AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #32

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I think "confirm" not "realize" is more accurate here. It's a small town, even without family pictures and such I figure they knew very quickly that they needed to find Jayme.

LE needed to confirm Jayme wasn't in the house, on the property, away from home that night, etc. before putting out a nationwide BOLO.
Just want to keep things accurate. LE didn't know about Jayme until about 0330. They saw two parents dead and and another bed. Sheriff Fitzgerald said he had to call the schools cop to confirm that a child lived there.
I haven't found any pictures I could definitely identify as being inside their house. There was one, a while back, with Jayme (& someone?) on a black leather couch/loveseat where you could see from the blinds above that it was in their front room. The furniture was taller than the bottom of the window explaining the gap at the bottom of the blinds. I can't find that picture again though. It may have been removed.
Are you insinuating that things go missing from the internet? I’m astonished.
I picture the stairs to the basement located directly behind the cabinet with the snowmen. Maybe a small wall that attaches to the kitchen on the right the cabinet would set in front of it. Stairs would have railing on living room side and wall on kitchen side. IDK. Just my 2 cents worth
I haven’t given up on that location, but I’m still working on resolving the alignment with the basement division. The setup like this in one of the previously posted layouts doesn’t work for me at all, because it creates this really awkward confined space immediately inside the front door. Plus, it kinda negates the open concept idea. Maybe someone will ask Fitzgerald about the stairs at this momentus press conference...
I haven’t given up on that location, but I’m still working on resolving the alignment with the basement division. The setup like this in one of the previously posted layouts doesn’t work for me at all, because it creates this really awkward confined space immediately inside the front door. Plus, it kinda negates the open concept idea.

Agree, on both counts. It would make the most sense it if it combined with the garage entry.
I agree with all of this. It may be because she was a teenager and because such things do not happen there, abductions, double murders, etc. but it was not exactly immediate that they put out an alert and made contact with those who may know. I look at it in reverse, if there was no former contact with this family then I would likely think she was missing because there is no reason to think she is a runaway, involved, etc. as LE had no former contact (or actually I think the words were they had never been called to the home) to think there were any problems. But who knows. Not knocking LE, and not sure how quickly a missing child is generally determined in any state or circumstance and an alarm raised--to be fair, it is not like someone saw her pushed into a car at gunpoint and reported it and the car where that may raise an immediate alert in a case like that one would hope. It probably even was quicker than it sounds when one considers the need to first probably approach slowly, clear the house, secure the scene, while simultaneously trying to determine what happened and calling for all of the extra areas of assistance... In fact, when considering all of that, the time of night and the day of the week, this may be impressively quick if one has nothing to compare it to. I will correct the *time of night* to *time of morning* before I get corrected lol. jmo.
And during the interview the Sheriff didn't make it sound as if they were looking for child because they had heard one, like on the 911 call. JMO
there use to be a interview of sheriff in hall or entry area at sheriff dept that he briefly said about the same with a little more added. but it is no where to be found and I have searched for many days for it and had others help search. is like some of the other missing stuff.
I think you are looking for this one.
Barron County Sheriff's Department
Doesn't the Barron County auditor's site have online access to view homes via address? Here (Ohio) has the capability to do a property search and view the layout of a home, etc.
In my line of work, we gain access to all the gov’t data sites, usually for right-of-way, easement, address, etc info. I’ve accessed this stuff all over the country, and I’ve never seen publically available (or in the pay depts even) private home floor plans. The closest you can normally get to that would be photos off sites like Realtor and Zillow, and that’s just a fraction of homes. I would be very unhappy if my floor plan was publically available!
I also want to throw out my issues with an ATV escape. Showof hands, who trail rides ATV’s? You get smacked in the face, busted knuckles, logs thrown into your shins, and hit trees hard enough to bend a three wheeler axle. In broad daylight. Add a passenger that probably has to ride in front of you (if hands tied, can’t hold on, if not, can just jump off/out of SxS), and at night? I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it would not be a quick, foolproof get away. I think it would be slow enough that I could run them down on foot...or they’d wad it up and I could walk to them.

I haven’t given up on that location, but I’m still working on resolving the alignment with the basement division. The setup like this in one of the previously posted layouts doesn’t work for me at all, because it creates this really awkward confined space immediately inside the front door. Plus, it kinda negates the open concept idea. Maybe someone will ask Fitzgerald about the stairs at this momentus press conference...

At press conference....why would he not give about 5 things that won’t compromise investigation...And shoot down about 4 of the theories at once...

