Will Casey take the stand?

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Apparently some believe (even lawyers ) that KC may testify. I'd do a poll if I could, but imo there isn't a chance in hades she gets on the stand. Not one in a million. Even competent defendants, with good command of the facts and good presentations, are generally discouraged from testifying.

KC on the stand.....its a joke, right?
nope, cause she doesn't like feeling like she's being interrogated..if she couldn't handle lee's questions, there is no way she could handle questions from the prosecutor.
She's probably egotistical enough to think she can lie straight on the stand to the jury, but a good lawyer would keep her off for those reasons. OJ really wanted to take the stand in his criminal trial, but they did mock trials to show him he would blow up on the stand, they hired a provocative lesbian lawyer to goad him.
Just like Hans Reiser, the attorney will be getting it all wrong.

Reiser took the stand, sensing defense pretty weak with the "story."

Prisoner will want to tell side of story that nobody understands or is getting.

As with Reiser, some body else's fault. Guilt or problem...probably shouldn't have hit her that left a clue. He said his technique was bad maybe a better judo choke hold to kill. Still from his side of events.

No plea!
Normally I'd agree that there's no chance that Casey testifies but I have a "gut" feeling that she will

Also, at this point I'm starting to think that it's her only chance.

There's a mountain of evidence piling up against her & unless she takes the stand to "Explain Herself" then she's going to get convicted.

Casey will convince herself that she can sell her "Story" to the Jury & Jose will probably kick & scream & advise against it but in the end it's her right to testify & I think she'll do it.
If Casey wants to take the stand, Baez has to let her. Testifying at one's own trial is part of the fundamental right to a defense. Baez can strongly advise her against it, but if she wants to testify and he doesn't let her, that's grounds for an appeal.
I don't know if she'll want to exercise that right, but I really hope so!!

I agree.......

Also, with so much evidence piling up against her the Jury is going to want an explanation,

I know their not supposed to hold that against a defendant (wether or not they testify) but you know it must creep into their minds during deliberations.
I actually think she will take the stand. The whole reason this case is going to trial is because she's running the show. Any other lawyer would have convinced his client to plea by now. I believe she will take the stand because as GA says, she's "the boss and everyone's working for her." KC is so narcissistic nothing would keep her from having her day in the sun. After all, she thinks she's smarter than everyone, including the prosecution.

Goody. I can't wait.:Banane10:
Will KC take the stand?

Probaby, if it's not nailed to the floor.
KC has to take the stand if she plans on sticking with the "Nanny Story", I've said that all along and last week while watching NG, one of her guest attorneys stated the same thing. Who else can tell the story? No one, only her.

There is no point in putting Casey on the stand. Baez's job is to create reasonable doubt for the jury about the prosecutions case, not prove Casey innocent. Baez has to tear apart the prosecutions evidence, witnesses and arguements. In trial, Casey's story doesn't matter - it will only be told from the perspective of witnesses and interpretation of the evidence, if at all. If Casey has witnesses who can contradict the prosecution's case creating reasonable doubt, then we will hear parts of her story. It's apparent that Baez knows that a lot of Casey's defense will rely on creating doubt about the conclusions reached in the forensic testing. Most of the experts and Linda Baden specialize in this area. The "right time" for Casey to tell her story will be when her trial is over and, then only if she is pronouonced Not Guilty or, if pronounced Guilty, after all appeals have been exhausted.
There is no point in putting Casey on the stand. Baez's job is to create reasonable doubt for the jury about the prosecutions case, not prove Casey innocent. Baez has to tear apart the prosecutions evidence, witnesses and arguements. In trial, Casey's story doesn't matter - it will only be told from the perspective of witnesses and interpretation of the evidence, if at all. If Casey has witnesses who can contradict the prosecution's case creating reasonable doubt, then we will hear parts of her story. It's apparent that Baez knows that a lot of Casey's defense will rely on creating doubt about the conclusions reached in the forensic testing. Most of the experts and Linda Baden specialize in this area. The "right time" for Casey to tell her story will be when her trial is over and, then only if she is pronouonced Not Guilty or, if pronounced Guilty, after all appeals have been exhausted.

I agree. But situations have changed, have they not?
I'm hoping KC is sitting in the DA's seat, talk about drama! Who was the women in California that staged her own defense in her husband's murder? Was it Susan something?
I'm hoping KC is sitting in the DA's seat, talk about drama! Who was the women in California that staged her own defense in her husband's murder? Was it Susan something?

Polk! Fascinating case with some great books written about it, IMO.
That's it Susan Polk, what a strange trial that was. I can see KC thinking she could talk her way out of this. Remember LE didn't scare her one bit when she was interrogated, I was ready to confess listening to those tapes.
I think Casey's personality parallels Ted Bundy's. She believes she can convince us all of her innocence if we'd just give her a chance to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk......
I think Casey's personality parallels Ted Bundy's. She believes she can convince us all of her innocence if we'd just give her a chance to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk......

ITA. I think she probably does believe she can baffle 'em with bs, because it has worked for her for so long.
I agree. But situations have changed, have they not?

We don't know what the next document dump holds. If there is indisputable direct evidence, then Baez may try to get Casey to turn states evidence and accept a plea bargain. That remains to be seen. Either way, his job is NOT to prove Casey innocent, but to get the best possible deal for his client whether that's forcing the state to prove her guilt or getting Casey to accept the likely best possible deal.
I'm hoping KC is sitting in the DA's seat, talk about drama! Who was the women in California that staged her own defense in her husband's murder? Was it Susan something?
Susan Polk, she fired Daniel Horowitz and got herself convicted, she had a fool for a client!
Will KC take the stand? No way Jose. She'll sit stoically silent throughout trial, with the occasional smile toward defense team and parents. She may also be working on crying on cue, to garner sympathy from the jury.

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