AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #8

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Just saw a news blip on Fox news
"If you had any type of interactions with the Closs family, or problems with them, please contact the Sheriff's office".

Seriously?! If you had any issues with them, please call in? What?! Sure, I would invite a police investigation into my life...not!
Looking at the pictures with both cars in the drive way , her car more by the house why is his truck so far back?Was there another vehicle there and James pulled behind it?

It would be interesting if there are photographs of the driveway that would show if there might be tire tracks on the outside of the driveway, perhaps a vehicle moving around the truck.
I don’t think it’s anything more complex than leaving in a vehicle. Cops probably aren’t focused on finding a car as they approach the house. By the time officers arrived and cleared the scene and realized Jayme was missing, I bet they had a good 15-30 minute head start.

Remember too they lived on a highly trafficked highway. Officers probably drove by many vehicles en route to the house.
True,but also no evidence he wasn’t in the house, right? There are many great points made here but still so much unknown, I can’t shake feeling perp was inside before shots heard. Do we know if family owned a gun?

Just jumping off your post: more than two shots were fired. We know this as police transcript clearly states multiple rounds spent. To me the incident likely started well before neighbors heard gun shots. Earlier shots probably were fired before neighbors were home (believe they were not home til around 11:15pm per an earlier post here). So maybe mom and jayme walked in to this nightmare after returning home from the family gathering? Or maybe someone showed up and it began sometime later in the evening but either way this to me didn’t suddenly begin with two shots heard by neighbors. I suspect those two shots did the mother in but dad was already gone.

Multiple rounds spent. To me is more than two. But how many? I don’t know.
Just saw a news blip on Fox news
"If you had any type of interactions with the Closs family, or problems with them, please contact the Sheriff's office".

Seriously?! If you had any issues with them, please call in? What?! Sure, I would invite a police investigation into my life...not!

BBM: Or eliminate yourself as a suspect as promptly as possible :) If I had any altercation with victims, especially if it was known by others, and I had no involvement; I'd want to clear myself ASAP so resources are not wasted.
As many of you, I'm sure, I have Jayme on my mind this morning. As we follow along we usually get a feeling for the missing girl. This time I am really worried about her because I believe she is the sweet girl we have come to know.
Prayers she'll be found soon alive and well!
I am a local. I do not know the family but know many people that do. I will get verified if necessary, but according to the info page they don't do it anymore for just locals.
No, you’re good. I was a local on a previous case, no need to be verified unless you’re connected. And we certainly appreciate having you here.
BBM: Or eliminate yourself as a suspect as promptly as possible :) If I had any altercation with victims, especially if it was known by others, and I had no involvement; I'd want to clear myself ASAP so resources are not wasted.
Or, the comment about disagreements with the family might prompt someone else's, "Hey, Joe was mad at James and said he was a jerk." It might be something the person forgot or dismissed, but with a prompting by LE, might decide to mention it.

But, like others, I've never seen a request quite like this before. I hope when we know the facts we'll understand the request better.

In the meantime, I do hope someone calls in the clue that will break the case. There MUST be something that will solve this.
My speculation on perp kicking door in...

Perp arrives at home intending to rob it. Or intending to kidnap Jayme for some reason thinking she’s alone. (In this scenario he would not be a “boyfriend” but a pedophile or some other kind of creep. ) Anyway, he kicks door open to gain entry to house thinking it’s unoccupied (or because Jayme didn’t answer being as she’s not there). He’s now in house looking for stuff to steal and he hears car driving up with mom and Jayme in it. They park in the garage and don’t notice front door has been breached. They access house through basement. Perhaps perp confronts them and puts them in bathroom which is most likely in a hall. He might have used chair to barricade them inside. About this time Dad returns home. Now, dad notices door has been opened and parks and comes into door by way of porch where he is shot. Or perhaps he comes in through basement and sees perp taking Jayme away and is shot running through front door trying to save Jayme. Mom could have been shot when entering house or when perp removed Jayme from bathroom where mom was attempting to get help by dialing 911. You’d have to accept that neighbors didn’t hear shots inside house only the two where perp was shooting dad. I haven’t seen any facts as to when dad got off work but even if he got off earlier he may not have returned until time of shots. Could have stopped at a bar or a friends for a beer after work. Or maybe perp corralled them all in bathroom by the fact he had a gun trained on them and it was only when parents saw he planned to take Jayme that the father was able to escape and got shot attempting a rescue and mom was shot attempting a 911 call. Jayme would be in shock and I think easy enough for perp to disconnect call, run for car scooping Jayme up all in the little time available.

All this to say that to me it makes more sense to me that perp would have kicked door open when no one was there. Or at least as much sense as doing it while they were there.

There are still things I can’t come up with an explanation for the “why” of this whole thing to my satisfaction with what we actually know. but attempting to understand these criminals is like herding fleas. They aren’t normal people so normal people don’t do stuff like this.

Praying for Jayme.
Hi everyone,

I've been following this case and a few others (the Chris and Shanann Watts case in Colorado, for one) and recognize some of your names from there as well.

