WI WI - Timothy Mumbrue, 35, & Tanna Togstad, 23, Weyauwega, 21 March 1992

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Not sure what to tell you there.. He bragged to someone about it at some point, but the year wasn't mentioned.

As I understand it, he was the original gun purchaser and sold it to his brother-in-law, John Mast, who "lost" the gun and it was later used in the trailer park double murder. Also, the guy that sold him the gun supposedly committed suicide the night before he was to testify.

The defense produced Ray Stewart, a friend of Mr. Dethardt's, who testified that he was with the decedent a week and a half before the murders. Stewart testified to conversing with Mr. Dethardt, who stated that he knew he was going to be killed because he was involved in a gun transaction and had "ripped a guy off" for $1000. St.R.121 at 111. Stewart further testified that he and Mr. Dethardt went out drinking because, in Mr. Dethardt's words, it was his "last fling, last spree."

Could John Mast be the guy who got ripped off?

I read a news story about the trial where they did a handwriting analysis on the store's gun application because it was claimed that someone other than Galowski had impersonated Galowski to obtain the gun.

Another unrelated news story shows where John Mast and another guy got burnt pretty bad when the fumes from a kerosene heater exploded in the back of a truck behind B-Bar-10.

But, I'm guessing, if Galowski really confessed, the real story came out in 1993. He was coming up for parole and the detectives did do a 57 page, 2 hour interview. That would be interesting for someone to obtain that interview from the SPJ archives.

Apparently he didn't get parole...

If you read through the online statements and interviews made by the owner of B Bar 10 to the newspapers and TV stations, he said that police not only asked him about the disappearance of his unnamed sister-in-law missing since 1975 and he was accused of murdering her but also two other people are missing and he was accused of burying them on his land in Tomahawk, WI.

That makes 5 people missing and/or dead. I would like to know the names of those three other unnamed people.

The owner of Bar B 10 also said in one of his 2013 news interviews that he had bailed Gouker out of jail when he was arrested in the first rape.

One would wonder, "Which first rape?" The arrest for the 1990 Iola rape was in Feb, 2013, 23 years later! But, according to news stories, the judge denied bond. So we know it wasn't that one.

WCCA shows 01 Aug 1992 Glendon C. Gouker, 21, had sex with a minor age 16 or older in Marquette County, WI. It can pretty well be assumed that person was his sister/wife Michelle (whom he eventually married and who was also charged in the Oklahoma murder).

Waupaca County Sheriff Brad Hardel said "he wasn't sure why Gouker was living in northwestern Wisconsin in the early 1990s. All we really know is that he and some family members had moved to Wisconsin to live for a couple of years," he said. “Why, what the connection was, we really don't know at this point.”

Online records show that Gouker was living in Wisconsin with his sister/wife, his half-sister,his mother, step-father, his brother, his other sister and her husband. They were all from Prague, Oklahoma. Online records also show not only Gouker, but his sisters and brother were all busted in Wisconsin (also some in Oklahoma) for passing bad checks.

Previous addresses for Glendon Gouker and/or his family members in Wisconsin were Packwaukee, Iola, Montello, Westfield and Iron Ridge. One of his family members is still employed at a business in Lodi, WI. Two of his family members had also worked at Stokely USA while living here.

15 Aug 2013 Statements by Waupaca County Sheriff Brad Hardel Authorities expressed optimism that DNA will help solve the killings of Togstad and Mumbrue.

“We have some work to do, but we're really on the right track,” Hardel said. “This is huge, what's going on here.”

Hardel said he wasn't sure why Gouker was living in northwestern Wisconsin in the early 1990s.

“All we really know is that he and some family members had moved to Wisconsin to live for a couple of years,” he said. “Why, what the connection was, we really don't know at this point.”

“We’re now looking to the community for tips to help us identify a match to the DNA left at the crime scene.”

Neither Hardel nor the Department of Justice elaborated on how Gouker was linked to the homicides in the Weyauwega area.

But they think there are people in the Waupaca area with information about the deaths of Mumbrue and Togstad who could help the investigation.

I think there are also people in Oklahoma who could help, too.

Very small population at the time. The 2010 census showed around 1900 living there..........over 96 percent white population.

quote...Neither Hardel nor the Department of Justice elaborated on how Gouker was linked to the homicides in the Weyauwega area...

As small as the town was back then, almost everyone knew everyone or everyone knew someone they knew everyone.

They probably found something of his at the farmhouse that showed he had been there before or at least knew the victims. One if not both.

