AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #29

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Yes, even if a hangup call with muffled yelling in the background and the only audible thing to be heard is 'help', it still seems like a miraculously fast and multiple response to something that had no indication of being a life-or-death situation.
They have to assume that “help” means life or death. They have to assume a hang-up could have happened during an altercation. I just do not find any of this odd, and I thank a God that 911 and LE generally approach things as there being a potential for worst case scenario. No doubt, it saves lives.
I disagree but to each their own opinion. There could have been two or multiple weapons used but if the scene was as bad as I’ve read, a semiauto pistol would have had to have been fired many times unless the perp was that dang accurate and got head/chest shots in just a try or two. Jmo

there are tactical shotgun ammo and I know it can go threw a solid barn door travel 14 ft and still leave a basketball sized hole in the next wall. clay pigeon shot can go threw tile and two layers of floor leaveing a 8 inch hole and still bust water pipes.
I lived in a bigger town than Barron and I’m not kidding when I say they generally sent a minimum of 3 cop cars out on most calls, even ridiculous things where there clearly was not a need for that many. I just don’t think this is uncommon in relatively small towns.
I live in a small town as well and our PD never sends just a single unit, had 4 across the street bc I had to call bc of my crazy neighbor. Officers never know what they are walking into, better safe than sorry!
I lived in a bigger town than Barron and I’m not kidding when I say they generally sent a minimum of 3 cop cars out on most calls, even ridiculous things where there clearly was not a need for that many. I just don’t think this is uncommon in relatively small towns.

Yea. I kind of wrote it off to policy/procedure or new hire riding along, or "lots of yelling" might indicate multiple perps or just that they're not busy doing something else so they might as well go on the call. Still, I wonder if the officers were at the station and if dispatch is in the same building (which IDK) then maybe the dispatcher told them something more in person than what's in the log. I have a friend who used to be a dispatcher in a station. There was a lot of banter/conversation/details that wasn't documented. They were/are holding a lot back,understandably. I guess I won't be surprised either way.
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What a sweet pic of Jayme and her pup. The window on the door is pretty big. I wonder if the perp just shot right through the window as James approached the door.
Wow, this picture of Jayme really hits me hard. :( Just checking in, but with nothing new, there's not a lot to add.

Thoughts and prayers for Jayme & the families.
question for those that shoot pistols regularly u have to aim for each shot or do you retain some muscle memory to easily hit your target at say 20 ft or less? I have a pistol however it isn't my first choice go to firearm.
question for those that shoot pistols regularly u have to aim for each shot or do you retain some muscle memory to easily hit your target at say 20 ft or less? I have a pistol however it isn't my first choice go to firearm.

I aim every shot, but much faster now. Muscle memory mostly comes into play for me with grip, stance, clearing jams, mag change, breathing, etc. That stuff is all second nature now. I remember having to deliberately think/concentrate on all of that, then shot alignment/placement. It gets easier/quicker to pick up the front sight, alignment and picture with lots of practice, and regularity with a favorite/comfortable firearm. Same with rifle.
I meant the wooden front door.
There have been no photos of the wooden front door being taken out posted anywhere that I've found. It was stated that a reporter said 'bullet riddled front door" and then Denise's dad in one of the very first interviews said "door was shot in".

This could be true, a simple miscommunication , or LE could've asked everyone with that info. to keep it to themselves. JMO
I aim every shot, but much faster now. Muscle memory mostly comes into play for me with grip, stance, clearing jams, mag change, breathing, etc. That stuff is all second nature now. I remember having to deliberately think/concentrate on all of that, then shot alignment/placement. It gets easier/quicker to pick up the front sight, alignment and picture with lots of practice, and regularity with a favorite/comfortable firearm. Same with rifle.

see the aiming part and having to be very right on accurate in a high stress situation is what makes me question a hand gun only being used. I know the terms that was used points to handgun, but I don't know if a hand gun is a sure bet on killing in a high stress fast moving crime. if the goal was to just incompacitate the parents I see it, but if the goal was a fast sure kill I don't see any single bullet firearm being nearly as sure as a shotgun. our difference in opinion likely is part of that different personalities would use different firearms. LE knows so I hope they find the one they are looking for and until they find it I hope what they know from the type used points them toward a personality that might help them find the killer.
It was the front storm door.