Does anyone think there's a possibility that Jayme managed to run out of the house and wasn't abducted? They seemed to indicate really early on that this is an abduction, so I'm curious if anything has been said about what clues they may have had. I wondered if one or both of her parents told her to run, or if she just did so on her own. At that hour of the night and given the intensity of the situation, she probably wouldn't have had a coat or warm clothing on, possibly not even any shoes. If she ran through the woods she could have hurt herself, or worse, succombed to hyperthermia. Thinking about a recent case of a missing Maine teacher who was found deceased (from suicide, sadly) several days later, near her home and really not that far outside the radius they had searched. Hope they had/have tracking dogs in nearby dense areas looking for Jayme...
From the local press article you posted:
“About 4 minutes after the call, deputies arrived at the house. Dispatch records state that James Closs answered the door. On Friday afternoon, Fitzgerald was asked if that was accurate in the dispatch logs that James Closs had answered the door, he said yes.

After more discussion with Fitzgerald on Saturday morning, Fitzgerald said he was not releasing any information about how the door got opened. He said when the deputies arrived at the house, James was found dead at the door. When asked whether a deputy had kicked in the door, Fitzgerald said he could not comment due to an active investigation.”

Hopefully JC is found soon, alive, and the perpetrator is brought to justice.

It says he had answered the door but fails to clarify to whom: the perp? Or the responding officers?
This case really has me scratching my head. So many things dont add up. If the parents were the main target, why kidnap Jayme?
If Jayme was the target, why go in and kill both of her parents and go through great lengths to take her? Why kill the parents and take Jayme? Could this persons mind be so distorted to think they were “saving” Jayme from her parents? Or was this person on a manic high, wanted Jayme and didnt want to wait, so they just showed up guns blazing. But then how would they be able to get away in 4 minutes, without a trace? This seems more planned, instead of something manic and impulsive. Its such a unique case, and right now so many things arent adding up based on the information that has been released so far.

I want to tread lightly here because in no way do I want to victim blame, especially since we have so little to go on, but I would like to play around with this idea that somebody thought they were "saving" Jayme. I won't venture a guess as to why, but could that explain why the police haven't released a reward and are saying they believe she's still alive?

If Jayme knew the suspect and telling info was gathered from the call (or maybe even a note left behind?) it could tell LE that while Jayme is in danger simply because she's with a person that murdered her family, it doesn't mean her life is in danger. They don't want a 13 year old out there with a killer, but maybe they know she isn't going to be killed by this person for whatever reason.

Desperation to save kids from bad situations (I'm not saying this was one, it could be falsely perceived as one by an already unstable person) can make somebody do things they may not normally do.

(I know that doesn't sound super solid but why no reward?? checkpoints stopping cars?? Saying she is definitely alive will also put some people at ease which seems to be the opposite of what you'd want unless you have way ore info than you're sharing, which I understand)
Hi everyone,

I've been following this case and a few others (the Chris and Shanann Watts case in Colorado, for one) and recognize some of your names from there as well.

Does anyone think there's a possibility that Jayme managed to run out of the house and wasn't abducted? They seemed to indicate really early on that this is an abduction, so I'm curious if anything has been said about what clues they may have had. I wondered if one or both of her parents told her to run, or if she just did so on her own. At that hour of the night and given the intensity of the situation, she probably wouldn't have had a coat or warm clothing on, possibly not even any shoes. If she ran through the woods she could have hurt herself, or worse, succombed to hyperthermia. Thinking about a recent case of a missing Maine teacher who was found deceased (from suicide, sadly) several days later, near her home and really not that far outside the radius they had searched. Hope they had/have tracking dogs in nearby dense areas looking for Jayme...

I wish, but LE stated that they believed Jayme was at home at the time they received the 911 call. They haven't alluded to why that's their belief though
Agreed and this is from the local news which is noted as being the reliable source:

“About 4 minutes after the call, deputies arrived at the house. Dispatch records state that James Closs answered the door. On Friday afternoon, Fitzgerald was asked if that was accurate in the dispatch logs that James Closs had answered the door, he said yes.

After more discussion with Fitzgerald on Saturday morning, [Fitzgerald said he was not releasing any information about how the door got opened. He said when the deputies arrived at the house, James was found dead at the door. When asked whether a deputy had kicked in the door, Fitzgerald said he could not comment due to an active investigation.”...

so it is possible that James opened the door FOR police. - when the 911 call was placed- but passed away by the time LE arrived.

Good thinking.

And we imagine answering the door as standing upright and calmly opening the front door.

It may be he crawled there, reached up and tried to open it with his last breaths.
Hi everyone,

I've been following this case and a few others (the Chris and Shanann Watts case in Colorado, for one) and recognize some of your names from there as well.

Does anyone think there's a possibility that Jayme managed to run out of the house and wasn't abducted? They seemed to indicate really early on that this is an abduction, so I'm curious if anything has been said about what clues they may have had. I wondered if one or both of her parents told her to run, or if she just did so on her own. At that hour of the night and given the intensity of the situation, she probably wouldn't have had a coat or warm clothing on, possibly not even any shoes. If she ran through the woods she could have hurt herself, or worse, succombed to hyperthermia. Thinking about a recent case of a missing Maine teacher who was found deceased (from suicide, sadly) several days later, near her home and really not that far outside the radius they had searched. Hope they had/have tracking dogs in nearby dense areas looking for Jayme...
I thought that might be the case too, but you'd like LE would be scouring the land immediately around the house over and over if they thought she fled on foot.

I can't figure out why they say they don't think she was abducted, IIRC, but yet say they are hopeful she is alive. She is also not a runaway. What are the alternatives other than abduction, runaway, or deceased?

jmo, speculation only
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