Highway 10 you can get in and out quickly.

My main reason for posting. Are there any photos you are aware of that show the farmhouse where the crime was committed? ANY photos taken during the investigation at the farmhouse?
Unfortunately the DNA recovered did not match Gouker.
Seems strange the person has not committed another crime that we know that would have included there DNA taken to compare to a database. Even though nothing matched. I wonder if they was able to match it with any other unsolved murder cases??

Just as a suggestion, you might try to expand your search of related cases to include those not currently listed as "unsolved."

I am primarily focused on the Juedes homicide in 2006, but have also done research on earlier murders in Central Wisconsin as part of my investigation.

From what I have found, this area had been relatively free of "stranger" homicides until the 1980's. Beginning in 1984, there was the Reinke triple homicide in a home in Athens(almost quadruple but the 12 year-old daughter survived), the Langbecker double homicide in their rural Marathon county home in 1987 and then the Kunz quintuple homicide in their home a few months later but also in 1987. All three murders are not listed as unsolved, although the convictions are somewhat less than convincing or , in the case of the Kunz murders, non-existent. All were home invasions involving multiple family members with no witnesses.

The Kunz and Reinke home invasion murders were done with firearms, but I do not remember the details of the Langbecker murders well enough. It may have been a stabbing as well but I will not attest to that.

All of these murders were within 70 miles of Weyauwega and Clintonville "as the crow flies." The Kunz murders are documented somewhat accurately in the book, "Blood Relative," but the Reinke and Langbecker murders are nearly forgotten. Two young men were convicted of the Langbecker murders, the Reinke murders were attributed to a 15-year old son who was given a 1-year juvenile sentence for the three murders and Chris Jacobs was arrested but acquitted of the Kunz murders. Both the Langbecker and Kunz murders involved testimony relating to cocaine.

IMHO, it appears as though there may have been an increase in drug-related violence at this time in this area but governmental concern for the public's perception could have influenced law enforcement to investigate the violence as familial or random instead. The Reinke murders were portrayed as having been committed without motivation, the Langbecker murders were portrayed as being random and the Kunz murders were portrayed, unsuccessfully, as being related to a fruitless theft.

If you are interested in either of these three murders, I can review my materials and see if I have further information.
...Neither Hardel nor the Department of Justice elaborated on how Gouker was linked to the homicides in the Weyauwega area...

Gouker said he had driven his former employer to the farmhouse and waited outside while his former employer went in and committed the crimes. The victims were last seen alive just before midnight on Friday night March 20, 1992 leaving LD's Bar in Clintonville.

The DNA on the victim didn't match either Gouker or his former employer.
So whose DNA was it if Gouker drove only his former employer to the farmhouse? Who is Gouker protecting if it wasn't his former employer?

1) Someone very close to him that he wants to protect?
2) Someone who could implicate him in more crimes?
3) Gouker planted the DNA evidence to divert attention from himself?
4) Someone else planted the DNA evidence while Gouker waited in the truck, knowing that if Gouker ever talked, he would be discredited?

(Are there any known cases of serial rapists carrying vials of someone elsefs DNA around with them to plant at crime scenes?

Tanna's sister, who lived in a mobile home next door, saw a small pickup truck with a cap back out of the driveway about 4 a.m. March 21 and head west on Butternut Ridge Road, just north of Weyauwega.

IIRC Laine or Glendon had a small 1/4 ton truck with a cap/topper in that time period.

I'm sure the DOT has a list of every vehicle they ever owned.

My main reason for posting. Are there any photos you are aware of that show the farmhouse where the crime was committed? ANY photos taken during the investigation at the farmhouse?

I'd seen one picture of the farmhouse in a newspaper awhile back. None at all of the inside. I've heard that Lloyd commented to someone some details about the murder scene that weren't in the paper about a table being flipped over and other details. If true, I'd have to wonder, how could he have know that?

Glendon Gouker's mother, Penny Veitenheimer, was the B-Bar-10 store manager in the early 1990's and, of course, the owner of the B-Bar-10 held up a framed photo of himself, Glendon Gouker and other unidentified employees during one of his 2013 interviews.

So what happens now? Do the investigators go back to Gouker and tell him he broke his agreement and will now be put to death? Can they do that?
This is a strange case in that there's no publicly-available police report, no online missing persons websites, no newspaper stories about the disappearance, no public voice of concern from friends, relatives or family members. The whole case is shrouded in secrecy with absolutely no published circumstances surrounding her disappearance or death. Did she disappear from home, out of town? Who last saw her alive? Are there suspects?

