AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #19

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Is it possible that the perpetrators had already gotten Jayme into a vehicle, she had grabbed moms phone and was calling 911, they saw it and that’s all the screaming heard on the call? I haven’t heard that they actually had the moms phone just that the call was made from the phone registered to her.
I think this person took a while grooming her or has been watching her for months or years.
"Jayme is so sweet, so kind, loved dancing, loved being here; this was the perfect outlet for her, in my opinion, and she thrived here. That’s why she’s been here for so long,” Fink said. Wisconsin town on edge with search for missing teen, parents found shot to death
I believe that she would have trusted this person, prior to her parents death at least.
I came across this interesting read which is findings after researching Abduction Homicide cases in the US ... the last 3 pages (Summary and Conclusion) and the statistics throughout can be useful in concluding which theories are most likely at this point.. Of course none of this might be relevant or useful to this case, but I found it interesting..
This morning my thoughts were on Jayme. I started thinking about those vehicles. They don't fit. They look like suburban money cars. Could they have been in the neighborhood buying drugs? Not at the Closs home but isn't Route 8 kind of known for drug houses? I think I read somewhere (rumor) that there was a drug raid on the house across the street and I remember police cars down the street from the Closs home. I just wonder if those cars were in the neighborhood that night at that time and police are hoping they might have witnessed something and that's why they want to talk to them?
Is Route 8 known for where to go to buy drugs? Also I hear about Meth but can Heroin be also purchased there? $$ Drug.
I don't know of a drug raid per say but a woman .04 miles away was arrested on meth related charges the next day. There were several links posted in previous threads that showed bookings. Since she has not been named a suspect I won't say the name. I don't think she is directly involved but birds of a feather>meth rage or bad deal>wrong house? I wouldn't rule it out.
Yes. Corruption happens. But it is incredibly unlikely in a case involving these circumstances. A family is dead and a child missing, this isn’t the type of crime where that occurs.

Especially when you factor in the state and federal agencies that are involved in this.

This isn’t a small town department going it alone.

Someone (in a different venue) asked yesterday: "What if the cops did it?" I responded, "Then the FBI would have caught them by now."

I suspect all LEO's anywhere near this case would have prints and DNA on file so lab techs can id/eliminate any potential cross contamination, etc. I would think it'd be routine, and required as part of the job.
Yes. Corruption happens. But it is incredibly unlikely in a case involving these circumstances. A family is dead and a child missing, this isn’t the type of crime where that occurs.

Especially when you factor in the state and federal agencies that are involved in this.

