Will ica walk out of court free on thursday?

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She will walk out, high fiving the judge, her lawyers and the court clerk on her way out the door! :sick:
She can't hide from God.

I agree. And Casey hasn't learned a thing. She learned probably more than we will ever know about the law and how to get around it, not to mention living with people who lie, cheat and steal every day.

We will hear from her again. I am sure of that. I just hope Cindy and George and Lee walk away and never look back. Somehow I doubt it. 4 years from now we will hear that they are one big loving family, George is left out in the cold and Cindy is saying she knew CA didn't do it, etc etc.

Does anyone know if Cindy will possibly be prosecuted for perjury? I would think that Casey will relish that moment, her mom getting up to 15 years in jail.

I predict another year for lying charges. I also think her family will have no problem taking her back in however I think that will be minus GA. I see CA standing up for the inmate and GA leaving and divorce on the near horizon.

I missed the DT closing and LDB's closing due to personal issues. I was SICK when the verdict was read. I'm STILL angry.
I pray with every fiber of my being that this thing is never blessed with another child.
I don't think it matters. If she gets another year or two, she will go into the prison general population where she will be hated and have a miserable experience. If she is released immediately, she will be completely unprepared. with nothing and nowhere to go. She will have throngs of people following her everywhere, hating her, and she will have a miserable life. Either way, her life will suck!

Sweet Caylee is gone. Justice is gone.

We now need new legislation to make it a felony if the parent or guardian does not notify authorities within 24 hour of the death or unexplained disappearance of a minor. This could also include the enhancement of felony murder or manslaughter if the minor is eventually found dead. It can be called Caylee's Law.

This is the best post I have read all morning, I totally agree with every word!!!
Yes, I believe she will be released on Thursday. I believe her leaving the jail will be very covert and no one will know where she is whisked away to. I believe with the help of JB, she will change her name and possibly her appearance and live in an undisclosed location.
Single men beware...she will be on the prowl....she will have many more victims...I don't know that she will kill them but she will victimize many. JMO
Technically she could still be made to serve 2.5 years. A few of the defense lawyers on Greta said he should make her do the time because she lied to cops and wasted a fortune. I hope JP does make her serve it.

I would like to see her sentenced to serve at least one year minimum in prison for the lying convictions so that she is 1) punished, and 2) prevented from immediately profiting off of Caylee's death. A year later, the 'market' for Casey's story will be much less than it is right now.

Does anyone know what the terms of her sentence on the check fraud charges are?

I would like to see Judge sentence her to the maximum of four years for lying to LE because of how much money, time and effort her lies caused everyone. If 2.5 years of her time served was for the check fraud charges, she could still have 3.5 years to go. With good behavior, she could be out in 1.5 to 2 years.

I can't see the Judge just letting her walk free on Thursday with time served. She has to 'pay' for the millions in LE time spent on this case as a direct result of her lying.

I really hope Judge Perry sentences for 1 to 4 years. KC shouldn't get off for lying to police if DT's story about Caylee drowning is true. She lied to police and others and taxpayers money was used in trying to find Caylee. I hope Judge Perry doesn't see Baez and DT's theory about KC lying due to family dysfunction as an excuse for her to not to be punished for lying to LE.
Casey when released will walk out of there smiling. She will live a happy life because she doesn't care that her daughter is dead. She has no conscience and believes her own lies. Believe me, she will be partying up in no time at all.
She'll walk out and her comment will be: "Surprise, Surprise"

Cheney Mason will be giving everyone the finger (as he was doing at the celebration party last night).

The jurors will be lining up big paychecks for their stories. (But I don't think they will cash in as they expect - nobody wants anymore to do with this **************)

...and we..... we will continue to silently, helplessly fume.
I don't think it matters. If she gets another year or two, she will go into the prison general population where she will be hated and have a miserable experience. If she is released immediately, she will be completely unprepared. with nothing and nowhere to go. She will have throngs of people following her everywhere, hating her, and she will have a miserable life. Either way, her life will suck!

Sweet Caylee is gone. Justice is gone.

We now need new legislation to make it a felony if the parent or guardian does not notify authorities within 24 hour of the death or unexplained disappearance of a minor. This could also include the enhancement of felony murder or manslaughter if the minor is eventually found dead. It can be called Caylee's Law.

Wow. What a great idea. ICA lied to LE to buy time so that DNA, fingerprints, and other possible findings in an autopsy would not be available to use against her. I just love your idea for new legislation!
I hope that she gets the full 4 years.. Even if she gets time served, it won't be for the full 3 years she's been behind bars... The first 1.5 years was time served for the check charges... There's still a chance she could get another 2.5 years. (at least that's what I'm holding onto tonight.. I need something, no matter how unreasonable it might be)

Oh good - I was wondering if I was the only one who wondered if HHJP will start counting for the lying to law enforcement after the time served for check fraud, and then make her serve another year more. Doubt it because I suspect he is so disgusted by this miscarriage of justice he won't want to spend any more public money supporting her.

Several posters have commented that CA will insist ICA return to Hopespring and I'd like to point out that CA can insist all she wants but she no longer has any power over ICA - and ICA needs nothing from her - so it may be some time before they even have a conversation.

I also will keep an eye on the news to see what happens to Mr. Baez and his contempt charges. Getting a win in the case does not IMO give him a "get out of jail free" card from HHJP - and think he still has to face him and the ethics committee.

And I also wonder how long it will take RH to comment on what he thinks about Baez now being the "most sought out Defense Attorney" . I will bet that's going to be a difficult thing for him to be around.
I don't care where she goes or what she does..judgement day will come eventually.
I am ticked that I lost so much sleep keeping up with this case to see "justice" for Caylee. Casey not only got by with murder-just think of the lives she has affected with her total disregard for anyone. ^i^
Probably. Beaming from one ear to the other, whisked off to her first talk show, all expenses paid.

I will not spend one penny on any book about this case.
She has taken enough from the people.
Let her go back to mooching off her parents.
I am just sick over this. The poor baby lies DEAD!
Is she done serving for her other (check fraud) charges?
For the sake of the neighbors on Hopespring Drive, and for the sake of the good people of Orlando - I hope the lot of them move away -- maybe Pinellas county would be a good place since some of their citizens are so accepting of a baby killer.
I thought there had been mentions that Casey would still be serving felony probation on the check charges. If so, wouldn't the convictions for the lying to LE charges be a violation of that probation? Subject to revocation of probation and further jail time? (one can only hope!)

I know this might be best answered by our verified lawyers.....think I will post this there too!
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