She's one of five people missing or dead(all with a common denominator) in Central Wisconsin. Bottom line? No one gives a shoofly. No one's talking. It's like she never existed.

If your wife disappeared, would you just get a divorce from her 8 months later and move on with your life like nothing ever happened?

(Two decades of accidents end here. Bonnie disappears Aug 1975. No one said a peep)

Thank you for this well researched article that keeps the memory of Bonnie alive. It is tragic when a mother of two can simply disappear without justice. I also noticed that there was a property transfer the year prior to her disappearance. How convenient that the husband could keep the property without having to split it in a divorce.

That said, I don't think you can make the assumption that "no one gives a shoofly." I have also noticed a reluctance of people in the area to talk about crimes for three other reasons: mistrust of law enforcement, fear for their safety and belief that "hanging out dirty underwear for everyone to see" is bad for the community in general.

People in the area often have a negative perception of law enforcement. When talking with people around the area I have heard the comment, "You'd better not speed in x county, but you can get away with murder." When a murder does happen, there is also a perception that innocent people find their way into an investigation as a potential suspect and that detectives have a "bird in hand" policy. Whether or not it is justified, people are concerned that any contact with law enforcement could expose them to a wrongful conviction. Convictions seem to happen without much evidence and based on witness testimony of not-so-credible witnesses. I have heard more than once that local law enforcement attempted to force "blank confessions" from vulnerable people who ended up too near a crime.

Also, most of Central Wisconsin is a rural area and law enforcement might be a long time coming to stop a crime, even if they do come to help. Farms are often isolated and difficult for the owner to protect. Survival dictates that safety lies more in "keeping your head down" and escaping by staying off dangerous people's radar. And there are a lot of dangerous people in the area because this is a perfect place to hide. Talking about a crime could get you targeted in another.

As far as not reporting this disappearance, local news outlets are owned by local businessmen and crime is bad for business. If a crime won't be solved, then there is the belief that it is better for "everyone" if it is just made to go away. Understaffed sheriff's offices with limited budgets are not going to spend a lot of money tracking someone whose body will probably never be found. This is a poor area. The money spent on a fruitless search could be spent in other ways, like schools fire departments. Also, it is more advantageous to keep the person listed as "missing" than as the victim of a crime. Keeping the "numbers" down as cheaply as possible is always a concern, both for the local sheriff who wants to get re-elected and the local city fathers who put the sheriff there in the first place because he does what he is told.

I'm not saying that the way things work in this area is right. It is what it is.
I don't think you can make the assumption that "no one gives a shoofly." I have also noticed a reluctance of people in the area to talk about crimes for three other reasons: mistrust of law enforcement, fear for their safety and belief that "hanging out dirty underwear for everyone to see" is bad for the community in general.

A link to this thread was posted on the Waupaca County Sheriff's Facebook website four days ago when the page views for this thread were about 1,700. Page views are now at almost 2,500. That's a whole lot of interest generated for this case in just four days and you can bet a lot of these viewers know things about this case (these 4 cases, actually) that could help solve it. Then we can put that underwear back in the drawer.


The Jan 31, 1977 issue of the Stevens Point Journal shows another accidental fire at B Bar 10 which burns Laine's brother-in-law, John E. Mast and Arlyn Brevik, Jr (18). I believe that the owner of B Bar 10 had a delivery route at the time.

(Arlyn Brevik, Jr., May 5,1959-Jun 12,1983, Tigerton, WI Cemetery, died, age 24. That's a young age to die at. Does anyone know the cause of death?)

April 1972 David R. Repinski, Appleton, was bound over in Circuit Court after a preliminary hearing Wednesday afternoon in County Court to face a felony charge stemming from an alleged chemical mace attack on April 1. Repinski is accused of squirting mace in the face of Leo Butler, no address available, outside Suski's Bar in Plover as Butler was delivering produce for the defendant's brother, Lloyd Repinski. Repinski is free on 10% of a $1,000 bond. No date was set for an arraignment or trial. The 06 April SPJ issue shows a name/relationship change from brother, Lloyd, to father, Lloyd and the victim's name is spelled Butler instead of Belter. Boelter? There's a Leo Boelter from the Appleton area. I wonder if there's a relationship there to Connie Boelter, herself a murder victim who used to live in New London, WI? (I guess that might be a stretch of the imagination based on a name misspelled in the newspaper and there is a listing for a Leo A. Belter of Marathon County)


All types of violence going on; from attempted murder by placing a van on the railroad tracks to killing dogs...


