Will Casey take the stand?

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Even if JB doesn't want her to take the stand, can casey INSIST she takes it?

Do you think thats something casey would insist on doing??

Oooh I'd want front row seats if that happened!!

Yes, KC can isist she take the stand. If she is going to present testimony that JB knows to be false, he is not permitted to ask her any questions and she must testify in the narrative. He just tells the judge that she will be testifying in the narrative so the jury doesn't know what's going on. If she's anything like CA the trial would then take years to be completed.
I did say on another thread that it will probably be her call as to whether she will take the stand...right?

She is even egocentric enough to make an attempt at being her own defense.

Have to wonder if she's reading up on Bundy, etc. to understand what mistakes were made and how others such him were convicted...:waitasec:

Wouldn't that be the show.
Watching Nancy Grace on the view she seems to think that yes she will take the stand

I say there is not way her attorneys are going to put her on the stand.It will open up too many questions that they may be able to stifle in motions.

I wonder what she will wear for her Oscar
performance if she takes the stand?
I wonder what she will wear for her Oscar
performance if she takes the stand?

Lord knows she won't be able to fit into those size 2 gray pinstripe pants chowing down on all those SNACKS !!! :sumo:
I would pay to see KC take the stand, I really would, but I don't think she will, she seems to be very aware that everything she says ends up being tore apart word by word.
Casey will not take the stand in court. I think that when Baez says she will one day tell her story, that he is speaking of when she is in prison and the large, angry inmates beat it out of her. It will be invasive full disclosure with verifiable facts.

I reckon I'd still pony up a few bucks to watch it on pay-per-view
The only way she will take the stand is if she thinks she's going to FINALLY be presented with that mother of the year award. :bang:
Casey's counsel will recommend against her testifying. However, she has the right to do so, and being the histrionic personality-disordered woman she is, she may sit in that courtroom, stewing about what everyone's saying about her, and decide she WILL testify. She does enjoy the spotlight. (In my happier fantasies, she decides to represent herself.)
Where do you think the trail will be.
I just thinking this case is world wide
:floorlaugh: I missed this one the first time around! If Baez does not stop her at all costs from getting on the stand then I will be convinced that Baez from beginning to end has just been a set up for a lifetime of appeals. There could be no dumber thing for the defense to do than put her on the stand so she can be caught in lie after lie and then admit it and then revert back to the same lies. And there could be no more fortunate thing for the state and little Caylee.
If she has an attorney worth his salt, he will duct tape her mouth shut so she cannot take the stand! I pray that she does. Although I feel sorry for her jury if she does. They will be there for eternity.
The only way I see JB puting KC on the stand is if she is going with the woe is me routine-If her parents don't do something to get her off- she will go for it, at any cost-
Afterall, is all about me me me !

She will throw GA or LA, and /or CA, under the bus- Abused and/or molested as a child- raped by phantom father of child- Controlling Mom punished her more by making her keep the baby she never wanted- blah blah blah

No one let's her talk- Give her 3 seconds !

Don't even try that one- phone-texts and emails show you never shut up !
Yet in all the words you used- never once mentioned your child was missing! Whoa !!!!
The only way I see JB puting KC on the stand is if she is going with the woe is me routine-If her parents don't do something to get her off- she will go for it, at any cost-
Afterall, is all about me me me !

She will throw GA or LA, and /or CA, under the bus- Abused and/or molested as a child- raped by phantom father of child- Controlling Mom punished her more by making her keep the baby she never wanted- blah blah blah

No one let's her talk- Give her 3 seconds !

Don't even try that one- phone-texts and emails show you never shut up !
Yet in all the words you used- never once mentioned your child was missing! Whoa !!!!

For real, I said it before and I'll say it again, pump KC with truth serum and hand her a cell phone!

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