AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #3

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Agreed. The timeline seems off IMO. 29 minutes until a call went in after gunshots were heard? Somewhere they said the call was made from a cell phone in the house, has this been verified or were they assuming that from the beginning. I know it takes some time to pin point exact location a call was made and that was information they released right away. I'm wondering if she didn't make the call from the house and they were on their way out of there before the call was made.
Law enforcement has stated that the 911 call came from a cell phone in the house. This isn't something where they said "we believe". I will go out on a limb and say it is likely that the cell phone used to call 911 was found at the scene.
From noise on a cellphone, how did LE know what address to go to and arrive in 4 minutes? I know a landline shows the dispatcher the address, but I don’t think cell phones do.
New GPS smartphones do show location within a few meters. That’s from a dispatcher in MD. I don’t know if that county has enhanced systems.
Law enforcement has stated that the 911 call came from a cell phone in the house. This isn't something where they said "we believe". I will go out on a limb and say it is likely that the cell phone used to call 911 was found at the scene.
Wasn't it reported that the phone was missing? I could be wrong.
Edited to fix double quote.
If you have Verizon and you enable WiFi calling, you have to provide them with an address that you want them to send to 911 if you ever dial 911. I'm not sure if other carriers require that, but Verizon does. I'll upload a screenshot from my iphone in a minute.

Here’s the iPhone/Verizon screen:


  • 1587579A-71A8-4FE8-B885-5ECEDED4B357.jpeg
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The whole "stuck at ground zero" is worrisome to me, yet I understand that this whole matter can be just a poker face to catch someone who may spill the beans or they know something we don't.
I doubt this is a poker face, moo.

All their words imo indicate they have no idea where she is or with whom, moo.

(ETA: this is not to say they couldn’t get a hit soon via tentacles they’ve thrown out investigatively (tower pings i. The area, electronic, interview, forensically, etc or via the public.)
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When you call 911 from a cell phone, GPS info is transmitted. That info is also used to determine which 911 call center to route the call to. I live in a semi rural area. There are only three houses on our road. Someone called 911 from a cell phone at our neighbor's, and the sheriff responded to the location.
Of course, we know the media will be hanging around and talking to people that attended the Town Hall.
There's always the weird fascination of the guilty party or someone with info to come to events like this.
If it's small enough, they probably wouldn't chance it, tho it's happened plenty of times before.
ETA I am in no way encouraging anyone to go to that meeting except for those invited
Search for missing Barron, Wis. teen whose parents were killed enters 3rd day
Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald says James and Denise Closs both died of gunshot wounds and their deaths have both been ruled homicides. No gun was found at the scene. He says after looking at evidence found in the home and listening to the 911 call, investigators believe Jayme was home at the time of the shooting. They say they believe she remains in danger.
Just heard about this case yesterday and have been catching up. So scared for poor Jayme and wishing her the best possible outcome out of this horrible situation. I've also got some thoughts, mostly just thinking aloud (all MOO):

First, they said that they believe Jayme was at the house during the 911 call, and that officers arrived on scene within 4 minutes of the 911 call ending, and that by then no one was around, and there was no sign of Jayme. Just speculating, but I wonder if they heard what sounded like Jayme screaming in the background of the call as she was being taken away? They’ve previously said no one talked with dispatchers, so that likely rules out her talking directly into the phone or, if one of the parents managed to make the call as they lay dying (which seems unlikely since they were found already dead by police when they arrived) them mentioning their daughter. Someone on one of the past threads mentioned the possibility of the perp(s) having used four-wheelers or some other off-road vehicle, and I think this is a very real possibility, with them getting away so quickly and their vehicles not being spotted by police - it’d be much harder to spot a vehicle in the woods than on the road. I haven’t looked up the address on a map, so how close are other homes to the Closs’s? Would it be plausible for someone to drive through the woods to their place and then leave again without being heard or seen by neighbors? And how plausible is it to do this without leaving tracks visible to law enforcement? (There very well may have been tracks and they're not sharing this information, I'm just curious).

On the topic of the chair, I’m still leaning toward thinking they’re strings from a seat cushion that had been tied on; we had cushions on our dining room chairs for a while, and eventually just from regular use, the ties detached from the cushions, and we left the ties on the chairs until we finally got a new dining room set, just because it wasn’t worth taking them off. This could also explain why we only see three ties instead of all four, if one remained attached to the cushion when it came off - this happened to most of our chairs, where some remained attached to the cushion and some stayed on the chair. The only thing throwing me off is their length; they look rather long to be cushion ties. But if they were restraints of some kind, it seems odd there wouldn’t be four of them - I’d expect two in the back to restrain the arms and one on each front leg for the legs.