Why would anyone want to shoot and kill a registered Siberian Husky?


While I'm speculating about the B Bar 10, with Glendon Gouker's mother, Penny Veitenheimer, being a manager there, and all; Gouker didn't necessarily refer specifically to his previous employer when he said, "I'm just doing my job, I'm being paid to do this." Maybe someone else that he's trying to protect? Who did the hiring and firing?

The family that works together, stays together...


The Jan 31, 1977 issue of the Stevens Point Journal shows another accidental fire at B Bar 10 which burns Laine's brother-in-law, John E. Mast and Arlyn Brevik, Jr (18). I believe that the owner of B Bar 10 had a delivery route at the time.

(Arlyn Brevik, Jr., May 5,1959-Jun 12,1983, Tigerton, WI Cemetery, died, age 24. That's a young age to die at. Does anyone know the cause of death?)

Arlyn Brevik, Jr. was killed in a motorcycle accident on June 12, 1983 in Waupaca County, WI.

There was another fire on the same property where Togstead and Mumbrue were murdered, according to the May 25, 1974 Appleton Post Crescent.


Yet another fire occurred in Marshfield, WI, somewhere around 1974, I believe. A suspect in the Togstad/Mumbrue murders had recently been divorced from his 16 year old wife (the third of six marriages).

After the divorce, she started dating the owner of a rendering plant in Marshfield, WI. The rendering plant burnt down sometime during that time and the ex-husband was a suspect in that fire. She eventually moved to Florida as did another 16 year old wife of the suspect. I have no doubt that the DOJ will eventually interview all six of these ex-wives.

This would make four fires related in some way to a suspect in 5 unsolved disappearances or murders in north central Wisconsin. I won't mention the Vande Hey "suicide" four miles north of the B Bar 10. That is detailed at:


Arlyn Brevik, Jr. was killed in a motorcycle accident on June 12, 1983 in Waupaca County, WI.

There was another fire on the same property where Togstead and Mumbrue were murdered, according to the May 25, 1974 Appleton Post Crescent.


Yet another fire occurred in Marshfield, WI, somewhere around 1974, I believe. A suspect in the Togstad/Mumbrue murders had recently been divorced from his 16 year old wife (the third of six marriages).

After the divorce, she started dating the owner of a rendering plant in Marshfield, WI. The rendering plant burnt down sometime during that time and the ex-husband was a suspect in that fire. She eventually moved to Florida as did another 16 year old wife of the suspect. I have no doubt that the DOJ will eventually interview all six of these ex-wives.

This would make four fires related in some way to a suspect in 5 unsolved disappearances or murders in north central Wisconsin. I won't mention the Vande Hey "suicide" four miles north of the B Bar 10. That is detailed at:



Whatever was there about the Vande Hey "suicide" is gone now - looks like someone removed the entire FB account.
Whatever was there about the Vande Hey "suicide" is gone now - looks like someone removed the entire FB account.

15 Aug 1975 Bonnie Marie Repinski (nee Newby) goes missing in the Town of Menasha after a fight with her estranged husband, David R. Repinski, regarding an upcoming divorce. She was living with her sister in the Town of Menasha.


Laine R. Shields, David Repinski's brother, was questioned about that disappearance by police when a warrant was served at the B Bar 10 in 2013; this according to Laine R. Shields himself in news interviews in 2013.

17 Dec 1975 Marvin G. Vande Hey, of Route 4, Town of Buchanan area, calls his wife from Fond du Lac, WI at 2:30 am.

30 Dec 1975 Marvin G. Vande Hey's wife reports him "missing". (2 weeks later!) She states he quit his job, took all his clothes & took all their money out of the bank. She said he was depressed and under medical treatment.


30 Jan 1978, (Monday) 26 year old Peter Galowski convicted in Stevens Point, WI, of a double murder on July 29, 1977, of Francine Flowerette and David Dethardt using a .38 caliber pistol he said he bought in June from Hunter's Corner. (Francine was also pregnant)


31 Jan 1978 (Tuesday) Marvin G. Vande Hey was found dead in his running vehicle on Sunset Lake Road, New Hope, WI, just four miles (a 48 minute walk) north of the B Bar 10, of what appeared to be a suicide. A .38 cal. pistol was found on the seat next to his body. This was three years after he left his wife in Appleton, WI! And then turning up dead several miles from Laine R. Shields' home/business the day after a double murder conviction involving a weapon allegedly belonging to Laine R. Shields and right before Vande Hey was to testify in a grand jury investigation also involving Laine R. Shields.


