Found Deceased WI - Kodie Dutcher, 10, may be suicidal, Baraboo, 6 July 2020

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The preliminary findings from an autopsy found that 10-year-old Kodie Dutcher died due to pharmacologic suicide, the Baraboo Police Department announced Thursday.

The police department reports that there are no signs of foul play or physical abuse at this time.

The Baraboo Police Department says that the toxicology reports are pending and results typically take 2 weeks. The full autopsy report typically takes 45 days, but due to COVID-19, the full report may not be available for some time.

The investigation is still on-going.

Preliminary autopsy concludes Kodie Dutcher died from pharmacologic suicide
I think I was around ten or eleven the first time I attempted suicide, and looking back on it, it probably was from the onset of hormones. (now, much later in life, I've been diagnosed with PMDD, which has lessened, but not gone away entirely, with a combination of birth control and antidepressants. I'm not actively suicidal the week before my period any more, at least!) I took a bunch of- probably ibuprofen, some kind of over the counter painkiller, when I was home alone. Nothing.... happened as far as I recall? I may have thrown up. I do remember later realizing the bottle was very expired, it was from my grandma's medicine closet, which may have contributed.

Point is.... obviously, due diligence should be done, but I just want to add another voice pointing out that we absolutely must consider the mental health of children even if we think they are too young to entertain such thoughts. And, as someone who has struggled with suicidal ideation, depression, etc, for years and years- suicide sometimes is impulsive like that, especially to a child. Every time I've attempted suicide or called a suicide hotline because I wanted to die, it wasn't something I had planned extensively. It just.... happened. A handful of pills as a little girl. Walking across a bridge on the way to work. Trying to drown myself on vacation, with airline tickets home for just two days later. On lunch break at work, and then I wiped my face and I fixed my makeup and I went right back in to do my work, and no one even noticed a thing. Don't think "oh, she's too young," or "oh, they're too cheerful and upbeat," or "oh, he has plans for later", because if this is something that overshadows a person's mind, sometimes it just... feels like too much.

My heart absolutely breaks for her, because I remember what that was like, and I live with the quiet fear that someday it will catch up to me and I will forget for ten minutes that I don't want to die. I can't say I would be SURPRISED if, tomorrow, they release an autopsy stating that foul play had happened, and that she did not write the note, but sometimes the most plausible solution is the easiest. I have never been kidnapped or murdered. I have, however, been a suicidal child. None of the potential autopsy results are good ones. But we cannot pretend the only dangers to the children are the ones lurking in cornfields, and not the ones that lurk in their minds.

I'm so sorry you struggle with these issues and continue to do so.

The preliminary findings from an autopsy found that 10-year-old Kodie Dutcher died due to pharmacologic suicide, the Baraboo Police Department announced Thursday.

The police department reports that there are no signs of foul play or physical abuse at this time.

The Baraboo Police Department says that the toxicology reports are pending and results typically take 2 weeks. The full autopsy report typically takes 45 days, but due to COVID-19, the full report may not be available for some time.

The investigation is still on-going.

Preliminary autopsy concludes Kodie Dutcher died from pharmacologic suicide

So sad.

Again, my condolences to Kodie's Family and Friends.
The preliminary findings from an autopsy found that 10-year-old Kodie Dutcher died due to pharmacologic suicide, the Baraboo Police Department announced Thursday.

The police department reports that there are no signs of foul play or physical abuse at this time.

The Baraboo Police Department says that the toxicology reports are pending and results typically take 2 weeks. The full autopsy report typically takes 45 days, but due to COVID-19, the full report may not be available for some time.

The investigation is still on-going.

Preliminary autopsy concludes Kodie Dutcher died from pharmacologic suicide

Fly high Kodie

No words required.

Dutcher, Kodie Braelynn
Kodie's Obituary

No mention of her father. I'm sure this is typical today, but still feels odd to me.

RIP beautiful girl.
Excellent observation @vlpate given the very recent relocation from Nebraska. Makes one wonder if KD left somebody behind and how she was coping.

We also have no idea if there was a custody issue behind the move. We do know there are decades of citations on how children often believe the failed relationship between parents is somehow their fault. MOO
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The preliminary findings from an autopsy found that 10-year-old Kodie Dutcher died due to pharmacologic suicide, the Baraboo Police Department announced Thursday.

The police department reports that there are no signs of foul play or physical abuse at this time.

