Will Casey make a deal if told they are going for death penalty?

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Deal or no Deal ? that's the question! Poll here...

  • Yes I feel strongly about it!

    Votes: 13 5.2%
  • Yes I feel perhaps she may do this.

    Votes: 22 8.7%
  • Yes I feel it is slightly probably.

    Votes: 8 3.2%
  • Maybe, but they may want to see what other evidence is there first.

    Votes: 38 15.1%
  • Maybe, but I'm not too sure.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
  • Maybe, just maybe.

    Votes: 10 4.0%
  • I don't think so, unless there is stonger evidence than what we've seen so far.

    Votes: 19 7.5%
  • I don't think, but I just can't get her.

    Votes: 9 3.6%
  • I Don't think so.

    Votes: 26 10.3%
  • HE!! NO! She thinks she is innocent!

    Votes: 20 7.9%
  • He!! NO! She really believes her own lies!

    Votes: 41 16.3%
  • He!! NO!

    Votes: 22 8.7%
  • He!! No! She is innocent because Caylee is still alive so why deal?

    Votes: 5 2.0%
  • He!! No! They have the wrong Casey!

    Votes: 12 4.8%

  • Total voters
There's not a box to check for my answer:

She will ONLY make a deal if they seek the death penalty and she is found guilty. I think she will tell them where Caylee is during the sentencing phase in order to avoid the death penalty.

If they don't seek the death penalty, she will never talk. As long as she thinks that there's a chance, even if it's only 1%, that she might go free, she will not deal.

The deal will not be on the table then, the pros. will not give it to her once sentencing phase starts... because they will have seen everything and KNOW she will be found guilty!
The deal will not be on the table then, the pros. will not give it to her once sentencing phase starts... because they will have seen everything and KNOW she will be found guilty!

You're right. I meant "before" the sentencing phase starts. If she is found guilty, she could still escape the death penalty even if it is sought. Correct?

ETA: IMO, she will not deal until she is found guilty and will face the death penalty. I believe she will hold out until the bitter end. I can't remember the case right off the top of my head, but there was another case not too long ago when the convicted man waited until he was found guilty to tell where he hid the body to avoid the death penalty. I think she will do the same thing.
You're right. I meant "before" the sentencing phase starts. If she is found guilty, she could still escape the death penalty even if it is sought. Correct?

ETA: IMO, she will not deal until she is found guilty and will face the death penalty. I believe she will hold out until the bitter end. I can't remember the case right off the top of my head, but there was another case not too long ago when the convicted man waited until he was found guilty to tell where he hid the body to avoid the death penalty. I think she will do the same thing.

If first degree murder with a DP clause is on the table up front and then after closing arguments the jury finds her guilty of first degree murder the Jury will then be given the task of selecting punishment during the sentencing phase. So she can be found guilty and turn over the body in hopes for lieniency during the sentencing phase. Even if they do not find her guilty of murder 1 but still find her guilty of the lesser agrivated manslaughter charge or felony child abuse she could offer up the body in hopes of a lighter sentence. They could find her guilty of all or some of the charges so sentencing will determine what punishment is fitting those charges.
If first degree murder with a DP clause is on the table up front and then after closing arguments the jury finds her guilty of first degree murder the Jury will then be given the task of selecting punishment during the sentencing phase. So she can be found guilty and turn over the body in hopes for lieniency during the sentencing phase. Even if they do not find her guilty of murder 1 but still find her guilty of the lesser agrivated manslaughter charge or felony child abuse she could offer up the body in hopes of a lighter sentence. They could find her guilty of all or some of the charges so sentencing will determine what punishment is fitting those charges.

Thank you. That's what I thought.
I can't answer this one because my answer consists of LE and Prosecution not allowing her the possibility of a Plea Bargain. She had her chance.
Hi! I agree with you,she passed on it and that is that.I dont think she would anyway~she thinks shs not guilty! accepting would be accepting guilt. Baby Caylee will not go anywhere anymore but neither will mommy dearest.IMO
At this point they want to get their hands on the evidence, witnesses and forensics and are not ready to deal. That will change quickly when realize that there is lots of incriminating evidence. Then they might come to their senses and try to come up with some sort of deal to prevent KC from getting the death penalty
She's in another world. She has convinced her self she is NOT Guilty. She can't go from reality to her own story. She will never tell. She will be surprised if she is given the death penalty.
She should pay. She will never admit culpability!:boohoo:
Casey may be a liar, but I also think that she is a chicken ****. I think that once JB gets the discovery, he will advise her to take a deal. Then we will get the best story line yet!

hmmm, yea like "self defense" ??? What a bag of screws she is. LOL, I didn't even mean it like that. BUT if the.... fits. oh geez, ok. I got my point across.
I hope Caylee's remains are found - so Casey cannot strike a deal for a lesser sentence.

Wouldn't that change things ...
Hi, been lurking for a couple of months, but originally visited a couple of years back also.

Yes I feel perhaps she may do this.

