AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #21

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The sheriff said they lean toward targeted.... I hope that twenty year old crime was called in. Let LE decide if it's significant.

I'm even now confounded than before. I was certain the crime scene would tell at least a partial tale, lending toward number and kind of weaponry, number of perpatrators, evidence of movement within the house ...

MOO I've always thought the chair was removed because the chair itself wasn't evidence but something lodged I'm it might be. I never thought it was about those ties. I've had chair cushions. Pretty to look at, but sit on them and they inevitably rip free, leaving knotted ties, not worth the trouble to untie. It is worth noting how something very common (leftover chair ties) can look so ominous in the context of a crime.

Stuck on the sheriff's comment that the perp or perps may have only been in the house for mere minutes. How does this change things, if the 911 call happened nearly in conjunction with the BEGINNING of this crime????
If the call went out at the beginning of the crime, then I imagine Jayme woke to hearing her father killed, ran to mom and sought protection - and I don't want to imagine how it unfolded there. He wouldn't comment on whether a sexual assault took place during the attack which was interesting when he implied today the perp was in an out within a few minutes. Doesn't seem like a sexual assault could have taken place in the time frame of 4 minutes - does it? So what might have made the mattress removed from the house significant?
I am clueless about phones, and just own a basic phone that dials and texts...but I had thought these days that phones would ping even if turned off, and that batteries were next to impossible to remove nowadays...and that SIM cards were not removable in Iphones...I know I must be wrong about some of these things...or the phone would have been traced.

I believe you are right. I have been too lazy to google how long it takes to get records re cell phone pings. It can be a long time
it's an elected office, also i think his job is much more to be a "CEO" of the department so I doubt he is doing much investigative work on anything (not b/c he can't but b/c that's not what his job is). IMO

Yes, exactly. He's doing what a sheriff should be doing: fronting the operation and keeping the case in the public eye while allowing his detectives, specialists, etc. to do their job in peace and privacy.

My apologies. You are, of course, correct in that the sheriffs job is more executive than investigative. I did not mean to be negative towards the sherif, just feeling an overwhelming sadness today that in small town America something like this can happen and even the best of our law enforcement (FBI, CARD, etc) have spent weeks and all the Sherrif has to say is that they don’t know. But if that’s all there is, then that’s all there is. I know they know more than we, the public, do but it still amounts to they don’t have enough evidence to come up with anything to lead to Jayme, her abducter and her parents killers.
Expanding on this, the chair in made of oak, one of the hardest woods available. All the wood work in century homes is generally oak, simply because its indestructible. In fact, I think even if you hit a chair with an axe, you'd have a very hard time causing that much damage.

It looks like maple to me. I don’t see the grain of oak?
WHOA this is hugely significant, it means LE is discounting what the neighbor heard or at least when they heard it.

EDit it also makes the Denise barricaded in the bathroom trying to call 911 (as reported in radar)story much more believable.

Question about this: to me wouldn't and didn't are two different things. Did he just not say they were cleared or did the interviewer press about it and he refused to say they're cleared.


Direct quote from interview (approx 57th minute) --
Facebook Question: Has the whole family, including extended family, been cleared?

Sheriff Fitzgerald: All of the family has been interviewed, and...and cooperated.

That was it. The host didn't press him on it at all. It was basically a non-answer. Not a no, but not a yes.
Do any of you have a good time line, regarding WHEN the first sheriff indicated they believed Jayme was home at the time of the murders based "on the 911 call and evidence at the scene"? JMO but I'm not sure he'd have had a chance to HEAR the 911 call ... which leads me to believe that the LOCATION of that phone which raises that significance.

Interesting, the sheriff says they called the school cop, woke him up, to ask if a child lived in that home. .. what a crazy lot of work those responding officers accomplished in a very short time. What, dear God, happened in that home between 12:30 and 1:30? May this new flurry of coverage yield the tip that brings Jayme home.
I am clueless about phones, and just own a basic phone that dials and texts...but I had thought these days that phones would ping even if turned off, and that batteries were next to impossible to remove nowadays...and that SIM cards were not removable in Iphones...I know I must be wrong about some of these things...or the phone would have been traced.

but I had thought these days that phones would ping even if turned off – NO
and that batteries were next to impossible to remove nowadays – Easy in some, not others
and that SIM cards were not removable in Iphones – Very easy to remove in all phones

First time I've seen a pic of the Doors open on James' truck. Means nothing but I know in earlier threads people were asking ?'s about the truck in the driveway

Was his car parked in a different location? It seems like it would be parked next to DC’s car by the garage. Where it is parked makes no sense unless it was moved,

What year is the truck? I kmow pickups can cost like $60,000 nowadays.

