AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #13

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... but the neighbors never saw them outside doing gardening work. :confused:
There’s 270 or so yards and like a million trees in between their properties. For all we know the neighbors hardly ever went past their house to see if they were outside doing yard work or playing. It’s obvious from google earth that they wouldn’t see each other just by looking out their respective windows. The neighbors didn’t even notice that LE was there all Monday after 1:00 am working the crime scene.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone got the wrong house. For example, I live on Old "x" road. There is also an "x" road. We're constantly getting deliveries for the people on the other road, and every time we have a substitute mail carrier, we get mail for someone on an entirely different road that shares our last name. Question for those who've been studying maps of the area - are there any similarly named roads in the area?

The roads in Barron County are confusing to say the least. I had a post earlier describing the number naming system:
Interestingly enough, the Barron County street numbering system is based on a grid (the county is about 30 miles by 30 miles) whereby the street name is the distance to the western or southern border.

So Highway 8 (also called 13 1/2 street) is approximately 13.5 miles from the southern border of the county and 16.5 miles from the northern border . They are between 12th and 13th street which means it is about 12.5 miles to the western county border and 17.5 miles to the eastern county border.

This lends itself to 3/8th st, 1/16th streets, etc. There is a road up near one of the dispatch addresses that is called 25 3/4 and 26th Ave.

The other thing that it confusing is the letter roads are usually Highway A, Highway AA, Highway AAA and many streets-including the one the Closs family lived at has two names.
Just checking in with love and hope for Jayme. Like some other posters, I can't take the tedious minutia over and over for a week and counting.

When things settle down in Barron, I'm contacting the sheriff's dept. to see if they'd like a substantial donation to buy clean tarp like regulation CSI coverings for large items because they might really like to have more privacy in their crime scene processing.

Hoping for a break in the case soon. Hoping against the overwhelming odds that Jayme is found alive.
Best to all until something of importance happens. :)
There’s 270 or so yards and like a million trees in between their properties. For all we know the neighbors hardly ever went past their house to see if they were outside doing yard work or playing. It’s obvious from google earth that they wouldn’t see each other just by looking out their respective windows. The neighbors didn’t even notice that LE was there all Monday after 1:00 am working the crime scene.
Can they even see the Closs home through the trees? How often are the neighbors outside? We've seen video of the Closs home to include a mowed lawn, flower beds, yard art and we know the house was painted two years ago. There are photos of Jayme outside on the property. How do you think the neighbors missed all that?

:) Welcome to Websleuths, brando0555! :)
I don't think they could really see the house from their home - and if they didn't drive by (I don't know how far it is from the road) perhaps they didn't see any of this? I believe it is a bit strange IMO
Hi just joined you guys but have been following things closely as an outside observer. Sincerely hope with all my heart that Jayme is safe even after this amount of time.

Something has been bothering me about this case for a while and really not sure if I can mention names in relation to my concerns. But a little girl is missing so here goes:

Strikes me that the Smrekar neighbours have gone a bit quiet after initially giving lots of interviews. To me, some comments are contradictory and strange. Maybe the relationship with their neighbours was strained?

One interview with Ashleigh Banfield of CNN previously discussed on this thread concerns me in that it doesn’t ring true and seems to be designed to distance the Smrekars from knowing that there was a child next door. Strange to say the least since I think both families lived there for some years.

SMREKAR: They were very quiet people. We only saw them come and go from their home. We took mail up to them that got delivered to us, and they didn`t even want to come to the door. They were just quiet, preferred I guess to be alone. You didn`t see them out in the yard doing anything. At least we didn`t.

BANFIELD: Did you ever see Jaime with any friends? Or did she ever come and go and get picked up by friends in vehicles of any kind?

SMREKAR: That I can`t tell you, I just know that the school bus dropped her off?

BANFIELD: And you would see her dropped off daily in front of the house by the school bus?


BANFIELD: But other than that, you didn`t see collections of friends coming and going from that house?

SMREKAR: No. We didn`t even know they had any children. They just weren`t out there doing things.

In a video interview with Joan Smrekar and her husband Search for missing 13-year-old Jayme Closs expands as police hunt for 2 cars seen by Wisconsin home | Daily Mail Online. There is a strange statement at timing point 0.58 where he is describing the helicopter flying back and forward over his house and says: “… and this is where they are at, it’s kind of uncomfortable, not SCARY uncomfortable for us…uncomfortable for accomplishing something.” Also his body language is full of self-touch especially on his leg which may indicate insecurity.

A fuller search of the neighbour’s property might be a good idea.

This is a good analysis, imo but also demonstrates why a person should never agree to questioning by LE without their lawyer present. Words and actions are easily misinterpreted and can be used against an innocent person.
I also noticed the Smrekars had stopped talking with media but I assumed LE had asked them to please stop doing that as the case might become compromised as a result. Also, when some people are nervous or excited they can tend to talk but end up not quite saying what they meant to say. They can leave out important information... or add information that changes the entire meaning of what they are trying to say.
"No. We didn`t even know they had any children. They just weren`t out there doing things."

May mean there was a time, when the Closs's first moved to the area, when the Smrekars didn't know they had any children but they had since learned that they did, in fact, have one child. Any distractions going on (camera person moves suddenly) can also disrupt full expression of thoughts.
Self touching while nervous can be a coping mechanism but not necessarily revealing guilt. Self touching becomes automatic so, whether the person is relating a story about people who have been murdered next door or simply joining in on any social gathering you may see those behaviors because they are habitual and performed during any social interaction circumstances.
I appreciate body language but I always take it as a possibility and not a certainty as to what it reveals.
It really does seem like the police would have contacted them that night, but....? As to whether it was 5 minutes or 25 - I'm guessing that if it had only been five minutes, they probably would have still been awake and would have noticed the commotion next door. That it was longer, and that they'd gone to sleep makes more sense to me. Having gone to sleep (plus any muffling due to being inside the house, rather than outside) would also explain why they didn't hear any more gunshots, if the mother wasn't shot until approximately the time of the call to 911.