This isn’t a small town department going it alone.
Nor was the one Im referring to. Two related incidents, very large scale for the time it happened, more than one dead, child was actually left behind. Our community knew what was up, but you just dont talk about it. For fear youll be the next one found in a ditch somewhere. Hence what I meant by silence....not just from LE. Im not so sure if LE could prove the case vs it was pushed under the rug, but I darn well know they knew who, and why. It happens. Again, I have to say that Im in no way saying this is the case in Barron. But its not unreasonable for me to believe it could happen. I dont even like talking about it and doubt very seriously I would research that route. Thats a world I have no desire to snoop around in.
The ramblings going on in my head.
Not the best post, but I tried to include links to help.
IndyA, I also think this scenario is highly plausible.
Jayme's parents transferred her to a different school.
Was this just because her"family caretaker" moved to a new area, or did her parents have other reasons for wanting her out of her prior school environment?
There are a few comments I've read from the dance teacher and the grandpa, that along with finding out she had recently changed schools, make me think this could be related to school or an afterschool activity.
Something to the effect of how she was growing and becoming a little was a good outlet for Jayme etc...
"On a normal Wednesday, 13-year-old Jayme Closs would have strode into the dance studio in Rice Lake under the glow of an autumn sunset to practice her jazz moves and get measured for a recital costume after a summer growth spurt."
Jayme Closs disappearance: Search for possible evidence along a highway comes up empty. - CNN
I believe that she was groomed by someone, in person, not online.
I have no idea.
Someone who has insider knowledge about her, her parents work schedule, her home, her dog...
I think this person took a while grooming her or has been watching her for months or years.
"Jayme is so sweet, so kind, loved dancing, loved being here; this was the perfect outlet for her, in my opinion, and she thrived here. That’s why she’s been here for so long,” Fink said. Wisconsin town on edge with search for missing teen, parents found shot to death
I believe that she would have trusted this person, prior to her parents death.
"The mother appeared to have barricaded herself in the bathroom and called police,' added the source.
It now appears that the dispatcher may have been hearing Denise's panicked final moments as the killer stormed into the bathroom where she hiding."
Mother of Wisconsin 13-year-old Jayme Closs was the 'family angel' | Daily Mail Online
The family get together earlier in the day, along with her mother handing out "little gifts" to everyone who attended the party, followed by a tragedy like this...
Quite a coincidence.
*What adult hands out gifts to everyone at another child's party? Her nephews party?
Personally, I have never seen anyone do that and I find it ODD. Even more so that she did this on the last day of her life. Ironic, I guess.
I wonder, did someone find something out about Jayme being targeted by someone and confronted them about it?
We have LE insisting that Jayme was in the home when her parents were killed.
No body has been found, there have been no confirmed sightings of her.
I want her to be found alive - the only way I can see that being a possibility, is that this person saw it in Jayme's "best interest" (not that it was) to be removed from her home and to eliminate the parents, who would be able to name them.
We, the public, are missing a piece of the puzzle.
What went on in the week prior to her going missing?
The neighbors allegedly heard what they believed were gun shots, but no screams, no vehicles?
If I hear gunshots that I believe to be out of the ordinary, I note the time and step out to listen. Are dogs wildly barking, any screams or car/bike sounds speeding off...
I probably hear 10-15 shots a week.
Sometimes multiple shots one after the other for several minutes.
Like I said before, my husband accidentally shot himself in our house with a .45 hollow point. The houses are maybe 60 ft apart. It was about 11pm on a school night.
I would have expected one of the people in the10 houses near us to have heard something!
Most of them didn't see the lights when all of the EMS people responded.
A lot of people really live their lives in a vacuum.
Jayme was reportedly always in the presence of her mother, but she ran cross country...
I highly doubt that her mother ran beside her, so that would have been one way to capture her without killing her parents.
I think the parents knew of a situation where they who uncomfortable with Jayme having contact with. I think they thought they had the situation under control but, in reality they had no idea the length this person would go to to avoid being found out.
Made red by me...
- I really hope the FBI guys they brought in have experience in homicide, not just missing kids!!
- The crime scene was 14 miles long? What the heck? What made them think that?? Now I"m leaning towards someone came home with James from the casino and he parked fast, ran to the house and tried to lock the door behind him when someone came up and opened fire.
- I'd sure like to know what he was wearing if anything on his feet? Somehow now I'm not picturing him answering the door to a knock in the night.
- One of the first places LE contacted was the casino. What made them do that? Could someone have been in casino uniform (James maybe?)... What made them decide the crime scene was 14 miles long? That is pretty large, and specific!

Maybe; or maybe:
County knows that the casino has lots of cameras in all directions(?).
14 mile area, might have to do with cell phone tower pings; or witness seeing/hearing something(?)
Made red by me...
- I really hope the FBI guys they brought in have experience in homicide, not just missing kids!!
- The crime scene was 14 miles long? What the heck? What made them think that?? Now I"m leaning towards someone came home with James from the casino and he parked fast, ran to the house and tried to lock the door behind him when someone came up and opened fire.
- I'd sure like to know what he was wearing if anything on his feet? Somehow now I'm not picturing him answering the door to a knock in the night.
- One of the first places LE contacted was the casino. What made them do that? Could someone have been in casino uniform (James maybe?)... What made them decide the crime scene was 14 miles long? That is pretty large, and specific!
Maybe that 14 mile stretch contains several images of the cars they are looking for, from different cameras. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. Jmo
With no will everything should go to Jayme since she is their only living child (other relatives would then have a chance to make claims against the estate). It could be put into a trust or not. It just depends on how they set it up in probate court. Someone could petition to be her guardian and some assets could be held in trust like life insurance payouts while other could be awarded to the guardian to be used for her care. They might sell the house and use the funds for Jayme or the house might be used as a residence for her and the guardian. I worked for an attorney in Texas so it might work a little differently up there. A trust could be set up to pay a sum by month or year or as needed. All you have to do is submit a claim and the guardian of the trust determines validity. They could also set it up where nothing comes out until she reaches a certain age or condition. But with her now gone it is going to be tricky. There is a possibility she could be found so anyone laying claims as executor would have to plan for that. They might not even be able to move forward with it until it is determined if she is living or not.

