AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #3

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As @oceanblueeyes just mentioned I also suspect maybe they think she could be long gone from the area.

But this wouldn't make sense if the perp knew her through local contact, which could mean she is in a home or building fairly locally. Unless he took her to an external location separate from his home and further away (family property, cabin, etc.)

Now if the perp is someone who groomed her online then she could be anywhere far away. There was a case here in NOCO quite recently...looking for link.

We see on Chris Hansen “To Catch a Predator” all the time how far these perps travel.

As I mentioned upstream there is a picture showing her holding a phone. So I think some older dirtbag maybe stole her.
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If there were an older boyfriend locally, someone would know and they would have tracked him down already. IF this is a “boyfriend” he’d have to be someone she met online.

Agree. I think with FBI involved her social media and any cell phone activity would lead to a named person-of-interest within 24-48 hours.
One thing I've been thinking about a lot is that the neighbors said they were woken up by the gunshots and looked at their clock - 12:30 AM. Yet the 911 call didn't come in to the sheriff until 12:58 AM . Given that the call seemed to indicate a disturbance/commotion, it seems like the perp (perps) was still there which means they were in the home for at least 30 minutes. While the houses aren't super close together, JS and TS's house wasn't terribly far away either. The Closs house was not isolated. That means whoever made those shots was confident enough that the neighbors wouldn't hear and call 911. They correctly banked on neighbors thinking it was just someone hunting or scaring a bear away. IMO this is particular and significant.

You bring up a good point. If they stayed around after shooting their way into the house, it could mean they are a local. Perhaps they knew a couple gunshots in the middle of the night in that area would not raise any alarm.

(And on a personal note-- I think "isolated" must be a matter of perspective/what someone is used to living. I look at the distance between houses and the woods surrounding their home as well as it being on a highway road and that feels isolated to me. Sure there are lots of cars going by, but you can't exactly yell out your window or wave to get the neighbors attention or a drivers attention if someone is attacking you from inside. There's no sidewalk for pedestrians to walk their dogs or run on so very little foot traffic or neighbor traffic is going to pass by. And it would be very dark at night due to no street lights. It may not be very far from town or far from neighbors but that's all somewhat relative-- compared to a subdivision or an in-town street lined with houses this feels somewhat isolated, or maybe secluded is the word I'm thinking? Whoever did this knew they could get in and do what they wanted and wouldn't be easily seen. Would they know that just from driving by on the highway? IDK. JMO.)
I see a lot of people asking why anyone would kill the parents if Jayme was the object of the crime. I think killing the parents might be a way to exact control over Jayme. The attacker would then be able to say, "Remember what I did to your parents? I can do the same or worse to you if you don't follow my instructions. If you do what I say you will be fine."

Obviously, I don't know this is what happened, but from a psychological standpoint it makes sense. Fear can be very effective for control. If you want to keep someone you just abducted for a significant amount of time, control seems like it would be necessary.
Is it just me or did you guys find LE’s answer re: if she had a boyfriend somewhat “evasive” (Going by transcriptions)

Can someone please bump the PC link? Tia.


So they can not say for certain that this is an abduction.

Whatever the case she is 13.
LE doesn't have EVIDENCE that Jayme was abducted, so they're not using the word "abducted."

Fitzgerald said at this point they don't have enough evidence to call it an abduction but said he classifies the situation as a missing and endangered child.
Sheriff: Miami tip 'not credible' in search for missing teen

This should tell us something:

"The FBI is here to support the investigation and the community in the safe return of Jayme," Justin Tolomeo, FBI special agent said. " We are providing a number of resources including investigative, technical, tactical, and intelligence as well as agents from our child abduction rapid deployment team."
Sheriff: 200 tips, 30K hits from Amber Alert in Jayme Closs missing teen case
You bring up a good point. If they stayed around after shooting their way into the house, it could mean they are a local. Perhaps they knew a couple gunshots in the middle of the night in that area would not raise any alarm.

(And on a personal note-- I think "isolated" must be a matter of perspective/what someone is used to living. I look at the distance between houses and the woods surrounding their home as well as it being on a highway road and that feels isolated to me. Sure there are lots of cars going by, but you can't exactly yell out your window or wave to get the neighbors attention or a drivers attention if someone is attacking you from inside. There's no sidewalk for pedestrians to walk their dogs or run on so very little foot traffic or neighbor traffic is going to pass by. And it would be very dark at night due to no street lights. It may not be very far from town or far from neighbors but that's all somewhat relative-- compared to a subdivision or an in-town street lined with houses this feels somewhat isolated, or maybe secluded is the word I'm thinking? Whoever did this knew they could get in and do what they wanted and wouldn't be easily seen. Would they know that just from driving by on the highway? IDK. JMO.)

