AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #25

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Are we sure James had just the one job? Jmo not many jobs offer 20+ hrs of OT enough so that it would be regular.

I worked for a company that built high quality radios and sound systems as an electronics technician, troubleshooting and repairing audio and video equipment. In my hiring interview I was asked if I was willing to work OT. I typically worked 60+ hours on eight shifts. When we switched to ten hour shifts, we were supposed to work a 4 day week. We never worked four days, usually it was six and seven if you would take it. Then they went to 12 hour shifts. We had a schedule that was supposed to be 3 days on, 4 days off, then 4 days on and 3 off. The mgmt. still begged us to work every day. I did that for nine years. I loved working OT, but I had my limits. I wanted one day off a week and I refused to work on holidays no matter what the pay was. My supervisor threatened to fire me for refusing to work on Thanksgiving one year, but I knew that was BS. I had kids at home. I think my company's reasoning was they could pay a few people a lot of OT, and that way they didn't have to pay all the other related expenses of hiring another skilled worker, ie, unemployment insurance, life and health insurance, training costs, etc. I don't think it's very ordinary but I do think it's something that various industries do to try to maximize their profits, make one person do the work of two or more. When they have people capable of doing a particular job, they will take advantage. But do we know that he was an hourly employee and not salaried? Maybe he didn't get paid for all that OT. If that's true, he may have had a lot of flexibility in when he worked, maybe able to leave during his shift to work out, get a haircut, play golf, etc. Our supervisors would leave the plant with upper management every Tuesday to play golf. Even a few higher up hourly workers who were on a golf team would go.
What if the yelling on the phone was something like “Don’t do it, put the gun down, we can work this out” etc. That could lead a dispatcher to suspect a suicidal subject. And that’s the kind of thing they transmit off the air.
Im not sure what you are asking. My opinion is that it appeared to the cop for some reason to be a suicide but the one thing lacking, which they would soon find out, is the weapon. Also, Its currently listed as homicide, not murder, also a difference in meanings.

I curious about the difference between homicide and murder.
What if the yelling on the phone was something like “Don’t do it, put the gun down, we can work this out” etc. That could lead a dispatcher to suspect a suicidal subject. And that’s the kind of thing they transmit off the air.
I am pretty sure that it has been pretty much agreed on that the 911 tape was inaudible. Nothing could be made of it. It was ruled a 911 hang up. I do not believe there is a cover up of any sorts about what was said on the 911 call. Officers would have been made aware of what they were walking into had the 911 dispatcher known anything.
Do we have confirmation of shoe print ??
That scene had to be tough... door kicked in ?? Blood/Dust/small area....Hardwood do we know ??

If u know weapon. U know shoe size...
You know bullet entry point and trajectory on one or maybe 2 victims.

Can they not take that info and pin down height of suspect to 2/4 inches..

Asking/hoping... u have shoe size / height window... it would be at least narrow the field.
Do we have confirmation of shoe print ??
That scene had to be tough... door kicked in ?? Blood/Dust/small area....Hardwood do we know ??

If u know weapon. U know shoe size...
You know bullet entry point and trajectory on one or maybe 2 victims.

Can they not take that info and pin down height of suspect to 2/4 inches..

Asking/hoping... u have shoe size / height window... it would be at least narrow the field.
I do not believe we know anything as far as evidence besides what we actually seen them carry out on video
What if the yelling on the phone was something like “Don’t do it, put the gun down, we can work this out” etc. That could lead a dispatcher to suspect a suicidal subject. And that’s the kind of thing they transmit off the air.
I'm thinking that Mrs. Closs had already dialed 911, or was in the process of doing so, when she was shot. My scenario plays out like this: The Closs' have retired for the evening, when there is a sudden banging at the door. Someone outside is shouting about a terrible accident on the road. James and Denise go to the door, she is already dialing 911. Perhaps James opens the door, just a crack, to see who it is. A shotgun is discharged directly into his face. The door is kicked in, probably only a chain holding it in place. The intruder shoots Mrs. Closs as she presses the connection button to complete the 911 call. The intruder knows which room Jayme is in, she's the target, and he has either been in the house before, or has reconnoitered the property. He seizes the poor child and is gone within moments. Just MOO.
One of the things that has always bothered me about this case is the location of James red pickup truck in the driveway. Why wouldn't he have parked next to Denice's car in front to the double garage doors instead of so far down off the driveway ? Was this just a quirk of his to park there, or did he normally pull in next to his wife's car ? Unless this was James' usual practice, it almost looks as if he couldn't pull in next to his wife's car because a car was already parked there.

