AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #5

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It did work, for me anyway. I posted the screen shot.
I know it's hard to skip past the html but I included a screenful so you could see it's a legitimate screen shot. Here I edited it to outline the key area of the story in red. (And erased the icons that show everything I'm doing on my computer. :) upload_2018-10-19_2-34-44.png
Screenshots aren't allowed here, at least they weren't in the past.
We’ll find out. It’s just too important that we are operating with facts, and don’t get derailed by misinformation, even if it is well intended.

This is important new information, and I just can’t believe that the only whispers of it are from one source, at the exclusion of all others.
I have an uneasy feeling about this "article" as well. If true, I have to wonder why no major news outlets have reported this information.

I tried to find the dispatch reports myself.
No dispatch reports here:

A little more googling landed me here: Barron County Dispatch Log There are no dispatch logs for October 15. Where did the information in the article come from and does anyone have a paid subscription to this publication?
Search intensifies for girl; 13-year-old vanishes after parents killed

I’m not sure I understand your point. Could you clarify?

There are dispatch logs for Oct. 15 because officers were dispatched on Oct. 15. That would have been logged.

They was likely a decision made not to post them online to preserve investigative details. That doesn’t mean that a local reporter whose beat includes crime reporting couldn’t obtain them in person and/or wouldn’t know how to challenge the (so far unofficial, as far as I can tell) sealing of the logs.

The reporter also quotes specific phrases from the dispatch log. I appreciate that, since the dispatcher hearing “a lot of yelling” can be interpreted differently than hearing “a commotion.” I don’t doubt the existence of the logs. JMO.
Mom was probably the main person on the cell phones. We have 5 and they are all under my hubby's account.

Yes, I wonder about that too. We have 3 now on the family account. ALL the phones show up as being in my name, even thought they are not used by me. So could that still have been Jayme's cell, but in Mom's name?
Jayme Closs added to FBI's top missing persons list

This is a screenshot from a news video. It isn't the door jam that is damaged, it is the door itself. It looks like the door has been removed and leaned against the interior wall. It looks like the door was kicked in.
I know a lot of people are (rightfully) fixated on the door, but is it possible that the door was not open when the LEO arrived and it had to be kicked in? I know that we've heard reports that the father was in the doorway, but I'd love to know if he was blocking the door from closing, or just in the vicinity of the door.
James and Denise Closs, were both longtime employees at the Jennie-O Turkey Store in Barron, where a turkey hatchery and processing plant are located,

Can we through
common sense assume we are dealing with a pedophile? Because a teen or
kid would be missed by now.

True of false?

—-ETA if you voted true this means you think Jayme was the target. Or
a killer just happens to be a pedophile.

I’m not so sure it’s all about Jayme yet. I’m not sure this wasn’t a
hit on her parents. Likely Jayme was the target but there’s something
about the plant that gnaws at me.

ETA: every turkey in that plant, past present needs to be thoroughly
inspected metaphorically speaking! This would be first on LE’s list
considering the deceased.

maybe radical PETA/eco-terrorists committed this atrocity to warn
people away from eating turkey before the upcoming national turkey
consumption day?

Or some disgruntled Jennie-O store customer went postal after
purchasing turkey bacon and then cooking it up and realizing about the only thing cardboard-tasting turkey bacon has in common with real, delicious bacon is the package it comes in? Although that's more of a "Florida" theory and this took place in Wisconsin.

Given the seemingly all-out LE effort and the lack of (known) results, anything is possible. Hopefully LE's playing possum and has someone in their sights. But it doesn't look positive for bringing Jayme back alive.
I've put my skills as a programmer to good use here, and defeated their rudimentary "paywall" for subscribers only.

I've attached a PDF of the article, since the contents of the article are all available, as others have cited through the HTML directly.

Here is the article from the Barron News Shield:
Search intensifies for girl; 13-year-old vanishes after parents killed

Attached is the PDF of the entire document..


  • Search intensifies for girl.pdf
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