This picture really hit home for me just now. I just looked at and and had tears as I asked myself WHY?? she is a child. Who could be so evil? The poor dear child.
see the aiming part and having to be very right on accurate in a high stress situation is what makes me question a hand gun only being used. I know the terms that was used points to handgun, but I don't know if a hand gun is a sure bet on killing in a high stress fast moving crime. if the goal was to just incompacitate the parents I see it, but if the goal was a fast sure kill I don't see any single bullet firearm being nearly as sure as a shotgun. our difference in opinion likely is part of that different personalities would use different firearms. LE knows so I hope they find the one they are looking for and until they find it I hope what they know from the type used points them toward a personality that might help them find the killer.

IDK. Handguns are used in about 90% of all homicides by firearm. Probably because they are easy to hide/store/carry. At close range you can shoot and kill a person in front of you with a handgun, one-handed, without bringing the sights up to your eyes, with little to no training.

My EDC (everyday-carry) holds 15 rounds and magazine change takes a couple seconds. If I couldn't kill 2 people in a small house with a handgun, they were probably shooting back while hiding behind an engine block 100 yards away.

Whatever the perp used, I'm with you - I hope they are brought to justice soon.
Just curious why police would request the emergency response team to be paged out if the victims were already dead?
This was happening in real time. They are making assessments literally as they work the scene. Emergency Response Team could include officers trained to breach and clear a possibly dark house with potentially unknown (at that moment in time) assailants in it. It could include the forensic team. It could include officers tasked with roping off the area to control the scene.
People are trying to dissect this call log too much. It isn't that refined. More than likely they arrived, saw the front door open, with damage, and concluded it had been kicked in. They saw James down near the door and initially speculated suicide. Most likely because, in a small rural town, those officers are more likely to have run across suicide scenes than a multiple homicide plus kidnapping. They logged for help. They went in an began clearing. They found Denise. They changed the log call to multiple down/homicide. And on it goes. It's an evolving, editing log that changes as they gather information in real time.
Whatever was heard during the call gave the dispatcher the impression it was a suicide attempt, rather than a family being in imminent danger of being murdered. Any thoughts on what would have given that impression?
No, that's not correct. The dispatcher made no such judgment. The logging as a suicide came from the first officer responding to the scene.
From published newspaper accounts:
12:56 a.m.


With Denise Closs’ phone number identified, the dispatcher made more attempts to call the number back, to no avail. She also tries to call the Closs residence directly. The log said the phone was disconnected.

1:03 a.m.

From the Closs home, officers first advised dispatch of a possible suicide attempt. The call was entered into the logs as such.

At 1:05 a.m., officers on scene relayed the first details from the scene within five minutes of arrival. They did not yet appear to know that Denise Closs had been fatally shot.


They may release something that changes my mind, but for now I believe she was targeted by someone that knew her and is known in town. I also believe they still have her close by. Why go through all that trouble just to kill her? I don’t see any danger of being caught as of right now, either. Plus, it’d be pretty risky dumping a body right now. Never know who will stop you to chat or see you where you shouldn’t be, based on being very familiar with small towns.
Sorry for the wall of text.

Welcome (back?) to Websleuths. IMHO a very fine post!

I feel in my gut many of the same perceptions. And, especially, the 'close by' aspect.

What if they could re-investigate using tracking dogs, utilizing Jayme's scent? Grid searches going out every couple of miles, from point of kidnap. Would Texas Equusearch be able to get involved? Do they need to be requested, or invited?
Perhaps they already did these searches. Would it hurt to do more?

Oh Jayme. I can only hope that all of our prayers to the universe have wrapped you safely in a cocoon of love. jmo moo
Ok.. so how was the call sent out to police by the dispatcher then? Just as a 'hangup'? But yet police arrived in what.... 4 minutes? What would have been the urgency for just a hangup?
Every police department I know will respond to a 911 call in which the connection is lost, and the dispatcher can not re-connect. They are not just going to shrug and wait to see if anyone calls again. It's likely policy. Imagine that it's not, the lawsuits that would happen in cases like these. And they arrived in 4 minutes because the police station was only a few miles away. Barron is about 4,000 people. It's not New York City.
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