Will IP address of "DRAMMMA" match George's account?

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Ok, so if Casey had buried Caylee in the backyard, dug her up just before she abandoned the car at Amscot. Then what were the gas cans used for? Someone else made a great observation that if Casey was indeed low on gas in the car she could have just gone to the gas station. If she couldn't get to the gas station and needed gas (assuming the cans at her parents were filled) she could have just emptied them into her car at the house and put the cans back in the shed.

So what is the date that she borrowed the shovel? Anyone know? I would think it would have to be after she had stolen the gas cans. George would have locked the sheds up after that which is why Casey had to borrow a shovel.
I just can't figure why George wouldn't have smelled a dead body in the turnk when he found the cans. This is making me crazy!

Or maybe george never opened her trunk. He made that story up to say that he didnt see a body or smell one.
She borrowed the shovel on the 17th and that was the day she backed her car INTO the garage...something the neighbor says she never did. So she had the trunk facing the door into the house.
I was so glad to see your comment that LE recovered this bag. Can you id the source of this info?

It's in the 400 pages of documents where they talk about George and the towing company guy walking out to the car while it was at the tow yard. Have you read that yet Bond???:confused:
IMO it is VERY ODD that Casey mentions to her dad that she's sorry about the shed, meaning that someone broke in and stole the gas cans.

How did she know this? Did Cindy call her? Why?
It's in the 400 pages of documents where they talk about George and the towing company guy walking out to the car while it was at the tow yard. Have you read that yet Bond???:confused:

Yes - just hadn't seen that LE recovered the bag. I must've missed it.
It is noted in the documents that a picture of Caylee (sitting on her great grandfather's lap) was uploaded to Casey's laptop on June 17th around 3pm. She accessed (modified) this picture around 9pm that same evening. From that we know that Casey had a laptop of her own and most likely had it with her at TonE's apt since it is unlikely that she was at her parent's on the evening of the 17th of June. So it is entirely possible that she posted the facebook message from TonE's using her laptop.

It is interesting to note that on the 17th of June Casey was uploading to her laptop one of the last photographs taken of Caylee. Does anyone know what date JG said that she deleted upwards of 200 photographs of Caylee from her Myspace account?

ETA: I looked it up in the doc. and in his written statement JG writes "after contacting Corp Melich on the phone" he discovered the photographs deleted from Casey's myspace and facebook accounts. He contacted him on the 16th of July.
When did LE recover the trash bag from the trunk tossed over the fence at the tow yard? Do we know what else was in the bag? Bet LE is looking for fingerprints too.
Is it possible that the garbage bag or something in it was the actual source of the decomposition smell? I do not mean that the pizza produced the smell of death. I keep thinking if the smell was not there on 6/24, then maybe the bag with the nasties was the only changing factor. Does that make sense? Say, what if a decomposing body was on or around the garbage bag, pizza, or whatever else in the bag? What if the scent was absorbed by one of these things, then it was placed into the trunk. Sometimes when I want to put something dirty or smelly in a car or house, I will place the smelly thing in a bag. Then lay down a garbage bag on the floor, and place the thing on top of the flat bag. If something oozed out, it would stink up the bag. This happened when I was transporting a kitty litter box in a bag on another bag within my sister's car. Surprisingly, the flat bag smelled like cat pee afterwards and it was not in direct contact with the litter box.

My f-i-l passed away in my home, while visiting on vacation. He had only been dead a few hours but there was some vomitus on the floor, the ME poured a pungent disinfectant over all the body fluid. Weeks later I had to toss out a bamboo hamper that was near but not touched by the disinfectant to get the odor out of the house. :yuck:
Last week Leonard Padilla let it slip that the pizza was purchased on June 19th, so we have a date for the pizza.

We know too that Cindy washed Casey's slacks that were found in the car because, as she said, the slacks "smelled like the car." So, in all likelihood, everything in that car, including the pizza and bag of trash, smelled of decomposition. The body that was in that car was decomposing and in the process the odor permeated everything in the car.

Edited to add.............the car was abandoned on June 27th (not the 24th) and towed on June 30th.

Thank you for clarifying that for me...I've been under the impression that the car was left at amscot on the 24th & towed on the 27th

So if Casey bought the Pizza on the 19th then you would think it would be in the trunk on the 24th when GA took the gas cans out.

