GUILTY WI - Taylor Schabusiness, 24, dismembered man’s body, placed head in bucket, Green Bay, 2022 *Graphic*

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I'd sure like to know if she has a family history of severe mental illness. How did we get to here??????

Did meth exploit or accelerate a predisposition to this? I mean, this is bath salts crazy, eating faces off crazy.

Why is the defense not showing how normal she was until meth addled her brain? Sure she had issues but nothing like this....

Sometimes I think there are people among us who are never more than barely holding it together, and something shakes their quicksand and they just quit trying to hold it together --

The defense here has been abysmal-- the interaction with her father, unprepared and unnecessarily hostile ....

But I think we're going to see NGRI...

I know the real victim here was murdered, violently...

.....but what a tragic waste of life she is. Grandparents who I hope did their best to love her, now raising her child.

She's just feral somehow. It's too bad our justice system is messed up. I feel she needs to be civilly committed, and if she ever came back to baseline, THEN try her.... I know I'm jumbling words, but no prison is going to be equipped to deal with her. Her brain has to look like headcheese....

There's justice but there's also duty. To protect people from people like her --

I'm worried about the verdict here --

Because no one's safe, wherever she goes.

Shook? Like how? I can't watch it right now. In my office.
As he was being removed by the baliff's in front of her table. She said "I love you" he responded in turn. Then she said "Go Bears" and he responded something I couldn't make out and she responded back. But I couldn't make that out either. It was a sweet but sad interaction imho.
I'd sure like to know if she has a family history of severe mental illness. How did we get to here??????

Did meth exploit or accelerate a predisposition to this? I mean, this is bath salts crazy, eating faces off crazy.

Why is the defense not showing how normal she was until meth addled her brain? Sure she had issues but nothing like this....

Sometimes I think there are people among us who are never more than barely holding it together, and something shakes their quicksand and they just quit trying to hold it together --

The defense here has been abysmal-- the interaction with her father, unprepared and unnecessarily hostile ....

But I think we're going to see NGRI...

I know the real victim here was murdered, violently...

.....but what a tragic waste of life she is. Grandparents who I hope did their best to love her, now raising her child.

She's just feral somehow. It's too bad our justice system is messed up. I feel she needs to be civilly committed, and if she ever came back to baseline, THEN try her.... I know I'm jumbling words, but no prison is going to be equipped to deal with her. Her brain has to look like headcheese....

There's justice but there's also duty. To protect people from people like her --

I'm worried about the verdict here --

Because no one's safe, wherever she goes.

I would love to believe that she's completely batshit crazy but...

There was too much sanity in how she drained his blood and disposed of it down the drain, then methodically played with his remains while dismembering him. She was clearly sexually aroused by the whole process but at the same time took steps to hide the crime she committed. If she didn't know what she did was wrong, then why did she claim that she almost called the police on herself? She is sane but a very twisted individual. IMO
I would love to believe that she's completely batshit crazy but...

There was too much sanity in how she drained his blood and disposed of it down the drain, then methodically played with his remains while dismembering him. She was clearly sexually aroused by the whole process but at the same time took steps to hide the crime she committed. If she didn't know what she did was wrong, then why did she claim that she almost called the police on herself? She is sane but a very twisted individual. IMO
I hear you.

She is feral.

I don't know what to do with that.

After seeing what seems to be defense attny CF preparing his opening statement in court this AM, I am not hopeful that he put forth much effort into the 2nd phase either. The jury should at least know about her mental health history, family upbringing, any other episodes throughout her life etc and call witnesses to corroborate such things. I fear that he will just rely on information collected thus far and offer no new information. I hope I am wrong.

A big question I have is where was her son while she was living in some random dude's apartment smoking meth? I know her son now lives with his paternal grandparents, but when did that transpire and wouldn't that be a mitigating factor to her mental health as to the loss of custody of her child?
Is she actually legally married? Her last name is made up and not the legal last name of her "husband". Did they live together? If so. When? He is incarcerated for the past approx 20 months. Wouldn't that be a mitigating factor to her state of mind as well?

Her mother died when she was young and she lived with her grandparents. What was that homelife like? How did the death of her mother impact her life? That is certainly a traumatic event that altered her mind and could be a mitigating factor.

The jury knows very little about her, and I hope CF does his job and fills in the blanks to humanize her, allow moments of empathy for her. Even though she commited a heinous crime, she is still a human being and deserves to be understood on a human level. She wasn't born a monster, so what transpired in her life to mold her into what she has become?
No brainer that she would be convicted on all charges - though curious why there wasn't any effort made to humanize her a little. Curious if any attempts made to contact past teachers or employers, etc to speak on behalf of Taylor. Jury needed to see another side of her besides what was presented in court.