Finally, I wonder about the gunshots heard around 12:30 and the 911 call coming around 1:00. This is just mostly me thinking aloud about possible explanations. The gunshots heard seem odd to me for a few reasons... there were only two gunshots heard, only seconds apart, with the second one louder than the first, leading some to speculate that the second shot may have been from outside, possibly when the father was shot in the doorway. But we also know from the presser that both parents died of gunshot wounds, and there only being two shots seconds apart indicates that they had to have been shot in quick succession. I wonder if this indicates more than one perp, because the father was found in the front entryway, but I believe the mother was found in the house (I don't know if they've said where exactly she was found, but I imagine they would have shared if she'd been found outside), so likely some distance from one another, possibly too far apart for one person to shoot them both this quickly, and to shoot them fatally with only two shots, though not necessarily. And then we have up to 30 minutes and likely more than 15 before there's apparently an altercation going on in the 911 call, but if both parents had been shot and they both died as a result of being shot, it seems unlikely they could participate in an altercation. So in this case I'm lead to believe that either it was Jayme that was heard in the altercation, or perhaps that the gunshots heard by neighbors weren't related at all. It would be a major coincidence if they were unrelated, but I feel like there likely would have been more shots than two - it seems very unlikely to me that only two shots could have been enough to kill both parents, especially if the door was shot in as has been rumored - and as others have noted, it's not all that uncommon for people in rural and semi-rural areas to have guns to shoot at wild animals on their property. So maybe someone else nearby shot their gun about 30 minutes before the incident at the Closs's? It's also possible that more than one gun was used, and that one or more had a silencer, preventing the neighbors from hearing it?

Just throwing out a lot of my thoughts about the case so far. MOO, JMO, could definitely be 100% wrong about all of it. Just trying to wrap my head around this horrible tragedy. Sorry for the super long post.
If someone shoots your door in at 1am while most are sleeping in the house. Then it will take at least 3 minutes to get out of sleep and shock and bewilderedness and to actively dial 911 after finding your phone.

So the perps was probably in there for a while.
Something that stood out from the press conference for me also, was the police chief stressing multiple times to call the tip line with ANY information. And for property owners to walk their properties, check cabins, etc. I know that is good information to give out, but he really seemed to stress that, and it came across to me that I got the impression that they are thinking she is still in the area. I'm kind of speculating that they think someone in the area knows something and he was prompting them to call in a tip.
Well, with the added information of such a quick response there are a few theories that are more probable. Multiple perpetrators, one separately taking Jayme and waiting in the getaway vehicle while another does a sweep of the home; since the 911 call hasn't been described in detail it can be assumed that there is either no recording of the perp(s) or clear recording so the scuffle heard could be the secondary perp getting the phone away from a surviving parent.
Another, and more unfortunate possibility. Jayme is deceased and has been since that night, she may have hid, ran to a surrounding area, or is hidden in plain sight so to say. That or the perp took the body, although I can't think of a motive for it.
strange happenings

small town stuff

lets have a little get together

and maybe someone will tell us about a double murder

its a bit nuts

town halls

should the garbage cans be allowed to be green and red?

should chickens be allowed to be loose ?

should we turn highway 4 into two lanes?

a pow wow in a double murder and a missing person is just odd

but hey maybe someone will speak up and say I did it and am willing to go to prison for the rest of my life and the poor kid is located at *advertiser censored*

well see

town hall imo sounds like small town cops have no idea what they are doing

really if 19 people show up

people are gonna talk in front of each other?

it just defies human behavior

we will see


Just because it is a small town, that doesn't mean the people are ignorant or that the police are incompetent. The locals are victims too, into and should be treated with respect. JMO
In a Wednesday afternoon press conference, officials told reporters that 13-year-old Jayme Closs was at home when her parents were shot and killed. “She is still in danger,” Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald said. [...] Despite the lack of new information, Fitzgerald said he believes she is “100 percent” still alive and implored residents to call the tip line with any information.
Sheriff: Missing Teen Jayme Closs Was at Home When Her Parents Were Fatally Shot
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