How could it hurt to say...

Drug addict neighbor kidnapping jayme to take to California or Alaska hideout... “nuts we talked to her”... she’s nuts but we checked her and her boyfriend.

Family friend foster care buddy didn’t kidnap jayme they were at x location... let that go...

Denise turning in work related drug ring...she did not...and she wasn’t fearful for her safety at plant..

Somali jenni o worker pissed at James... we pursued... nothing there.

Psychotic nurse kidnapping jayme..after she got out of hospital...all nurses we talked too cleared..

He could disclaimer it..with something....
Although typing above makes me think all these theories are drunk bar theories...that sound better after beer..

I’ve omitted ninja militia as I think they’ve been cleared.... but cross off some of the theories... atleast those Fitzgerald certain about...
This one?

That is.not a basement picture. It looks like an expensive ceiling , maybe at a hotel . It is a northwood’s look. Pine ceiling with industrial braces.
I haven’t given up on that location, but I’m still working on resolving the alignment with the basement division. The setup like this in one of the previously posted layouts doesn’t work for me at all, because it creates this really awkward confined space immediately inside the front door. Plus, it kinda negates the open concept idea. Maybe someone will ask Fitzgerald about the stairs at this momentus press conference...

Houses like that have tiny kitchens. By an outside wall, there is a doorway to go downstairs. A couple of stairs down, turn and continue going down the stairs.
I also want to throw out my issues with an ATV escape. Showof hands, who trail rides ATV’s? You get smacked in the face, busted knuckles, logs thrown into your shins, and hit trees hard enough to bend a three wheeler axle. In broad daylight. Add a passenger that probably has to ride in front of you (if hands tied, can’t hold on, if not, can just jump off/out of SxS), and at night? I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it would not be a quick, foolproof get away. I think it would be slow enough that I could run them down on foot...or they’d wad it up and I could walk to them.
I’d almost forgotten that I was gonna reply to this. Many years ago, when my haunt was in the Minoqua area, we had a bunch of toys (that was kinda the point of being there). I usually did the dirt bikes, but ended up on the three wheeler one afternoon. When a rear tire blew in the middle of the woods, the chain of events led to the thing landing on top of me and ended up breaking three of my ribs. THAT was a fun walk out of the woods. I think that is why they don’t make those ridiculous things anynore.
1. Do we really know if Jayme was in the residence at the time of the murders? The Sheriff says Jayme was there and was taken but we do know specifically why he concludes she was there, possibly from the 911 call but we do not know this for sure. Maybe Jayme was not there and was elsewhere before (and obviously since) the murders. The scent dogs allegedly followed Jayme's sent to the driveway (presumably to an auto). Could this not be every day scent and not from the same time as murders? Most take as a given that Jayme was there at time of murders and left however unwillingly at the time of the crimes. But maybe not.

2. There was a bed taken from the house during the LE investigation and there are references to it being a single bed and Jayme's bed. Yet we are told by the Sheriff that the perp(s) went no farther than five feet into the house. The 5 feet conclusion seems farfetched from my perspective but let's say it is fact. What would they be looking for on a bed that is presumably Jayme's bed? One would think something that would be DNA evidence other than Jayme's but if the perp(s) only went 5 feet into the house the bed DNA would not be from them during the murders anyway. . Maybe there was actual or purported / suspected molestation going on? This could be a motivation or justification and Jayme would be hidden now and the perp(s) are from among those close to the family? This may be one reason the one Uncle made a statement of his suspicions and also why LE has not let the family hear the 911 tape and seems to not have been that willing to impart investigation specifics to the family and other intimates.

I hope that the investigation has gone much farther than we are aware of from media, public statements, and rumor. Like to see a break in the disappearance of Jayme and the who and why of her parents being murdered. Not much to go on at all. Hope Jayme is alive.
Houses like that have tiny kitchens. By an outside wall, there is a doorway to go downstairs. A couple of stairs down, turn and continue going down the stairs.
I understand what you’re saying, but where would that possibly be in the Closs house? If you consider the distance from the edge of the patio door to the front wall, then the location in front of the window that is probably where the sink is, and thus a counter, then where the next window is... where would this stair area fit?
Was Jayme in many dance recitals and or performances?
Is the photo from a performance?
It looks like the pool area in a resort hotel. There’s a bunch of places like that up there. My guess is Wisconsin Dells area. I don’t know why that particular attire tho. 13 year old girls fashions are outside of my wheelhouse. :)
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