The Baraboo Police Department says that the toxicology reports are pending and results typically take 2 weeks. The full autopsy report typically takes 45 days, but due to COVID-19, the full report may not be available for some time.

The investigation is still on-going.

Preliminary autopsy concludes Kodie Dutcher died from pharmacologic suicide

I understand the term "pharmacologic" to be associated with action drugs and/or pain management.

However, pain-relieving drugs (otherwise called analgesics) include over the counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), and acetaminophens. In other words, aspirin, ibuprofen .....

I think we will have to wait until the toxicology results until we know if they're talking analgesics or narcotics. MOO
We BADLY need better mental health care in this country.

RIP, Kodie.

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Her mother said she was happy and saw no signs of anything wrong.

I just can't fathom not knowing something is so terribly wrong with a child. We need desperately to bring awareness to parents on what to look for. This mother has to be devastated.
I understand the term "pharmacologic" to be associated with action drugs and/or pain management.

However, pain-relieving drugs (otherwise called analgesics) include over the counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), and acetaminophens. In other words, aspirin, ibuprofen .....

I think we will have to wait until the toxicology results until we know if they're talking analgesics or narcotics. MOO
You are missing a couple of words here.. It is the action of drugs. All drugs, not just some, and not just pain management meds. We don't know what she ingested.
Her mother said she was happy and saw no signs of anything wrong.

I just can't fathom not knowing something is so terribly wrong with a child. We need desperately to bring awareness to parents on what to look for. This mother has to be devastated.

this seems borderline victim blaming. Some kids are excellent at hiding things from their parents. I’m 33, and I would guarantee if I told my mom about the bullying I experienced as a kid, she’d be shocked. There may not have BEEN any signs. How many times does someone go missing and their family swears up and down that the missing person would neverrrr commit suicide, and then it turns out, the missing person committed suicide. Depression, anxiety, and other similar struggles can be very hard to understand if you’ve been so fortunate to have never struggled with your mental health.
When I was 9, my parents and us kids moved to a new town.

The first day we went to a new primary school (ages 4-11), all the kids and the teachers were in mourning.

A 10 year old kid had hung himself from his bunk bed after he got in trouble for hitting/throwing a ball through a window.

Such a titchy, tiny thing at such a young age. Such a minor blip.

Maybe he was screamed at about it or even smacked, maybe he felt really guilty, maybe he felt hard-done by. There was likely more behind it than just this one event.

And maybe it was a cry for help but he lost his footing before there was a chance he would be found. He didn't leave a note, like most suicides don't.

This was 1999, way, way before the technology boom that means kids have the resources to Google or watch videos on how to do harm to themselves (I learnt about 'chicken scratches', a form of self-harm, when I was 10 from classmates who had no reason at all to be inflicting such harm upon themselves).

And, at that age, even before this, I knew what suicide was and what could kill you without there being any dark reason behind my knowledge -- you just know. You may not remember when, the age, you learnt something you did to yourself could kill you, but you would have learnt at some point.

Little kids go through phrases where they're curious about or obsessed with death; combine that with parental warnings ('never take any medication without asking me first' 'Why?' 'Because it may hurt you') and it doesn't take a lot to put that together to what you could do to hurt yourself, purposeful or otherwise.

My point is, I understand some people's concern and them looking around at people who were around this lovely girl. I'm sure further news and the autopsy will prove beyond a doubt that this poor girl harmed herself without the knowledge that things do get better, 'cos she's a kid. Kids don't know that. (I don't know what I hope for more in terms of COD/MOD; obviously, my wish is that she wasn't dead. It's hard to 'hope' for a particular cause of death for any person, let alone a child.)

But I think there is the potential to accidentally do harm by saying it's odd that a girl her age had these thoughts. This is why future attempts by kids won't be taking seriously -- why we could be seeing more of this in the future. We need to admit young people may have these thoughts so us, as adults, can help intervene and fight for more appropriate mental health help for kids.

Covering our ears because this is horrific -- and it is horrific, it made my heart hurt to read her age, as an adult with a bunch of mental health problems; hard enough at my age now, harder still barely in double digits -- will mean that mental health amongst kids continues to be a problem.

We need to admit kids know from a young age what self-harm and suicide is (they may not have words for it, but they know) and protect them if those thoughts present themselves, instead of denying them as they are 'too young'.

I don't feel this'll turn up being suspicious. However, even if it does, we need to remember our thoughts on kids and mental health, kids and suicide, to challenge the world around us and our outlook on what we think kids can or can't do.