That would make sense, except in some of the interviews she mentions being up for awhile, her dog acting funny, and even looking out the window 30 minutes later. I don't know how to link an article or interview, but have zero doubts it's in the media thread, because I read it here. IMO
I agree.

It would be helpful to know if anything was taken, or if the house was ransacked. It would make things look very different.

I’d still be perplexed by the kidnapping in that case, but it atleast would make a bit of sense.

Kidnapping makes sense if Jayme was hiding. Perp/perps have the mother tied up, and are terrorizing her trying to get her to tell them where the (whatever) is. Jayme hears this going on for some time, and eventually decides she has to do something. She sneaks into her parents room or otherwise gets her hands on mom's cell phone and dials 911. Maybe she whispers "help" or maybe it's her mother yelling from another room - at any event, she doesn't dare speak for fear of being heard. Police try to call back - phone is ringing, perp hears it and goes to investigate. Jayme runs out the back door/climbs out a window and runs. Perp(s) realize they're out of time, shoot the mother and go after Jayme. Once she's outside (and they figure police are on the way), it's faster to grab her (perhaps throw her in the trunk?) and dispose of her later.
Was speaking with someone about this case today and he had a super interesting theory which he based off something he read on social media.... I thought we should consider....

Mom and dad had a visitor that night? Perhaps a friend of mom's for whatever reason? This friend is fleeing a domestic violence situation and they're helping her to do so? The friend's angry partner / spouse shows up and it all goes down? The lady takes Jayme and they hide from the bad guy? He doesn't find them so now they're in hiding together? Too afraid to come out b/c of what he is capable of?

That might be why they're appealing to Jayme to come home to the aunt? And it might be why they are looking for anyone who may have missed work? The lady or her angry man might have missed work as a result of this? His alternate idea was that spouse convinced Jayme to go with her and angry man as a means to save Jayme's life? Another alternate theory: we're assuming Denise or Jayme made that 911 call, but I wonder, if the theory that someone else was there that night is correct, could that someone (perhaps the spouse in question not related to the family) have made a call? They're adamantly not telling us who made the call - there is a reason that isn't being released - maybe its b/c Jayme herself called and it could endanger her further by angering the perp? I don't see what harm it could bring to tell us mom or dad made the call if they had done so. Leaving me to wonder if another person could have been there that night who was the actual target and Jayme was collateral damage as were her parents? I keep going back to police didn't seem to know how long the parents had been dead for. This could all have unfolded sooo much earlier than we're thinking!
I don't think they could really see the house from their home - and if they didn't drive by (I don't know how far it is from the road) perhaps they didn't see any of this? I believe it is a bit strange IMO
That's my point. Why would we expect the neighbors to see anybody out and about on the Closs property if they can't even see the Closs property from their home? It stands to reason they wouldn't see anything. MOO
What if the 2 shots heard from the neighbours was not from the perp maybe from jc or dc. It could open up many different scenarios and could change the timings. Sorry I have brain ache from it all
I am also just checking in to see if any new developments. Someone mentioned yesterday that as the case grows colder the man power and resources will scale back. The FBI was able to zero in and locate a bomber suspect within 24 hours, but can't find sweet Jayme. I wonder if Mark Klass will comment on this case. He has good insight into these matters. Hoping for a break soon!
This is a good analysis, imo but also demonstrates why a person should never agree to questioning by LE without their lawyer present. Words and actions are easily misinterpreted and can be used against an innocent person.
I also noticed the Smrekars had stopped talking with media but I assumed LE had asked them to please stop doing that as the case might become compromised as a result. Also, when some people are nervous or excited they can tend to talk but end up not quite saying what they meant to say. They can leave out important information... or add information that changes the entire meaning of what they are trying to say.
"No. We didn`t even know they had any children. They just weren`t out there doing things."

May mean there was a time, when the Closs's first moved to the area, when the Smrekars didn't know they had any children but they had since learned that they did, in fact, have one child. Being nervous when speaking socially, it's easy to leave out the full message of what is being thought of in the actual moments of speaking. Any distractions going on (camera person moves suddenly) can also disrupt full expression of thoughts.
Self touching while nervous can be a coping mechanism but not necessarily revealing guilt. Self touching becomes automatic so, whether the person is relating a story about people who have been murdered next door or simply joining in on any social gathering you may see those behaviors because they are habitual and performed during any social interaction circumstances.
I appreciate body language but I always take it as a possibility and not a certainty as to what it reveals.

Absolutely, I agree. It's easy to take things out of context and expect too much from people not used to the scrutiny of media but the Smrekars said what they said. Just as it would be wrong to read too much into it, it would also be wrong to explain it away without criticism.
It is the opposite.

She had been going to the middle school in the town where the caretaker lived - Cameron. When her caretaker moved to Barron, Jayme transferred to the middle school in Barron.

If you know who the caretaker is and their address history (when they moved) the transfer of schools was for this year.

What is unknown is how long the arrangement of going to the school in Cameron had been going on prior to the transfer to the Barron School District. It is possible that Jayme attended Cameron schools throughout her education until this year, but it is unknown that this was the case.

Thank you. So she changed schools from elementary to middle school last year in 5th grade, and then moved to a new middle school in Barron for 6th gr this year.
If they didn’t see her being dropped off after school this year, it may be because they did not want her going home alone after school.
That supports the idea that they were very protective of her.
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