WI WI - LAKE GENEVA SUITCASE MURDERS, Laura Simonson & Jenny Gamez - #1

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There's something "off' about how this case is being handled, IMO. I get that there's different jurisdictions, but there should have been murder charges against S before now. What is going on with this case? Still no murder charges makes me very uneasy. I hope we hear something soon.

It could be a jurisdictional thing, Sol -- do they know yet the actual place(s) that the two women died? That's where the case would be tried. So that could be one sticking point. Dunno. Just a thought...
I do not think this is "odd" behavior to "float around". I have been there. Heck, I traveled all over the world when I was younger and half the time, no one knew where I was. Also, I did hear things about drug-use and mental illness...but that is neither here nor there. That is blaming the victim.
He did know. After he was visited by LE, the family was told they didn't find a "smoking gun" of any kind, but he was the #1 suspect because of how he answered questions and just the vibe they got from him.

I'm not sure what spooked him to finally do what he did, but on the one hand I am glad he did to give some closure, on the other hand the family is having a very hard time with a lot of this. Especially the details and specifics.

As others have mentioned, the family was told that since Laura hadn't been found yet, it was basically stalled as a missing person case. For a time leading up to the point when the missing person report was filed, there were times where no one would hear from Laura for a few days or possibly a week and then she would stop by her Mom's or contact her sister, etc. She would say she had been staying with a friend, phone got shut off, didn't have gas money to get there, etc. But eventually she would always turn up.

After they filed the report they had some leads. Eventually she was spotted in Rochester by someone after they saw the missing person notice. They eventually got his name and info. Eventually they had the video of him leaving the hotel. But since there was nothing concrete they really couldn't charge him with anything. I assume they didn't want to charge him with something that wouldn't stick and then have him walk away and make sure she wasn't found.

Also, as to the "mental illness" stuff, escort posts, etc that is out there about Laura, a lot of it is not accurate and way off the mark. The family that has spoken to the media has been misquoted several times and some of those have been corrected and others have not. Like all media their job is to get readers so they take what you tell them, find a different way of saying it that sounds more exciting and then go with it.

I would like to thank the people posting here as it's been a nice source of all the information that is out there in one location. I would also like to thank JSR for jumping in here to give some background into SZ. I can't imagine actually knowing this guy that intimately. AstroKitty has been an immense help and a great resource to Laura's sister.

A little background about me. I am Laura's ex-brother in law. I was married to Laura's sister for 20+ years and we still talk often. This was a long time coming, and there is a lot of background info leading up to this point that hopefully will eventually get out. I am not going to say anything that really hasn't been said in the MSM, but I will try to refute or clear up anything that has been said if I can.

I'm not aware of any actual mistakes made by LE up to this point, but the case didn't have any legs for a while. It took some prodding from "people who know people" to get the case some traction with different agencies once it stalled as a MP case. But once it did get traction it moved fairly quickly.

I am waiting to get the phone call to be set as a VI for this case, but so far I haven't gotten one. The only reason I am posting is to try and clear up the inaccuracies of what is out there, not to give my ideas of what happened or any other reason.

Thank you for your perspective and welcome to the board, MNSleuth!! I am anxious for you to be verified-I think you post illustrates the plight of the families of the missing and my heart goes out to the two families involved in this case.
Welcome MN Sleuth! Thanks for joining us your insights are very much appreciated.

Please tell Laura's family that they have a lot of people praying and sending positive energy their way.
Don't discuss people and use names unless they are named in MSM or by LE. :tyou:

Steven Zelich
52 year old
Former Police Officer
Geneva, Wisconsin


The sofa, pillows, gaudy mirror and decorative dish looks like an elderly woman's possessions.
It would be nice if that was true but I doubt it.

Dumping then just down the road from the Police station was in my opinion an Up You to the police cos he had already been questioned over another woman. He also wanted his handy work reported on. JMOO

Could be. Or he was answering the question and upping the ante. We don't know whether or not he was considered a suspect in Jenny's disappearance because she was never reported missing, right?

I want to say thank you to everyone for placing the photos on the threads. It helps me a lot. :blowkiss:
I think he dumped the suitcases in the ditch and the road crew moved them to the road, unless I am completely confused. Which happens a lot.
Welcome MN Sleuth! Thanks for joining us your insights are very much appreciated.

Please tell Laura's family that they have a lot of people praying and sending positive energy their way.

