otherwise, they likely would have said, “face down” (?).
They said they were used to hearing gunshots, and thought it was a hunter.

That's true, but on YouYube Daily News dated 22 October (headed Jayme Closs neighbours heard two gunshots 20 minutes before 911 call) Mrs S clearly says that 'the lateness and sheer volume of these shots made her feel they were 'different'. They were so close it must have been right at their door'. If only they had called police around 12.30.....
Does anyone else have real trouble with the credibility of the neighbours statement and subsequent interviews? I don't mean they had anything to do with it, or are lying purposely, maybe more that they've got caught up in the attention? I must admit that right from the start, as soon as they said they didn't know a child was living in the house and then in the next breath said they saw Jayme get off the school bus outside the house every day, everything thereafter I've taken with a grain of salt.

Yes! Don't know exactly how long they were neighbors, but someone noted that the Closs family lived in that house since 2001. So it appears Jayme lived there her entire life. I realize this is a bit more of a rural setup so homes aren't right next to each other, but still -- no idea that your neighbors had a child for 13 years? That's extremely odd.
Is there a point at which the downside of releasing the 9-1-1 call is outweighed by the downside of the case growing cold?

Good point. Does highway have a toll w cameras? Every car could be ID’d. Is that legal? Those cars may have seen something (a struggle, blood on car door) but is hesitant to say something or is somehow unaware of case.
That's true, but on YouYube Daily News dated 22 October (headed Jayme Closs neighbours heard two gunshots 20 minutes before 911 call) Mrs S clearly says that 'the lateness and sheer volume of these shots made her feel they were 'different'. They were so close it must have been right at their door'. If only they had called police around 12.30.....
That does make me wonder what type of gun they were hearing. Someone experienced with guns (including many hunters) can often identify what type of weapon is being fired. If it were not something you would use for hunting, I can see where that would alarm someone who otherwise wouldn't pay attention to a gunshot.
Is there a point at which the downside of releasing the 9-1-1 call is outweighed by the downside of the case growing cold?

I feel like LE tends to stick to decisions like this. If it has the potential to harm the investigation 5 days in, I would think it would still have that same potential 15 days in. Would be nice if they released it though. JMO
That's true, but on YouYube Daily News dated 22 October (headed Jayme Closs neighbours heard two gunshots 20 minutes before 911 call) Mrs S clearly says that 'the lateness and sheer volume of these shots made her feel they were 'different'. They were so close it must have been right at their door'. If only they had called police around 12.30.....

The neighbor's reliability has been debated quite a bit. She seems to want her story to fit with whatever the interviewer is asking her at the time. She also probably carries a lot of guilt over not calling. I am absolutely sure she would have if she honestly thought something was amiss.
Here's a closeup. The two prevailing theories being "damage" or "LE tags".

Protrusions (speculated splinters) are rigid when the chair moves up and down in video, unlike the ties that flap around as it's carried.

911 call traced to phone of missing Wisconsin girl's mother, authorities say - CNN

View attachment 153006
It's really hard to see on my phone, but it kind of looks like the chair struck something hard like a counter or table, as if someone picked it up and used it to strike something with it with alot of force. Jmo
Does anyone else have real trouble with the credibility of the neighbours statement and subsequent interviews? I don't mean they had anything to do with it, or are lying purposely, maybe more that they've got caught up in the attention? I must admit that right from the start, as soon as they said they didn't know a child was living in the house and then in the next breath said they saw Jayme get off the school bus outside the house every day, everything thereafter I've taken with a grain of salt.
I am with you, but mainly because witness accounts tend to be inaccurate in general, not just this neighbor's. Initially, I accepted her timeline very literally, but then I got to thinking that I know I can look at my watch and a moment later forget what it said. I can't imagine looking at the clock as I'm falling asleep and feeling 100% confident I remembered a time correctly. As a matter of fact, I recently heard a loud noise as we were getting ready for bed one night. I made a point of noting the time (in my head) because I read too much WS! The next morning I had no idea what time that was and I was wide awake when it happened. (Sad, but true. And now I've given you two examples of my failing memory so nothing I say will be taken seriously here. :D)

Also, with regard to the statement about not even knowing they had children vs saw her get off the bus every day, I have always thought that to mean the neighbors didn't know UNTIL they saw her getting off the bus - which may not have happened for months, or even years, given that Jayme attended school in another district for an unknown (by us) period of time. I doubt that during the time she attended school in Cameron the school bus dropped her off. I imagine if you have permission to attend an out of district school, you are responsible for transportation.

(Edited typo.)
I know, it's so hard to determine what happened without much information. But LE seem to think the suspect was there by 12:30 or later. They are asking for information from anyone driving on that highway from 12:30 to 1:30. Do they think he arrived at the house after 12:30, maybe closer to one? Why wouldn't they say 12:00- 1:30 since someone may have seen something while he was on the way to the home? Jmo
They must know something about the start time. If the event actually did start at 12:31, guns blazing, as the neighbors' timeline indicates...they would have HAD to be on the road before 12:30.
I have EXTREME SERIOUS DOUBTS the neighbors, the Smrekars, are involved in any even remotest way. They come across as just simple folks, probably retired. There is just no way imaginable these folks could be responsible in any way at all. Granted they viewed their neighbors as "almost reclusive" but you have to remember both Denise and James worked jobs, were raising Jayme, and involved in a number of other things such as church activities. Many people live outside of town on a little spot of dirt as they just enjoy peace and privacy at the end of a work week. Some people like to live in town in a big place and entertain every day. Each to their own - their is no right/wrong. I live in the country and everyone has a minimum of 5 acres or more and most all of my neighbors just enjoy their privacy. Rarely do people have a party or such unless it is a high school graduation or such. But again I can't for the life of me see involvement on any part of the neighbor. MOO
Seeing the questions and comments concerning why LE did this or didn't do that I thought some may be interested in reading the OJJDP guide book that LE follows in these cases. I found it very informative. It is long but there is a table of contents or you can use your devices "find" option for specific words.
"Missing and Abducted Children: A Law-Enforcement Guide to Case Investigation and Program Management"

That is really good! That guidebook can be referred to in multiple cases we look at.

We need to pin that somewhere!
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