AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #18

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I wonder if one of
Bringing over some posts from the last thread:

This is really great sleuthing thesnowflakesparkles! Can we figure out these exact course locations and add them to the case map? I think it is possibly relevant that Jayme ran Cross Country events in Rice Lake and Cumberland.

This is very interesting info about the electronics sniffing dogs. My first thought was that perhaps they are still looking for Jayme's phone.
My second thoughts were darker, however (warning speculation from seeing too many episodes of SVU ahead). I wondered if perhaps LE had evidence someone was watching the family or Jayme through a camera in their home prior to the murders. These days there are cameras on a lot of devices that can be hacked-- see a recent article here: Google releases new digital home device without a camera so it can’t spy on you
I wonder if Jayme had a school issued i-pad or laptop computer with a camera built in? Did the family have a gaming system with a camera like an x-box 360? There are a lot of devices that are vulnerable to being hacked... but when I read about LE using electronic sniffing dogs it made me wonder if perhaps some video of Jayme in her room at home had been found on the dark net somewhere and perhaps they were searching for a hidden camera. If such a camera existed it would also explain why LE might have set up their own cameras to try to catch someone coming back to retrieve their equipment. But that is all my own speculating... Probably much more likely they have not found her phone and wanted to make doubly sure it was not in the house. If Jayme was somehow able to take her phone with her I hope she kept it hidden and found a way to turn it on when she got to her destination. But chances are good she would not be able to keep it hidden long nor turn it on before the perp discarded it somewhere. :( MOO.
I wonder if one of the perp/s lost their phone in all the chaos.
Question, please?

How do you access the ‘Draft Saved’? It pops up to tell me it is saved. Then I hit Post, my post disappears, and the Draft Saved can’t be found. TIA.
I would help you if I knew! Try "more options" and "preview"? There are a number of things I am still learning with the new board, too. Best wishes.
People keep bringing up this idea. Do people really rely on a chain lock for their outside door security? I don't remember ever having a front door without a deadbolt.

I use the chain-lock in my theories because it makes it easier for the door to be broken to get inside. I keep thinking of my own front door. I just don’t think a guy could break open my door without a gun or something else to break the locks/door/frame.
Quoted from OTPTarheel2018 in the previous thread:
“SMREKAR: No, and I don`t sleep well at night and I was about at the boat. 1:00 --ish and our dog was on the porch and he was doing some light noises “

Boat? What boat?

Bad transcription. Should say "I was up at about 1-ish" I don't remember what it was about the dog, but he wasn't on the porch or doing "light noises." I think it was something about he was restless.
This may sound corny but if I'm recalling correctly there is a slight accent in that area and the word 'about' sounds similar to 'aboat'. That is how I interpreted it anyhow.
I don’t really see this as homeless person, at least not any more than any other possibility, of which there are too many to contemplate with so little info.

My fear is that LE is still unsure of the motive or target of the crime(s). Imo they have to examine all electronics of all three victims, which could take weeks or longer. While I believe the point was to take Jayme, there is no known proof of that at this time. I just can’t see taking a teenager if that was not the goal.
Yes, but not heavily travelled, I assume.
WisDOT has completed an environmental study on a bypass that would form an expressway in Barron County, but it has not been funded at this time. I wouldn't think they'd have even looked at that unless there was enough traffic in the county, or anticipated traffic, to consider it could justify building a whole new freeway.
8 is the major east-west corridor for pretty much everything in Wisconsin north of 29, especially it connects northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula to the Twin Cities. Since there is a lot of recreational areas there, traffic would be heavier on weekends. On a Sunday night, while the bars are still open, it certainly wouldn't be heavy traffic, but I would think fairly regular traffic.
People keep bringing up this idea. Do people really rely on a chain lock for their outside door security? I don't remember ever having a front door without a deadbolt.

Every house I've lived in has a deadbolt. But would "Dad" Maybe open the door ajar if he knew the person at the door? I'm not saying he did, but it could explain how "killer" Broke down the door. *shrugs* JMO
I have never posted on this site before, I am just curious, is it against site policy to post information on here that we have uncovered for a person of interest if we do not post the POI's name?

I’m assuming you’re asking about a POI in another case and not this one, since there isn’t a POI here.

But you can click on the moderator and “start a conversation” with her, asking your questions.
It’s possible nothing was actually spoken / said during the call. Could be just a lot of noise. But. That would render their earlier statement that a lot of yelling could be heard. I also have read there was a disturbance in the background. Sooooo which is it? Both? One or the other? Neither?
Dispatch recorded "yelling". My first thought was that "yelling" implies loud, formed words (and too bad the neighbors did not hear it). But after more consideration, I realized an injured person in pain might make loud unintelligible noises that could only be interpreted as "yelling". AAAARGH! OOOuuu....!

As for identifying any voices, wouldn't LE play the tape for the family, the aunts, because they would be able to distinguish JLC from DC, Jim from a different male, might recognize the voice of the Unsub if it's on the tape?
People keep bringing up this idea. Do people really rely on a chain lock for their outside door security? I don't remember ever having a front door without a deadbolt.