Thanks. As AstroKitty mentioned, there are some other family members that are watching these threads to stay current as well. With how everything gets twisted some are just lurking.
Steven is 53. 2 count for hiding a corpse felony (filed 6-26-24)
Also owes a lot of money over 75000.00 Owed $6941.00 for eviction and his girl owed $142. Wonder how that happened and where she is?
He did know. After he was visited by LE, the family was told they didn't find a "smoking gun" of any kind, but he was the #1 suspect because of how he answered questions and just the vibe they got from him.

I'm not sure what spooked him to finally do what he did, but on the one hand I am glad he did to give some closure, on the other hand the family is having a very hard time with a lot of this. Especially the details and specifics.

As others have mentioned, the family was told that since Laura hadn't been found yet, it was basically stalled as a missing person case. For a time leading up to the point when the missing person report was filed, there were times where no one would hear from Laura for a few days or possibly a week and then she would stop by her Mom's or contact her sister, etc. She would say she had been staying with a friend, phone got shut off, didn't have gas money to get there, etc. But eventually she would always turn up.

After they filed the report they had some leads. Eventually she was spotted in Rochester by someone after they saw the missing person notice. They eventually got his name and info. Eventually they had the video of him leaving the hotel. But since there was nothing concrete they really couldn't charge him with anything. I assume they didn't want to charge him with something that wouldn't stick and then have him walk away and make sure she wasn't found.

Also, as to the "mental illness" stuff, escort posts, etc that is out there about Laura, a lot of it is not accurate and way off the mark. The family that has spoken to the media has been misquoted several times and some of those have been corrected and others have not. Like all media their job is to get readers so they take what you tell them, find a different way of saying it that sounds more exciting and then go with it.

I would like to thank the people posting here as it's been a nice source of all the information that is out there in one location. I would also like to thank JSR for jumping in here to give some background into SZ. I can't imagine actually knowing this guy that intimately. AstroKitty has been an immense help and a great resource to Laura's sister.

A little background about me. I am Laura's ex-brother in law. I was married to Laura's sister for 20+ years and we still talk often. This was a long time coming, and there is a lot of background info leading up to this point that hopefully will eventually get out. I am not going to say anything that really hasn't been said in the MSM, but I will try to refute or clear up anything that has been said if I can.

I'm not aware of any actual mistakes made by LE up to this point, but the case didn't have any legs for a while. It took some prodding from "people who know people" to get the case some traction with different agencies once it stalled as a MP case. But once it did get traction it moved fairly quickly.

I am waiting to get the phone call to be set as a VI for this case, but so far I haven't gotten one. The only reason I am posting is to try and clear up the inaccuracies of what is out there, not to give my ideas of what happened or any other reason.

Welcome Mn Sleuth!!!

My heart sincerely goes out to all of Laura's family!

This has to of been the worst nightmare for everyone. It breaks my heart. I am so thankful that Laura was found & lucky enough to be returned to her family. Its not justice but some closure.

Thank you very much for coming here & sharing the Laura you all knew & loved. We look forward to seeing you here more.
Thanks. As AstroKitty mentioned, there are some other family members that are watching these threads to stay current as well. With how everything gets twisted some are just lurking.

I know how hard it is when someone you love goes missing and I cant imagine the horror they are going through right now. All I can say is that WS is very victim friendly and we will take care to be sensitive whenever we can.
Was Zelich ever a good cop? (I mean as in effective not as in pleasant.)
MN Sleuth,
Thank you for joining. I am so sorry for what you and your ex and her family are going through. It's wonderful that you are there for your ex during this time.

To any family that may be lurking,
You're in my thoughts and prayers and I hope SZ is prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Was Zelich ever a good cop? (I mean as in effective not as in pleasant.)

We sure haven't heard much of anything about him have we??? Which is very odd.

Maybe after his court hearing things will begin to leak.
There's something "off' about how this case is being handled, IMO. I get that there's different jurisdictions, but there should have been murder charges against SZ before now. What is going on with this case? Still no murder charges makes me very uneasy. I hope we hear something soon.

Maybe the investigation is bigger than just one man? I mean, I have a funny feeling about Kelly Dwyer's case too. They found all that child *advertiser censored* connected to Zocco among other things.
I'm also curious as to the accuracy of some early reports that Zelich had also been a police officer in the city of Mequon (where I live). Based on the time frame, it would have to have been prior to West Allis. If it's true, I have to wonder about the circumstances of him leaving that job and joining West Allis. The salaries would be similar, but Mequon would be a far cushier job (very low crime).

The guy seems to have a way of getting away with serious crimes and then just moving on to his next job with a clean record.

:websleuther:to Websleuths,:websleuther:

:drumroll:MN Sleuth!!:drumroll:

We are so glad you're here!!


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