24 Feb 1978 Laine Richard Shields, age 34, aka Lloyd R. Repinski, Jr. indicted by federal grand jury on firearms charges. Accused of making false statements to acquire a firearm in 1976 from a Stevens Point gun store. Shields said he had no felony record when he bought a .38 caliber revolver from a Stevens Point store in 1976, when in fact, he had been convicted of aggravated battery. Article does not specify exactly when in 1976 the false statements were made. source: Wisconsin State Journal page 4


Vande Hey was rumored to be either going to testify in the Galowski trial or in the federal grand jury investigation involving Laine. R. Shields (which may have arose out of the Galowski investigation), who was being investigated and was indicted February 24, 1978.

(Laine R. Shields allegedly claimed to have been subpoenaed to a grand jury investigation stemming from this murder supposedly because the gun used in the crime was registered to him)

Even though it was David Repinski who had left his wife on Highway 41 in the middle of the night after a fight over an upcoming divorce (and was the last one to see her alive), it was Laine R. Shields who had stated in news interviews in 2013 that he was a person of interest in that disappearance. This was after he was cautioned not to say anything by law emforcement about the warrants. Go figure.

So where was Marvin Vande Hey for three years between his "disappearance" in Dec 1975, which wasn't reported by his wife for two weeks, and his "suicide" in Jan 1978? What was he doing in all that time? Was it really a suicide or was he another murder victim? Was the bullet from that gun ever tested to see if it matched the bullets from the Galowski murders? What were his ties to Laine R. Shields? Was it just coincidental he was found 57 miles away in New Hope, WI from where he "disappeared" in Appleton, WI three years earlier. And it was within walking distance of the B Bar 10, Amherst, WI?

Bonnie's cold case can be reviewed here (in the second column)


While you're at it, check out Waupaca County's Cold Case webpage.


It's tied in to Bonnie Repinski's cold case. Interesting note in the disappearance of Bonnie Marie Repinski; she "disappeared" on Hwy 41 in the Town of Menasha several miles south of the Paradise Club, also on Hwy 41, an Appleton, WI strip joint. Two "exotic dancers" who danced at that club were Francine Flowerette and David Dethardt, the two people who Peter Galowski was convicted of killing! Their performer names were Fancy Clancy and Mr. Nitro. They even performed in Sheboygan, WI, two blocks from David Repinski's bar.

(Note who the former owner of the Paradise Club was. Stranen. Records show that was Bonnie Repinski's stepfather, John Stranen. Bonnie's mother at the time of marriage was listed as Mrs. John Stranen)




Another "mere" coincidence is that the Paradise Club is the same place where Iola Police Chief Michael Schertz, (reputed friend of Laine R. Shields) said he sold the Beretta pistol that he illegally obtained from an Iola bar owner (and stole from a police storage locker) to a biker. The same kind of pistol that was used to kill Deputy Gerald Mork, son of the Waupaca County Sheriff. (The same county Togstad and Mumbrue were found murdered, as you already know.



The Vande Hey Route 4 address is in the Town of Buchanan area, a few miles north of Willow Road, where Dawn Marie Schnetzer was found in 4 Nov 1978. Vande Hey also once lived at 854 1/2 Third St. Menasha in 1969, 6 blocks from where Dawn was dropped off before she went missing. Is there a connection to this case even though Vande Hey died in January?
I don't know whether Tanna Togstad was a production supervisor at Churny Cheese Co., or in line to be promoted to that position, but, coincidentally, an ad appeared for that 2nd/3rd shift position in the Madison Wisconsin State Journal on Sunday, March 22, 1992, the day Togstad & Mumbrue were found. I presume it was called in to the neswpaper earlier that Friday, the last time Togstad and Mumbrue were seen alive.

Who was the supervisor being replaced at Tanna's workplace? Why? Was that person Tanna's immediate supervisor? Was there anyone else in line for that promotion? Were there any jealousies or rivalries in Tanna's department at the time? Was this even investigated? (The news only reported that Mumbrue's place of employment was searched, Waupaca Foundry, not Togstad's.

15 Aug 1975 Bonnie Marie Repinski (nee Newby) goes missing in the Town of Menasha after a fight with her estranged husband, David R. Repinski, regarding an upcoming divorce. She was living with her sister in the Town of Menasha.


Laine R. Shields, David Repinski's brother, was questioned about that disappearance by police when a warrant was served at the B Bar 10 in 2013; this according to Laine R. Shields himself in news interviews in 2013.

