Will Casey's Age Impact the Outcome Of her Trial and Sentencing?

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I think the age of the victim will have more impact on the jurors, than the age of the killer.
I agree. Casey has been able to turn an entire nation against her in spite of her age because the victim is this innocent 2 year old child entrusted in her care. Her lack of remorse or emotion upon her daughter even being missing is astounding to the public at large and won't be lost on a jury.
I agree. Casey has been able to turn an entire nation against her in spite of her age because the victim is this innocent 2 year old child entrusted in her care. Her lack of remorse or emotion upon her daughter even being missing is astounding to the public at large and won't be lost on a jury.

Thanks for that reminder SS! I am shocked by Casey's lack of remorse and that lack of feeling she exhibits is another reason I don't care what her age happens to be.

But what I find most shocking is her failure to exhibit fake /fictional remorse.

Most of the path. liars I have known, at least tried to fake remorse in order to garner sympathy or to avoid punishment. She doesn't even do that.

Whatever her age is...she invites more wrath than the usual pathological liar for me. (or whatever her disorders are).
I don't think Casey's age will have anything at all to do with the jury's decision in this case. I think her actions and her words will be the deciding factors.

I would support the death penalty in this particular case - due to the age of the child and Casey's lack of cooperation in recovering the body of the child.

But I could be satisfied with Life Without Parole for her also.

It is my greatest hope that somehow the location of Caylee's body is revealed or found and the poor child can have a decent burial.

I think of both the Chandra Levy case and the Laci Peterson case. I think in each case, despite the tremendous suffering, those parents/grandparents felt a little better at being able to recover and properly bury the remains of their loved ones.
Most of the people I know must be different.

It seems like everyone I talk to either thinks that Casey is covering up for a negligent accident and is afraid to have her mother know OR they think Casey is mentally ill.

I've even heard talking heads that should have done some research opine accident theories.

I REALLY believe if Casey was a man that danced within days after his child disappeared or snarled obscenities at his mother, NOBODY would consider an accident cover-up theory.
and at least here if it was a man that had a vanished child the cops would seriously beat the confession out of him on the side then claim it as a fall or some other explanation.
I don't think that Casey's age will affect the outcome of the trial itself, as far as what the verdict will be. But I do think that her age could influence the sentence she is given as a result of that verdict.
I remember the first phone call between Casey & Cindy, Christina, Lee....before she cleaned up her act & language. THAT is the real personality, she has no concern for her child, she's angry that she was "arrested on a whim", she wants to talk to her BF, wants a phone number, its a huge waste. (JB must have swallowed his tongue when he heard that). That is the real Casey that her family knew. They circled the wagons shortly afterwards and she shut up quickly. The high-5 has been the only other peek at her true personality. She just doesn't give a %^&* except for herself.....no extreme make-over will cover it.

I also agree about the manner and age of the victim, but are they ever going to prove HOW she killed this baby? that is what worries me into thinking she wont draw the DP card.
I totally believe the nationwide coverage of this case will send out a large message when she's convicted, and she will be.

I think Casey will be made an example out of, otherwise, we are going to see many more cases like this.. ESPECIALLY with the younger mothers who think they can top Casey.
I don't think her age will have anything to do with it....at least I hope not - I hope they throw the book at her.
any thoughts on this as it relates to today's hearing?
I don't think her age will have any bearing on the trial outcome. I agree with an earlier post that the age of the victim will have more to do with it than the age of the perp. Besides that, I think KC being the mother will have the most impact.
Isn't Casey's birthday in March? She will be 23 when she goes to trial unless there is a plea bargain. 23 if the case is tried this year. She does appear really young, but when the jury hears the totality of the evidence, I do not think age will be a factor in her conviction.

I can easily see a jury giving Casey LWOP. IF Casey did this all alone (and I believe she did), then I feel this is the sentence she deserves.
any thoughts on this as it relates to today's hearing?

Why, yes. I have a thought or two. :)

Today with ill fitting suit, cruel hair, diffidence vs. a little flighty...that would be good for LWOP. Even with duct tape.

But heart sticker? Lack of compassion or concern to this day? Trouble again with tapes. We have seen her when being "real": fbombs, mocking pity or sorrow in others, etc. I'm not an ideal juror since facts are not fresh, and do not know the "real" story.

I know LE has so much more to say.


Nothing at all happened today. I sure hope not much longer, let alone a year. I would rather she plea out and simply end it. There is a formal term for the confession: to allocute....she can do it. Benefit: new scene, different room, maybe better perks. Whatevs.

Ty for asking Glittering One. :)

PS lying to le and thieving are also not too good. these are concurrent charges, right?
Unfortunately, I believe her youth and appearance will be factors with some jurors (older men) when the trial begins. However, I think she will slip up with her demeanor and, as the trial goes on, they will eventually realize that she is not a "mis-guided young mom" but a cold and calculating woman. IMO Her reactions are just not normal and that fact becomes more obvious with every exposure.
I would be inclined to agree with you except for one thing. KC's own words in taped calls are going to wipe a lot of that sympathy out. IMO she is not a sympathetic character.
I think she has painted herself as such a monster that it is going to overshadow her age. Actually,the fact that she never broke down and truly had outward concern for Caylee is going to overshadow everything.

jmho of course.

ETA: I am opposed to the death penalty so I wouldn't be able to put her to death anyway..but that is why I would never be allowed to serve on that jury.

I agree JBean.

Also, the fact that the person Casey killed was not...say...a big burly boyfried who had cheated on her or something....it was sweet angel two-year-old Caylee.

I feel the same way about the death penalty, though and think it is wrong.

Besides, it costs taxpayers a whole lot more money to give a convicted person the DP than life without parole. All those appeals they automatically get.

I read somewhere that it cost Florida taxpayers $3 million to execute Ted Bundy.
I don't know if KCs age will factor into the outcome at her trial, but I believe Caylees age should have an impact, she was just a baby that had her life stolen away
I think JB will more than likely argue and present how young she is to the jury. I think that the defense will begin to groom her in their presentation to support that very thing.

I am not going to put what I personally think about KC, because well it's not pretty and it might get me banned if I opened up and let loose.

However, looking at this from a somewhat detached view point, her age will come into play and more than likely the defense will lead the jury away from the age of Caylee.

I would imagine that defense is going to be selecting carefully the jurists. I would imagine that they will try to select jurists that will be sympathetic to her age and sympathetic that no Mother in her right mind could take this action by herself so naturally it had to be some other dude.

Dont' get me wrong, there is no love lost in my opinion about KC, I'm just saying what my opinion is about how this may or may not go.
I just thought of this and will go back to watch the video again. Did anyone in that courtroom use the name Caylee since it has been proven to be her. During trial will her proper name be used? I'm going to date myself but I feel like, "Gag me with a spoon," everytime I hear someone say she looks so young. Those before and after pics will be an eye opener for jurors unless those pics. become inadmissable

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