AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #6

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Do people communicate with each other on Fortnight and Sims? I know nothing about these games. Guess I’ll look them up. Thanks for the response, rsd :).

They play against other online players. There's another that I recently learned about called Roblox. I never got "into" the multi-player gaming, but from watching others, yes, some games have an area that you can chat back and forth as you move your characters around. Idk that Fortnite does, but, I do think that Sims does on some of their games. Sims seems to be more popular with females, but, there's females who love World of Warcraft, too. Most females, J's age, adore snapchat. The chat disappears after so many seconds, and they can do cute things with their appearance (put on animal ears, halos, etc...). After learning of her move, I think that J was missing a friend, based on her FB. It could be possible that she was making chatroom friends, while maybe chatting with the one she missed. Someone could have pretended to be around her age, and buddied up to her.
People might be having problems if they're not familiar with the term because it's actually spelled " Habeas corpus ".
They might not be able to find it in a search. IDK. ;)
I am such an arse on spelling but I must admit my phone and I aren't that familiar with the word
i'm still extremely confused why the call was initially booked as possible suicidal person. if all that could be heard was indistinct yelling, wouldn't you think more likely a possible domestic issue/disturbance? if all that can be made out is a commotion and 'help' how in the world does that go to suicide? i could see possible murder/suicide but how just suicide on its own? maybe i'm just not familiar with 911 calls and suicides but that just does not make any sense to me at all.

I am wondering about this also. Could the 911 dispatcher have heard gunshots during ? It's all so terrifying and perplexing.
I do have one question if you look at the full dispatch report it shows officer 329 was dispatched at 20:34:53, does anyone know why that is?
That would be later in the day. 329's first distpatch to the scene ended at just before 5:00 am. After shift end and probably sleeping this deputy would be back on duty. And then later on the same day 329 was again dispatched to the scene and stayed for about 7 1/2 hours. Likely the second dispatch was to keep the scene secure.
Dear Everyone,

I've decided to allow to be used as a mainstream media source. Yes there are times when is gossipy and wrong. However, they do have great interviews when it comes to true crime. They can find out things that no other source can find. I believe they pay people for their stories so that's probably why. is now considered a usable media source.

I'm closing the thread down for the night because the alerts have been out of control. I have never seen this type of alert frenzy on Websleuths. We are going to have to figure out how to stop everyone from alerting at the same time.

We will open a new thread in the morning.


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