AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #26

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I have been following this case closely. In my opinion I think the focus of motive still needs to remain on Jayme. I am not one of those people believing she had some internet boyfriend/ secret boyfriend. I do think however there might have been a man that spotted her in real life or online and was obsessed with her.

If the perpetrator was after the parents for some reason I think that Jayme would have been found dead that night.

It makes no sense to go to the house for retribution of any kind, find Jayme, and decide then to take her along.

This is my opinion, and only an opinion. There are so many unknown factors in this case atm. If and when we get more information my opinion may change.
I have been following this case closely. In my opinion I think the focus of motive still needs to remain on Jayme. I am not one of those people believing she had some internet boyfriend/ secret boyfriend. I do think however there might have been a man that spotted her in real life or online and was obsessed with her.

If the perpetrator was after the parents for some reason I think that Jayme would have been found dead that night.

It makes no sense to go to the house for retribution of any kind, find Jayme, and decide then to take her along.

This is my opinion, and only an opinion. There are so many unknown factors in this case atm. If and when we get more information my opinion may change.

Completely agree here... there are so few absolutes in this can always change with new info... but this looks all jayme.. I could see her complaining about parent and thinking it’s 16 yr old... but it’s older online perp ...

Think likeliest is just like short family. Odd industry creates unique people by house frequently. House is 20 ft from highway. Outside of town.

Don’t know how the hell you find perp. I’d put cam by Closs house for 6 months. And run down each driver that hits on cam often on Sunday nite or in 11 pm to 2 pm window. Just hunch...and worth it if all else fails.
Do we know why one of the first places LE looked over was the Anderson Dairy Farm? Did dogs follow a scent that direction? Why there and not other surrounding residences (other than the next door neighbors who heard the shots) Were there people there on the LE radar for other reasons? They went there at just after noon the day after the crime.
Today is the 45th day Jayme has been missing. By the end of Deer season, she will have been missing for 106 days. At that point, if LE still “has nothing” we’ll be waiting for the snow to melt. Not good.
Do we know why one of the first places LE looked over was the Anderson Dairy Farm? Did dogs follow a scent that direction? Why there and not other surrounding residences (other than the next door neighbors who heard the shots) Were there people there on the LE radar for other reasons? They went there at just after noon the day after the crime.
Is there a link for that? Missed this. Good questions.
Is there a link for that? Missed this. Good questions.
On page one of this thread under Timelines:
10/15/18 @ 13;49;49 it says Responding officer requested to contact Anderson Dairy Farm to advise them of a search of the area for a missing person. Requesting to park in their yard.

I'm sorry I don't know how to do a link yet.
On page one of this thread under Timelines:
10/15/18 @ 13;49;49 it says Responding officer requested to contact Anderson Dairy Farm to advise them of a search of the area for a missing person. Requesting to park in their yard.

I'm sorry I don't know how to do a link yet.
Oh okay- sounds like they had a lot of LE & related vehicles coming & just needed open areas for parking. A farm would have the most space for that- without impacting the crime scene area or landscaping on smaller suburban/ rural parcels of land. MOO
I doubt James would have come home from the Burger King with a Whopper of such delicious allure as to lead a robber to kick in a front door, kill two people and abduct a teen in -- all in pursuit of said delectable sandwich. Winnings from a big gambling night could be another story, though I admit I have little faith in the casino angle.

The Petit family were followed home from the grocery store and killed by strangers.

Victims are often followed from a public location.

If JC stopping by Burger King triggered a known to the Cross’s perp with a grudge or desire for Jayme it wouldn’t be for a hamburger, no, I really don’t think anyone believes that.

That is why LE uses a time line of all known interactions to see where a crime victim may have crossed paths with a perp.

For all we know JC may have unknowingly pulled in front of a meth rager and never even know he set them off until it was too late.

Oh okay- sounds like they had a lot of LE & related vehicles coming & just needed open areas for parking. A farm would have the most space for that- without impacting the crime scene area or landscaping on smaller suburban/ rural parcels of land. MOO

Thank you. That makes sense, although my memory says that there was a cursory search. I went back in the threads and couldn't find it. Does anyone else remember this?
Thank you. That makes sense, although my memory says that there was a cursory search. I went back in the threads and couldn't find it. Does anyone else remember this?