You're right - it's all about a matter of perspective. In rural WI terms, it isn't isolated. Hwy 8 is a heavily trafficked road for the area, and the homes are close enough to hear a disturbance / gunshots, but not close enough to see home to home where the victims lived. Also, the home is a bit tucked into the trees, so isn't necessarily one a random person would notice as they are driving by.
Interesting. Police stated that the 911 call at almost 1:00 was unanswered but they heard commotion. That would have had to have been between Jayme and the assailant. Why was he(she) still in the house 30 minutes after the gunshots?
this was/is my question as well, but i suppose it's possible the voice on the call was Denise and not Jayme. The ME should be able to get a rather precise time of death as well as how long it would've taken her (and James) to die so hopefully that will help
BBM. Not necessarily. I tend to think an "only child" can be less mature because they are the center of attention. They don't have any younger siblings to learn how to care for or older siblings that they have to learn how to get along with. No one to compete with or challenge them into maturity. And adults may spoil an "only child" because they are a miracle baby they never expected to be able to have (I don't know if that's the case here but just giving it as an example). And as far as only being with adults-- all indications to me are that Jayme's parents tried to enroll her in team activities with peers her age-- dance and cross country running, for examples. Those things don't make her mature or not mature though. What I see from the few pieces of info we have been given from friends and family is that she is more on the child side of 13 than the teen side (the age where kids may start to challenge boundaries and try to act older than they really are). We heard she is "sweet" and "quiet". Looking at her photos we see she doesn't wear lots of make-up, she doesn't style her hair or wear clothes that are more adult than her years. She isn't yet to the point of taking those selfies we see all over social media with pouty lips or sexy poses. And even if she did these things it wouldn't be wrong, but her photos seem to indicate she hadn't gotten into that phase of being a teen yet. She smiles at the camera when someone takes a pic and her smile seems shy to me. I see an innocent child who is barely 13 and not mature or even trying to be mature. I worry she caught the attention of a predator not because of anything she did or said but because of her still looking like a child and having a childlike innocence. JMO. :(
I agree that an only child can be less mature. It's true of my daughter and her friends that are also the only child. They were still playing with toys when others were putting on makeup and and putting selfies on Snapchat, talking about boys, etc. Jayme does not strike me as being sophisticated for her age, rather, she seems naivve to me. LE have interviewed her friends and people who know her and likely have a good idea as to whether she may have met someone on line, or if she has a boyfriend, and since they confirmed that she is in danger, and did not run away, It sounds like they have a good reason to believe this. Jmo
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You bring up a good point. If they stayed around after shooting their way into the house, it could mean they are a local. Perhaps they knew a couple gunshots in the middle of the night in that area would not raise any alarm.

If it's hunting season (is it?) a few shots at night wouldn't necessarily raise any concerns.
LE doesn't have EVIDENCE that Jayme was abducted, so they're not using the word "abducted."

Fitzgerald said at this point they don't have enough evidence to call it an abduction but said he classifies the situation as a missing and endangered child.
Sheriff: Miami tip 'not credible' in search for missing teen

This should tell us something:

"The FBI is here to support the investigation and the community in the safe return of Jayme," Justin Tolomeo, FBI special agent said. " We are providing a number of resources including investigative, technical, tactical, and intelligence as well as agents from our child abduction rapid deployment team."
Sheriff: 200 tips, 30K hits from Amber Alert in Jayme Closs missing teen case

Ok so they got CARD in there. I was asking/waiting for confirmation of this. Thanks pommymommy.
If it's hunting season (is it?) a few shots at night wouldn't necessarily raise any concerns.

Yes, that's what the neighbors said in the interview when saying they heard the shots. They said they didn't call 911 or think anything of it really because of how many deer and bear and everything are in the area. It didn't strike them as uncommon.

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Just reading and waiting on this afternoon's update.
Just maybe the autopsies are done and official COD for the parents will be released. Of course with all they have said so far, the manner is homicide.
Where is Jayme? :(
They can't just do that. It could be impeding police investigation, search dogs, thermal surveillance, etc. It could lead to people disrupting evidence so easily.
Not to mention trespassing if they don't have permission to search the property. LE is doing their job based on facts, evidence and the tips that are coming in.
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