AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #23

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My thought has been that the party made for a late day. I think we have reports of Jayme on the phone a bit late. And maybe she wanted to wait up for dad to come home. What if she was taking a late bath when everything happened and Denise ran to the bathroom to protect her? Then you get a killer coming into a bathroom where's there's a naked teen.

Their relatives said in recent interviews that Jayme and Denise left the party at 4 PM. That is not late. Why would Jayme be taking a bath at 1 AM on a school night?
Looking at that driveway three things strike me right away.

First is you don't just pull in there in the middle of the night by accident. If you were going 55 down the rd you need to know that driveway is there to make that turn.

Second- if you pull in, the gravel makes a lot of noise and the dog would have barked- bonus points if your lights were on; you can't sneak up on that spot if you drive in

Third- you are going to leave tire impressions

Don't forget potential footprints/bootprints.
I had seen another portion of the interview. Don't know if this has been put out there yet
Lots of photos of Jim and Jayme

great pictures. It the first time I've seen Jim really humanized (sounds like he worked a lot). Also sounds like the family has all the same questions and contradiction about what could have happened as we do. Such a tragedy and a mystery.
In this article New Video Surveillance Search Expanded, Electronic Device Detecting K-9 Used in Jayme Closs Search it mentions that after the police found Jim and Denise dead, they didn't know if anyone else lived there until they contacted a school resource officer. I would think there would be a room that obviously belonged to a teenage girl, and if it was 1 am, very likely the bed was unmade, etc, so they wouldn't assume it was a kid who only lived with them part time. Thoughts?
I thought the EXACT same thing when I read that! I suppose they couldn't be sure if James and Denise had like a niece or something that sometimes stayed with them but wasn't necessarily expected to be there that night. Still a little odd though, esp considering that jaymes phone was charging in the kitchen so that would make 3 phones in the home but only two people they found...
Their relatives said in recent interviews that Jayme and Denise left the party at 4 PM. That is not late. Why would Jayme be taking a bath at 1 AM on a school night?
Also, Paul Blume stated that the family told him that they talked to Denise on the phone at 10:00 pm and everything was normal. I wonder if Paul knows if James was home at that point. I don't have a twitter account to ask. I know somebody here has been asking him questions and he has answered. Perhaps this could dispel any "followed him home from the Casino at 12:30 am" theories.
I thought the EXACT same thing when I read that! I suppose they couldn't be sure if James and Denise had like a niece or something that sometimes stayed with them but wasn't necessarily expected to be there that night. Still a little odd though, esp considering that jaymes phone was charging in the kitchen so that would make 3 phones in the home but only two people they found...
I don't think its odd i think the cops thought the same thing you guys did and probably started to take actions assuming she had been there very early on. They just had to confirm for sure before publicly blasting it out and calling out the cavalry so to speak.
With Jims family stating that Jayme was alone in the mornings would seem to confirm that DC and Jim both worked day shifts at Jenni-o

Good point! So far, I'm seeing lots of evidence Jim worked the 1st shift and nothing indicating he worked second shift. His shifts might have changed at times but he was a senior employee and probably had the ability to choose his shift somewhat because of his past dependability. His coworker said he liked football and would take the day after a big game off so he could sleep. Sounds like a morning shift to me. And a man who is really into football would try to get the morning shift if he had to work on Sundays. Most games start in the afternoon. Also, James was never mentioned as being active in Church-- maybe that was simply because he worked Sunday mornings and was never able to go to Church. JMO.
Interesting ... that detail is no longer in the article, but there is no note of correction maybe LE didn't want that detail out there.

Well, I'll be dipped! it more likely to be a fact LE is trying to hide or were they just made aware they were perpetuating the radar/daily mail myth? Is it curious that the correction is not noted?
Also, Paul Blume stated that the family told him that they talked to Denise on the phone at 10:00 pm and everything was normal.


This is another important new detail (at least new to me) from that video that you linked. Rules out someone attacking earlier in the day an laying in wait for Jim. Not that i thought that happened, but I've seen the theory batted around here many times.

This is another important new detail (at least new to me) from that video that you linked. Rules out someone attacking earlier in the day an laying in wait for Jim. Not that i thought that happened, but I've seen the theory batted around here many times.
Yeah, I was thinking since the family and news have come out with so much more this last week, maybe it's easier to start eliminating things to get a clearer picture. Right now, to me, it is just a huge clustered closet of information that needs to be cleaned and sorted.
I thought the EXACT same thing when I read that! I suppose they couldn't be sure if James and Denise had like a niece or something that sometimes stayed with them but wasn't necessarily expected to be there that night. Still a little odd though, esp considering that jaymes phone was charging in the kitchen so that would make 3 phones in the home but only two people they found...

Pretty sure Fitzgerald clarifies this in the Dryden Wire interview. They needed to make sure she wasn’t at a relative’s house or a friend’s house having a sleepover.

