Identified! WI - Racine Co., WhtFem 199UFWI, 14-25, cauliflower ear, western shirt, July'99 - Peggy Lynn Johnson

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As terrible as this sounds....
I've thought this girl could have been purchased... sold to a sick man.
I have my ideas of who that man may be and I hope one day she not only gets her name back but also the monster who tortured her and killed her is finally known.
In my heart I truly belive this is a trafficking case.

Have you shared your suspicions with the RCPD? With detective Tracy Hintz?
I wish we could get some kind of data base going that would make it easier for comparison. I just feel if there was a central place that so many more matches would be made and unidentified and missing persons located and families getting closure. :(.

Interpol is building an international database of missing persons as we speak, and IF everything goes well, it should be fully operational within 2-3 years at the most. So let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best!
The articles you posted about the links between schizophrenia and cognitive impairment certainly give food for thought. This connection is new to me, so thank you for that. It certainly sounds as though some (many?) people who go on to develop the disorder have signs that can be picked up long before the illness manifests itself.

As to Lora being worth suggesting to LE, well I don't know.

The possibility of Lora having a smaller cranium than average might tie in with RCJD's smaller cranium, though we don't know if Lora had this feature. From previous reading about schizophrenia, it seems that men tend to develop the condition earlier than women (late teens to mid 20s, as opposed to mid 20s to early 30s), so if Lora developed the condition as early as she did it may indicate that there were early cognitive problems that were the precursor to its emergence.

Her eyes and mouth look about right, though her hair looks to be too dark in the photo that's on the missing person listings and her eyebrows are mostly covered by her hair.

She would also have been 29 when RCJD was found, which is several years above the current estimated age range, though I seme to recall that earlier estimates have gone up to the upper 20s.

Lora was clearly First Nations, and RCJD possibly had some Native ancestry though how much seems unclear.

I'm 50/50 about her, but I think there are enough positive points to make it worth submitting her as a long shot. If you do, I'd suggest including the two links in your email to LE so they can follow your thoughts and reasoning for themselves.

On all the databases that I've been through almost non-stop for quite a few years now, it is clearly mentioned that RCJD was White. No admixture has ever been mentioned.

As for her age, it varied throughout the years (14-25, 15-25, and even 18 to 35), but as we speak, the consensus seems to be that she was between 18 and 30 when she died.

Her hair is described alternatively as being brown with blond highlights or reddish-brown, curly/wavy. Her eyes are described as brown or hazel but not blue.

And to this day, I consider the reconstructions (based on her available post-mortem photo) shown in NamUs as the most accurate ever made, notwithstanding the most recent ones. Of course, this is just my opinion, nothing else.

Source :
Had RCJD been found as living person I'd have said it was possible. However, since LE has indicated that she may have been cognitiviely impaired from an examination of her dead body there has to be some physical evidence to make them think it a possibility. For me that suggests evidence, maybe mild, of something she was born with. IIRC it was reported that her ears were set unusually low on her head, which is apparently a feature of certain congenital problems, especially a number of chromosomal abnormalities. Almost all such abnormalities involve a degree of what used to be termed mental retardation. Apologies for what is probably a blunt turn of phrase, but there are so many euphemisms used these days that sometime the old terms are less ambiguous.

Schizophrenia would probably not, AFAIK, be detectable in a dead person unless he or she was carrying appropriate medication.

IMHO, it would have been possible, since her death was so very recent. Schizophrenia causes a significant loss of tissue (gray matter) in the brain, and it can be seen with a brain scan (neuro imaging) :

Since RCJD was dead and that they performed a complete autopsy (including removal of the brain), it is my belief that if they followed the precise neuropathological protocols to correctly assess the presence or absence of schizophrenia, then they could have obtained conclusive results. I have no way to know if it was done or not, but if so, one would have to deduce that RCJD was not suffering from schizophrenia :
I disagree. I think they look very similar.

She is one of the 20 women that Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton has been accused of killing, that is until 2010, when the charges were stayed on the basis of insufficient evidence to prosecute. Needless to say, all of us Canadians were outraged, even more so when it was discovered that Pickton has written a book and that it was sold on Amazon. But back to the victims :

"The remains or DNA of 33 women were found on his Port Coquitlam farm. He also confessed to an undercover police officer that he had murdered 49 women -- many of them sex workers from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside -- but had fallen short of an even 50 because he got "sloppy."

Source :

It is my own personal belief that, alas, Andrea is one of the countless victims of Pickton. :(
I think the missing Canada site is relatively new and there seems to be a lot more cases in there today that weren't in there the first time I stumbled upon it a few months ago. Definitely appears to be a work in progress.