Wow! That's a ton of information and way to much crossing over of people to just be a coincidence.

I went to the Waupaca County's Cold Case webpage and they keep mentioning their SCRIBID App to get a pdf of information of this case. Is that something you already have? I'm wondering if their is more information there.
17 Dec 1975 Marvin G. Vande Hey, of Route 4, Town of Buchanan area, calls his wife from Fond du Lac, WI at 2:30 am.

30 Dec 1975 Marvin G. Vande Hey's wife reports him "missing". (2 weeks later!) She states he quit his job, took all his clothes & took all their money out of the bank. She said he was depressed and under medical treatment.


30 Jan 1978, (Monday) 26 year old Peter Galowski convicted in Stevens Point, WI, of a double murder on July 29, 1977, of Francine Flowerette and David Dethardt using a .38 caliber pistol he said he bought in June from Hunter's Corner. (Francine was also pregnant)


31 Jan 1978 (Tuesday) Marvin G. Vande Hey was found dead in his running vehicle on Sunset Lake Road, New Hope, WI, just four miles (a 48 minute walk) north of the B Bar 10, of what appeared to be a suicide. A .38 cal. pistol was found on the seat next to his body. This was three years after he left his wife in Appleton, WI! And then turning up dead several miles from Laine R. Shields' home/business the day after a double murder conviction involving a weapon allegedly belonging to Laine R. Shields and right before Vande Hey was to testify in a grand jury investigation also involving Laine R. Shields.


24 Feb 1978 Laine Richard Shields, age 34, aka Lloyd R. Repinski, Jr. indicted by federal grand jury on firearms charges. Accused of making false statements to acquire a firearm in 1976 from a Stevens Point gun store. Shields said he had no felony record when he bought a .38 caliber revolver from a Stevens Point store in 1976, when in fact, he had been convicted of aggravated battery. Article does not specify exactly when in 1976 the false statements were made. source: Wisconsin State Journal page 4


Vande Hey was rumored to be either going to testify in the Galowski trial or in the federal grand jury investigation involving Laine. R. Shields (which may have arose out of the Galowski investigation), who was being investigated and was indicted February 24, 1978.

(Laine R. Shields allegedly claimed to have been subpoenaed to a grand jury investigation stemming from this murder supposedly because the gun used in the crime was registered to him)

Even though it was David Repinski who had left his wife on Highway 41 in the middle of the night after a fight over an upcoming divorce (and was the last one to see her alive), it was Laine R. Shields who had stated in news interviews in 2013 that he was a person of interest in that disappearance. This was after he was cautioned not to say anything by law emforcement about the warrants. Go figure.

So where was Marvin Vande Hey for three years between his "disappearance" in Dec 1975, which wasn't reported by his wife for two weeks, and his "suicide" in Jan 1978? What was he doing in all that time? Was it really a suicide or was he another murder victim? Was the bullet from that gun ever tested to see if it matched the bullets from the Galowski murders? What were his ties to Laine R. Shields? Was it just coincidental he was found 57 miles away in New Hope, WI from where he "disappeared" in Appleton, WI three years earlier. And it was within walking distance of the B Bar 10, Amherst, WI?

Bonnie's cold case can be reviewed here (in the second column)


While you're at it, check out Waupaca County's Cold Case webpage.


It's tied in to Bonnie Repinski's cold case. Interesting note in the disappearance of Bonnie Marie Repinski; she "disappeared" on Hwy 41 in the Town of Menasha several miles south of the Paradise Club, also on Hwy 41, an Appleton, WI strip joint. Two "exotic dancers" who danced at that club were Francine Flowerette and David Dethardt, the two people who Peter Galowski was convicted of killing! Their performer names were Fancy Clancy and Mr. Nitro. They even performed in Sheboygan, WI, two blocks from David Repinski's bar.

(Note who the former owner of the Paradise Club was. Stranen. Records show that was Bonnie Repinski's stepfather, John Stranen. Bonnie's mother at the time of marriage was listed as Mrs. John Stranen)




Another "mere" coincidence is that the Paradise Club is the same place where Iola Police Chief Michael Schertz, (reputed friend of Laine R. Shields) said he sold the Beretta pistol that he illegally obtained from an Iola bar owner (and stole from a police storage locker) to a biker. The same kind of pistol that was used to kill Deputy Gerald Mork, son of the Waupaca County Sheriff. (The same county Togstad and Mumbrue were found murdered, as you already know.



