AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #21

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Do any of you have a good time line, regarding WHEN the first sheriff indicated they believed Jayme was home at the time of the murders based "on the 911 call and evidence at the scene"? JMO but I'm not sure he'd have had a chance to HEAR the 911 call ... which leads me to believe that the LOCATION of that phone which raises that significance.

Interesting, the sheriff says they called the school cop, woke him up, to ask if a child lived in that home. .. what a crazy lot of work those responding officers accomplished in a very short time. What, dear God, happened in that home between 12:30 and 1:30? May this new flurry of coverage yield the tip that brings Jayme home.
Jumping off your thoughts: he stated today on the DrydenWire interview that the phone was found inside the house, but not near to where the commotion was going down. We know from the panty thief that Jayme's room is off the deck with the sliding door somewhere. If Jayme woke up to hear gunshots, and maybe other things, perhaps she dashed into mom's room, mom is struggling with someone, and Jayme grab's mom's phone and dials 911? She may not even have seen what was going down - she may only have heard the shots, and some commotion - enough to know it wasn't good? She dials 911 and drops the phone to run to help mom? She might be heard in the commotion? I could see a terrified kid running to help a parent in distress, and totally dropping the phone - hoping that the 911 alone was enough to get help there fast. Maybe the phone battery had just enough life in it to get the dispatcher and died on it's own thus when dispatch called back, they were sent to voicemail? Interestingly, and I'd love to know - did it ring or just go directly to voicemail? If it went direct, its possible someone hit the decline call button (if that phone offered that option), or might suggest battery died.
The oddly specific examples keep coming. First the half-eaten McDonald's cheeseburger comment, and now "they" were in the house probably for not more than "4 minutes". Not 5 minutes? Does "they" mean more than one person? And no comment on rumors of a 19 year old "boyfriend"? That is a comment in itself. This just gets weirder and weirder.
If she had a 19yr old boyfriend.. surely they know that by now, and know who he is?
In viewing the chair photo on a hi-def computer monitor, it's clear that there is something wedged and protruding from the area of the split.

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Looks like a wedge type object of some sort. First thing that came to mind is a nail pulled. But how that damage could be caused from that and the force behind it is beyond my thinking right now
Having difficulty viewing the sheriff's video - can someone give me a time stamp when he talks about four minutes? Thanks.

Right around 43-45 minutes into the interview. The cue for it is when the host asks the sheriff why he thinks the case hasn't been solved yet
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If the call went out at the beginning of the crime, then I imagine Jayme woke to hearing her father killed, ran to mom and sought protection - and I don't want to imagine how it unfolded there. He wouldn't comment on whether a sexual assault took place during the attack which was interesting when he implied today the perp was in an out within a few minutes. Doesn't seem like a sexual assault could have taken place in the time frame of 4 minutes - does it? So what might have made the mattress removed from the house significant?

One possibility **this is a little gross so mod feel free to delete if its not appropriate** if they were wondering if either of the females that lived at the house were having an on going intimate relationship with an unknown male then said unknown males DNA might have been on the mattress. This is just what went through my mind when i saw them removing the mattress.
Do any of you have a good time line, regarding WHEN the first sheriff indicated they believed Jayme was home at the time of the murders based "on the 911 call and evidence at the scene"? JMO but I'm not sure he'd have had a chance to HEAR the 911 call ... which leads me to believe that the LOCATION of that phone which raises that significance.

Interesting, the sheriff says they called the school cop, woke him up, to ask if a child lived in that home. .. what a crazy lot of work those responding officers accomplished in a very short time. What, dear God, happened in that home between 12:30 and 1:30? May this new flurry of coverage yield the tip that brings Jayme home.

From the very beginning they said the "thought" see was in the house then in the afternoon the Wednesday after the crime press conference he said it with more certainty and said it was base on something from the call and other evidence he couldn't talk about.
He thinks the perp was in the house for only four minutes? Facinating. The neighbors account of gun shots now seems even more implausible. IMO

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That makes no sense. Four minutes to kill James, Denise amd grab Jayme. If so, Jayme is the target.

But maybe he meant the perp(s) were there for minutes, not four minutes.
I realize the focus is now on the chair, but my mind keeps going back to former posts re: a younger Denise living in an apartment where a brutal killing took place. I have long considered that somehow she could be the focus rather than James. No idea why I thought this - just another idea that could be the reason for the invasion and killing.
I wondered about, why we had a pic of DC in her attractive younger years (maybe previous to her second marriage), but we had no pic of JC in his younger years. Seems, the focus is on DC or Jayme perhaps?
Do any of you have a good time line, regarding WHEN the first sheriff indicated they believed Jayme was home at the time of the murders based "on the 911 call and evidence at the scene"? JMO but I'm not sure he'd have had a chance to HEAR the 911 call ... which leads me to believe that the LOCATION of that phone which raises that significance.

Interesting, the sheriff says they called the school cop, woke him up, to ask if a child lived in that home. .. what a crazy lot of work those responding officers accomplished in a very short time. What, dear God, happened in that home between 12:30 and 1:30? May this new flurry of coverage yield the tip that brings Jayme home.

Is the detail about calling the school cop about a child at this house from today's interview?
He thinks the perp was in the house for only four minutes? Facinating. The neighbors account of gun shots now seems even more implausible. IMO

Edited spelling

I'll be happy to finally drop the "20 minute mystery time" spent in the house per the neighbor's faulty time telling skills but....
In the house for only 4 minutes? Begin the clock after James has been killed and door broken down because the killers aren't in the house yet. If 4 minutes time is accurate it was a blitzkrieg attack imo, carried out by 2 killers. One assigned to go get Jayme and remove her from the house immediately while the other was assigned to kill Denise. The 911 call would have most likely been made when the door was being broken down and Denise, having dropped the phone due to being panicked or having it struck from her hand, then attempted to flee from the killer only to be killed in another room. This could be why the 911 call sounds came from a distance. This, imo, could be accomplished in 4 minutes but not much more than this.
Not necessarily. The shots could have still happened at 12:31, they left by 12:35. Could have taken Denise 15 minutes to drag her dying self to another room where her phone was. The noise on the phone could simply have been the dog freaking out in another room.

This can't be though. In the Sheriff's first interview on 16 October he said he knew Jayme was in the house due to evidence in the home and the 911 call. The 911 call was at 12.53, one of the few facts we know in this case. So they couldn't have left any earlier than 12.54 when the call ended according the Sheriff's statement.
Not necessarily. The shots could have still happened at 12:31, they left by 12:35. Could have taken Denise 15 minutes to drag her dying self to another room where her phone was. The noise on the phone could simply have been the dog freaking out in another room.

That is an interesting take on it.But didn’t they say there was yelling?
In viewing the chair photo on a hi-def computer monitor, it's clear that there is something wedged and protruding from the area of the split.

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With all due respect, a hi-def monitor does not improve a low res image. I wish it did, I could perhaps tell you a lot more if I could just zoom in clearly.
The oddly specific examples keep coming. First the half-eaten McDonald's cheeseburger comment, and now "they" were in the house probably for not more than "4 minutes". Not 5 minutes? Does "they" mean more than one person? And no comment on rumors of a 19 year old "boyfriend"? That is a comment in itself. This just gets weirder and weirder.

What cheeseburger?
The oddly specific examples keep coming. First the half-eaten McDonald's cheeseburger comment, and now "they" were in the house probably for not more than "4 minutes". Not 5 minutes? Does "they" mean more than one person? And no comment on rumors of a 19 year old "boyfriend"? That is a comment in itself. This just gets weirder and weirder.

I think it may be FOR minutes and not FOUR minutes
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