Very interesting. Great info. My question was if the Turtle Lake casino was advanced in surveillance like the larger ones throughout the US and you answered that for me. I had a feeling it isn't.
Specifically, like I have asked in a previous post...there is a hotel there and of course a parking lot for both hotel and casino. How much effort in surveillance goes into the parking lot and people who may hang around the hotel parking area? Could individuals sit outside in a vehicle unnoticed watching people enter and leave the casino? Just some thoughts on the casino again...IMO
There are parking lots for both - yes. If Turtle Lake is like most small tribal casinos then the cameras are always rolling but there isn't much active monitoring going on of the parking lot. Surveillance staff is short as it is in rural casinos and they focus on what's going on inside the casino because if there is something shady happening on the gaming floor, that affects the bottom line - aka profit margin. Most of the small tribal casinos aren't very wealthy to begin with and the money they earn goes back into taking care of the tribal members. They maintain a minimal surveillance staff and don't pay those people well but their job is to watch what's happening in the high gaming areas. Everywhere else is recorded but not really actively monitored.

Additionally the demographics of the area in Barron and Polk counties is not a bunch of whales (casino jargon for someone who has a huge bankroll and will spend it willingly again and again) so they need to protect every dollar they can so the limited budget for surveillance staff is focused on the inside where the gambling happens, not the parking lot. Most people who gamble in a place like Turtle Lake will spend between $100-300 a trip and there are rarely times where the casino is near capacity. Most nights you could drive a truck through it. Cheating or "advantage" play (using knowledge of advanced math techniques to win more often - like card counting) can destroy a tribal casino's ability to take care of themselves; they can handle it much less than say MGM Grand which rakes in billions and always has new customers coming in.

At a place like Turtle Lake, yes someone could easily sit outside in a vehicle unnoticed in the moment and watch people come and go. Surveillance would never ever spot them unless it was reported to security who would then call up to surveillance to watch. However, there would be footage of the parking lot that existed so if James did go to and leave Turtle Lake on the night of his death, footage absolutely should exist of that. Since the incident happened on a late Sunday evening, the parking lot would've been relatively empty so it would've been easy for someone to keep track of him if that's what transpired.
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Well, I'll be dipped! it more likely to be a fact LE is trying to hide or were they just made aware they were perpetuating the radar/daily mail myth? Is it curious that the correction is not noted?
I would guess its about 50/50 some news outlets are not as good as others about make it clear the originally had it wrong as others are. When the dateline article correct its mistake about Jim being at work they note at the bottom that they had made the correction, but that was an error of known information. So if that outlet had decide that they had said she was in the bathroom but she was not the *should* state the correction and not just delete the sentence. If some ask them not to put that information out they may have removed it to be helpful to LE, but in that case they did not make a "mistake" thus no correction.

I don't think its proof positive either way.
So, in light of the revelation of having possession of Jayme's phone and actually where they found it, makes the earlier revelation ...

... all the more curious. Law enforcement has Denise's phone. They have Jayme's phone. I expect, but we don't know, that they have James' phone. So, what exactly were they looking for?

My working theory is that they were looking for some device that law enforcement had determined being utilized within the home based on cell records, internet provider records, or wi-fi device records/logs at some time prior to the events that took place October 15th and there was some expectation of finding the device in the home. The only things that come to mind are either a tablet or a phone - perhaps using wi-fi only in airplane mode.

I don't think they brought in the specialized K9 on a whim.

I had thought that bringing in the specialized K9 and then setting up surveillance cameras prior to very publicly announcing the scene was released (something we see rarely done) meant that law enforcement had some expectation that the person(s) responsible would return to the home to retrieve a particular device. Perhaps the two activities are not connected and were serving two separate purposes. I doubt it. But I find this to be a bit of a puzzle.

I would think they'd want to rule out that no one had a second phone or things like tablets. If Jayme had been groomed or in contact with someone they may have provided a phone for her to use. I do find it interesting Jayme's phone was in the kitchen. I would assume most teenage girls would want their cell phone close by. Do most/many parents make kids leave their phones in a public place after a certain time? My kids don't have cell phones yet, but I let them keep their tablets/computers in their rooms. They use their tablets for their morning alarms and watch videos until their designated "turn 'em off" time.

We know James had guns in the house and they were all accounted for. From the 911 call logs They said "No guns located at this time" which would indicate that James did not grab one of his guns. If he did hear a kick at the door, I would think that would be the first thing he would try and do. We also know that the guns used were not one of his so the perp didn't take JC's gun and use it on JC and DC.

I'm just curious how they know all guns are accounted for. Most of our family know we own guns, but none of them would know how many and there would be no real way to know for certain unless he only had one or two, but even then, people buy new guns all the time.

It's certainly curious that he didn't try to grab a gun, but if he keeps them locked up and unloaded at all times, there probably wasn't enough time to access one if someone kicked in a door. And if he was asleep, it may have woken him up, but he may not have been aware of what he heard. I doubt hearing someone kick down your door is something most people would expect in the middle of the night.
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