The Vande Hey Route 4 address is in the Town of Buchanan area, a few miles north of Willow Road, where Dawn Marie Schnetzer was found in 4 Nov 1978. Vande Hey also once lived at 854 1/2 Third St. Menasha in 1969, 6 blocks from where Dawn was dropped off before she went missing. Is there a connection to this case even though Vande Hey died in January?

Wow - that's a lot of people all interconnecting - too much, I think to just be a coincidence. You have gathered together a ton of information.

On the Waupaca County's Cold Case webpage, they mentioned that they have a pdf of this case on their Scribid App. I wonder if it contains more information that is not readily available.
Wow - that's a lot of people all interconnecting - too much, I think to just be a coincidence. You have gathered together a ton of information.

On the Waupaca County's Cold Case webpage, they mentioned that they have a pdf of this case on their Scribid App. I wonder if it contains more information that is not readily available.

You should see my big timeline. This is just bits and pieces.

Just think of all the information that the Wisconsin DOJ and the Multi-Jurisdictional Taskforce is gathering on all these cases. We wish. lol.

I was never able to access their pdf Scribid App. It's Greek to me. They need a simple button on their webpage saying "click here". If you ever find it, post a link here. TIA
What came out in the news from the Tanna Togstad & Timothy Mumbrue March 21, 1992 murders in the Town of Royalton, Weyauwega, Waupaca County, Wisconsin are the following:

1) The murderer was known to the victims (status later changed to one or both of the victims)
2) Good possibility that the investigators have spoken with the killer during the course of the investigation
3) Labeled as a crime of extreme hatred
4) Mumbrue was focus of attack and murder and directed primarily against Timothy Mumbrue. He was stabbed seven times and throat slashed. Tanna Togstad was stabbed twice (large knife used in both murders) Tanna's dog also killed at scene.
5) No known motive established
6) No evidence of more than one person involved (yet Glendon Carl Gouker stated he drove his former employer to the farmhouse, Gouker waited in truck, former employer went inside and committed the crimes. DNA evidence at scene did not match either one, so that would make three potential suspects, or; Gouker is covering for a friend or family member)
7) The killer knew the victims
8) Togstad's tombstone pushed over in September and broken vertically in November, 1992
9) Supervisor's position opens up on eve of murders at Togstad's place of employment, Churny Cheese Co., Weyauwega, WI.
10) Togstad & Mumbrue last seen about midnight Friday, 20 Mar 1992 leaving LD’s Club 45, a country western bar in Clintonville, WI. (Killer potentially could have seen them there and either went to Togstad's farmhouse and either waited for them to get home, followed them home or went to Togstad's farmhouse later in the early hours of Saturday, 21 March 1992)
11) Someone from the general public has information that could help solve this crime.
Few questions

-Where they bound, or restrained when discovered? or any evidence they were ?
-Were there any defensive wounds found on either victim?
-Any evidence they were subject to torture prior to being killed?
-What breed of dog (although it seems unimportant ill explain later)
-Where was the dog found?
-Was the dog stabbed as well?

-Any sign of a forced entry?
-Anything taken from the residence or the victims ?

The weapon:
-Was it brought to the scene, or was it from the residence?
-Was it found?
in public about this case. This case will never get solved until they do. Someone there knows something and knows what happened or parts of what happened. The psychopathic serial killer/killers probably still live there and will probably kill again.

Few questions Victims: -Where they bound, or restrained when discovered? or any evidence they were ?

Not released. Mumbrue was found on floor by bed. Togstad was found in bed. Someone had covered her up with a blanket after she was sexually assaulted/killed. (from what I've read) Semen/DNA found on stomach (though this info wasn't released until way later in the investigation from what I've read. I presume until verification by the lab)

Were there any defensive wounds found on either victim?
Not released

-Any evidence they were subject to torture prior to being killed?

Not released

-What breed of dog (although it seems unimportant ill explain later)

Not sure, though the breed was released

-Where was the dog found?

Not released

-Was the dog stabbed as well?

I believe so

Scene: Any sign of a forced entry?

Police stated that anyone could have gotten into the farmhouse very easily, otherwise, not released.

-Anything taken from the residence or the victims ?

Nothing that investigators know of or that has been released.

The weapon: -Was it brought to the scene, or was it from the residence?

Coroner said it was a large knife. Unknown if brought to scene or taken from residence

-Was it found?

It was never found after extensive search.
in public about this case. This case will never get solved until they do. Someone there knows something and knows what happened or parts of what happened. The psychopathic serial killer/killers probably still live there and will probably kill again.