Right. It is all going to depend on the wording of their documents and the laws in place. I think I have lost track of the purpose of discussing this, however. Let's say, hypothetically, the parents had a nice nest egg set aside for Jayme and a guardian set up to take care of her in the event of their death while she was still a minor-- What does that indicate about this crime or about where Jayme could be? I don't think it tells us anything. I don't think it helps us, but maybe I am missing something. JMO.
Maybe; or maybe:
County knows that the casino has lots of cameras in all directions(?).
14 mile area, might have to do with cell phone tower pings; or witness seeing/hearing something(?)
The outside CCTV cameras. They spotted both those looked for cars twice, in the right time frame for the crime, going past that casino ?
In every case I can remember when a young girl has been taken, if LE has an idea of who has her, they have issued the perp/suspect's name and photo, i.e Hannah, Brittany from VA, the schoolgirl with the teacher more recently etc...they do not keep silent and “hope” the perp makes a mistake. Imo there is zero chance that LE knows or suspects a specific person and isn’t putting out an APB.
I don't know of a drug raid per say but a woman .04 miles away was arrested on meth related charges the next day. There were several links posted in previous threads that showed bookings. Since she has not been named a suspect I won't say the name. I don't think she is directly involved but birds of a feather>meth rage or bad deal>wrong house? I wouldn't rule it out.

I wonder the same thing over and over.
Someone (in a different venue) asked yesterday: "What if the cops did it?" I responded, "Then the FBI would have caught them by now."

I suspect all LEO's anywhere near this case would have prints and DNA on file so lab techs can id/eliminate any potential cross contamination, etc. I would think it'd be routine, and required as part of the job.
True, and it is highly inlikely that of the 200 investigators working on the case, no one would have noticed or suspected something like this. Jmo
Yes. Corruption happens. But it is incredibly unlikely in a case involving these circumstances. A family is dead and a child missing, this isn’t the type of crime where that occurs.

Especially when you factor in the state and federal agencies that are involved in this.

This isn’t a small town department going it alone.
Agree. A cover up or corruption in these circumstances would be sniffed out in a sec.
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They believe that the crime scene was 14 miles long simply because they believe that to have been the escape route.

The crime didn’t end in that house, as it continued in the form of a kidnapping.

The perpetrator(s) has to escape using roads, and that believe that road was likely the one that he used.

Edited to add that those FBI agents have extensive experience with kidnapping and murder.

I thought that too, so then why did they have some 2000 people searching the fields and area around the house looking for any signs of anything of evidentiary value?
The ramblings going on in my head.
Not the best post, but I tried to include links to help.

"The mother appeared to have barricaded herself in the bathroom and called police,' added the source.
It now appears that the dispatcher may have been hearing Denise's panicked final moments as the killer stormed into the bathroom where she hiding."
Mother of Wisconsin 13-year-old Jayme Closs was the 'family angel' | Daily Mail Online

I think the parents knew of a situation where they who uncomfortable with Jayme having contact with. I think they thought they had the situation under control but, in reality they had no idea the length this person would go to to avoid being found out.

G-Snap, great post. I also think that what you described above is a very plausible scenario.
IMO, it's very possible that the parents were aware of the killer, who almost certainly is an adult male, having an unhealthy interest in and/or an inappropriate relationship with, JC. There may have been something that either came to light or occurred that Sunday that brought the situation to a critical head. Analyzing JC's digital footprints along w/ those of Denise and James may provide LE with a lot of helpful information.

Re: Denise appearing to have barricaded herself in the bathroom, a question for the parents here: can any of you think of a scenario where you would lock yourself into a bathroom with a gunman loose in the house without first making sure you had your daughter there with you so you could shield/protect her? If Denise barricaded herself in the bathroom and JC was outside, that is IMO a troubling aspect to this case...because again IMO, if the perp was a total stranger unknown to the family, there is no way Denise would have done that.

I don't see this as having been a random crime at all. JMO.
I think Denise and James were the targeted and intended victims. JMO.
I think Jayme was the motive. JMO.
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