I've wondered if the marriage is legal? I believe she got married about 5 days before she murdered Shad. Court docs show spouse legal name and not Schabusiness but he has a long rap sheet.

There appeared to be others in the courtroom supporting her. I noticed a woman making eye contact with her. Wonder why she did not testify?

She (TS) can't be understood but deserves to be helped. It's society's obligation. It would be nice after her passing if brain is donated to science. Perhaps we can learn from this terrible tragedy.

Moo and speculation

Edited: Clarification on a (in bold) sentence
Last edited:
I would love to believe that she's completely batshit crazy but...

There was too much sanity in how she drained his blood and disposed of it down the drain, then methodically played with his remains while dismembering him. She was clearly sexually aroused by the whole process but at the same time took steps to hide the crime she committed. If she didn't know what she did was wrong, then why did she claim that she almost called the police on herself? She is sane but a very twisted individual. IMO

possibly she is a sexual sadist and isn't legally insane at all.
I would NOT feel comfortable with this woman free ever again.
Wish I could adjust the playforward speed.

How is it possible to speak this slowly?

Perhaps in some settings, it's calming but ...

I find myself lost in the reeds here.

There is a "setting" dial on the bottom right side of the screen to adjust speed.

It's better on 1.25 rather than normal.
Wish I could adjust the playforward speed.

How is it possible to speak this slowly?

Perhaps in some settings, it's calming but ...

I find myself lost in the reeds here.

She is attempting to explain a highly complex psychiatric condition to a jury who know absolutely nothing about it.

When she testified regarding fitness for trial she spoke much faster.

I think she is making a huge effort for her client so I commend her for that.
Nobody else did.
She is the only one.

I just hope the jury got it.
Girl's life was sheer hell.
Much worse than I knew.

At the outset, I was fascinated by her now I just feel utter compassion.
She never stood a chance.

Auditory hallucinations at that level are terrifying.
She's also received such a mishmash of drugs, prescribed drugs wiythout evidence of correct tapering or assessment/

was like, this doesn't work, whack her off it, on with the next, each with a huge range of serious side effects.. then sudden termination again... and back to the next old fashioned drug..

Doesn't look like there is much expertise in prisons for inmates on psychiatric medications.

That is so very sad.

Shouldn't be too hard to find out exactly where this friend supposedly saw the juror on YouTube. I review my YouTube history all the time to go back to videos I want to watch again or didn't finish watching.
Some people don't have turned on the search history function.
Taylor Schabusiness’ father testified in her defense during the second phase of her murder trial. “It’s not like I didn’t try,” Arturo Coronado said. “I love my daughter." Schabusiness immediately held up her hand, nodded, and signed “I love you.”

No brainer that she would be convicted on all charges - though curious why there wasn't any effort made to humanize her a little. Curious if any attempts made to contact past teachers or employers, etc to speak on behalf of Taylor. Jury needed to see another side of her besides what was presented in court.

I've wondered if the marriage is legal? I believe she got married about 5 days before she murdered Shad. Court docs show spouse legal name and not Schabusiness but he has a long rap sheet.

There appeared to be others in the courtroom supporting her. I noticed a woman making eye contact with her. Wonder why she did not testify?

She (TS) can't be understood but deserves to be helped. It's society's obligation. It would be nice for her to donate her brain to science after passing. Perhaps we can learn from this terrible tragedy.

Moo and speculation
Unfortunately there are too many who wish she would donate her brain while still alive!
She is attempting to explain a highly complex psychiatric condition to a jury who know absolutely nothing about it.

When she testified regarding fitness for trial she spoke much faster.

I think she is making a huge effort for her client so I commend her for that.
Nobody else did.
She is the only one.

I just hope the jury got it.
Girl's life was sheer hell.
Much worse than I knew.

At the outset, I was fascinated by her now I just feel utter compassion.
She never stood a chance.

Auditory hallucinations at that level are terrifying.
She's also received such a mishmash of drugs, prescribed drugs wiythout evidence of correct tapering or assessment/

was like, this doesn't work, whack her off it, on with the next, each with a huge range of serious side effects.. then sudden termination again... and back to the next old fashioned drug..

Doesn't look like there is much expertise in prisons for inmates on psychiatric medications.

That is so very sad.

Is there an article on this testimony? I would be interested to read about her life.
Unfortunately there are too many who wish she would donate her brain while still alive!
It's concerning that the defendant's claim of mental health illness takes away from the seriousness of mental health illness. It sets it back further.
I stand by she is responsible for the crime. moo

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