As the mother of a Type I diabetic daughter, this just tears at my heart. I cannot imagine. Cannot.
I cannot bear to think about how the girl probably suffered. I realize all diabetics are different, but MOST would be pretty sick after 1-2 days of no insulin. Heck, with my daughter, if her blood sugars were too high (for varied reasons) for several hours or 1/2 a day, she was already feeling like cr*#. Headache, lethargic...just out of it, like the flu.
We learned from about day #2 of her hospitalization for her original diagnosis, about KA, what this poor girl died from. They told me that at the time of her diagnosis, she was probably 2 days away from a diabetic coma. They get sick, vomiting, etc. I'm wondering how many days of this she had - they said something about her being ill for about 30 days. Poor, poor girl.