It's on the dispatch log, toward the bottom of page 6:

In an interview, the neighbors to the west said LE searched their house too. I'd bet they searched many more, but it's part of the investigation and they're not going to release it. JMO.
On page one of this thread under Timelines:
10/15/18 @ 13;49;49 it says Responding officer requested to contact Anderson Dairy Farm to advise them of a search of the area for a missing person. Requesting to park in their yard.

I'm sorry I don't know how to do a link yet.

Rosiebones ~ Thank you, yes . . . I remember. You raise a good question. I’m going to post a map so we can look at the distance between the properties. (And I have a post to fall back on later, if needed)
(Per post by Rosiebones) . . . Link to map showing distance from Closs residence (1268 13 1/2 Avenue - US Hwy 8) to the Anderson Dairy Systems (1312 13 1/2 Avenue - US Hwy 8). I’ve also included on the map a third address of the drug bust that occurred (filed in court) on 10/31 which occurred at 1215 13 1/2 Ave - US Hwy 8). Toggle map to zoom in / out: Google Maps
So I’m doing dishes this morning, always a zen activity . . . Thinking about this case and the Sheriff convinced she was alive from Day #1, and thinking about Denise’s sisters first on-cam press conference where they addressed her and begged her to come home (talking about her doggy, Starbucks and Grandpa wanting more artwork from her) and wondering why they were so certain (or was it wishful thinking?!?) that she was alive . . . And why there were not more on-the-ground searches . . . As if they knew she left with someone on her own accord or knew the person(s) . . .

Is it possible she left behind indications that she was “leaving”, that she had packed ~ left a note? Perhaps it was a matter of “running away” and plans went south, fast. Could she have been caught sneaking out for a meet-up and her folks caught her and when she didn’t show up, the perp came to get her? There is so much missing here, it’s infuriating.
Completely agree here... there are so few absolutes in this can always change with new info... but this looks all jayme.. I could see her complaining about parent and thinking it’s 16 yr old... but it’s older online perp ...

Think likeliest is just like short family. Odd industry creates unique people by house frequently. House is 20 ft from highway. Outside of town.

Don’t know how the hell you find perp. I’d put cam by Closs house for 6 months. And run down each driver that hits on cam often on Sunday nite or in 11 pm to 2 pm window. Just hunch...and worth it if all else fails.

I feel the only way the perp is going to be found is if someone comes forward, or if he himself confesses.

Since it has been so long since the crime has happened. I don't feel they are going to just find the perpetrator on the information that they have.
Completely agree here... there are so few absolutes in this can always change with new info... but this looks all jayme.. I could see her complaining about parent and thinking it’s 16 yr old... but it’s older online perp ...

Think likeliest is just like short family. Odd industry creates unique people by house frequently. House is 20 ft from highway. Outside of town.

Don’t know how the hell you find perp. I’d put cam by Closs house for 6 months. And run down each driver that hits on cam often on Sunday nite or in 11 pm to 2 pm window. Just hunch...and worth it if all else fails.

I don't think that they are going to catch this perpetrator without the help of someone. Either the perpetrator confesses to someone or something trips him up....

After all this time I feel it would be very difficult for them to find identifying information of the perpetrator.

If Jayme is ever found, that also might help them find whoever did this horrendous crime.

I pray for her family, LE, and the community... No matter the outcome, every one of them will be in need of strength and assistance in coping with it all... I also pray that the answers will be found soon... With every day that goes by, it grows harder and harder to keep up hope for a positive solution...
No matter how much it is mentioned on however many threads- I will always look at the "possible suicide" as one of the most important aspects of this case. We know SO little. One thing we do know for a fact is a cop showed up to the Closs' house and the first thing he radios to dispatch is possible suicide. I would think for the safety of himself and other officers standard protocol/ a standard first reaction to seeing someone shot dead in the doorway of his house would actually be that he's been shot by someone (and that everyone needs to be on the lookout for this person- if the BG is still there or not). If they walked in and saw him hanging from a door frame then yes, possible suicide would make sense but based on what we know or more so what we don't know, I am absolutely not convinced that the immediate reaction of the responding officer was "possible suicide" is not important information that should be ignored.
i completely agree...i would think officers are trained to err on the side of caution so they dont lead other officers into the line of danger ..i would like to know why the officers inital reaction was possible suicide and not simply man down...
Just checking in again. Through all the speculation on this case, I don't recall any of their co-workers making any statements in the news. James and Denise worked at the same company for over 20 years and most likely confided with some of their co-workers about what was going on in their personal life. Maybe one of them had a disagreement with a co-worker and/or supervisor. Who knows? Maybe LE needs to interview EVERYONE they worked with. Even a 5 minute interview might reveal something! In my mind, I am trying to make sense out of this and I do feel the person(s) is someone the family knows.....whether it's Jayme, James or member knew them. Plus the number of sex offenders in the area blows my mind. Hello.....maybe LE needs to go back and re-interview ALL of them. They may not be connected to this case at all, but may be connected to other unsolved cases. Oh, and all the meth heads there.....Barron sounds like a scary place to live!!