Brilliant post.
this seems borderline victim blaming. Some kids are excellent at hiding things from their parents. I’m 33, and I would guarantee if I told my mom about the bullying I experienced as a kid, she’d be shocked. There may not have BEEN any signs. How many times does someone go missing and their family swears up and down that the missing person would neverrrr commit suicide, and then it turns out, the missing person committed suicide. Depression, anxiety, and other similar struggles can be very hard to understand if you’ve been so fortunate to have never struggled with your mental health.
How does this seem remotely like victim blaming?

According to reports, her mom controlled K's social media, the police saw no signs of being bullied and she hadn't reported bullying. Her mother said she was happy.

Again, her mom actually said she did not see signs. As you wrote above, there may not have been any signs.

If she indeed took her life, she was suffering in some way that wasn't apparent. Maybe there are signs we simply don't recognize.

As I wrote before, we need more awareness about this, especially in children so young.
How does this seem remotely like victim blaming?

According to reports, her mom controlled K's social media, the police saw no signs of being bullied and she hadn't reported bullying. Her mother said she was happy.

Again, her mom actually said she did not see signs. As you wrote above, there may not have been any signs.

If she indeed took her life, she was suffering in some way that wasn't apparent. Maybe there are signs we simply don't recognize.

As I wrote before, we need more awareness about this, especially in children so young.

you said you couldn’t fathom not knowing something is so wrong with your child. Which came across as criticizing mom for not picking up on Kodies struggle, and that if it was you, you would have known. Just seemed a bit tone deaf and insensitive imo.
There may have been nothing to’look for’! Blaming the parents serves no purpose here.

It's the nasty old Just World fallacy raising its head again. Something bad happened, which means we must find someone to blame - because if we can't, if nobody is to blame, it could happen to us. Finding someone to blame reassures us that we're smarter and better than to let such a thing happen to us.

It's...sad, perhaps even tragic, that there are people out there so cocooned, so sheltered, so willfully ignorant that they can't wrap their heads around the reality of child suicide. It's more common than most think, and always has been.
I want to see the note. I want to know if the child used the correct punctuation that was relayed to us. The truth will come out in the study of the victimology in this case. Suicide doesn’t happen in a vacuum. There seems to be some issues with the father/mother/boyfriend relationship.
I think I was around ten or eleven the first time I attempted suicide, and looking back on it, it probably was from the onset of hormones. (now, much later in life, I've been diagnosed with PMDD, which has lessened, but not gone away entirely, with a combination of birth control and antidepressants. I'm not actively suicidal the week before my period any more, at least!) I took a bunch of- probably ibuprofen, some kind of over the counter painkiller, when I was home alone. Nothing.... happened as far as I recall? I may have thrown up. I do remember later realizing the bottle was very expired, it was from my grandma's medicine closet, which may have contributed.

Point is.... obviously, due diligence should be done, but I just want to add another voice pointing out that we absolutely must consider the mental health of children even if we think they are too young to entertain such thoughts. And, as someone who has struggled with suicidal ideation, depression, etc, for years and years- suicide sometimes is impulsive like that, especially to a child. Every time I've attempted suicide or called a suicide hotline because I wanted to die, it wasn't something I had planned extensively. It just.... happened. A handful of pills as a little girl. Walking across a bridge on the way to work. Trying to drown myself on vacation, with airline tickets home for just two days later. On lunch break at work, and then I wiped my face and I fixed my makeup and I went right back in to do my work, and no one even noticed a thing. Don't think "oh, she's too young," or "oh, they're too cheerful and upbeat," or "oh, he has plans for later", because if this is something that overshadows a person's mind, sometimes it just... feels like too much.

My heart absolutely breaks for her, because I remember what that was like, and I live with the quiet fear that someday it will catch up to me and I will forget for ten minutes that I don't want to die. I can't say I would be SURPRISED if, tomorrow, they release an autopsy stating that foul play had happened, and that she did not write the note, but sometimes the most plausible solution is the easiest. I have never been kidnapped or murdered. I have, however, been a suicidal child. None of the potential autopsy results are good ones. But we cannot pretend the only dangers to the children are the ones lurking in cornfields, and not the ones that lurk in their minds.
Thank you for sharing.
Something a lot of people don’t realize is that many suicides are impulsive, not carefully planned. This is especially true with kids and teens. She could have been reacting to something that had only happened that day. There sometimes are no signs at all.


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