If it is expensive, maybe someone was jealous or thought they had valuables.
Do any of you have a good time line, regarding WHEN the first sheriff indicated they believed Jayme was home at the time of the murders based "on the 911 call and evidence at the scene"? JMO but I'm not sure he'd have had a chance to HEAR the 911 call ... which leads me to believe that the LOCATION of that phone which raises that significance.

Interesting, the sheriff says they called the school cop, woke him up, to ask if a child lived in that home. .. what a crazy lot of work those responding officers accomplished in a very short time. What, dear God, happened in that home between 12:30 and 1:30? May this new flurry of coverage yield the tip that brings Jayme home.

I wonder this too.
The sheriff seems to have a different take on things than you
Not necessarily. The shots could have still happened at 12:31, they left by 12:35. Could have taken Denise 15 minutes to drag her dying self to another room where her phone was. The noise on the phone could simply have been the dog freaking out in another room.
Sheriff is doing a live interview about JC case right now: DrydenWire
For those not able to watch right now. Sorry it is so long. Wasn't expecting that but good info. I probably missed info so please check link out later for better accuracy. Not clear on the answer given as far as Jacob Wetterling? Thoughts please? One tip can solve (seems pretty adamant). Barns can't be randomly searched so radar instrument I mentioned in last thread not being used? So the Challenger has not been ruled out. They are still working to put pieces of video together. Also clarification that the people in that area may or may not be safe. They lean toward targeted. He believes Jayme is alive though it's not based on fact. Number of shots and type withheld because it won't help the public and it's something only perp/s would know. Random vs targeted brought up again. Leaning toward targeted because random???? Meeting that disallowed media was so people could feel uninhibited in questions and legally ok. Dateline contacted Sheriff. Person that was arrested was cleared because he was somewhere else. No comment on DNA but people have been tested. This includes LE for swab elimination purposes. Results still not returned. 911 call: quality was bad because the phone was a distance from sounds heard. Organized crime/ mob hit not ruled out because they just don't know. Challenger tips put on side but please keep calling in tips. Fake 911 call was on YT. Was Jayme cleared as a suspect? Jayme is 13 years old. Nothing is off the table but sheriff believes she is in danger. Nothing points to this so far. Amber alert took time due to requirements but DCI/FBI helped to release it. Why more info not being released? Sheriff states they need more info but are releasing what they can that won't endanger Jayme or the case. They do have psychic info (approx 200) that has come in. It is looked at and kept but no further comment. If sheriff thought Jayme was in a house in Barron he would get search warrant and search every house. Sheriff hasn't said Jayme is abducted because he just doesn't know. Absolutely not considering this as a cold case. It is very active. With all the help why hasn't this been solved? Sheriff wished he knew. This may have happened in 4 mins which means less evidence. People are quickly cleared based on alibis, video, receipts etc. Toxicology results from autopsy's will only be released until case is ready to be presented. Was the dad at the casino the night of the murders. Sheriff states he does not know. As far a chair with rope Sheriff only states a chair was taken into evidence but does not know anything about ropes. Sheriff believes she is alive but thats just from his gut and based on 20 years LE exp. Not based on evidence. There are cases like this with happy results. North Carolina kidnapping connection: doesn't know but FBI is checking just in case. Vehicle in Florida was thoroughly checked out. There was a miscommunication with Miami police. Long question about missing couple, Jennie-O. Sheriff not aware of missing couple but if someone has info they should contact tip line. Deer hunting: People know their land. If someone notices their tree stand used or something amiss please report. Sheriff is working with DNR. Sheriff won't comment on rumors of Jayme having boyfriend. Jayme was determined missing in about 2 hours into investigation after checking to be sure she wasn't at a friends etc.. Sheriff doesn't know time of parents deaths but doesn't believe the the killers were there much longer then what originally believed. A&W creepy guy story was checked out. Question about damage to chair, no comment on evidence. Could this be serial killer or kidnap situation? Sheriff "could be". Has all of the family & extended family been interviewed? All family has been interviewed & cooperated. Family party: Sheriff is aware of timeline and does not think releasing info would help. Bones found in Barron are not believed to have any connection but are still in Texas and awaiting DNA evidence. Cautious about putting updates on FB cuz doesn't want to post there is nothing new. Tips are monitored 24/7. Info will be released ASAP when they receive info where public can help. Sorry for errors. Typed while listening.
The Sherrif now says that he has nothing to indicate that Jayme wasn't involved, yet on day one he tells the world that she is not a suspect. Seems to me this guy says what he fells like saying on any given day.
The oddly specific examples keep coming. First the half-eaten McDonald's cheeseburger comment, and now "they" were in the house probably for not more than "4 minutes". Not 5 minutes? Does "they" mean more than one person? And no comment on rumors of a 19 year old "boyfriend"? That is a comment in itself. This just gets weirder and weirder.
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