I've lived in more houses without a deadbolt than with one.
Though, the chain locks we put up were not so much to keep people OUT. They were more security to keep toddlers IN.
How long was the call? How many voices were heard? Was there a male voice, two male voices? Was there background commotion, some kind of struggle heard?
Thread#17 page 14, poster WiseOwl stated that the 911 call lasted 47 seconds. WiseOwl did not provide a link, but the Sheriff had said "less than a minute". I could not decipher the 14 pages of log for that same info, but I trust WiseOwl is correct. HTH.
What mistake? Here's the picture they released. Am I wrong? Don't these all have the same wheels? Maybe the view they had, from a trail cam or something, had a great view of the wheels and the lower part of the car, and maybe they didn't see the top? Look... these do have different scoops. Those would be easily seen on a full profile.
I don't think LE put out any info about hood or side scoops either. Between the Monte Carlo and the Challenger I notice 2 differences right away - the gas cap round versus square but both are on drivers side rear, and the small rear side window shape is a prominent low 'sharp point', like an eye' on the Challenger. There are probably hundreds of these little details, but the two cars (Challenger versus Monte Carlo) are virtually identical in length (197.7 in versus 197.9 in), close in width and height(75.7 in versus 72.7 in, and 57.1 in versus 55.2 in), but the wheelbase difference is more (116 in versus 110.5 in). If they are very interested in that Monte Carlo, or not interested, IMO they won't be telling the public, but send your tips.
I don't think LE put out any info about hood or side scoops either. Between the Monte Carlo and the Challenger I notice 2 differences right away - the gas cap round versus square but both are on drivers side rear, and the small rear side window shape is a prominent low 'sharp point', like an eye' on the Challenger. There are probably hundreds of these little details, but the two cars (Challenger versus Monte Carlo) are virtually identical in length (197.7 in versus 197.9 in), close in width and height(75.7 in versus 72.7 in, and 57.1 in versus 55.2 in), but the wheelbase difference is more (116 in versus 110.5 in). If they are very interested in that Monte Carlo, or not interested, IMO they won't be telling the public, but send your tips.
They’ve specifically told the public, that they are only interested in tips in relation to the vehicle descriptions they put out.

They will not follow up on tips regarding similar vehicles that don’t match these descriptors.

So no other years, manufacturers, or models.

Barron County Sheriff's Department
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I don't think LE put out any info about hood or side scoops either.

The reason I wondered is right away when they released the car of interest stuff, I looked on Facebook Marketplace and saw some Challengers for sale within an hour or two of Barron, but quickly realized some had black hood stripes and some didn't. Seems like that would narrow it down if they could tell us anything about markings, but if they ever did I haven't seen it.
It’s possible nothing was actually spoken / said during the call. Could be just a lot of noise. But. That would render their earlier statement that a lot of yelling could be heard. I also have read there was a disturbance in the background. Sooooo which is it? Both? One or the other? Neither?

Is it possible that the phone call contains some graphic details that LE don't want the public to hear?? It could possibly make for harrowing listening (MOO)
Is it possible that the phone call contains some graphic details that LE don't want the public to hear?? It could possibly make for harrowing listening (MOO)
It’s definitely possible. We know that horrific things went on in that house, so it’s not a stretch to think that something was captured on that 911 recording.
The FBI have experts that do vehicle make and model identification. Also, I am sure you have heard of facial recognition. Well, there is such a thing as Vehicle Make and Model Recognition software that exists. There are limits to human and software abilities.

However, there are physical differences between the Challenger and that specific Monte Carlo. In particular the angle (or slope) of the rear window and the length of the trunk/rear end in proportion to the length of the car overall are rather obvious. I doubt either of those differences are something an expert would get wrong. There are likely other aspects of the car dimensions relative to positions of things like any side marker lights or door handle or wheel well, etc. that can be used to differentiate one model from another or differentiate between model years for a specific make and model of vehicle.

Plus, it should be noted that law enforcement in Barron said that vehicle in Oshkosh was unrelated and police in Oshkosh dismissed it as well. That came from Paul Blume the reporter for KMSP Fox 9.
But it's not a car in a river in New Jersey, it's in Oshkosh, right during this high profile search blasting on the news all over WI. And it was a stolen car.

Could the Unsub have access to a lot of cars, like from a wrecking yard or private collection? Could the Unsub have stolen and sunk this other car exactly to try to throw LE off?
I agree, but if somebody in one of those suspect vehicles picked up Jayme on the street when she was by herself, thinking she needed a ride on a dark HWY at 1:00 am that night they sure picked the wrong young girl to pick up that night.

She had to have been really scared and may have thought that was her best option under the really bad/scary circumstances?? I think if I saw that go down at my house, and it happened in front of my eyes I would run also. And I am an adult. Just saying. We all would most likely would have run away as fast as we could.

This makes sense SausagePizza. If she was running scared and crying, if one of those cars they're looking for saw a kid on the highway and stopped to "help" her...

Very much agree with both of you and that scenario I had in mind when commenting in previous threads that there is possibility that Jayme hid when things were happening in the house and then run.

If she was not taken by perp but hid and then saw all that shocking scene, her parents all bloodied and dead, she would be in big distress. Screaming, yelling, in panic and fear and probably in that state run out of the door.

She was in that house since she was born, played with dog in the yard and very likely knew the woods around the house very well too. She would either ran straight to the main road to seek help or in panic and fear through the woods few min to the adjacent road, which is one where Dairy farm or shop is located at. Searches were conducted there. She could also run other direction, towards Smrekar house but even though most logical and closest, for some reason I don't think she would run that way.

Now, while searching for help, if she was picked up at those early hours at either of the locations by someone unknown, who did not come out yet with her, well :(

Above scenario, another crime by someone else, would complicate things greatly for all these to be solved.

So 3 possibilities are still out there: that she was
- taken by perp who murdered her parents
- she is in woods/sheds/her hidding spots nearby unfortunately deceased ...
- picked up from road by different person (not related to murders)

Just to add: above are not the facts but possibilities which can't be excluded yet on facts we know so far.

(There is saying - do not get tunnel vision and do not concentrate only on one way too early). For me, it is still too early to exclude any of the options.
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