Sociopaths are concerned about their own well-being, and cannot show empathy towards others. Now that she has really been charged with murder, the reality could sink in just enough for her to realize she may get the death penalty. She may deal. She doesn't want to die.
Hi, been lurking for a couple of months, but originally visited a couple of years back also.

Yes I feel perhaps she may do this.

Sociopaths are concerned about their own well-being, and cannot show empathy towards others. Now that she has really been charged with murder, the reality could sink in just enough for her to realize she may get the death penalty. She may deal. She doesn't want to die.

Welcome. :)
[Sociopaths are concerned about their own well-being, and cannot show empathy towards others. Now that she has really been charged with murder, the reality could sink in just enough for her to realize she may get the death penalty. She may deal. She doesn't want to die.

I'm sure she doesn't since she has seen it up real close and personal. Bold mine.
What I believe wasn't an option.

I do not believe Casey will accept any plea deal before trial. Once a jury finds her guilty, she may give up Caylee's remains (if they are not found beforehand) in exchange for taking death off the table.

IMO, she thinks she can beat this.

While it's just speculation on my part, Baez is so out of his league that he may have even convinced her they will never be able to get a guilty verdict. I'm not saying he has, only that I think it's a real possibility.
I hope Caylee's remains are found - so Casey cannot strike a deal for a lesser sentence.

Wouldn't that change things ...

I'm not convinced they would ever execute her anyway. Don't get me wrong, I do realize that Florida is on the short list that has actually executed a woman, but with the way things are going today, I think it will be declared unconstitutional before she'd ever be put to death.

Not to mention, the DP will give her her own little comfy cell. It would be a much harder sentence if she had to be with the population. I'm not sold on the fact that she doesn't want death for this exact reason. Think about it, she really doesn't get along too well with women anyway. It would be a long, miserable, life if she was stuck with them 24/7.

I do think prosecutors should seek death. You just never know. She may take a plea deal somewhere along the way, but even if she doesn't, it gets them that death qualified jury which normally works in their favor.
I can't stop looking at this graph of the results, it is statistically interesting. I intentionally laid it out that no matter how you answered the top half and bottom half were going to be the 50/50 areas and the taper to this chart proves people are still on an even marker of around 50/50.

Well except for that last bunch of 12 votes of the wrong Casey ;-) My ross perot line vote!

Well I added it up, 60/40 is about where it would stand + 12 for perot!
No way!!! She cannot even admit it to herself.

At least the PR man knows the truth.

I thought that this was so ironic. The PR man threw aside Casey's lies, and even in his heart knows that baby is dead. Even he doesn't believe Casey's lies.

Since the PR guy screwed it up, and told the truth, about the "Loss of Life for" for Caylee, I wish that Casey, her family, and the lawyers would just give it up and admit the truth.

i do not think this sociopath will ever admit to what she has done, there will be no plea bargining. I also believe her unstable dysfunctional mother is at the root of all of this and will continue on defending her daughter right up until her death. Perhaps she and the peterson's can get together.


I totally agree.
Casey not talking is the most telling piece of evidence to me (sadly) that Caylee is gone ,IMO if she was alive Casey would be talking to save herself.
I don't think she will talk, not to tell where Caylee is or to admit any wrongdoing. Assuming you could get through to a sociopath and reason with them, maybe she could be persuaded if she had any rational, experienced person around her who wasn't given to equally twisted thinking. GA strikes me as the only even slightly potential candidate for the job, but then I remember he probably hasn't prevailed in that house in years when it came to managing Casey. It is always in the back of my mind that he/they (?) might have made some attempt or suggestion that Casey was going to have to change her ways or hit the road back in June, and look how that turned out. I think it's too late, and he's going to ride the train now with the rest of them. I think Casey is enjoying the attention and her celebrity status, and hopes to get away with everything, sell her story and finally have it made. If JB is going to make all things clear to us so we'll totally get it at trial, then I guess she'll talk when she testifies. How else can he tell her story?
I don't think she will talk, not to tell where Caylee is or to admit any wrongdoing. Assuming you could get through to a sociopath and reason with them, maybe she could be persuaded if she had any rational, experienced person around her who wasn't given to equally twisted thinking. GA strikes me as the only even slightly potential candidate for the job, but then I remember he probably hasn't prevailed in that house in years when it came to managing Casey. It is always in the back of my mind that he/they (?) might have made some attempt or suggestion that Casey was going to have to change her ways or hit the road back in June, and look how that turned out. I think it's too late, and he's going to ride the train now with the rest of them. I think Casey is enjoying the attention and her celebrity status, and hopes to get away with everything, sell her story and finally have it made. If JB is going to make all things clear to us so we'll totally get it at trial, then I guess she'll talk when she testifies. How else can he tell her story?
IMO Casey will never testify in court because she will never stand up under cross-examination she would have to explain too many lies and would be found gulity by a jury of her peers (i truly do wish that she would testify because that would do her in) but she will not take the stand...unless she is crazy and doesn't listen to JB

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