I still think she left it there on purpose though!

Did LE every track down the 2 guys that pushed Casey's car into amscot or was that another lie?
There could have been gas cans in the car still. The impound guy just said there was a garbage bag that contained pizza, detergent, maggots, and flies. He described the bag as the source of the smell. Keep in mind, that evidently there had also been clothes in duffel bags in the trunk. Also, there was a purse, pants, and boots in the front seat and back seat, respectively.
I still wonder what size bag this actually was. We have all seen the pizza theory shot down! Maybe this bag was used to cover the body, then all this placed in the bag after she disposed of the body..Would this not have left the "smell?"
I believe the last time it can be independently confirmed that Caylee was alive was on June 15th. The video of Caylee reading at the assisted living facility is the last known public sighting of Caylee outside the immediate Anthony family.

Does anyone know if LE has ever confirmed that Cindy & Caylee visited the grandfather on Father's Day June 15?

I know the date on the video shows that date BUT do we know without a doubt THAT'S the day they were there????
IMO it is VERY ODD that Casey mentions to her dad that she's sorry about the shed, meaning that someone broke in and stole the gas cans.

How did she know this? Did Cindy call her? Why?

Earlier in this thread, someone said Cindy told Casey.

I guess Casey figured she'd go home, put the cans back in the shed BEFORE anyone knew SHE had them. Then George asked her to open the trunk & she was caught red-handed.
Does anyone know if LE has ever confirmed that Cindy & Caylee visited the grandfather on Father's Day June 15?

I know the date on the video shows that date BUT do we know without a doubt THAT'S the day they were there????
hi everybody been reading here for a while but this is my first post!!i thought that they verified with the home where the great grandfather is and the sign in sheet--i could be wrong but that's what i thought i read in the LE documents??
My idea---CA is very insecure and because of the faulty gas gauge she used the gas cans for security.

I'm not sure if this has been answered, but.. is there proof that the gas gauge was faulty? They're claiming it was, but was it?
Does anyone know if LE has ever confirmed that Cindy & Caylee visited the grandfather on Father's Day June 15?

I know the date on the video shows that date BUT do we know without a doubt THAT'S the day they were there????
It was confirmed by LE and I am fairly certain it is contained the methodology specifically spelled out in the 400 page docs.
I still wonder what size bag this actually was. We have all seen the pizza theory shot down! Maybe this bag was used to cover the body, then all this placed in the bag after she disposed of the body..Would this not have left the "smell?"

That's what I was thinking. The actual garbage bag could be the source of the smell. She could have had it on or near the body. Then kept it. I would have trashed the bag if it was touching a body though. I don't know.. I can't figure it out. Maybe she used a bag to place the body in. She could have had the box of bags really close to her body. It would absorb the smell. Maybe someone should locate the box of garbage bags.
I also agree that there is something not right about GA's gas can story - there's too much tension in Cindy & George during that particular interview -

I think it's just a cover for Casey so he can say....."Hey, I was in the trunk on the 24th & there was no decomp odor" -

The 24th just happens to be the last day Casey had the car - the tow yard had it from there on out.

Maybe this is part of the Anthony's cover up because they are already saying ...." The car had no odor when it was towed so the tow yard may have loaned it out"

Also, why didn't George notice the Pizza box in the trunk when he retrieved the gas cans?

Another thing about the Pizza - is it possible Casey purposely left a pizza in the trunk hoping that if anyone opened it (George - Tow yard) they would assume that the "rotting" pizza was causing the odor?

One last thing......If LE can trace the origin of the Pizza box maybe they can find out when & where it was purchased & by whom. This might seem like insignificant information but it may help them piece together a timeline as to her whereabouts up until the 24th

The car was actually noticed abandoned on 6/27 at Amscot. It was not towed until 6/30. If gas cans had been in the car, that would most likely have been mentioned by the tow yard operator in his statement.
I was so glad to see your comment that LE recovered this bag. Can you id the source of this info?

Doc set 2, adobe page 96, File set page 367 has the evidence tag.

The officer's statement regarding retrieving the items is somewhere earlier in this file.

You do seem to be spending a lot of time researching and thinking things through. That said, I do suggest that you read the docs, and make some notes. This thread has a great index of what is in the docs, and where to jump start specific reading points:


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