Coworker statements:

News 18 spoke with Missy Ruffin, a friend of the family leaving the funeral; she said the Closs’ were good people.

“Jim [Closs] is the type that he is so much into the Packers that he would take off [work] if the Packers would play on Monday night,” said Ruffin. He would take Tuesday off because he knows he would be too hungover to go to work.”

Ruffin went on to talk about Denise Closs.

“It was all about Jayme, everything,” said Ruffin. “[Denise’s] world revolved around Jayme. When she was younger she had her in beauty pageants, ‘please vote on my daughter’s pictures’, you know, so that she wins the contest. She was all about Jayme.”

Ruffin said she worked with James Closs for about 15 years.
Funeral held for James and Denise Closs in Cameron
“Not a day goes by that Jim and I would have some kind of conversation about our day or give each other advice about how deal our day to day ordeals at work,” one coworker wrote on social media. “Denise Closs was very nice person who [took] the time to talk you as we finish up the work day by our lockers.”

“Jayme was their world I hope to God she will be found safe.”

Luella May, a former coworker at Jennie-O, told The Daily Beast that she was devastated by the loss of the couple.

“Denise was a very sweet girl and she loved everyone. I went to her house a few times and I met her daughter Jayme and she was just a doll, and now she’s growing up into a beautiful young girl,” May said on Tuesday.

“James was a very funny man and a blast to have around. If you ever needed anything they would do what they could to help,” May added.

Police Beg For Help in Finding Wisconsin Teen Jayme Closs: ‘Every Second Counts’

Video of the President of Jennie O speaking: Jennie-O Turkey remembers employees killed in Barron Co. shooting
Sometimes I feel the discussion is going in circles, so here's a male non-WS perspective. No ideas. Just a perspective.

He feels Jayme is no longer alive:
1. This case is different than Elizabeth Smart, Cleveland women, and the Tennessee teacher who abducted a student - all with intent to keep them. The Closs abductor is a killer. Just the fact that he killed a woman shows more killing would not be problematic.
2. There has been too much publicity for him to keep her. No sightings.
3. Killings and door kicking show an angry person with probable mental problems. He could again "go off" at any time.
3. Investigations have pretty much indicated he is not from the area. He could be/probably is across the country by now, and Jayme's body could be anywhere.
Not saying this is what happened to Jayme , but in the news today is a story about a 13 yr old girl anducted from North Carolina and luckily found in a hotel in Oklahoma with a 23 year old New Mexico man she met through the internet. LE believe he was bringing her back to New Mexico. Scary stuff .Sorry, I don’t know how to link it . Maybe someone else can .
The Petit family were followed home from the grocery store and killed by strangers.

Victims are often followed from a public location.

If JC stopping by Burger King triggered a known to the Cross’s perp with a grudge or desire for Jayme it wouldn’t be for a hamburger, no, I really don’t think anyone believes that.

That is why LE uses a time line of all known interactions to see where a crime victim may have crossed paths with a perp.

For all we know JC may have unknowingly pulled in front of a meth rager and never even know he set them off until it was too late.

Has it ever been confirmed if Jayme and her mother or father went shopping or to buy gas or went anywhere following the family birthday party?
So I’m doing dishes this morning, always a zen activity . . . Thinking about this case and the Sheriff convinced she was alive from Day #1, and thinking about Denise’s sisters first on-cam press conference where they addressed her and begged her to come home (talking about her doggy, Starbucks and Grandpa wanting more artwork from her) and wondering why they were so certain (or was it wishful thinking?!?) that she was alive . . . And why there were not more on-the-ground searches . . . As if they knew she left with someone on her own accord or knew the person(s) . . .

Is it possible she left behind indications that she was “leaving”, that she had packed ~ left a note? Perhaps it was a matter of “running away” and plans went south, fast. Could she have been caught sneaking out for a meet-up and her folks caught her and when she didn’t show up, the perp came to get her? There is so much missing here, it’s infuriating.
Very plausible theory in my opinion.
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