Not released. Mumbrue was found on floor by bed. Togstad was found in bed. Someone had covered her up with a blanket after she was sexually assaulted/killed. (from what I've read) Semen/DNA found on stomach (though this info wasn't released until way later in the investigation from what I've read. I presume until verification by the lab)

Not released

Not released

Not sure, though the breed was released

Not released

I believe so

Police stated that anyone could have gotten into the farmhouse very easily, otherwise, not released.

Nothing that investigators know of or that has been released.

Coroner said it was a large knife. Unknown if brought to scene or taken from residence

It was never found after extensive search.

Not much to go on, unfortunately, did the police say this is part of a series ?
Waupaca County Sheriff Brad Hardel said "he wasn't sure why Gouker was living in northwestern Wisconsin in the early 1990s. All we really know is that he and some family members had moved to Wisconsin to live for a couple of years," he said. “Why, what the connection was, we really don't know at this point.”

Online records show that Gouker was living in Wisconsin with his sister/wife, his half-sister,his mother, step-father, his brother, his other sister and her husband. They were all from Prague, Oklahoma.

Previous addresses for Glendon Gouker and/or his family members in Wisconsin were Packwaukee, Iola, Montello, Westfield and Iron Ridge. One of his family members is still employed at a business in Lodi, WI. Two of his family members had also worked at Stokely USA while living here.

15 Aug 2013 Statements by Waupaca County Sheriff Brad Hardel Authorities expressed optimism that DNA will help solve the killings of Togstad and Mumbrue.

“We have some work to do, but we're really on the right track,” Hardel said. “This is huge, what's going on here.”

Hardel said he wasn't sure why Gouker was living in northwestern Wisconsin in the early 1990s.

“All we really know is that he and some family members had moved to Wisconsin to live for a couple of years,” he said. “Why, what the connection was, we really don't know at this point.”

“We’re now looking to the community for tips to help us identify a match to the DNA left at the crime scene.”

But they think there are people in the Waupaca area with information about the deaths of Mumbrue and Togstad who could help the investigation.

Glendon Gouker's mother, Penny Veitenheimer, currently works at Pureline Seed Company in Lodi, WI as a Fresh Market Manager. She had also worked at B Bar 10 as manager, where her son, Glendon Gouker, also worked at the time of the 1990 Iola rape and the 1992 murders of Togstad & Mumbrue.

The owner of B Bar 10 bailed Glendon Gouker (age 20 at the time) out of jail in 1990 for the Iola rape. Glendon Gouker maintains that he (Gouker) drove his employer, the owner of the B Bar 10, to the Togstad farmhouse and he (Gouker) waited outside while his employer went in and killed Togstad & Mumbrue. (This is one of the reasons why a search warrant was served on B Bar 10 in March and November, 2013)


Lodi, WI is just 11.6 miles north (a 15 minute drive) of Waunakee, WI on Hwy 113. Waunakee is the hometown of Kelly Nolan, found murdered southeast of Waunakee, WI, in July 2007 in the Town of Dunn, WI. The last one seen with Kelly Nolan said they knew Kelly and would walk her home.

Does anyone know whether the Nolan family had any ties or connections with PureLine Seed, Inc. of Lodi, WI or even Stokely, USA, another employer of Glendon Gouker's mother?

Even though Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation records show Gouker had moved back to Prague, Oklahoma in 1993, it's not inconceivable to think that he may have come back to visit his mother or his half-sister, <snip> who may also still have been living in Wisconsin in 2007. It's also possible Gouker committed other crimes while he visited here. It's also possible he and his wife Michele were distributing methamphetamine up here in Wisconsin. Meth was found on their property after they murdered that guy and raped that girl in Oklahoma and Michele Gouker was convicted of possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute at their murder/rape trial.
Here, Goukers wife/sister Michele had just lured the victim's girlfriend back to where Gouker had greviously wounded the victim and then watched as Gouker raped the girlfriend on the spot and later guarded the girlfriend while tied to the bed.

I am starting this by saying I know more about the Gouker case than anybody would ever want to. Michele was there and she did watch the girl but she had no part in luring here to the shed! She didn't not know what Glendon had done until after he had already killed Ethan. There is no excuse for what her part was but in the reality of life she is one of Glendon's biggest victims. He started grooming her and molesting her from a very early age.
So whose DNA was it if Gouker drove only his former employer to the farmhouse? Who is Gouker protecting if it wasn't his former employer?

Gouker never said his employer was the only one he took with him!!!!!!!

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