She wrote "sites" in the plural. We indeed have quite a few. Here's 3 of them (the best, IMHO) : (Just refresh the page to see other cases)
She wrote "sites" in the plural. We indeed have quite a few. Here's 3 of them (the best, IMHO) : (Just refresh the page to see other cases)

Two of the links appear to be forums. What I'm looking for is something similar to NamUs, which is government sponsored. I don't believe the last two are, are they? I believe the first one is. I've accessed that quite a bit. Quebec has one, too, I believe.

Also, will you please do me a favor, since you're in Canada? Would you please contact the RCMP to find out what is up with Patricia Salamandyk's case? For years, we've been trying to get a rule out for her and Buckskin Girl but have no idea if they've even been compared. We can't seem to get an answer, and it's a very expensive phone call for me.
Her family offered DNA but I can't find where they actually gave the sample for comparison. So, anything you could do to check up on that would really, really be appreciated. TIA!
Two of the links appear to be forums. What I'm looking for is something similar to NamUs, which is government sponsored. I don't believe the last two are, are they? I believe the first one is. I've accessed that quite a bit. Quebec has one, too, I believe.

Also, will you please do me a favor, since you're in Canada? Would you please contact the RCMP to find out what is up with Patricia Salamandyk's case? For years, we've been trying to get a rule out for her and Buckskin Girl but have no idea if they've even been compared. We can't seem to get an answer, and it's a very expensive phone call for me.
Her family offered DNA but I can't find where they actually gave the sample for comparison. So, anything you could do to check up on that would really, really be appreciated. TIA!

I sure will do it and keep you posted about the results! :)

And yes, we have a few too (forums and government sponsored) here in Québec.
Was there a serial killer during that time in the general area? I wonder if she was a prostitute. Im from Delaware and bk in the 90's, we had a serial killer who was torturing and killing prostitues in the area. It wasnt until an undercover officer posing as one, was picked up by him which led to his arrest.
Does anyone have any idea what 'portions' of Canada they're talking about?

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Does anyone have any idea what 'portions' of Canada they're talking about?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

IIRC, it would be the Pacific/western provinces like BC and Alberta, because Alaska was also included in the isotopes.

She is one of the 20 women that Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton has been accused of killing, that is until 2010, when the charges were stayed on the basis of insufficient evidence to prosecute. Needless to say, all of us Canadians were outraged, even more so when it was discovered that Pickton has written a book and that it was sold on Amazon. But back to the victims :

"The remains or DNA of 33 women were found on his Port Coquitlam farm. He also confessed to an undercover police officer that he had murdered 49 women -- many of them sex workers from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside -- but had fallen short of an even 50 because he got "sloppy."

Source :

It is my own personal belief that, alas, Andrea is one of the countless victims of Pickton. :(

Why would he bring Canadians to be dumped in the US?
I think the guy that killed our Doe was probably local

FB page is online but to me it looks like a post is missing.

Jane Doe Racine County, Wisconsin

New information learned about Racine County Jane Doe's past - Updated: 11:23 AM CST Jan 4, 2017

Chemical isotope testing performed by the Smithsonian on a sample of her hair and bone suggest she may originally have been from or spent several years of her life in Alaska, Montana or portions of southern Canada

It would be nice if they said where in Southern Canada. Would be nice to have her isotope map to see where in each state
Why would he bring Canadians to be dumped in the US?
I think the guy that killed our Doe was probably local

It would be nice if they said where in Southern Canada. Would be nice to have her isotope map to see where in each state

Going by other maps I've seen, it's probably the part of Saskatchewan and Alberta that's north of the Montana border, which is part of the same climate zone. Altitude and climate seem to have a lot to do with isotope distribution, though I haven't quite figured it out :p That area would also not be all that far from Wisconsin.

Unless they mean the whole east side of the Rockies from Alaska to Montana? Huh. That would be weird.
Going by other maps I've seen, it's probably the part of Saskatchewan and Alberta that's north of the Montana border, which is part of the same climate zone. Altitude and climate seem to have a lot to do with isotope distribution, though I haven't quite figured it out :p

It's down to location and geology:

The stable isotopic ratios of drinking water are a function of location, and the geology that the water percolates through.

See the section headed Forensic science.
This poor girl had all kinds of developmental issues and it seems as if she never was really cared for at any point in her short life. I am thinking her family or guardians had something to do with this. Perhaps she was a foster kid.

IMO With all of those disorders she could have been a child of at risk persons who either had to give her up to child services and got lost in the system OR the at risk persons flew under the radar with her in custody and one day murdered her. That cauliflower ear :(
I dont know how a fam memb could be this brutal and have this kind of hatred and lack of compassion. I think our victim was a stranger to the killer..maybe a runaway or prostitute.
I dont know how a fam memb could be this brutal and have this kind of hatred and lack of compassion. I think our victim was a stranger to the killer..maybe a runaway or prostitute.

Can't recall if she was sexually abused or not.
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