(Just thinking out loud, I guess.)
I just think you are reading too much into it. Cops are humans. They make basic assumptions just like everyone else. Based on the history of incidents like this in the area it would be natural to assume suicide when you see a dead body. Most of the time it is.
Or it could just be my opinion. ??
This is pure speculation and gut feeling, but the longer this drags on with no clear suspect or scenario emerging, the more I wonder if it's possible that it's mistaken identity. Maybe the shooter shot James as soon as he opened the door, had an "oh no" moment when he saw Denise (realizing that he was at the wrong place) but shot her too out of panic and because she had seen him kill James, then saw Jayme and took her because he couldn't go through with killing a child and didn't know what else to do.
One of the things that has always bothered me about this case is the location of James red pickup truck in the driveway. Why wouldn't he have parked next to Denice's car in front to the double garage doors instead of so far down off the driveway ? Was this just a quirk of his to park there, or did he normally pull in next to his wife's car ? Unless this was James' usual practice, it almost looks as if he couldn't pull in next to his wife's car because a car was already parked there.

(Just thinking out loud, I guess.)

I’m not reading much into this. My husband will pull into the driveway and park all over it. Our vehicles are rarely side by side. It never seems to make any sense from appearance but it often does to him. After parking randomly ... the next morning he’ll be doing yard work and it makes sense that he gave himself extra room to pull out tractor / rakes / etc. Or he’ll park behind me when he knows an older guest will be coming so they are closer to the door. Backward when he is loading something in.

So it’s very possible that James came hone and parked there anticipating something innocent ... Denise was leaving first in the AM or he was going to get something out of the garage the next day his truck would be in the way of.
I'm thinking that Mrs. Closs had already dialed 911, or was in the process of doing so, when she was shot. My scenario plays out like this: The Closs' have retired for the evening, when there is a sudden banging at the door. Someone outside is shouting about a terrible accident on the road. James and Denise go to the door, she is already dialing 911. Perhaps James opens the door, just a crack, to see who it is. A shotgun is discharged directly into his face. The door is kicked in, probably only a chain holding it in place. The intruder shoots Mrs. Closs as she presses the connection button to complete the 911 call. The intruder knows which room Jayme is in, she's the target, and he has either been in the house before, or has reconnoitered the property. He seizes the poor child and is gone within moments. Just MOO.
Maybe, but in my opinion it doesn't fit the timeline. I firmly believe that the neighbour misread her clock, see 12:38 instead of 12:58. Adjusting for the seven minute time discrepancy, that would put the shots at 12:51. Thats a full two minutes before the 911 call was placed at 12:53. The Sheriff has said that the perp was in the house for no more that a couple of minutes so this seems like a pretty logical scenario. The neighbour heard only two shots, so it is quite likely that the first took down James and the second took down Denise only seconds later.

I'll speculate that at this point the perp goes towards Jayme in another room while Denise dials 911. The commotion that can be heard in the distance is the perp subduing Jayme. As they come out to the main room to leave the perp sees that Denise has the phone so he disconnects it and kicks it away. Total time in the house is less than four minutes.
Just checking in hoping beyond hope for some good news.

I think about the cases I've followed recently like Shannan Watts and her precious little girls and unborn baby, Mollie Tibbetts, Kierra Cole, little Darrell Gray, James and Denise Closs and poor Jaymee. My heart is heavy when I think of their families and loved ones and cannot imagine the pain and heartache they are feeling. Just too much wrong in the world today!

Happy Thanksgiving to all you WSers, enjoy your yourselves. Almost feel guilty typing that :( but we can only do what we can.
2 more weeks have passed and I'm gonna beat the same drum again. Release the 9-1-1 call. It may or may not have something on it that will jar something, be recognizable to someone, or advance the case, but if nothing else it will get people thinking about it again. Its going cold and people are moving on and its terrible. I feel so bad for this poor girl.
Yes- if its useless to anyone then what is the harm? if it is remotely useful then it might be recognized by someone. You can't prosecute people you don't catch... And if Jayme is alive recovering her is the top priority not planning for a trial.
This is pure speculation and gut feeling, but the longer this drags on with no clear suspect or scenario emerging, the more I wonder if it's possible that it's mistaken identity. Maybe the shooter shot James as soon as he opened the door, had an "oh no" moment when he saw Denise (realizing that he was at the wrong place) but shot her too out of panic and because she had seen him kill James, then saw Jayme and took her because he couldn't go through with killing a child and didn't know what else to do.

I don’t think mistaken identity at all ... but think u could be correct in thinking the perp didn’t set out to kill 2 people and kidnap jayme.

Could have planned home invasion/ tie up kidnapping but it’s messed up 5 seconds into plan after James fights back or says wrong thing..

I think he knew jayme was there ... that was the objective... if he planned on killing 2 people in 30 seconds from the start... that’s scary... but plausible... mistaken identity would make sense if random burglary with nobody home..
I always get tangled up on the social media rules but the family is asking people to print fliers and post at truck stops, etc on one of the public Facebook pages. Hoping someone traveling for the holiday will see something.

If I can post the flier here or someone can link it?
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